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SECTION 1: What areas should be the focus of school improvement?

Standards for High Quality Schools (WVBE Policy 2322)
DIRECTIONS: Self-rate each of the following areas and provide brief citations of evidence that support the self-rating.
Evidence may include school practices, processes or programs that substantiate the presence of each function in the school. Please use the following scale:

4 = Strong and pervasive characteristic (Distinguished)

3 = Present but not a pervasive characteristic (Accomplished)
2 = Present in a few areas and/or situations but needs improvement (Emerging)
1 = Rarely evidenced; needs significant improvement (Unsatisfactory)
Note: To help the staff evaluate school quality in each of the seven areas, the WVDE provides a number of optional self-rating tools. Additional information about the use of these tools may be accessed on
the Office of School Improvement website.

Standard 1: Positive Climate and Cohesive Culture - In high quality schools, the staff shares sound educational beliefs and values, establishes high expectations and creates an
engaging and orderly atmosphere to foster learning for all.


Please cite key examples of processes or practices.

Function A: Shared Beliefs and Values. The staff

works collaboratively around a set of shared
educational beliefs and values and uses these to
intentionally shape the school's climate and culture.


The vision, mission and belief statements have been created over the past
two years to include all stakeholders in the process. Both the vision and
mission statement was developed in collaboration through a variety of staff
meetings to gather input. Once several options were available, staff,
parents and community were able to vote on the final vision. Teachers
have the opportunity for team planning. PBS and PLCs are implemented.
We have school-wide behavior expectations and are working to ensure that
practices and procedures are consistent. The LSIC and PTO meet regularly
to discuss improvements.

Function B: High Expectations for All. The staff

establishes high expectations for self and student
that are written, clearly communicated and readily
observed in educational practice and personal


Expectations are communicated to adults through staff meetings, memos,

email, the leadership team and conversations. Expectations for students are
taught repeatedly and modeled daily. All classrooms have various
leadership roles for students. These Covey leadership roles have allowed
for the students to have a voice and ownership in their learning. Examples
of leadership roles include greeter, door holder, attendance monitor etc.
PBS Behavior activity and Awards Day provides recognition for
achievement. There is a school-wide system in place to promote students

to go above and beyond expected behavior as well. When a student

exhibits exceptional behavior, they are awarded an "Above & Beyond" star
that is displayed in the office and then moved to the big star wall at the end
of the week. Students that receive an "Above & Beyond" star are entered
in a weekly drawing for a special prize. Administration does bi-weekly
classroom walkthroughs to award outstanding student behavior.
Function C: Safe, Orderly and Engaging
Environment. The school environment is safe,
well-managed and clean and contributes to an
engaging and inclusive atmosphere for learning.


Student collaboration and student engagement are a focus. We utilize data

at monthly PLC meetings, monthly monitoring meetings and team
planning to develop lessons and groupings. Last year's Gallup poll showed
the need for improvement for student engagement and safety according to
the students. The arrival and dismissal process was changed last year to
improve safety. The doors remain locked and parents must follow check in
procedures in the office before being admitted into the school. The safety
plan is reviewed with all staff and fire drills, shelter in place and lock down
drills are practices. The custodians work hard to keep the building clean
and well maintained. The staff spent this summer painting the inside of the
building for school improvement. To improve student engagement, various
PD sessions are being provided to promote a student centered learning
environment. Daily 5, Blended Learning and Strebe are a focus.

Standard 2: School Leadership - In high quality schools, the principal fosters and develops distributed leadership among staff, students, and stakeholders in order to focus
collective action for improved school performance.

Function A: Principal Leadership. The principal

exhibits the professional knowledge, skills, and
dispositions that reflect strong leadership and
effective management.


Please cite key examples of processes or practices.

The principal has a transformation leadership style. Employees are

empowered to improve the organization and become a productive learning
community. A variety of teams are in place for shared-decision making.
Each committee works as a team for school activities under different
standards. LSIC, PTO, and PLC Facilitators are utilized to make school
decisions and improvements. Data is being used to drive decisions. School
procedures have been changed this year and implemented for consistency
school-wide. Google Docs, newsletters, email and PLC Facilitators are
used to communicate and work collaboratively. Administration participates
in professional development and participates in professional organizations

to keep abreast of educational changes.This PD helps to determine PD that

is needed for the whole staff or specific individuals.
Function B: School Teams and Councils. The
school teams and councils function effectively to
advance the mission and goals of the school through
leadership, planning, and problem-solving.


A variety of school teams are in place. The leadership team is made up of

PLC facilitators that focus on curriculum. They assist with the
development of the strategic plan by compiling input from their grade level
team. The Covey team focuses on school climate. Grade level teams plan
instruction and monitor student learning and data. Each grade level team is
part of a committee that plans and coordinates school activities such as
Family Nights, community service projects, and behavior rewards to name
a few. Committees are designed for shared responsibility of school goals
and focus. PLCs work collaboratively to plan instruction and analyze data.

Function C: Teacher Leadership. Teachers

assume responsibility for school and classroom
improvement and are provided authentic
opportunities and resources to lead and influence
professional practice.


