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q 8 ; ie i the future tenses: futuro com “wi © futuro em inglés se utiliza do auxiliar “wil para construir suas perguntas, correspondendo ao nosso futuro do presente. Temos entao a seguinte ordem: (PAONOME INTERROGATIVO) « WILL» SUJET + VERBO + COMPLEMENTO ? Para arespostacurtaafrmatva, mos ‘YES, (SWEITO) WILL. Para a respsta curta negativa,temos: NO, (SUJEITO) WON'T. (=WILL NOT) Para. a resposta longa, apés o auxiiar (afirmativo ou negatvo) repetimas verbo ¢ complement Exemplo: Where will you go tomorrow? We will go to the beach tomorrow. Will they come here next week? Yes, they will. / No, they won't futuro com “going to” Pode se utilizar a forma de geriindio do verbo "to go" para denotar 0 futuro em inglés (to be + going to) . Este tempo € chamado de futuro imediato, por indicarsituagoes, fem que se tem certeza da ago que se pretende praticar. A tradugao deste tempo é,entretanto “vou/vailvamos ." € no “estoulestajestamos indo”. Assim como no gerdndio, 2 pergunta tem por auxiliar 0 verbo “to be" Exemplo Are they going to wash the dishes now? (Bles vao lavar a louga agora?) Ts he going to sleep with us? (Ele vai dormir conosco?} A ‘ Econveniente lembrar que ainda ‘existe outro auxliar do futuro shall—que, entretanto, pertence ao inglés arcaico, ou 6 usado em situacées de extrema formal- dade, significando "pode". Os tinicos usos ‘mais coloquiais do shall é como “tag ques tion” para “Let's (como seré visto mais dante), assim como o uso nas 1 pessoas (singulore plural). Exemplo They shall go there next time, (Elas indo 1a da préxima vez) Let's party, shall we? (Vamos comemorar?) Shall we leave right away? (Podemos sair imediatamente?) I shall teach now. (Eu darei aula agora} the perfect tenses Os tempos “perfect em inglés sd considerados por muitos alunos como seu grande “calo", pelos mais variados motivos: sua tradugdo € estranha, nao séo usados em portugués da mesma forma, etc. Porém, com uma analise rapida podemos ver que se trata apenas de tabu aliado @ uum pouco de mé vontade. Afinal de contas, se soubermos 0 nome do tempo podemos montar sua estrutura. £ s6 lembrar {que todos 0s tempos “perfect” tém o verbo "to have" como verbo auxiliar. present perfect tense O Present Perfect € © mais perseguido dos tempos perfect. Mas vejamos como é faci: Estrutura HAVE / HAS + VERBO PRINCIPAL NO PAST PARTICIPLE* * Lembram daquela famosa listagem de verbos rregulares que, @ esso oltur, é clo jé fol decorade?7? Po's bem, a verbos da 3 coluna sdo esses fomosos verbos no Past Partcple. Sdo eles (0s verbos nos Past Partcplelque atiizaremos para construir os tempos perfect. (Atencdo!! ‘Apenos como destague, 05 verbos regulares. tombém apresentom os forms de Post Partcple,construidas com 0 acréscimo de ed) Exemplo: Have you ever fallen in love? (Voce ja se apaixonou?} Has she told you the secret? (Fla te contou o segredo?} Tve never seen that woman before. (Nunca vi aquela mulher antes.) aii i _ rvs dts cra eve de trades voce deve ME ter chegado a primeira ¢ brilhante conclusio: a tradugio, do Present Perfect & absolutamente a mesma tradug30 do passado simples. Ou seja, nada de traduzir a0 pé da letra salvo nos casos que vamos ver. Logo," have watched a good movie" no quer dizer “Eu tenho assistido um bom filme’ ‘mas “Eu assisti a um bom filme". usos do present perfect O Present Perfect Tense é usedo em casos bem definidos em inglés; ‘Tempo indefinido no passado Quando estivermos diante de uma situagao no passado em inglés na qual o tempo no for mencionado, devemas usar o Present Perfect endo 0 passado simples. Vejamos a diferenca Exemplo: Thave taught you this lesson. (When 222???) Present Perfect I taught you this lesson last week Simple Past Ag6es que comecaram no passado e esto rela- cionadas como presente Quando temas uma ago que € prolongada, ou seja, ccomega no passada e vem até o momenta da fala usamos 0 Present Perfect Exemplo: Tve read this book since 2 o'clock. (Ew Ii este livro desde és duas) We have lived here for two years (Nés moramos aqui hé dois anos} Aqui. tradugao ndo é como o passado, pois se usarmos 0 pasado mudaremos a idéia central da frase, por {sso 0 presente foi usado, Na realidade, essa situagdo é mais propicia para o uso do Present Perfect Continuous, que veremos mais adiante. Agées que podem ser repetidas dentro do peri- ‘odo em que se fala. ‘Vamos supor que o Sr. Smith, um homem metédico, leia 10 seu jornal todos 0s dias pela manha. Se ele nao 0 fizer ta manh, no mais o fara. Suponhamos agora que voce fencontre o Sr. Smith a 10 horas da mana, e quer saber se ele ja leu 0 jornal, Sua pergunta entao sera: “Mr. Smith, have you read the newspaper this morning?” porque, jé que ‘2 manhd no terminou, @ ago poderd ainda ser feita ou petida, Entretanto, se vocé encontrar o Sr, Smith as 3 da tarde, sua pergunta sera outra: “Mr. Smith, did you read the “newspaper tis morning?”. Notem que nesta construco (no ‘Simple Past), a acdo esta terminada, pois a manha também td terminada € nds sabemos que o Sr. Smith nao mais, 3 0 jornal hoje. Um outro exemplo pode ser a frase: » Have you been to Maracana this season?" Se a temporada ‘nao acabou, 0 interlocutor pode ainda ir a0 Maracand. Se, fem vez dessa, a frase fosse “Did you go to Maracané this season?", apenas pela construgao podemos dizer que, ou @ temporada terminou, ou temos certeza que a pessoa ndo mais ird a0 Maracana. Palavras Magicas Chamaremos de "Palavras Magicas” aquelas que, quando usadas, ‘chamam” os tempos Perfect (em especial o Present Perfect). € interessante que, num exercicio de “complete as lacunas com 0 tempo apropriado dos verbos", procuremos por elas par facilitar 0 trabalho. Sao elas: Lately: significa “ultimamente®. Vem, geralmente, no final da frase. Recently: significa “recentemente’, Vem , também geralmente, no final da frase. 