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What is Red?
Red is a sunset
Blazing and bright.
Red is feeling brave
With all your might.
Red is a sunburn
A spot on your nose.
Sometimes red, is a red red
Red squiggles out when you cut
your hand.
Red is a brick
And the sounds of a band.
Red is hotness
You get inside
When youre embarrassed
And want to hide.
Fire-cracker, fire-engine
Fire-flicker red
And when youre angry
Red runs through your head.

Red is an Indian
A Valentine heart,
The trimmings on
A circus cart.
Red is a lipstick
Red is a shout
Red is a signal
That says, Watch out!
Red is a great big
Rubber ball.
Red is the giant-est
Colour of all.
Red is a show-off,
No doubt about it
But can you imagine
Living without it?

One stanza 36 lines.
Abcd rhyme scheme.
- bright and might ( lines 2 and 4 )
- nose and rose ( lines 6 and 8 )
- hand and band ( line 10 and 12 )
- inside and hide ( lines 14 and 16 )

The lines are short and that adds to the fast

pace and rhythmic quality of the poem.
The poem is about the colour red and the
things that people associate the colour with.
Provides examples of ordinary objects to
feelings of courage, embarrassment and

Lines 1 12
Red is a sunset
Blazing and bright.
Red is feeling brave
With all your might.
Red is a sunburn
A spot on your nose.
Sometimes red, is a red red
Red squiggles out when you
cut your hand.
Red is a brick
And the sounds of a band.

Persona lists a number of

things that are red in
colour such as the
sunset, sunburnt skin, a
rose, blood from a cut
and a brick.

Lines 13 - 24
Red is hotness
You get inside
When youre embarrassed
And want to hide.
Fire-cracker, fire-engine
Fire-flicker red
And when youre angry
Red runs through your head
Red is an Indian
A Valentine heart,
The trimmings on
A circus cart

Associate with feelings

such as
embarrassment, love
and anger. The persona
mentions Red Indian,
the native Americans,
referring to the colour of
their skintone.

Lines 25 - 36
Red is a lipstick
Red is a shout
Red is a signal
That says, Watch out!
Red is a great big
Rubber ball.
Red is the giant-est
Colour of all.
Red is a show-off,
No doubt about it
But can you imagine
Living without it?

Associates red as
the colour of caution
and warning ( watch
out! )
The persona cannot
imagine living
without the colour

There is no specific time frame or setting mentioned.
For example, the word sunset conjures the image of the
sea at dusk. The circus cart transports the reader to a
noisy and cheerful atmosphere of a circus.

Maybe the persona is a younger person,
possibly a child.


The tone of the poem is descriptive.
The mood is fun and humorous

Appreciation of our surroundings.
Emotions and feelings.
We must be observant and appreciative of our
surrounding .
. Every human being will feel a variety of emotions.

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