Teachers are planning instruction and teaching using the standards.

Teacher leadership roles on committees have been established. Teachers
are provided leadership roles such Covey leaders, PLC leaders, and LSIC
representatives. In addition, several teachers are utilized for peer
observation to improve and assist new or struggling teachers. BEC began
to implement a school-based PD program in which teachers develop and
provide professional development to fellow teachers. The principal and
another teacher on staff have been trained to train others in the Covey
model. Most teachers participate in required staff development, however
we want to get to a place where teachers seek out professional growth

Function D: Student Leadership. Students are

engaged in age-appropriate leadership opportunities
that develop self-direction and a sense of
responsibility for improving self, school, and


The Leader In Me (Covey) has assisted in student leadership roles and

opportunities for decision making. This school wide initiative focuses on
creating and developing leaders. Students are provided opportunities for
leadership, self reflection, goal setting and community service. The
Plus/Delta process at the end of the day provides the opportunity for
reflection and student feedback. A student council was established this
year and they meet with administration on a monthly basis. The entire
student body is part of the decision-making with regards to community
projects. Students have the opportunity to submit their own work for the
monthly school-newsletter that is sent home. The school assemblies are

student-led. Students lead the morning announcements.

Standard 3: Standards-Focused Curriculum, Instruction and Assessments - In high quality schools, the staff delivers a standards-focused curriculum that enhances the unique
qualities of each learner and assures that all students attain the essential knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary in the global, digital age.


Please cite key examples of processes or practices.

Function A: Classroom Learning Environment.

Teachers create and manage an inviting classroom
environment that is student-centered and fosters
student reflection, intellectual inquiry, and


We are beginning to implement and integrate technology into daily

teaching. IPads are being used for instruction and being integrated into the
curriculum. Several teachers have used iMovie and Aurasma for projects.
These types of projects are creating excitement and causing a trickle effect.
Student emotional and physical supports are a priority to make students
feel safe. SATs, team meetings, and IEP meetings are utilized to make
decisions for students. Service support staff work collaboratively with
professional staff to meet student needs. The staff shares responsibility for
all student successes. Teachers develop and monitor data/strategies to
support student success. Moat classrooms have incorporated student
learning choices in their classrooms in which students choose what
learning tasks they want to complete. Through Covey and leadership roles,
students are taking an active role in their learning.

Function B: Standards-Focused Curriculum.

Teachers implement a standards-focused curriculum
aligned with the Next Generation Standards and
Objectives for West Virginia Schools and the Next
Generation Learning Skills and Technology Tools.


Teachers plan and implement instruction that is not only aligned with
WVNexGen Standards, but also provide learning experiences that are
connected to real-life situations. Through community service projects,
students are focused on helping others. These projects are integrated into
learning in the classroom. As an example, we collected canned goods for
Heart and Hand. Several 5th graders were the leaders that collected the
cans from each classroom, counted and graphed the results on a hallway
wall. Teachers throughout the school used these numbers for math lessons.
We are focusing on using the standards to plan lessons. We are working to
create project based learning experiments and engaging activities to reach
students. Teachers are also beginning to plan and deliver learning
experiences that are cross-curricular to help students make deeper
connections to the content and skills they are learning.The curriculum
meets the requirement of Policy 2510 as evidenced by the master schedule

Function C: Instructional Planning. Teachers

design long and short term instructional plans for
guiding student mastery of the Next Generation
Standards and Objectives based on the needs,
interests and performance levels of their students.


Teachers complete lesson plans utilizing the standards, team planning and
the county curriculum maps. Each team meets every Thursday to plan and
an administrator attends. Teachers also have the ability to stay after school
and compensated once a month to create a monthly overview to assist with
their long term planning. Those plans are then used in their weekly
planning to create specific plans and activities. We are planning lessons
with a clearer focus in logical sequence. Teachers focus on specific skills,
develop a SMART goal and work on those skills for a month. Students are
given a pretest to group students for intervention purposes. Informal
assessments are used to monitor progress and a post test is given to
determine next steps. Data is being used to plan and drive instruction. Staff
development is planned to assist teachers on planning effective
differentiated instruction and engaging strategies.

Function D: Instructional Delivery. Teachers

facilitate engaging instructional experiences that
enhance individual student progress in mastery of
the curriculum using multiple strategies, appropriate
assessments, learning resources, digital tools, and
processes aligned with instructional targets.


Graphic organizers, modeling, demonstrating, proper grammar, cues and

questioning are used often. Teaching strategies of paraphrasing and
explaining across the curriculum is utilized. IPIs are scheduled and IPI
follow up discussions are utilized to focus on student engagement and
developing engaging activities. Administrators have added the six levels of
engagement to the classroom walkthrough form to provide teachers with
feedback. Small group instruction and the Daily 5 for reading is a focus
this year. The Daily 5 is a book study to provide teachers with support and
assistance. Strebe Engagement professional development is scheduled to
improve instructional delivery.

Standard 4: Student Support Services and Family/Community Connections - In high quality schools, the staff places student well-being at the forefront of all decisions,
provides support services to address student physical, social/emotional and academic growth, and forms positive connections to families and the community.

