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PROGRESS MICHIGAN POWERING PROGRESS TOGETHER Hugh Madden 215 S. Washington Square, Suite 100 Lansing, MI 48933, January 19, 2016 Attn: Governor Rick Snyder FOIA Request P.O. Box 30013 Lansing, MI 48909 ‘Via email: snyderr11@michigan.gov pasuant to Michigan Freedom of Information Act § 15,231 et seq.,1 am requesting, on behalf of Progress Michigan, electronic copies of any and all correspondence regarding the water in Flint from January 1. Please include any attachments that were a part of these files, such as word documents, ot PDFs or other [Pes of documents. Please also include copies of emails in which any of the above were simply “ce-ed” or “bee-ed” if it involved one of the individuals named below. I there are any fees for searching or copying these records, please inform me if the cost will exceed $50.00. However: I would also like to request a waiver of al fees in tha the disclosure of the requested information is in the public interest and the request is limited in seope. ‘Waite T understand that your offic is exempt from the Michigan Freedom of Information Act, [urge you to Tee A oficial request to waive your executive privilege and release the documents. Ifyou deny any part {ris entire request, please cite why you have decided that i is notin the best interest ofthe peaple of ‘Michigan to know how and why this crisis happened. ‘When responding to this request, please do so in an electronic format, via email, at hugh @progressmichigan.org. ‘Hugh Madden, Progress Michigan (S17) 999.3646 /ASHINGTON SQUARE, SUITE 100 W.PROGRESSMICHIGAN.ORG

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