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Week 1: Identify one of the most important or the most interesting social issues in society

today. Then develop two or three sociological questions about this issue would you might
like to study?
In my opinion one of the most important social issues is homelessness, it affects so many people
and causes a circle of unfortunate events for those affected. For example, a person who is
homeless has a harder time finding a job so then they cant get off the streets. But within the first
few pages of chapter one it talks about how sociologist look at the big picture and what are the
social problems affecting situations. With that, one of my questions would be: what is going on
in the world that makes it so difficult for people to get a job when they are homeless? Is it that
they arent trying hard enough and employers wont give them a chance or is there something
bigger going on? Then to look further into this, what are other countries doing to help those who
are homeless in terms of getting a job? Since this problem is so huge, I am assuming it is a
societal issue and not an individual issue.
Week 2: Sociological issue that interests you, research question and way of research & why
I wanted to look further into homelessness and look into a specific aspect from it so I chose
youth homelessness. The National Alliance to End Homelessness estimates that there are
550,000 homeless a year that are under the age of 24.
My research question would be for the youth who are homeless. I would like to know their
feelings on different social services, whether they feel like they have access to them and if they
think they are working. This would most likely be done by fieldwork. In a situation like this it
would be more informative to actually get to talk with them one on one and have a conversation
about it. Having a conversation instead of an interview would relieve some pressure and it would
be more casual which would hopefully get more genuine answers. The data would most
definitely start by being qualitative but then once we get responses it could be turned into
quantitative. I feel like the results would be very interesting.
Week 3: Begin by identifying an aspect of American culture (material or nonmaterial) that
has a particularly powerful influence on your life as a college student. Put this aspect of
culture in your subject line. Provide a short paragraph describing this aspect of culture as
you understand it. Then discuss how this aspect of our culture shapes your experience at
Eastern. Is this aspect of American culture consistent or inconsistent with the prevailing
culture at EWU? With other cultures or subcultures to which you might belong? Does this
element of culture help or hinder your educational success? Be sure to reference course
materials in your discussion/analysis
An aspect of American culture that has an influence on my life at college is the stigma against
Greeks. So many people have the idea that all Greeks are known for are partying, making bad
decisions and hazing. I completely understand why people believe this, it is all the mass media
posts about and even if they post about positives, it's not as popular than the negatives. It also

might be the values set by society, where they see the negatives and automatically say that Greek
life is the wrong path, even if it isn't completely bad.
Since I am Greek the negativity actually motivates me to show people all the positives and to
shine my light. This in some cases with people who I have talked to, they can see this and all the
positives more than the negatives. But everyone from students to faculty, I can feel the pressure
of judgment. It breaks my heart that so many people can only see the negatives. I think
sometimes it hinders my educational success only because of some faculty. I have heard so many
stories on faculty who pre judged those who are Greeks, it hard to always have to prove
ourselves to other people to be successful. Sometimes we are even told not to wear our letters to
class because of the judgment that is put on us. In complete honesty, it is the etic perspective
people have, unless you are in the Greek Community then it is harder to see the awesome things
that are happening.
Week 4: Primary and secondary groups we belong to
Since we have so many different kinds of groups we are in, I really had to think about
what the definition of the different kind of groups there are. I'm choosing to talk about primary
groups because they have had the biggest effect on me and who I am today. That is the group of
being a Christian, the values shared between the members and the intimacy that comes from it
shape a person which is the reason it is a group. Of course every person within Christianity has a
different way it has shaped them but for me it has expanded my worldview. I have acquired a
love and passion for people because that is how I was taught and grew up. Because of
Christianity I want to help people, no matter who they are with no judgments. However, I feel
like people don't see this in today's culture of Christianity because of the mass media. Which this
is where the question of who is included gets a little interesting in my mind, because honestly
there are some people out there who say they are Christian but they're actions prove otherwise.
For example the different organizations who believe God Hates Fags and scream it in people's
face, I question their motives and if they actually read the Bible. But I do believe that those who
believe in what the Bible says and have the same values stated in the Bible are Christians.
Talking specifically about conforming within the group, most people do. To be a true
Christian, you have to conform to the actions that are taught within the Bible. So that means that
people would have to conform privately. The whole point of becoming a Christian is repenting,
which means to turn away from your old ways and change your actions. But of course there are
many people who suppress their opinions because they are opposite from the views of society.
Also, the only dissent I have is people being forced to be a Christian, which I don't believe in
this. I grew up in the church but once I got older I made the personal decision to continue on, so
for me Christianity is a normative organization since I joined because of my own want to pursue
moral goals. A person should make the decision within themselves to be a Christian or it
wouldn't be a genuine relationship between them and God.
A secondary group I belong to is a sorority so reflecting on the values of both groups,
they actually align very close, more than people would think. I have never actually thought how
these two could connect but they do have similarities in values. Two values that align with
Christianity is always striving to become the best you and serving others. The reason I joined a
sorority is for the philanthropy and service, which that passion stemmed from being a Christian.
Doing this reflection makes me think that the primary groups you are in have a huge effect on
your secondary groups.

Week 5: What is the most important factor to determine if someone will be wealthy or
I think that the most important factor to determine if someone will be wealthy or poor is who is
supporting them in life. I know that their ascribed status will have some to do with their life and
of course if they come from a low income family, their life chances are low. But I do believe
fully that if a person, especially starting at a young age, has an advocate for them, they can
rewrite their life even if the odds are against them. With that I believe that it is their achievement
status that differentiates between someone who is poor and wealthy. For example, first
generation college students: they had someone, whether a family member, friend or a mentor
cheering them on to get to school. This is a way for a person who was born into a low income
family to move upward in class. There are so many programs in schools that are set in place to
prevent school drop outs. I mentor through Communities in Schools, to be a student in
PrimeMentoring a faculty member refers a student to be in the program because they are at risk
for dropping out. Because of the program, 99% of the students stay in school and 91% of
students in the program graduate. This just proves if someone has a mentor to give them the
encouragement and attention they deserve, they can beat the odds. This then puts them onto a
path to possibly being wealthy.

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