Function A: Positive Relationships. Positive

relations exist between the school staff and the
students, families, and the larger community.


Please cite key examples of processes or practices.

There are many opportunities for school parent relationships. Engrade is

used for two way communication and informing parents of grades and
missing assignments. Administration takes pictures of students working
and send to parents, provides calendar updates and attaches information
flyers through Engrade. There is an open door policy for parents and
community to speak to administration about concerns or ideas. LSIC and

PTO provide opportunities for parent input. Parent surveys showed the
need for Third Base after school. Administration worked with the county
and Third Base began in December 2014. All stakeholders had input for
the vision.The school works well with the City of South Charleston, the
local police agency, area youth programs, local daycares and entities that
provide student resources. Community service projects assist these outside
agencies, which in turn assist our students and families. There are
programs in place to build positive staff relationships (Mugged/secretpal)

Programs and systems are in place for student support including

counseling, The counseling program is aligned with counseling standards
and is scheduled in the master schedule for all students. In addition, the
counselor utilizes small groups for additional service. Students receive 90
minutes of PE weekly through the PE teacher or our approved alternate PE
plan provided by the teacher. SATs are scheduled monthly and teachers
turn in a referral form noting the concern. Teachers were provided a
checklist of necessary items to provide at the SAT meeting. The ESL
teacher is at the school several times a week and works closely with
students and teachers to provide instruction and strategies to meet student
needs. Several transitional programs for incoming kindergarteners are
provided through round up and Family Nights. The school has a
relationship with Prestera, Damous and Chance to work with at-risk
students. Big Brothers/Big Sisters come on Fridays to work with target

Function C: Parent and Community Partnerships. EMERGING

The school staff forms partnerships with various
community agencies and organizations to enhance
the ability to meet the needs of all students.

There are a variety of community partnerships. Matrix, a local business,

provides money and expertise with science experiments. CAP, a group of
South Charleston business members, school representatives and local
politicians, meet to improve the city and assists with community
partnerships and activities. Big Brothers/Big Sisters provides mentoring
services to targeted students, WV State provides tutoring services, and
local churches provides assistance with our graduation ceremony and Read
Aloud partnerships. We are partnered with West Virginia State University
as a Professional Development School. We provide classroom experiences

Function B: Student Personal Development. The

school staff attends to student physical,
social-emotional and academic well-being through
coordinated student support services for health, child
nutrition, character education, guidance and
counseling, special education, and English as a
Second Language.

for their teacher candidates in the form of observation and student teaching
experiences. WVSU provides our teachers with opportunities for
professional development and funding for projects and book studies.
Standard 5: Educator Growth and Development - In high quality schools, staff members participate in processes of self reflection, collaboration and evaluation that lead to
professional growth and development in order to impact student learning.


Please cite key examples of processes or practices.

Function A: Professional Development. The staff

engages in continuous learning opportunities for
professional growth designed to improve school and
classroom practice.


This year BEC has school-led PD with a focus on "Blended Learning.

Teachers excel in a particular area and provide PD to other staff members.
These PD sessions occur monthly. KCS Apple trainers are set to provide 6
days of PD to the BEC staff. PD on county programs (Achieve 3000,
HMH) have been set-up by administration to improve instructional
methods. All PD from last year including a book study of "The Daily 5,"
training on how to implement "Number Talks," and cooperative learning
strategies (Strebe) are continued areas of focus and those learning
opportunities are provided to all new staff. Some teachers have attended
outside school PD including training sessions on cooperative learning, IPI,
and Stephen Covey's Leader In Me. We also have one teacher that went to
an Apple Vanguard training and she is certified to deliver PD relevant to
Blended Learning. We have a school-based IPI team that codes which
helps to provide direction for future PD.Staff also engage in peer

Function B: Teacher Collaboration. The teachers

participate in high functioning professional learning
communities to collaborate on the improvement of
student learning through the study of relevant data,
problem analysis, and the implementation of
strategies that improve instructional practice.


All grade levels and special education teachers collaborate weekly as

built-in by the master schedule (common planning). Teacher use these
collaborative times to plan out weekly lessons for the upcoming week
using their curriculum maps and standards. PLCs meet every 6 weeks to
analyze student data (pre-post test of skills and standards) and teachers use
an administrative guiding tool to keep meetings focused. The tool
addresses WVDE focus questions (what do we want students to know, how
will we know they learned it, what we will do when they haven't, what will
we do if they have). Teachers then group students based on the
formative/summative assessments and plan differentiate lessons to helps
students master that skill/standard. Much discussion takes place among

staff and ideas are shared to help with overall student achievement and
Function C: Evaluation, Feedback, and Support.
The staff participates in processes of evaluation that
facilitate self-reflection and informs the process of
professional growth.