4 Tanto com “ately” quanto com “recently”, podemos usara tradugdo a0 pé da letra, pois esta construcdo acontece normalmente em Portugués. Exemplo: Thave worked very hard lately. [Eu tenho trabathado muito duro ultimamente) They told me they've seen good movies recently. (les me disseram que tém visto bons filmes recentemaent.) Since: significa “desde”. £ usado fundamentalmente antes de datas ou pontos de tempo especifico. No confundir com a conjungao “since”, ‘que quer dizer ‘jé que’. For: significa "por", “ha”. € usado antes de periodos de tempo. Exemplo: ve played with Jim for eight hours / since 1 P.M. 4 Aspalavras"since"e for’ sdo muito utizadas, por conta de seu sentido, como Present Perfect Continuous Tense. Exempl ve been playing with Jim since 4 Pvt (note que a agéo ainda esta ocorrendo.) Already: signific: ‘tempo. -xpressando a idéia de urgéncia, » = Exempl Have you already done the homework ? (Voces ja fizeram(terminaram) o exercicio} Ever: significa “a, alguma vez" Exempl Have you ever done the homework? (Voces ja falguma vez fizeram o exercicio?) [Notoram a diferenca enter uma construgao ¢ outra???) Never: significa “nunca”. Por seu proprio sentido enseja 6 uso do Present Perfect, pois iga uma aco do passado 20, presente (lembram? Se ndo, déem uma olhada no 2° caso do Present Perfect). Cuidado também como fato de “never” ser ‘uma palavra negativa, ago 0 verbo tem que estar na forma afirmativa (nao existe dupla negagdo em inglés) Exemplo: They have never talked to me. (Eles munca falaram comigo) Just: Cuidado com “ust"H Quando usado com o Present Perfect ele ngo significa "apenas, somente’, Ele dé 2 idéia de acabar de se fazer alguma coisa. Ja notaram que em casamentos em filmes americanos se esereve no carro dos noivos “Just Married’. Pois &, "Recém casados", ou seja, acabaram de se casar. Exempl Tdon't want to eat anything now. I've just had breakfast. (Eu nao quero comer nada agora. Eu acabei de tomar café da manka). Note que para as quatro Ultimas palavras, 0 posicionamento deve ser no “meio” do Present Perfect (entre o auxiliar eo verbo principal) Yet: significa "ja". Porém, como na maioria dos casos ele € usado na negativa (e no final da frase), 2 melhor tradugdo € "ainda", Pode ainda ser traduzide, quando usado ra afirmativa (e no inicio da frase), por "apesar disso" Exemplo: Thaven't checked my balance yet. ( Eu ainda ndo chequei mew saldo) Have you seen the film yet? ( Voc’ jé vi o filme?) I work hard every day, yet 1 haven't bought a car. (Eu trabatho duro todo dia, apesar disso ndo com- prei um carro ainda.) present perfect continuous © Present Perfect Continuous foi ligeiramente visto quando falamos do Present Perfect. Sua estrutura € HAVE JHAS BEEN + VERBO PRINCIPAL NO GERUNDIO (ING) Usamoso Present Perfect Continuous quando uma ago acontece no passado, se desloca até o presente e tende 3 continuar (nate que no Present Perfect ela pode acabar no exato instante da fala) Exemplo: We've been waiting you for ages. (Nés 0 estamos esperando hd tempo} He has been looking for a marriage since I left town, ( Ele estd procurando um casamento desde que eu sai da cidade) ‘ Atente paraofato quea traducdo do Present Perfect Continuous €a mesma do Present Continuous). past perfect tense Estrutura do Past Perfect Tense HAD + VERBO PRINCIPAL NO PAST PARTICIPLE Uso do Past Perfect 0 Past Perfect € um verbo mais fil que 0 Present Perfect, porque sua tradugdo é mais simples. Ele funciona a0 "pe da letra" fazendo construgBes como “tinha + verbo", sem aquelas grandes variacbes do Present Perfect. Podemos, dizer, € isso € muito importante, que o Past Perfect nada mais € que o passado do passado. Ele é utilizado quando temas duas ages na frase € uma ocorre antes da outra, ‘Vejamos um exemple: Exemplo: 1) When I arrived home, my sister had left (Quando eu cheguei em casa, minka irma tina saido) Note que temos duas acdes (verbos) na frase: arrive e leave. Note que a agao de sair ocorre primeiro que a de chegar, sendo, portanto, mais antiga. Ela vai, entido, para 0 Past Perfect, enquanto a outra fica no Simple Past. 2) had gone there before I met Lucy. They hadn't understood the lesson until I explained them. ‘ $6 para recordar, lembremos que seas ‘aces acontecerem concomitantemente, 0 segundo verbo vai para o Past Continuous. Exempla: When I arrived home, my sister was leaving. (1 met her!) past perfect continuous estrutura do past perfect continuous HAD BEEN + VERBO PRINCIPAL NO GERUNDIO (-ING) ais Whine. ‘ usos do past perfect continuous past Perfect Continuous serve para descrever uma ‘do protongada que ocorteu no passado, por um periodo de tempo, mas que esta terminada no momento da fala. Esta idéla & muito importante para que nao confundamos com o Present Perfect Continuous, que também descreve ‘uma acao prolongada, mas que tende a continuar além do momento da fala, [ Exemplo: Thad been reading that book for two weeks (finished st) Diferente de: Thave been reading that book for two weeks (I'm still reading it!!! Thad been dancing fora long time when Bill entered the room. {Eu estive dangando por um longo tempo quando Bill entrow na sala) f Note que a tradugdo do Past Perfect Continuous €igual ado Past Continuous, asim como ado Present Perfect Continuous éiqualado Present Continuous Exemplo: How long had you been waiting before the doctor arrived ? (Por quanto tempo voce esteve esperando antes que 0 médico chegasse?) modal verbs Os verbos modais, que jd foram apresentados anteriormente, s30 aqueles que tém a fungo de verbo auxilisr, porém exprimem uma condigao ou idéia a0 serem utiizados. Os principais modais da lingua inglesa séo (embora haja controvérsia entre os gramaticos quanto a esta separaséo) CAN Must NeED cout SHOULD DARE May ousiT 70 Mich HAO BETTER Hé graméticos que incluem shall, will e would entre 19s modais. Por parémetros de definicao nos permitimas iscordar. Esta é apenas uma celeuma gramatical que nada fem que ver com 0 tipo de cobranca feita em vestibulares. Em vestibulares, 0 que se cobra fundamentalmente € 2 ngdo que cada modal exerce na frase, ou qual a idéia que pretende expressar. Entao: Pip ene eee nssrncnenenene 3 can, could (poder) exprime habilidade, possibiidade ou permissio {informalmente). may, might (poder) exprimem possibiidade ou permissao (formalmente) must (dever) cexprime obrigacdo, possiblidade muito acentuada Should, ought to, had better (‘d better)(dever) ‘exprimem conselho, recomendacao. 