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Analysis of Existing Magazine Titles

Billboard is quite a long title for the genre of

magazine however this makes it stand out as
mainstream music magazines tend to have
snappy and short titles. But as its the only
one, it becomes memorable. Billboards are
used for advertisement and are to be
viewed. This could suggest to the audience
that this magazine has brilliant images as
will be visually appealing. The title is modern
and up to date and therefore will appeal to
the younger generation of music lovers that
are into mainstream music.

Loud and Quiet has a very simple but

effective title. The bold, block capitals are
striking and stand out against the plain white
back ground. The mast head never changes
on issues to become memorable to its
audiences and it is individual and unique. It is
appealing to the indie genre due to its
simplicity yet difference and therefore this
mast head in particular has inspired my

The title for I-D is very shot but very effective.

Its a memorable title that is constant in the
font and size on each issue. It is supposed to
represent a winking face which is why every
issue has its model winking. The idea of
winking represents the magazines unique and
individual style which makes it stand out
compared to other magazines in the same
genre. This is memorable and stands out from
other titles. The colour of the mast head
changes every issue but the font and style is
kept the same to ensure continuity in

NME is a short but memorable name. The

mast head is simple but again very effective
due to its red, bold, block capitals. It never
changes to keep continuity between the
issues and stand out to audiences. The
colour sometimes changes depending on
the image used on the cover or the
background colour but the title for NME is
most commonly red which is eye catching
for its audiences.

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