Administrators conduct weekly walkthroughs and make suggestions via the

walkthrough feedback. For struggling teachers, administration provides
more observations and feedback to promote improvement. Teachers are
provided peer-observation opportunities to observe and be observed to
enhance the growth of all staff members. Beginning teachers are provided a
mentor via the county and are provided more opportunities to observe
established teachers to gain instructional practice skills/ideas.
Administration notes outstanding efforts of staff and encourages those
members to share what was observed or noted as "outstanding"There is a
Schoology site for BEC staff members to share ideas and suggestions to
help fellow staff members. Lastly, there are grade-level teams that
participate in school-wide events to improve school culture (i.e. dress up as
favorite book characters for book fair, spirit day for football games, etc.)

Standard 6: Efficient and Effective Management - In high quality schools, efficient and effective management procedures assure that facilities, fiscal resources, personnel, and
data and technology systems add value to student learning and comply with law and policy.

Function A: Facilities. Facilities are clean, well

maintained, safe and secure, aesthetically pleasing,
and configured to meet the learning needs of


Please cite key examples of processes or practices.

There have been several new procedures put in place this year to improve
safety and the school environment such as teaching students how to walk
down the hall safely and courteously. Police do weekly walkthroughs to
ensure safety throughout the building. Police have done impromptu
"lockdown" drills to assist BEC staff in reacting quickly in the event of a
lockdown. Fellow community members (i.e. DOW representative) assist
with shelter in place drills. he safety committee meets regularly and there
is follow up regarding concerns. Safety committee meets monthly to
discuss new concerns, old concerns that have not been fixed or completed
and to address preventive methods for accidents/injuries. Work orders are
placed when needed. There is a beautification committee that has repainted
all student lockers, bathrooms, enhance teacher lounge, office, and put up
inspirational quotes. South Charleston has provided landscaping services
and the Kindergarten staff and students keep grounds clean.

Function B: Fiscal Resources. Policies and

processes are established and applied to obtain,
allocate, and efficiently manage school fiscal


Accounting procedures are in place and are available for review. State and
county accounting procedures are followed. Funds available and used for
school improvement efforts are general county funds and Title I funds.
BEC PTO does assist with providing financial assistance when needed (i.e.
paying for "super hero" shirts that ultimately improve school culture). The
school and PTO do separate fundraisers that include Entertainment books,
original artworks, candy, BEC Cups, T-shirts, silent auction, Kid's Night
Out). The school budget is developed with the leadership team and is
available for review in the office. PTO reviews their own budget at
executive meetings in which all stakeholders are welcome to attend.

Function C: Personnel. High quality personnel are

selected according to West Virginia Code and are
purposefully assigned and retained to effectively
meet the identified needs of students.


Administration works with county personnel to ensure that those hired

have the appropriate license. There is a hiring team and faculty senate
hiring member. The hiring team was nominated and selected by the faculty
senate. All teachers are highly qualified. There are beginning teacher
mentors and peer observation opportunities for all staff to improve
practices. All staff and students are recognized though awards, "Above and
Beyond" board, emails, post-it notes, etc; The school collaborates with
WVSU to encourage student teachers and retain them within the county
and school.

Function D: Data, Information Systems,
Technology Tools, and Infrastructure. The school
has appropriate technology infrastructure and utilizes
data information systems and technology tools to
support management, instructional delivery, and
student learning.

Smart boards are in all but one classroom with Apple TV displays. All
classrooms have 1:4 iPads or more. Each classroom has 4 desktop
computers. There are 2 mobile labs. New technology is being incorporated
through educreation on iPads, SAMR model guides technology integration
activities. Apple trainers have provided PD and are planning 6 days of PD
in the upcoming school year. The county pays for an in-school technology
support person and county is prompt to fix technology issues. Students
participate in online digital citizenship lessons with classroom teachers
(commonsense media). WVEIS is updated regularly and data from WVEIS
is used to assist in decision making and student supports (discipline reports
for SAT, monthly verifications).

Standard 7: Continuous Improvement - In high quality schools, there is collective commitment to collaboratively identify, plan, implement, monitor, evaluate, and communicate the
changes necessary to continuously increase student learning.



Please cite key examples of processes or practices.

Function A: Focused and Coherent Plan. The staff ACCOMPLISHED

establishes a coherent approach for improving the
performance of students based on the mission and
goals outlined in the strategic plan.

A new vision and mission were created with all stakeholder input. Staff
met and developed possible visions statements and online surveys were
provided to all parents and staff to vote on their favorite vision and
mission. The new vision & mission are posted on newsletters, hand-outs,
etc. A new mission will be developed in the upcoming year. Staff met and
developed possible visions statements. The use of data (i.e. Achieve 3000,
SMI, Gallup) to develop SMART goals and to make appropriate decisions
impacting school processes. All stakeholder representatives will be present
at planning.

Function B: Processes and Structures. The staff

has well-defined structures for building professional
relationships and processes necessary to
collaboratively engage all stakeholders in actions to
increase student learning.


