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William Paterson University

College of Education
Teacher Candidate Name: Katelyn Sheridan

School: Florence M. Burd Elementary

Topic:ELA/Readers Workshop
Concept: Reading interest possibilities
Essential Question: What types of books do you like to read and why?
Lesson: 9/17/15
RL 2.1 Ask and answer
such questions as who,
what, where, when, why,
and how to demonstrate
understanding of key

Learning objective(s):

Assessment(s): ( attach assessment tools & rubrics)

SWBAT develop an understanding

of their unique identities as
readers. (Learning what books
they like to read/what they are
interested in).

Formative: Turn and Talk/anchor chart post its

RL.2.2 Recount stories

RL.2.4 Determine the
meaning of words and
phrases in a text relevant
to a grade 2 topic or
subject area.
W.2.8 Recall information
from experiences or
gather information from
provided sources to
answer a question.
W.2.5 With guidance and
support from adults and
peers, focus on a topic
and strengthen writing.

SWBAT share their insights with

each other and learn about the
community. (Standard: W.2.8 used
during share time)

SWBAT use context cues to

determine the meaning of new
vocabulary words. With guidance
from the teacher and phrases in
the text students will come up with
a definition for 4 words.

SWBAT recall events from the story


Date of


Read and Recall (p.1 of digital file attachment)

Vocab cards that will be reviewed and graded at a later time


Teacher Resources (Internet Sites, Technology / Visuals): Epson projector and white board, Easel/Anchor Chart, Teachers Pay Teachers
Read and Recall handout)
Academic Vocabulary: assignment, stubborn, truly, revolting
Continued vocabulary: Fiction, Non Fiction, Poems (We will discuss on multiple occasions in readers workshop)
Materials (e.g. Props/Manipulatives/Picture Book or Information Text): Easel, Miss Brooks Loves Books! By Barbara Bottner, What
stuck with you? anchor chart poster, post it notes, Vocabulary Powerpoint, Read and Recall handout.
Groupings: Students will begin the lesson sitting on the carpet for the story. They will later move to their seats to discuss the essential
question with a partner. They will return to the carpet to discuss answers. We will end the lesson back in their seats so they can make
index cards for their 4 new vocabulary words.
Family Engagement: For homework ask parents/guardian what types of books they like to read and why?
Cite Sources (e.g. textbook page # or pinterest website) Miss Brooks Loves Books! By: Barbara Bottenr, School-wide reading
workshop teachers manual.
Student prior knowledge needed: Students should know the rules of the carpet and they will have already discussed briefly the
difference between fiction and non-fiction.
Co-Teaching Strategy: One Teach, One assist. I will be leading the readers workshop lesson and Mrs. Anello will be assisting.

Teaching and Learning



What questions will you ask?
What will you do, say, and/or
write? What tools will you use?
Welcome back to Readers
Workshop! This is a very
special time of day where we
are going to read a lot of great
books! Part of readers
workshop is learning about
ourselves as readers (finding
out what we like/dont like)
Thumbs up if you have ever
tried a new food and found out
that you liked it?
We try new things to find out
what we like and what we dont
like. Just like when we try new
There are so many wonderful
books to choose from. Do you
ever feel like it is impossible to
pick one?

What will students do? What tools will students use? Where in the classroom
are the students? How will students be grouped?
Students will be called to the carpet to begin the lesson.

Students are quiet and attentive on the carpet. #1 rule of readers workshop
is that we are quiet on the carpet.
Students raise their hand a give a thumbs up or thumbs down to answer
the question.

Discuss as a class the purpose and type of book for certain stories.

Who can raise their hand and

tell me What are some of the
things you look for when
choosing a book to read?
Begin discussion on what we
are interested in.
Does anyone enjoy reading
books by a particular author?


I will read the students Miss

Brooks Loves Books! by
Barbara Bottner. Periodically
through the story I will pause to
ask questions and prompt turn
and talk discussions.
Possible Questions may
Why do you think the Librarian
would want to read a book
titled Where the Wild Things
What is the purpose for reading
a book about a president?
Does the girl in the story like
this homework assignment?
Have you ever felt like this girlmaybe not about books, but
about another type of
The girl explains to the class
why she loves the Shrek story.
If one of your classmates was
telling you about a great book
they read, Would you be more
willing to read it?
When we explain books we
read to others do something
that is called summarizing. Can

Students will be seated on the carpet, quietly listening to the story.

When directed students may turn and talk with their partners.

Possible student response: We might read about the presidents to learn new
facts or books on presidents are non-fiction (real) and we might want to learn
about them.

Students will raise their hands to answer the question.

anyone tell me what

summarizing is?
When we summarize we are
telling the important details of
the story in a few sentences.
We might just explain the
beginning, middle and end.
Here is a trick for summarizing.
There are 5 questions we can
ask ourselves when trying to
summarize a story (1 for each
On an anchor chart I will trace
my hand and write Who,
What, Where, When, and Why
on the fingers.
The girl in this story explained
why she loved the book
because if she just told her
classmates that she loved it, it
wouldnt be very convincing.
After we finish the story I will
give the students instructions
to return to their seats.
On the Epson projector I will
pull up the Read and Recall
hand out that the students will
be completing. I will display
this so students have a
different visual of it and so they
can see me fill out the sheet
along with them.
I will also give each student a
post it note. On the post it the
students will be writing about
what types of books they like to
read, and why they read them.
Students will share their

Students will return back to their seats to complete classwork and their post
it for share time.



responses with their assigned

partner. Some students will
have the opportunity to share
with the whole class later on.
This will be the share portion of
the lesson. Students will return
to the carpet with 1 sentence
written on a post it note. The
sentence written on the post it
note should reflect what the
students shared and talked
about with their independent
In the story there were 4
vocabulary words that were
chosen. I will write the word on
the board and give a few
students a chance to give their
ideas on a definition. As a class
we will discuss the word and I
will write the definition on the
board. I will use a PowerPoint to
display the words on the white

Discuss that there is a process
to figuring out what types of
books we like to read. This
process involves first finding
out what we dont like.

Students will come back to the carpet from their desk to share their
responses. I will have a chart made where the students can place their post
its during this discussion.

Students will receive 4 blank cards that they will write the vocabulary words
on. They will add these cards to their collection of vocabulary words.

Since students are already at their desk, they will stay there for this brief
overview of the day.
Students will transition into the next periods activity (Daily Language)

What is the purpose of your

favorite books? Is it to inform?
Or To entertain?
Circulate the room to make
sure everyone is on task and
following directions.
Differentiated Instruction:
9/17 We will hopefully learn what genres/types of books the students like to read and I can begin breaking the students up into

small reading groups based on interest.

For future independent practice during the read aloud every student will have the opportunity to read on their own reading
level (DRAs are not complete yet and we just received a new class library that will be labeled by next week)
Mrs. Passanante (special education teacher) will be in the room to focus and keep 2 students in particular on task, if needed
she can re-read instructions to these students and guide their attention to the Epson projector for vocabulary and the Read &
Recall handout.
Project any resources (Read and Recall handout and Vocabulary PowerPoint) on the board and have an anchor chart
(summarizing) on the Easel. Having these resources projected for the entire class to see will be beneficial to any students that
may have a visual impairment, it will also promote the students to look up front when directions are being given (keeping all
the students on the same page).

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