4 1:"Could” éutlizado para expressar situagdes no passado semelhantes ds que “Can” expressa, Seu uso para expressar permissao é mais formal que o de ‘can’. 2:As formas negativas dos modais so. can't/cannot, couldn't, may not, might not, ‘mustn’, shouldn't, had better not. “Ought to" nao apresenta forma negativa. “Mustn't ‘quando utilizado exprime a idéia de proibicéo, Exempl How many people can be seated in this hall? May I help you, Sir? It couldn't be Jonh ~ he’s not in London today. Might 1 accompany you to the ball? That must be his sister ~ she looks just like him. You've got a fever. You should see the doctor. She ought to go to the new hairdresser’s Weil hetter leave now. 4 1) Alguns gramaticos admitem “need’como auxiliar, sendo sua forma negativa “needn't” ("nao precisa de’). Esta forma faz parte do f inglés coloquial (EVA). Na Inglaterra, ‘corre o opostoe ela é considerada extrema formalidade. Exemplo: He needn't go there now. (Ele ni precisa ir lé agora) Need I do this? (Eu preciso fazer isto?) One need only consider the facts. (Deve-se apenas considerar 0s fatos.} 2) Overbo “Dare” (ousar) também pode ser usado como auxilar, Informalmente, Exempl How dare you say it? (Como vocé ousa dizer isto?) He daren't tell her the truth. (Ele nao ousaria dizer a verdade a ela.) Or Os Cm) 2 ie Om A ( ( any ( » OBOE er, CPC CCH RR EP v you open the window, please ? a} may b) need €) shall will 2) | ock the door for you ? 2) shal ) will ought 4) need 3) I'm free this evening____we go out to dinner ? a) wil 0) shall won't 4) would 4) She__ type at 40 words per minute a) need 8) ought date can 5) You try to mate your applications a bit neater, or youll never get a job. a) shall } wil ought «) should 6) Poor Jack-he lost his homework, and he o it again a} has go to b) needs ¢) shall 4) ought 7) wish you make such 2 noise. I'm trying to work a} shouldn't b} wouldn't ©) couldn't 4) needn't 8) The government _, _ increase taxes soon. a) may b) need o) dare 9) I'm not surprised you failed the exam. You _ have worked harder. 6) ought a) should b) must ) would d) ought 10) They __ understand the teacher, as he spoke too fast a) wouldn't bb) shouldn't c}can't 4d) couldn't n | have an orange juice, please ? 2) shall b) must ©) could will 1 We. 112) This car is in terrible condition, You have an accident at any time. a} should b) could would d) can 13)! _ go now, of I'l be later for the lesson. a) may b) need ¢) ought ) must 14) You __ blame yourself for the accident. It wasn't your fault. a) daren't by musta't ) won't «} oughta’t 15) Are you saying you want me to work all weekend ? You __ be serious. a) mustn't bhcan't ) might not 6) shouldn't 16) 1 _ like to apologize for not replying to your letter earlier. a} could »b) might would ) must 17) You__ pay for this information. It's free. 2) musta’t b) don't have to) shouldn't 4) ought not to 18) It was wrong of you to talk to her lke that ~ the next time you see her, you. ___ apologize, a) need b)ought toc) dare to a) may 19) You worry about paying the gas bill - I've already done it. a) needn't )daren't. ch can't €) might not 20) She _ to work a little bit harder if she's going to pass the exam, a) needs b) must o) had 4) should 21) Can you come at once ? | _ _ speak you urgently, a) can b) must ) should 8) ought 22) She ___ have rushed to the airport like that. The plane was delayed by several hours. a) needn't b) musta’t couldn't 4) wouldn't 23) You _ be exhausted after that walk ajean 0) need must 8) ought 24)|____rather not goby coach if you don't mind 2} would 6) should will had k 25) Heleft home more than na hour ago. He - be at work by now. 2) shal b)can ) must would 26)(PUC-Rio-97) Technology can eliminate cultural In this sentence, the modal verb can indicates that the writer considers the elimination of cultural barriers 3) doubtful 6) impossible ) hypothetical 6) unconvincing ©) probable genitive (possessive) genitive case ('s) . As regras que o delimitam sao Faces: 1a) Quando o possuidor estiver no singular ou no plural ‘no terminado em S (como men, women, children, etc), 2 formagao do Genitive Case obedece ao seguinte crtéri POSSUIDOR + 'S + ELEMENTO POSSUIDO Exemplo: The wallet of the boy. = The boy The cars of the women. Notem que 0 * “s" faz a funcao da preposigdo OF € 0 artigo THE que antecede 0 clemento possuido some (lembram que nio podemos usar o artigo definido antes de possesivos???) walter. The women’s cars. 'b) Quando o possuidor estiver no plural terminado em S © Genitive Case se forma da sequinte maneira: POSSUIDOR + ‘ + ELEMENTO POSSUIDO Exemplo: The house of my relatives. = My relatives’ house. 1) Quando tivermos substantivos compostos e nomes préprios acompanhados de titulos, os f substantivos compostos so tratados como substantivos simples. Quando ‘o possuidor for representado por um nome préprio, acompanhado de um sobrenome ou titulo, apenas 0 ultimo elemento receberd o genitive case. Exemplo: The bedroom of the commander-in-chief. commander-in-chief's bedroom. The reign of Alexander, the great. = Alexander ,the great's reign 2) Nomes proprios sequem a ‘regra geral, mas os que terminarem naturalmente em °s" podem admitir cl Om) Dre ( A © Qa dead dC) ( ( 146 bd! () O genitive case éusado dle modo gerol com referéncia aseres animados e alguns ‘pds expressoes numéricas, de quantidade ede posigao Seems 4 (the first, the second, the last, the only, etc.) para indicar finalidade, propésito < Examplo Exemplo “~ You've bought this book inorder to earn English. see Tae ee (Voce comprow ese loro a fim de aprender inglés) ~ Why am I the last to know about the things inthis house? 