Committees provide opportunity for all staff input. Committees include

enhancement of culture/climate, student positive behavior, student
leadership, community fundraising, student support services, leadership,
etc that align with each of the high quality standards. All staff members are
part of at least one committee. The strategic plan is reviewed at monthly
staff meetings for review and at LSIC meetings for community
stakeholders. Data is collected through walkthroughs, observations,
surveys, etc, is used to develop and revise the strategic plan goals.
Teachers use the strategic plan goals to develop and align smaller
classroom/grade level goals, goals for their evaluation etc. The leadership
team assists with gathering and disemminating information to the whole

Function C: Monitoring for Results. The staff

monitors changes in practice and implements
adjustments, evaluates the results of student
learning, and communicates the progress to all


Monthly monitoring meetings analyze data to plan for school

improvement. Goals are made, reviewed and adjusted based on data results
and all staff members are made aware of the goals and changes. The entire
staff is involved in the monitoring of the goals and data and are part of the
reviews/revisions. The leadership team is utilized for staff input, to monitor
practices and the need for adjustment of current practices and to
disseminate necessary information. Changes are documented on agendas in
which the strategic plan is reviewed/revised. Community stakeholders are
made aware of progress/changes and provided opportunities for input
through PTO, LSIC, Engrade and grade level newsletters.

SECTION 2: What Support do you need for improvement?

Needs Analysis, Capacity Building and Efficiencies
Please identify any significant resource and/or facility needs
that staff believes are substantially impacting student

Additional technology resources are needed for students (laptops/iPads), additional library
books are needed due to an unfortunate facility issue Insufficient amount of staff to meet the
needs of the school (i.e. full-time technologist, full time nurse, clerk, additional aides)

Please identify professional development and other capacity

building needs that are significantly impacting staff's ability
to improve student performance.

Additional training on Blended Learning, Standards based mathematical instruction, Cross

grade collaboration/Vertical teaming

SECTION 3: Best Practices - What are the outstanding practices you have
Please identify outstanding best practices that have been
implemented in your school that you feel should be noted
during the accreditation process and communicated to other

Master schedule allows for collaboration; Stephen Covey's Student Leadership Model is
implemented; exposure to diverse students/families and acceptance of those students; every
professional staff member is part of a leadership team or committee; after school Tuesday
meetings allow time for committees, leadership team and long term planning to occur; school
based PD is utilized; various staff and student recognition opportunities

SECTION 4 Policy and Code - Are you adhering to Policy and Code?
DIRECTIONS: Key WVBE policies and areas of W. Va. Code that are monitored in the school accreditation process. Using the checklists
provided, determine if the school is in full, partial, or non-compliance.
A . Policy 2320: A Process for Improving Education: Performance Based
Accreditation System (See Checklist)



A Process for Improving Education: Performance Based Accreditation System
DIRECTIONS: To be considered fully compliant with Policy 2320, your school must adhere to the core areas outlined in Policy
2320. Before you begin self-rating school compliance, you may wish to review the sections of the policy identified in the checklist.
These areas will be examined during the on-site review. To determine your level of compliance, use the following guide:
Full Compliance = Compliant with all items listed below.
Partial Compliance = Compliant with more than half the items listed below.
Non-Compliant = Compliant with half or less of the items below.
The following items will be reviewed by (1) examining the school documents and (2) interviewing staff.
(S_,F_ below identify the Standard and Function correlating to the High Quality Standards in Policy 2322 ).

Compliance Core Areas of Policy/Code

School Responsibilities for Accreditation (Pages 13-14)
In order for accreditation processes to fulfill purposes outlined in W. Va. Code 18-2E-5, to impact student
performance levels, and to improve school quality, each West Virginia school must determine productive and
meaningful ways to integrate accreditation processes into continuous improvement efforts. To that end, the
school is responsible for the following:

Develop Knowledge of Policy 2322


Complete the School Monitoring Report


Participate in the on-site review process


Prepare for the review the principal shall:

o prepare the staff for productive involvement in the review process with materials
provided by the OEPA
o one month prior to the scheduled review, update the School Monitoring Report
documenting and summarizing the schools overall progress
o prepare the staff and stakeholders for the on-site review, including orientation to
the logistics, responsibilities, and expectations associated with the process
Participate in the review
Participate in the Exit Conference
Address the review findings the principal shall:
o share and discuss the report with the school staff and LSIC and for using the
report in the development or revision of the school strategic plan
o work with staff to determine how the deficiencies are to be corrected according
to the timelines established by the WVBE

County Board of Education Responsibilities for School Accreditation (Pages 14-15)

It is intended that the accreditation process be a method for local boards of education to improve school
quality and student performance. Thus, the county board of education through the county superintendent of
schools must exercise leadership and provide appropriate support to accomplish this intent.
Develop Understanding of Accreditation Processes
Establish Local Direction
Monitor School Responsibilities:

o Completion of the annual School Monitoring Report

o Review and verify the accuracy of the School Monitoring Report
o Ensure school strategic planning processes consider the annual and cyclical feedback provided
through the accreditation process
o Ensure that all audit review findings are sufficiently addressed according to the directives and
timelines established by the WVBE.
Establish Supports and Expectations that Impact Student Performance
Develop instructional leadership skills of principals.
Support school continuous improvement and strategic planning processes.
Implement school-based professional development programs that address the unique needs of staff and
Continuous Improvement and Strategic Planning (Pages 24-25)
(Also referenced in Policy 2510)
Each school is accountable for implementing continuous improvement and strategic planning as outlined in
Policy 2510 and to work toward achieving high levels of student performance as specified below:

