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Commemorations THE POLITICS OF NATIONAL IDENTITY Edited by John R. Gillis PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY eS SS ae Chapter V THE MUSEUM AND THE POLITICS OF SOCIAL CONTROL IN MODERN IRAQ Exic Davis Whar 1s the relationship between the museum and the state? More pre- 18 5. See, for example, Directorate of Antiquities, is harba (Baghdad: Matba’at alcFiukuma, 1538) 6, Directorate General of Propaganda, Kingdon of Iraq (Baltimore: Lord Bal timore Press, nap. 79 7. For elements of this debate se Erie Davis and Nicolas Gavrcldes, “State craft, Historical Memory and Popular Culture in Iraq and Kuwar,” m Statecrattn the Middle East: Oi, Historical Mepnory and Popular Culture, . Davis and N. Gavricides (Miami Florida Ineernatonal University Press, 1991) esp. pp. 123 128 and 132—140 8. Abu al-Khaldun Sat? abHusori, mdbaborat iraq, 1921-1940 (My ej) memoirs, 19211941] (Beirut: Dar al-Tab’a, 19674 vol. 1, 1921-1927, Rvs. 9, For an extensive discussion of British colonial poliey in lag, see Dani Ser far, Britamn’s Informal Empire m the Middle East A Case Sty of Iraq, 1929 1841 (New York and Oxlord: Oxford University Presy 1986). 10. On her activities in Tag, see Sarah Grahom-Brown'sinteoduction to Bes “The Desert andthe Sewn {Boston: Besean Press, 1987) pp. xi-avits and HVE Winstone, Gertrude Bell London: Quartet Books, 1980), Bell's influeneeo0 car British polcyin faqs underlined by her unos ite as the wncrowned queen of frag” (Graham-Browa, px 11 al Hari mda karat fel inay. ol. 1p 180. 12: Ibid. p18 13, Abu a-Khaldun Sai al-Husaci mudbubkarati, tag, 1921—1941 My rag memoies, 1921-1944) (Beirut: Dar ab Tal'a, 1968), vol 2, 19271941, poy 14, On the concept of the “historical blog,” see Antonio Cras, Seletions from the Prison Notebooks Landon: Lawrence &: Wishart, 1971), pp. 157=158, a8. 15. Thisclerment was stressed in ll ficial publications shat described he roa family Sec Kingdom of freq, pp. 3,3. 15. See Muhsin Join al-Musawi, “The Sasiopoliical Context of the fraqi Short Story, 1908-1968." in Davis and Gavriel, Statecraft the Middle East. pp. 214-217. 17. Kanon ferred to asa" of rg. pp. 78=79. Ae its founding, them Hlery of fine ar.” cum was singly e SMUSHUAL AND SOCIAL CONTROL IN IRAQ IS, Ministry of Caltuce onl Arts, Culture and Ants i Brags Celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of the July 17-30 Revolution (Baghdad, 1978). p. 253 Adi Kamilcalshanata al-tashbilir alm asina fl iraq Marga al-rancsid| Thecon temporary art movement in fag The "pidemer™ permod} (Baghdad: Ministre of Calture and Information, Dar al-Rashid ldeNashe, 3980 pp. 318, See also Shawskac ab Ral achat wa afar (Paintings and ideas) (Baghdad: Ministry of Inlormation, Daral-Hurnya lik Tibs’ 9, 1976)sand ‘Abdallah ai-Khati, afer, abtasblaliya wastahawna (The plastic ats apd revolution) (Baghdad: Ministey of Information, Dar al-Hurrigsbil-Tiba'a, 1976, 15, Ministry of Guidance, High Commitae forthe Celebration of the Juby 1 Resolution, The Iraqi Revolution a Its Fou Year Waghalad: Times Press, 1962), 20, Ibid. pp- 630-631 21 Ibid 7.633. 22, Theimipact ofthe Iragi bor movement on politcal and eulural represents tion in frag is discussed in my "History for the Many or History tor the Few The Historiography of the fraqi Working Class." in Wevkersand Workong Classes the Muddle Last: Struggles, Histories and Historiograpines, ed. Zachary Lockman {Albans State University of New York Press fortheoming) 2itor photagraphy of the vuathaf abdich (he Party Mus al-masiratamnasat newdata nti midal hich alba’ thal arab alsshtra Images of the Songele ofthe Anab Ba'ath Soctatst Party Baghdad: n.d.) pp. 86-87, 91,92 93-94, This volume eantains parallel Arabi, English. and French ext "74. The group of military aficers and civilians that ovecthrew the cegme of ‘Abd al Rahaman Avit in fly 1968 was in turn beset by aternal strugeles shortly after Coming ope tse al 17 ad 30, as Hasarnand he eupprtreete sono 3s Ea Bat on ous hee ts selene 3 palee cou The Ol Soeul Clases and he Remtonary Movements of ag [Pace Sn NE Panecton Users Pros 1973) 1073: Dest th Haran csoe tu of eshte acl devon hs tower pod conti ce he “Reon of fuiy 17-30, 1968 tr ad Ars ag pp 7 91-93, 2 Dnt pnt cea lhe Soci Context ofthe ag Shee sean aie 22. Omisneton, se Frc Hesham and Tene Ranged Te nent of rato (Cabrsage: Cambie Unies Pros 1983) senna ashe [Te outal of ppl here, rig abba sarap ash rye feta Seva saprene® pepulae isin Sere product nitag apa: Da alr eNashe 1984, PP 33th Sith Before Bos tons wwe ant fe Buin rag During te lary War a the Calf Crs tual af Commnal Sie se Manas Nilay enon and New Yor Renee, 1992) cp pp. 7172. 18a or tani Tari ak Nai alrinade bude wal abide \spows nthe ih atsent Mesopamtn Baghdad: Dar saan IIb 3 see my *State- in The uterna- 104 ERIC DAVIS 1983); and Subhi Anwar Rashid, al-masiga frag al-gadim (Music in ancient Iraq) (Baghdad: Ministry of Cultare and Information, Dar al-Shu’un al-Thagafiys al’ Amma, 1988). Textstich as these resonate far more with theliterate public than more didactic writings sch as thase by the prominent historian Anmad al‘Susa, cg bidanat als arab 2 marabal tatawwourda ‘abaralwsur (Arab culture and the Stages of its development chrough the ages] (Baghdad: Ministry of Culture and Intormation, Dar al-Hurnya lie Tibs’3, 1979): bidarat wadi al-rafiéay bayye al-samiyin tea-Fsumariin (Mesopotamian culture between the Semites and the Sommerer] (Baghdad: Ministry of Culture and Information, Dar al-Rashid I ENashr, 1980}: and tovikb hidarot oad al-afidayn fi dae” masbard al-rayy at irainye walmktashafat alathariva wa-b-masadir al-tarikhiya [The history of ‘Mesopotamian civilization in ight of agvicultaral irrigation projects, archacologi- ‘al discoveries and historical sources| (Baghdad: Dar al-Hurriya lil-Tiba'a, 1983), Nol. 1. Susa’s works attempt to demonstrate the racial ties between the ancient Sumerians and the Arabs of modern Ira, 33. al-turath a-sha'bi, mullag kbass, pp. 9-10, 12. 134, Culture and Arts i lag, pp. 162-164. 35, fora detailed analysis ofthe meaning othe Vietory Arch for Iraqi politics nd cultural development, see Samir al-Khalil, The Monuaeent: Art Valgarity and Responsibility im Inaq Berkeley and Los Angeles: University nf California Press, 1991),

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