1s 100 good tobe true. They've sent men into space to see i life is possible up there apés adjetivos Exemplo Infinitive without to (Bare Infinitive) Feel free to leave me whenever you want to. pos certas expresses verbais Aqui, assim como no infinitive comum, também algumas regras devem ser memorizadas quanto ao uso do Bare a “used to” (costumar) b) “to be supposed to” (supor-se que) ¢) “Can't afford” (ndo ter meios) ‘to be about" (estar a ponto de ~ para) Infinitive ‘apés verbos auxiliares emodais Exemplo Exemplo She used t0 take a nap after lunch, : (Ela costumava tirar uma soneca depois do almoco) Deane He was supposed to be hired today. ~e (Supunha-se que cle fosse contratado hoje) Cee ee xs We can't afford to buy that TV. , ne didn't have to offer the boat as a loan. (Nao temos meios para comprar aquela TV.) eee to offer oa ~ He was about to leave when she called him. {Ele estava para sair quando ela 0 chamou.) ‘ ale Buc erator auxiliary infinitive without to ¢ Youneedn’t come. (océ ndo precisa vir) ‘She daren't say such a thing, (Ela ndo ousa dizer tal coisa.) Como jé foi visto no estudo dos modals, 5 verbos need e dare, assim como do e have, ‘sdo usados ds vezes como auxiliares e outras como verbos principais. Nos exemplo acima, estdo sendo empregados como auxiliares. ‘Agora, observe que nos exemplos que se sseguem eles estdo sendo utlizados como verbos rincipais, dependendo, portanto, de outros ‘uxiliares He doesn't needto work so much. (Ele ndo precisa trabalhar tanto) infinitive with to They wouldn't dare'to disturb my eternal rest. (Ele ndo ousariam pertubar meu descanso eterno.) infinitive with to apés make and let, em construgées com pronomes objetivos g tomake(fazer) - made - made Exemplo: He always makes'us laugh infinitive without to (Ele sempre nos faz rir} G tolet (deixar, permitir) - let - let Let them do whatever they want to. (Deixe-os fazer 0 que quiserem.) Bare Infinitive Let us struggle for our point of view. (Vamos lutar por nosso ponto de vista) infinitive without to A construgdo “Let's éa forma Lp contratade"Letus’ que em por p tradugéo "Vamos + verbo" depois das preposigdes “but” e “except” + Cie. Fegroauctoprnite- Art 188d Cig el i019 a 988 Exemplo: Twant you to do nothing but win, infinitive without to (Ew nao quero que voces facam nada além de ganhar.) You are supposed to do all the housework except iron the clothes “ ‘a infinitive without to (Vocés devem fazer todo o servico da casa exceta passar roupa.) apés “would rather” and “had better” Exemplo I would rather have lunch now. Id rather \ infinitive without to (Eu prefiro (prefereria} almocar agora) They had better run if they want to get the bus They'd better infinitive without to (E melhor que eles corram se eles quiserem pegar 0 énibus) Gerund 0 Gertndio se forma em ings, via de regra, através do acréscimo de -ing ao verbo no infinitivo, lembram???? (para quem nao lembra ¢ bom dar uma olhada no tdpico “Present Continuous Tense"). Essa é sua construsio principal, porém tejamos outras situagées em que ele pode ser usadoz como sujeito daoracdo - Exemplo Learning a foreign language is required nowadays (Aprender uma lingua estrangeira ¢ requerido hoje em dia.) ‘em proibicdes curtas (sem complemento verbal) Exemplo No Parking! (Proibido estacionar.) ‘apés preposi¢éo ou locugao preposicional Exemplo: In my opinion, when you feel like doing something, you should do it. locugdo preposicional (Na minha opinido, quando vocé sente vontade de fazer algo, voce deve fazer.) apés certos verbos: Existem certos verbos apés os quais sempre usamos 0 gerindio. Vejamos: Y ‘admit (admitid) He admitted:having felt completely ost. (Ele admit terse sentido completamente perdido) avoid (evitar) | couldn't avoid: asking him an autograph, (Eu ndo pude evitar em pedir um autégrafo a ele.) consider (considerar) They considered doing that later. (€ias consideraram tazer aquilo mais tarde.) defer (adiar) i Karl wanted to defer studying that subject. (karl quis adiar estudar aquele tépico) deny {negar) She denied iavimg witnessed the crime. (Ele negou ter testemunhado 0 crime.) detest (detestar) L.can't understand! While his fathers a pro, Bob detests layini soccer. (Eu ndo consigo entender! Enquanto seu pai é profssio- nal, Bob detestajogar futebol, enjoy (apreciar,aostar de ) They enjoydisteningrto the sounds of nature. Eles apreciam ouvir os sons da natureza) Jfinish (terminar, acabar] ve finaly finisheet firing this old junk (Finalmente terminei de consertar essa tralha velha) {forgive (forgave- forgiven) (perdoar) Lucy cannot forgive having been so incompetent. (Lucy nao pode perdoar ter sido to incompetente) imagine (imaginar) : {couldn't imagine her Relpingrus here. (€u nao a podia imaginar nos ajudando aqui) keep (kept, kept) (continuar, manter) Keep(focusina.on the things you have to solve (Continue focando nas coisas que vocé tem que resolver) ‘mind {importar-se) Do you mind doingme a favor? {Vocé se importa em me fazer um favor?) miss (perder, deixar de, passar sem) Pat missed kinging the choir. (Pat deixou de cantar no coro.) postpone (adiar) We need to postpone faking that decision. {Nés precisamos adiar a tomada daquela decisdo) practice (praticar, trina) Maggie practises playing the plano the whole day long (Magie trea tocar piano o dia intero.) recall = recollect. recordar, lembrar) Joe recall having learned his trade Uoe lembrou-se de ter aprendido seu oficio) resent (ressentirse) They resented having lost her girfriend (Ele ressentiu-se ter perdido a namorada.) resist (resistin) | resisteeralkkng “0 her until the last moment. (Eu resist a falar com ela até titimo momento) risk (ariscarl-se)) We must risk taking the wrong way trying to get to right one. (Nés devernos nos arriscar a pegar 0 caminho errado sntando alcancar 0 certo.) suggest (sugetir) He suggestee eating aut. i — (Ele sugeriu comer fora) stop Stop talking: (Parem de falar) apés certas expressées tobe worth (worthwhile) (vale a pena) Exemplo This is a subject that is not worth (worthwhile) spending time on. (Esta é wma matéria na qual ndo vale a pena se gastar tempo.) it's ne good (nado é bom) Exemplo Sometimes it’s no good Gomplaining. (As vezes nao € bom reclamar} it's no use ( nao adianta, é indtil) Exemplo 