Create a Structure and Process for Continuous Improvement including:

o a designated team or committee(s) who orchestrate the schools improvement
efforts (S2,FB)
o on-going professional development and research on how to best improve
school and classroom processes and strategies (S5,FA)


Performance Data - guided by the school system but must include in-depth review
of school accountability data and other data sources appropriate to the programmatic
level of the school. (S3,FA)



8/5/15; 8/18/15; 9/29/15; 10/9/15

Assess School and Classroom Learning Conditions all staff must utilize:
o the School Monitoring Report (which in part is based on classroom learning
conditions defined in Policy 2322 (S7,FC)
o summary employee evaluation data and professional development needs to
guide improvement priorities (S5,FC)

We have a Leadership team and

committees that are responsible for
different areas of the 7 standards.

10/9/15; The strategic plan is


Develop and Implement the Strategic Plan. The Plan and process shall include:
o schools core beliefs, mission, goals, measurement evidence, action plan, and
professional development needs.
o direction of the principal with collective involvement and input from the staff and
the LSIC.
o strategies and action plan based on examination of best practices and
innovative approaches to improving student performance and addressing student
o principal monitoring the implementation of the plan and for communicating
progress to staff and stakeholders. (Annual updates to the plan must consider
the OEPA School Monitoring Report when this report identifies deficits in quality
or compliance.)

B . Policy 2340: West Virginia Measures of Academic Progress

10/9/15; The strategic plan is

on-going and adjusted based on the
school's current needs and goals.



West Virginia Measures of Academic Progress
DIRECTIONS: To be considered fully compliant with Policy 2340, your school must adhere to the core areas outline in Policy 2340.
Before you begin self-rating school compliance, you may wish to review the sections of the policy identified in the checklist. These
areas will be examined during the on-site review. To determine your level of compliance, use the following guide:
Full Compliance = Compliant with all items listed below.
Partial Compliance = Compliant with more than half the items listed below.
Non-Compliant = Compliant with half or less of the items below.
The following items will be reviewed (1) training agendas and sign-in sheets; (2) secure test storage area; and (3) by interviewing
staff and students.
(S_,F_ below identify the Standard and Function correlating to the High Quality Standards in Policy 2322).

Compliance Core Areas of Policy/Code


Students, examiners, and technology specialists shall be monitored to ensure that appropriate test
taking procedures and test security measures are followed. (Policy 2340; Appendix A) (S2, FA)


All public school students with disabilities who are eligible for services as defined in Policy 2419
shall participate in the assessments required under the West Virginia Measures of Academic
Progress at the grade level in which they are enrolled with appropriate accommodations, if any, as
determined by their IEP Team. (Policy 2340; 4.3) (S2, FA)

The counselor completes

proper training to all staff that
administers the state
All students, regardless of
disabilities, will participate in
the appropriate assessment.
All students, regardless of


All public school students with disabilities as defined by Section 504 who do not have an IEP shall
participate in the State Assessment in the grade level in which they are enrolled. Appropriate
accommodations, if any, must be determined by the student's Section 504 Committee and
documented in the student's Section 504 Plan. (Policy 2340; 4.3.b) (S2, FA)

C . Policy 2510: Assuring the Quality of Education: Regulations for Education


All students, regardless of

disabilities, will participate in
the appropriate assessment.



Assuring the Quality of Education: Regulations for Education Programs
DIRECTIONS: To be considered fully compliant with Policy 2510, your school must adhere to the core areas outlined in Policy
2510. Before you begin self-rating school compliance, you may wish to review the sections of the policy identified in the checklist.
These areas will be examined during the on-site review. To determine your level of compliance, use the following guide:
Full Compliance = Compliant with all items listed below.
Partial Compliance = Compliant with more than half the items listed below.
Non-Compliant = Compliant with half or less of the items below.
The following items will be reviewed (1) by examining the school master schedule, strategic plan, school handbooks, district
policies, school procedures, curriculum documents; (2) by observing classroom instruction, student engagement, school and
classroom conditions; and (3) by interviewing staff, students, LSIC members, and members of various team members such as
curriculum teams, leadership teams, etc.
(S_,F_ below identify the Standard and Function correlating to the High Quality Standards in Policy 2322).

Compliance Core Areas of Policy/Code


The instruction is delivered in ways that appropriately address the

developmental characteristics of students at each programmatic level (Early
Learning Pre-K to 5, Middle Level 6-8, and Adolescent Level 9-12) as
described in pages 5 to 18 of the policy. (S3)


The curriculum required of all students includes each content area

specified in the appropriate programmatic Charts I-V in pages 8-17 of the
policy. (S3, FB)


Note: Please review only the areas appropriate to the

programmatic level of your school (S3)
Early Learning (Pre-K to 5) develops programs and/or
processes to implement the following developmentally
appropriate practices as described in the policy pages 6 to 9:
Utilize Early Learning Readiness grades (Pre-K/K)

The staff is teaching according to the standards

and the county curriculum. We are working to
improve the quality of differentiated instruction
through the SPL framework.

