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archived as http://www.stealthskater.com/Documents/Caduceus_05.

more of Time-Travel at http://www.stealthskater.com/PX.htm
note: because important web-sites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was
archived from http://www.ormus.ws/ormus/tw/WishingMachine.htm on February 4, 2004 .
This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from the aforementioned website. Indeed, the reader
should only read this back-up copy if it cannot be found at the original author's site.

A "Wishing Machine" based on the Caduceus Coil

The below was copied from a now nonexistent site. The device is simple in nature and is basically
an audio amplifier with the inputs replaced by copper plates and antennae used as the input. I have
never gotten around to making this device and so can give no help or advice.
There is one area of improvement that I can see for it. And that is the antenna. I would replace the
simple antennae with a toroidal scalar type. The design I have in my head is quite simple. However, I
am beginning to wonder if it would at all be possible to make one.
The theory is simple. We want to reach into the zero point. A standard toroidal antennae acts like a
laser. You can only pick up the signal if you are directly inline with projection from the middle of the
toroid. The idea would be reflect the toroid back on itself thus making another toroid. Thus the entire
signal would be contained with the toroid and would reach a super state instantly. To construct it, you
would need to find a flexible ferrite tubular core and wind a standard caduceus coil, then bend the coil
back upon itself. Where you would find such a tubular core, I dont know. It would still be worth
playing around with the standard caduceus coil, though.
Here is an URL to a small amount of information on the caduceus coil:
I would give credit to who ever designed this, but I have no idea who did.

A Wishing Machine
The device below is a form of Radionic device and was built and designed by myself after reading
information on similar units in a book. Basically how it works is that an object associated with the
fulfillment of the "wish" is placed between the copper plates. The user contemplates the desired result
and then turns the machine on. The device is left on until the wish comes true as such. There are cases
of people using these things to make plants grow, cure diseases, and kill pests amongst other machines.
I make absolutely no claim that this device works.

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