1's no use erying over spilt milk (Nao adianta chiorar sobre o leite derramado.) can't stand bear) (nao suportar, nao tolerar) Exemplo F can't stand seeing injustice. ( Nao suporto ver injustiga,) look forward to (esperar ansiosamente) Exemplo F'm looking forward to\sccing you again. (Espero ansiosamente vé-l0 novamente) tobe accustomed to = to be used to (estar acostumado a) Exemplo She is accustomed (used) to taking her dog to a walk every day. (Ela esta acostumada a levar sew cachorro para uma caminhada todo dia.) precedido de elemento possessivo (adjetivo ou substantivo), transformando o verbo ao qual se acresce-ing, emsubstantivo. Exemplo Would you please excuse my forgetting? adjetivo possessive Wocé pode desculpar por favor mew esquecimento?) Pat's working so hard can bring her health problems Caso possessive [Pat trabathar rao duro pode trazer a ela problemas de satide) gerund and infinitive Certos verbos podem se apresentar tanto no gerindio quanto no infinitiva, Sao eles: ha A. 14 Cbg Le 9619 eve e998 til ¢ ( { Je) begin (began ~ begun) (comegar) cease (cessar) continue (continua) dislike (no gostar) dread (tere) Jorget (forgot - forgotten) esquecer) hhate(odiar, detestar) intend (pretender) like (gostar de) Jove (amar) mean (meant - meant) (significa, querer dizer) permit (permitn) plan (planejar) prefer (oreferit) recomend (recomendar) regret (arrepender-se) rememberilembrar-se) start (comegar) stop (parar) try (tentar Exemplo The motor ofthe automobile started "9792" again describe foot’ The speaker continued. (2UTAN the energy of chemical reactions, jeseribing to post She forgot ating Met eters ‘Alguns dos verbos acima relacionados apresentam algu- mas particularidades que agora vamos esclarecer. Remember (lembrar-se) 2) Remember + geriindio refere-se a uma lemibranga 0 passade. Exemplo I remember hearing my mother fell me estories when I was a child (Lembro-me de ouvir minha mae me contar estérias quando eu era crianga.) b) Remember + infinitive sugere algo aserlembrado, Exemplo Remember to pay the dentist next time you go there. (lembre-se de pagar 0 dentista na prixima vez que voce for li.) ‘stop (parar) a) Stop + gertindio parar de, deixar de Exemplo He stopped smoking two weeks ago, (Ele parow (deixou) de fumar duas semanas atrés) ) Stop + infinitive parar para (Gugere a interrupgo de uma a¢ao para iniciar outra) Exemplo She stopped to greet me. (€ta parou para me cumprimentar) verbs of perception Apés verbos que indiquem perceseSo fisica, podemos ‘empregar tanto © gerindio como 0 infinitive sem o to. i Sm, rotapraiia Ar 1d Cie Ponte te 19 defer 188, Esses verbos sao: feel (felt-felt) (sentir) hear(heard-heard) (ouvir) listenfescultar] lookfothar) notice(notar) ‘observe (observar) perecive [perceber) see (saw-seen) (ver) watch (observar) Exemplo ; som operate Have you seen your son oer ing call calling @ patient? Couldn't you hear kim you? idiomatic use of to take Podemos, em inglés, usar o verbo to take (took taken) com 0 sujeito impessoal it, para expressar 0 periodo de tempo necessério para completar uma acdo. Vejamos como isso feito Exemplo . He prepared the medicine in 45 minutes Ie took him 45 minutes to prepare the medicine. = rt Brn AE princi pros transforma-se em infinititS Bare no segundo peri- odo. = 0 pronome pessoal G) ~ caso subjetivo ~ muda sua func sintética, tornaifdo-se him - caso objetivo. =A prepasigdo(ijto adjunto adverbial de tempo (in 45 minutes) fica omtfida 0 tempo do verbo principal (prepared ~ simple past) é mantido através do verbo git took - simple past) Veia outro exemplo: 1 will widerstana “his explanation in 5 minutes. I will take me 5 minutes to understand this expla- nation. (Levard 5 minutos para eu entender esta explicagao/ Levarei 5 minutos para entender esta explicacao.) 31) We intend__with them. a)Togoing —b) going Togo.) go 32)He ought _ this book a) reading b) read cjtoread 4) to reading 33)___a love story short, he died at the end of the film 2) Making b) Make «) To making To make 34) He may _ “Today alcome —b) tocome ——e) coming 4) t0 coming wis 35) He intends to have lunch, ____and Ww. a) tosleep - watch —_b) sleep - to watch c)sleep- watch d) to sleeping - to watching 36) I can't do anything but _. a) crying b} to cry ¢) to crying d) cry 37) | saw bim over the gate 2) jump 6} tojump ——_e) jumping d) to jumping 38) 4 rather a) having chicken, please ) to have ) have €) to having 39) She makes me a) laughing b)to laugh ¢) to laughing 4) laugh 40) He helped me the boxes. a) open ') to open «) opening d) to opening 41) He says he will stay here, and | think he has a right a) tostay bto «to staying d) stay 42) Well have a lesson, a) to swimming) swimming) swim @) to swim 43) You should fearn_ a} to drive b) drive €) to driving 4) driving 44) _______is not good for your health a} To smoke 0) Smoke 9) Smoking 4} To smoking 45) | was prevented from a) going b) to go Ago to your party. ) to going 46) Madiona's a) to come 4d) come to Brazil was a surprise b)tocoming —_«) coming leven after the time, ) working 447) He went on _ a) to work b) work 4) to working * 48) They stopped _ a) laugh laughing ) to laughing __ when the boss arrived. to laugh 49) They stopped ___ a drink at a snack bar. a) to have bh have «having @) to having 50) | can't help her. a} to love 0) love ¢) to loving 4) loving 51) It's no use _ you to parties. You never go. a) invite ©) inviting ¢) to invite ) to inviting 52) avoided him the truth a) telling b} to tell tell 4) t0 telling 53) There's after the dinner. a) dance b}todance ——_«) dancing d) to dancing '54) 0 gerindio esta corretamente empregado em: a) Excuse my arriving so late ) Excuse me for arriving so late 6) Excuse me to arrive so late «) Excuse me arriving so late '55) Nas sentengas: I~ After discussing the matter, we signed the document. |= Reading the page again, we found some mistakes. IML ~ Looking back my life, many good moments were lived. IV - After working all day, some beer is drunk with pleasure Gramaticalmente estdo corretas as sentencas: ai telv b) Todas ell dell 56) I'm very keen on ___ detective books. a) read ©) to read €) to reading 4) reading 57) She's found of tennis. 