Utilize Early Learning Readiness grades (Pre-K/K)

components of the Ready, Set, Go! WV
developmentally appropriate practices as described in
the policy pages 6 to 9:
Utilize the West Virginia Pre-K Child Assessment
System (Pre-K) and the Early Learning Reporting
System (K) for data entry of student progress (Pages
Utilizes standards-focused curriculum
Develops physical health and wellness
Develops global competence
Utilizes formative assessment processes
Utilizes technology integration
Develops student success and career readiness
Implement appropriate early learning programs (pre-k
to 5) classroom learning environments, routines, and
instructional practices as outlined in Chart II of the
policy (Pages 8-9)
Middle Level Education (6-8) develops programs and/or
processes to implement the following developmentally
appropriate practices as described in the policy pages 9 to
Utilizes standards-focused curriculum
Provides physical education, physical activity and
health/wellness education
Develops global competence
Utilizes technology integration
Utilizes formative assessment processes
Utilizes personalized career portfolios to develop
career awareness
Offers visual arts, choral, and instrumental music
Implements a standards-focused advisory program
utilizing evidence-based practices during the
instructional day
Adolescent Education (9-12) delivers programs to assure

Adolescent Education (9-12) delivers programs to assure

that all students meet WVBE graduation requirements and
have access to course offerings as specified in the Policy to
assure the following distribution of those requirements as
described in the policy pages 12 to 21:
Utilizes Standards-Focused Curriculum
Provides opportunities for world languages
Provides the 18 specified graduation requirements
Provides access to career technical education (CTE)
Develops student success and career readiness
Provides the 4 personalized graduation requirements
in either a CTE or locally approved concentration
Provides the requirement for 2 elective offerings
Implements career development
Utilizes a student advocate/advisor/mentor system
Implements a program/process to assure physical
Integrates technology
Develops and updates a personalized education plan
Has alternative means to earn high school credit
Awards a regular and modified diploma
Is offered a high school credential
Provides alternative delivery of education programs
Provides AP courses and AP teachers complete
required initial and on-going professional development

The school implements the following procedures and

systems as specified in Administrative Practices in Policy
Addresses the minimum time requirements for the
school year and school day for the appropriate
programmatic level while also providing flexible
scheduling to assure all students achieve.
Provides staff with a planning period at least 40
Has a process for assuring and monitoring instruction
is evidence- and research-based. (S3,FD)

The only issue that we face is the technology

infrastructure not being able to sustain the needs
of our school. The technology department is
aware of our issues. Preventative Drop-Out- The
counselor has discussion with the 5th grade
classes about continue education and the teachers
call the students Class of 2015.

Has a system for assessing and monitoring student

performance related to the content standards and
objectives. (S3,FD)
Has a process for parental involvement in a students
education. (S7,FC)
Has a system to monitor and reduce dropout rates.
Implements technology practices that facilitate student
development and meet requirements in areas such as
critical thinking, decision-making, academic
knowledge, work place programs, etc. (S6,FD)
Has technology infrastructure that allows multiple
applications in enabling students to achieve at higher
academic levels. (S6,FD)

The school utilizes the following teams and committees as

specified in Policy 2510 (Evidence substantiating the
activities of these teams may include agendas and team
notes): (S2,FB)
Technology Team
Local School Improvement Council (LSIC)
Faculty Senate
School Curriculum Team
Student Assistance Team (SAT)
Leadership Team

D . Policy 4373: Expected Behavior in Safe/Supportive Schools

The listed teams are implemented.



Expected Behaviors in Safe and Supportive Schools
DIRECTIONS: To be considered fully compliant with Policy 4373, your school must adhere to the core areas outlined in Policy
4373. Before you begin self-rating school compliance, you may wish to review the sections of the policy identified in the checklist.
These areas will be examined during the on-site review. To determine your level of compliance, use the following guide:
Full Compliance = Compliant with all items listed below.
Partial Compliance = Compliant with more than half the items listed below.
Non-Compliant = Compliant with half or less of the items below.
The following items will be reviewed (1) by examining the school and/or county policies and procedures; (2) by visiting alternative

The following items will be reviewed (1) by examining the school and/or county policies and procedures; (2) by visiting alternative
education classrooms; and (3) by interviewing staff, students, and placement team members.
(S_,F_ below identify the Standard and Function correlating to the High Quality Standards in Policy 2322).

Compliance Core Areas of Policy/Code


Guidelines for Implementation. (S1,FC)

Each county board of education shall have approved policies and procedures for
implementing Policy 4373, including but not limited to:

Teach students appropriate behaviors and dispositions (Pages 7-17).

Assure students rights and responsibilities are taught and protected (Pages
Implement proactive, preventative, and responsive programs (Page 43).
Implement investigatory and reporting procedures (Page 43).
Implement meaningful interventions and consequences in response to
inappropriate behavior (Pages 45-57).


School-wide behavior policy has been

updated and implemented to encourage
positive, appropriate behaviors. Covey
is in the beginning implementation

Develop and implement a comprehensive crisis response plan (Pages 25-27).

