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Classroom Management Plan

Ms. Aguilar

My Philosophy
My classroom philosophy and goal is to treat every student as an individual and to modify and
adjust to the needs of each student. Each student is different and may require different types of
rewards or different types of consequences. I want to be aware of all my students needs and help
them to be successful by supporting them in whatever way is best for them.
Why Classroom Management?
Having classroom management is extremely important for an educator to have a successful
learning environment for their students. First the teacher will need to create an effective learning
environment where students feel safe. I plan to have a community in my classroom where
students always feel safe and have a place where they can learn. Students are not able to be
challenged or learn without having this kind of environment.
General Rules
1. Be Respectful
a. Use kind and friendly words
b. Actively participate
2. Be Responsible
a. Clean up after yourself
b. Follow directions
c. Do your best
3. Be Safe
a. Keep personal space
b. Sit correctly
c. Use equipment and materials properly

The behavior chart will be used for the students to monitor their own behavior. It will give them
a sense of responsibility for themselves and a choice on how they want to the day to go if they do
have to change their color. The students will be able to see that even if you do get moved to a
warning you can always fix your behavior and go back to making good choice. My main goal
with the behavior chart is to help my students become responsible for their actions and monitor
their own behavior.
My students write in their agendas every day, the agendas go hand and hand with the rule of
being responsible. Students are expected to write their homework assignments in their agendas at
the beginning of the day and get it signed by a parent each night. If students receive a
consequence during the day it is noted in their agenda for their parents to see along with the
consequence that they received. This is an important form of communication between the
classroom and the students home. It also keeps the parents informed of their childs behavior for
each day. The agenda will also be used in positive ways as well, students can receive a positive
note home for their parents to see for going above and beyond the teachers expectations.
Consequences (in order):

Informal Discussion (Warning)

Second Warning
Note home to parents in agenda
Removal into a buddy classroom (for up to 30min)
Discipline conference with administrator
GAT- In School Suspension (parents are contacted)
Discipline conference with parent and student
Discipline conference with parent, student and administrator
Expulsion (based on district policy)


Grabbers (school wide reward, student can receive from any teacher or admin on campus)
Buy something off the grabber menu
Treasure Box
Positive notes and phone calls home
Whole class rewards

Playground and Physical Activity Rules:

**District Policy/ School Policy (Mesa Public Schools)
1. Be Respectful
a. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
b. Follow staff directions
c. Be respectful to others

2. Be Responsible
a. Stay in assigned area
b. Keep personal space
c. Follow staff directions
d. Clean up after yourself
3. Be Safe
a. Stay within assigned area
b. Use equipment safely
c. Move around campus in an orderly fashion
Rewards: Teachers and other Staff use grabbers to reinforce positive play on the playground.
Students may also receive grabbers for student to student interaction that is appropriate.
1. Verbal warning
2. Student will have to sit out on the wall from remainder of the recess
3. Staff or assistant will notify teacher of students behavior
4. Extreme cases will be referred to the office for further disciplinary action

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