2) to play 1) play <) playing 4) to playing ( rt yee. 58) You had better ___ what he wants, _ a} todo 1} doing 0) do ) to doing 59) He's quite afraid of to Africa a) to travel b) to traveling) travel 4) traveling 660) We shail toa restaurant tonight ) going b)t0 go go ) to going Text! This is Michael's story. “Itould start with a smack. But then there was no sto- pping him. He'd lay into me like | was his worst enemy. It was as iF he forgot who | was. But he'd usually remember to hit me where it wouldn't show. When he dir’, be kept off school. Ifa teacher asked me about a cut ora bruise, I just le Once he broke my arm. Mum told the hospital I'd had an accident. Finally, a neighbour saw my bruised face, and reported it. | will always be grateful to my counsellor. He said 1 wasn't to blame. He helped me to feel better about myself He was the father | never had’ There are thousands of cases similar to Michael's each year, fom every evel of society. But they are only the tip of the iceberg. Thousands more children are the victims of less obvious forms of cruelty Some people wouldn't even think of these as abuse. But imagine being constantly shouted at. Or ignored aif you don't exist. Or criticized for everything you do. The emotional effects can be just as painful as those caused by more obvious forms of abuse including low self= worth, humiliation, loneliness, depression and an inability to relate to others, Some children have even been driven to kill themselves. Because of all this, the NSPCC has launched a campaign called A Cry For Children’ I's a cry to everyone to stop and ‘think about the way they behave towards children. To listen to them, talk to them and treat them with respect. ‘And to recognise the impact that any form of cruelty can have on a child, Please answer the ery If you, oF someone you know is suffering from abuse, please call the NSPCC Child Protection Helpline on 0800 £800 500 any time, day or night Orif, after reading this, you would find more informa tion helpful, please call us on 0171 826 2775. NsPcc ‘Acry for children The Independent, 28 March 1996 61)(UFF-97) Mark the option which best summarizes the overall purpose of the NSPCC text: a) a report on different types of parental love. b) a cry for help. Aa campaign against child abuse. 4) a crusade in defence of violence. an attempt to explain what the NSPCC is. 62)(UFF-97) Which one of the following statements best captures the main idea of the NSPCC text? 2} Violence is everywhere but docs not lead society anywhere. 0) It's time we stopped to react to and think about the way parents behave towards children _At here are thousands of cases of sexual abuse towards children. 4) The emotional effects of violence can have serious consequences €) One should always respect one's father, no matter how aggressive his behaviour is. 63)(UFF-97) In the sentence “He'd lay into me like | was his worst enemy’ (line 4), the word worst is the oppo- Site of which one of the following a) better b) acceptable Af best d) worse e) most terrible 64)(UFF-97) In the sentence “Finally 2 neighbour saw my bruised face and reported it” ines 11 - 12), the meaning of the word reported is best defined by: a} recorded the incident voing Michal b) described the father’s crime. € stated thatthe father aa been wong ) read an article about it. (Pho the authors what had happened 65)(UFF-97) Which of the following did not occur in ‘Michael's Story" ? “Ache! was blamed for having aecdens ad had to ie ov a home b) His father would often be careful to make sure that he left na obvious signs of is violence on Michae!’s body. ) If Michael had cuts or bruises which could easily be seen, then Michael would be kept at home. d) Michae'’s injuries were once so bad that he had to receive medical treatment, ¢) The authorities were informed of his father's abuse ‘and so Michael was given psychological help. {66)(UFF-97) The word him in the second paragraph (line 3) refers to only one of the fallawing people 2) Michae’s counsellor ) Michael c) Michaet’s teacher A Nichae’s father ¢) the neighbour 67)(UFF-97) Which of the following is not cited as dbvious Forms of cruelty by parents? a) Rejecting children in conversation by never speaki to them bePt ae 1) Giving children constant verbal abuse. eee eee <) Responding negatively to eveything ther children do, €) Acting as if their children simply were not present. 68)(UFF-97) Which one of the following has the same meaning as "but they are only the tip ofthe iceberg" ? (line 18) _AT The number of reported cases of cruelty to children iso more than a small proportion of the total number of cases which actually exist. The problem of children who are abused by their parents is less serious and less widespread than it seems. c} The treatment and punishment which Michael claims he has received from his father is atypical within the society under focus. 4) The cases mentioned in the text reflect the true quantity of abused children in the society in question. ¢) There are suggestions or hints that certain members, of society are taking a less Serious view of child abuse, 69)(UFF-97) Which ane of the Following is nt incla= ed in the NSPCC text as an emotional effect on children ? €) Having difficulties in communicating with people. ') Feeling so low that they contemplate suicide Believing themselves to be worthless 4) Performing badly in their schoolwork. ASuffering from feelings of isolation. 7O)(UFF-97) Think about the entire text, its global ‘meaning and the overall message; decide which of the follo- Wing titles would best match the initials NSPCC: 2) The Need to Stop Providing and Caring for Children b) The New Society for Problems of Cash for the Child €) Ring Now and Prevent a Chil from Crying 4) The Negative Social Problem of Care for Citizens _ Ave Nationa Socket rth Preven of Cutt Chien TAMUFF-97) Michael said that his father would lay into him (ine 4). Which one ofthe folowing expressions is not synonymous with the phrase written in bold ? a) To strike hard, regular slaps and blows. 