Alternative Education. (S1,FC)

A temporary authorized departure from the regular school program designed to provide
educational and social development for students whose disruptive behavior places them
at risk of not succeeding in the traditional school structures and in adult life without
positive interventions.

Alternative education programs meet the requirements of Policy 2510 and Policy 4373.
(W.Va. Code 18-2-6 and 18-5-19; Policy 2510; Policy 4373)(Policy 4373, Pages 59-63)

Implement county policies and procedures for alternative education.

Follow eligibility criteria for placement in alternative education, including expelled
Convene the Alternative Education Placement Team that will develop a written
plan including: academic courses, behavioral components, criteria for re-entry to the
regular school program, and provisions for periodic review of the student's progress
at least on an annual basis. (The team for all students with disabilities shall be the
IEP team and the written plan shall be the IEP.)
Follow identified written curriculum based upon State standards, including a
component for teaching and learning responsible behavior.
Employ licensed, certified staff in core subject areas.

The Chance program is utilized for

elementary alternative education.

Participate in State assessment program.

Compliance with State policies and federal regulations in the education of
exceptional students.
E . Physical Education W. Va. Code 18-2-7a


Legislative Findings: Required Physical Education; Program in Physical Fitness

DIRECTIONS: To be considered fully compliant with 18-2-7a, your school must adhere to the core areas outlined in this
section of Code. Before you begin self-rating school compliance, you may wish to review the sections of the policy
identified in the checklist. These areas will be examined during the on-site review. To determine your level of compliance,
use the following guide:
Full Compliance = Compliant with all items listed below.
Partial Compliance = Compliant with more than half the items listed below.
Non-Compliant = Compliant with half or less of the items below.
The following items will be reviewed (1) by examining school documents and (2) interviewing staff.
(S_,F_ below identify the Standard and Function correlating to the High Quality Standards in Policy 2322).
Compliance Core Areas of Policy/Code
For the alternate plan,
Time Requirements (S3,FB)
Elementary School Grades Not less than thirty minutes of physical education, including
classroom teachers provide
physical exercise and age-appropriate physical activities, for not less than three days a week.
additional PE within their
Middle School Grades Not less than one full period of physical education, including
physical exercise and age-appropriate physical activities, each school day of one semester of
weekly schedule to reach the
the school year.
time requirements.
High School Grades Not less than one full course credit of physical education, including
physical exercise and age-appropriate physical activities, which shall be required for
graduation and the opportunity to enroll in an elective lifetime physical education course.
Schools which do not currently have the number of certified physical education teachers,
do not currently have the required physical setting or would have to significantly alter academic
offerings to meet these physical education requirements may develop alternate programs that
will enable current staff, physical settings and offerings to be used to meet these physical
education requirements. These alternate programs shall be submitted to the state Department
of Education and the Healthy Lifestyle Council for approval.



Students in grades four through eight and the required high school course participate in fitness
testing. (S3,FD)
Results are shared with students and parents. (S7, FC)

F . Counseling Services W. Va. Code 18-5-18b


School Counselors in Public Schools

DIRECTIONS: To be considered fully compliant with 18-5-18b, your school must adhere to the core areas outlined in this
section of Code. Before you begin self-rating school compliance, you may wish to review the sections of the policy
identified in the checklist. These areas will be examined during the on-site review. To determine your level of compliance,
use the following guide:
Full Compliance = Compliant with all items listed below.
Partial Compliance = Compliant with more than half the items listed below.
Non-Compliant = Compliant with half or less of the items below.
The following items will be reviewed (1) by examining school documents and (2) interviewing staff.
(S_,F_ below identify the Standard and Function correlating to the High Quality Standards in Policy 2322).
Compliance Core Areas of Policy/Code

The school counselor works with individual pupils and groups of pupils in providing
developmental, preventive and remedial guidance and counseling programs to meet
academic, social, emotional and physical needs: including programs to identify and
address the problem of potential school dropouts. (S4,FB)


The school counselor shall spend at least seventy-five percent of work time in a direct The master schedule and
counseling relationship with pupils, and shall devote no more than one fourth of the counselor's schedule shows that
work day to administrative duties: Provided, that such activities are counselor related. she works with students at least

75% of the time.

Verification of Other Monitoring Reports:

A . Policy 1224.1: Accounting Procedures Manual for Schools. Has the school YES
addressed all non-compliances identified during the district accounting audit?

All findings from last

audit have been

B . Policy 2419: Education of Students with Exceptionalities. Has the school

addressed all non-compliances identified during WVDE monitoring


C . Fire Marshal? Has the school addressed all non-compliances identified

during the fire marshal review?


No findings.

D . Health Department? Has the school addressed all non-compliances during YES
the Health Department Inspection?

No findings.

E . School Building Authority (if applicable). Has the school addressed all
non-compliances during the SBA review?


No findings.


All non-compliances
identified during WVDE
federal monitoring have
been addressed.

F . Federal Programs? Has the school addressed all non-compliances

identified during the WVDE federal monitoring?

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