5) To punch constantly with force Ao force someone down on the ground. €) To strike someone deliberately several times, €) To smash into someone's boi andlor face with your Fs. © 72)(UFF-97) In the sentence “He said | wasn't to blame" > (lines 13 ~ 14), the counsellor meant that: 4) Michael had not been the cause of the abuse b} Michael had had his arm broken, ae ii «6 * ) the counsellor acted as the father figure which Michael had always lacked, 4) Michaet’s father had bruised him where it wouldn't show, ©) because of his rages, Michael's father often forgot who Michael was. 73\(UFF-97) Which of the following actions is not part of the campaign by the NSPCC ? 2) It asks parents to be more patient and to consider their children more often. 1) Itmakes an appeal to parents to consider more care- fully how they treat their children ) It attempts to persuade parents to think about how children can be affected by different forms of abuse, d) It encourages people to report any cases of violence towards children, ¢) It tres to make parents conscious of the penalties for violent abuse to children 74) (UFF-97) In the sentence “It was as if he forgot who | was" (lines 4 - 5), as if means: ajeven though af as though 4) as for €)if possibly 6) although 75)(UFF-97) In "the NSPCC has launched a cam- paign.. (ines 31 ~ 92), the word launch means a} made availabe 1) sent up into the ar for the first time €) floated into the water for a maiden voyage. A started. «) completed. 76)(UFF-97) Think about the photograph and the text. Which of the following best captures the message con- veyed? a) Love and hate are two sides of the same coin ) The symbol on his father's fists had no real meaning for Michael ) Michae! often felt like showing his love by using his ists. d) Michae'’s dad represented everything that was wrong for his mum, €) The only love Michael ever got from his dad, Text I Child Abuse The term ‘child abuse’ refers to a number of areas and is usefully considered under three headings. These cover (i) general neglect, systematic poisoning, and physical violence which in recent years has been euphemistcaly relabelled rnon-accidental injury: (i) sexual abuse, which since the late 1970s has become increasingly recognised and found to be widespread; and (ii) psychological abuse, a concept that is gaining ground. Itis safe to work on the assumption that ( children subjected to any form of general physical or sexual abuse will also suffer psychological abuse. Moreover, many children who are not physically abused are deliverately made to suffer painful psychological states such as fear, rejection, and loneliness, which constitute abuse. However, al figures fon the extent of child abuse are at best imprecise estima- tes. ‘The Oxford Companion to the Mind, Oxford University Press, 1987, p. 131 77\UFF-97) Which of the following would you clas- sify as non-accidental injury ? a) A parent leaving 2 seven-year-old child on hisfher ‘own in the house for a couple of days. 1b) A parent hitting a child to the extent of her/his nee- ding medical care €) A parent failing to provide enough food for a child 4) A parent keeping a child off school ATA child being constantly criticized or shouted at, 78)(UFF-97) The word moreover (line 14) signals that the continuation of the same sentence wil a) exemplify or illustrate a generalisation b] contrast with the previous ideas. ©) provide cause(s) for the consequences mentioned earlier in the text. Af aiid something to the existing argument. €) be related to the temporal sequences of events des- cribed in the text. 79)(UFF-97) Sexual abuse has been recognized as a widespread social problem a] for less than a decade Mier sppcximatey twenty years now ¢) since World War Il ) since 1970 €) since the turn of the century 80\UFF-97) Compare Text Il with Text |. How would you classify Michael's experience with his father in Text | in the light of the concepts presented in Text lI? AM Physical and psychological abuse ') Sexual and psychological abuse. ) Systematic poisoning and physical violence, 4) Psychological abuse and systematic poisoning, ©) Sexual abuse and non-accidental injury. Text Ill ‘Sao Paulo: Street Corner to the World MOUTH WITH A THOUSAND TEETH.” That was how the writer Mario de Andrade described Sao Paulo's rave- nous skyline a half century ago. What would he say now? By all accounts, Brazil's largest city ought to have exploded. Disaster-mongers have for years been predicting a filthy, divided, crime-ridden megalopolis of monstrous proportions by the turn of the century. To be sure,Sdo Paulo is all those things. While the superrich helicopter to work, the poor J oye huddle below in slums of tin and raw brick; the middle clas- es, meanwhile, barricade themselves behind triple-locked doors. And the poverty is getting worse. In the 1970s, 15 of, ‘every 100 newcamers ended up in the favelas, or slums; last year 85 of every 100 did, Crime has soared. The annual car- nival set a grim record last year: 163 murders in four days. But So Paulo has a lot going for it, too. No one knows if the population is 16, 19 or 22 million but all agree that its growth has slowed considerably. Though industrial jabs are waning, high-tech and service positions are on the rise. The city’s GPO is $ 108 billion; fit were @ country, it would rank amang the worle's 20 richest - fourth in South America Its infuence goes beyond economics. Paulstas buy half of all books sold in Brazil, and the prestigious University of S30 Paulo has drawn renowned scholars like Claude Levi- Strauss and Fernand Braudel. Few cities are as ethnically and racially diverse; 4 million Paulistas have Italian surna~ ‘mes, and the million-strong community of Japanese ances- try is the largest outside Japan Poles, Germans, Ukrainians and Koreans, Jews and Arabs lve side by side. “This city is a great street comer’, says Rodolfo Konder, the city secretary of culture, “The whole world meets up here.” (Newsweek, 10 June 1996, p. 44) Vocabulary if you are ravenous, you are very hungry indeed, huddle if people huddle together or huddle round something, they stand, sit, or lie close to each other, usually because they feel cold or frightened. if something soars, it suddenly increases or rises to a very high level if a condition, attitude, emotion, ete. wanes, it becomes ‘weaker or smaller, often disappearing completely in the end, English Learner's Dictionary - Collins Cobuild Read the instructions carefully and make sure to answer all questions in English. Good Juck! 81)(UFF-97) Read the whole article first and then do a and b below, a) Tick the statement that is TRUE about S30 Paulo according to the article. () There are more people of Japanese descent than of Italian descent in So Paulo. ( With so many immigrants, S80 Paulo is the stage for continuous racial conflicts, °¥1 More immigrants end up in the Séo Paulo slums now than twenty years ago, (Sic Paulo has stopped growing altogether. 'b) Now find a sentence in the text to justify your choice, 82)(UFF-97) a) Tick the words you think have been used with a nega tive connotation in the text. ‘W disaster-mongers (line 3) (J rank line 13) al ii 2 () racially diverse (line 16) {1 barricade (line 6) ()street corner (ine 19) ») Find (@) word(s) or phrase(s) in the text that have been used to mean the following violent big city: well-know 4 person with great knowledge of, and skill in studying, a subject: very dirty: next to one another: 84)(UFF-97) Answer in your own words: What do you think Mario de Andrade referred to when he described So Paulo as “a mouth with a thousand teeth’? (ine 1) Why does the author of the article say that “the middle classes..barricade behind triple-locked doors"? (lines 6-7) What do you think Rodolfo Konder meant when he said: “This city isa great street corner. The whole world meets up here.” (lines 18-19) Text | Time to back oil energy and stop subsidising dirty rivals Jens Stoltenberg, Norway's industry and energy minister, says energy taxes must be reformed. ENERGY taxes in the West are biased against il and in favour of coal and nuclear power, the two most environmentally damaging and potentially dangerous energy sources. In the interests of the environment, itis time for this to change. Oil consumption is heavily taxed, but at the same time there are low taxes, or even subsidies, on coal and nuclear power ~ energy sources which between them account for ‘almost 65 per cent of all power generation in western Europe. Global energy demand has been rising throughout ‘modern history, and it will continue to grow as more energy is needed to fight unemployment and poverty, and to improve living conditions for the growing world population. ‘At the same time, energy consumption presents major environmental challenges. Local air pollution and global warming are closely related to the use of fossil fuels. Coal has the highest CO, emissions but the lowest tax (From THE EUROPEAN, 24-30 Aug., 1995:19) Responda, em Portugués, as questées 85, 86, 87 €88 com base no texto. 85)(UFRJ-96) De acordo com 0 1" €2" paragrafos,o que ‘autor critica em relacao a politica energética do Ocidente? 86)(UFRJ-96) A que fontes de energia se refere 0 yercentual mencionado no 2° pardgrafo? 87)(UFRJ-96) Cite dois motivos que justifiquem a -essidade do crescimento da demanda global de energia ee ee een 88)(UFRJ-96) Que problema ambientais sio apontados coma resultantes do uso de combustiveis fésseis? Text I ‘Abaixo vocé encontra comentarios eriticos sobre quatro livros 1 "The authors have fulfilled their aims in providing @ very readable quide for parents of hearing-impaired children anda book which could prove useful reading for professionals who come in contact with these parents and their children”. 2-Inthis book the editors have put together a selection of articles that discuss the history and gendered nature of education policy and the impact of policies on practice in education, The articles demonstrate the complexity of educational experience and the influence of class, race, culture and gender on that experience 3 ~ A comprehensive overview for bath researcher and teacher of principles and problems when turning language into figure. Methods of data gathering, counting and serving are covered along with matters such as ethics, norm and criterion referencing, reliability and validity. 4 = The police forces in Europe are increasingly requied to work closely with each other and the fact that there is no common European language represents a considerable obstacle to effective collaboration. This book looks atthe policing and criminal justice systems which exist in the EC and how the multiplicity of languages affects these at senior evel (From MULTILINGUAL MATTERS TD 1935 Catalogue) £89)(UFRJ-96) Indique, no seu caderno de respostas, a letra que corresponde 20 titulo de cada um dos comentarios. a} Bilingual children 8) Quantifying language 6) Mission incomprehensible 4) Psychology, speling and education ©) Deaf-abilty-not disability f)_ Texts for translation 4} Equality and inequality in education policy Text Ill [AUSTRALIANS may rage, Germans argue and Japanese protest, but only when the English got involved did French sensibilities become cuffed, An anti-nuclear advertisement produced by a coalition of Green groups in Britain made Blittleimpact at home, but provoked fury across the Channel. The ad echoes The Day of the Jackal. A gunman takes aim at an actor who portrays President Jacques Chirac, but then lowers his sight and shoots the bottle of Bordeaux from which the President is drinking. “Drop a bomb on ‘VOChirac’s plans”, says a caption. “Boycott French wine”. Shown on French television news, the advertisement brought a reaction fiercer than anything witnessed in France since the announcement that nuclear tests were to resume (From THE OBSERVER, Sunday, 27 Aug., 1995) a t

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