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Banos 1

Erick B.
Per. 5

Across the world, on every continent, nation, and among every race we are all at risk for
disease. What diseases we are susceptible to may differ due to the lifestyle of the inhabitants
across the world but we are all at risk for our own special diseases. Diseases are disordered or
incorrectly functioning organs, parts, structures, or systems of the body resulting from the effect
of genetic or developmental errors, infection, poisons, nutritional deficiency or imbalance,
toxicity, or unfavorable environmental factors. Basically diseases are anything that messes with
the normal homeostasis of your body and organs. As for what homeostasis is it is the normal
state of your body under healthy conditions. This includes anything from your normal body
temperature to your organs and body systems functioning correctly. Homeostasis is built around
stability and balance across all areas of the body. There are things that people may do to help
with maintaining homeostasis. However, there are some that wish to ignore this state of body,
and are forced to live with the consequences, which could (and are most of the time) fatal.

When people stop taking care of themselves and subject their bodies to bad practices and
routines thats when their bodies are most at risk for diseases. One of the biggest problems in the
world today is cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease is a collection of several diseases
concerning the heart, such as heart disease, stroke, heart attacks, etc. The main cause of this
disease is the practice of bad activities such as smoking, high cholesterol, high blood pressure,

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and lack of exercise. The prevention of this disease is basically just the opposite of its cause,
exercise regularly, quit smoking, lower cholesterol, and improved diet. Diet, as you will see,
takes a big part in disease prevention, mainly obesity. Obesity is a disease that is closely related
to the epidemic occurring in the world right now of being overweight. But, though being closely
related, they are not the same thing at all. An obese person is most likely overweight, but an
overweight person is not necessarily obese. Obesity is the intake of more calories than you use,
having a greater intake of calories than calories going out, which most of the time leads to being
overweight and stems out to even more diseases. One of the directions obesity can take is
diabetes. Diabetes is when your body becomes resistant to insulin, does not make enough,
misuses it, or even simply makes none. Type 2 diabetes is the one mostly spoken of and
contracted, mostly due to being contracted due to being obese. Similar to obesity diabetes could
branch out to other harmful diseases and conditions such as amputations, kidney failure, and
blindness. Adding to the similarities diabetes main prevention includes exercise and a healthy

Though these diseases could be found everywhere, its consistency varies from place to
place and even from time to time. Obesity has doubled since the 1980s, at least in the U.S,
which is one of the biggest countries in the world in its people. Since the 1900s society has
begun to become more acceptable of the consumption of fast food and lack of exercise, so in turn
becoming more acceptable of obesity. But this phenomenon has not become the norm in the
whole world, you will still have a hard time finding an obese person in a 3rd world country, such
as Africa. And as for a couple countries in Europe obesity does not seem to be such a giant
problem as in the U.S. But you must also include the economic status and difference in cultures

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across the world. A poorer country or even family may find it harder to keep nutritious when they
are on such a limited budget. But in contrast a wealthier family or country may find it easier to
keep heathy with so many options available to them. However, in our societies current position it
seems to be the opposite of how it should be, the rich or wealthy simply see it as an excuse to
spend even more on their unhealthy lifestyles. As for cultures, a culture that exercises the
consumption of healthier items such as plants and fruits in contrast to one that promotes pure
meat or food with increased levels of things such as grease and fats may be healthier and have a
lower obesity rate. For example, the United States a country that is ranked at 37 on the rankings
of healthiest countries, a country deep in the obesity problem, must promote unhealthy lifestyles
and diets in contrast to a country such as Italy who is ranked in 2 on the same list. And if the
country you live in does not help promotes good health, diet, and exercise then what hope is
there for its people.

When looking at my lifestyle I can truly, and confidently say that I am not susceptible to
any of the diseases I have discussed. I, unlike many in my country, do practice a healthy lifestyle,
diet, and exercise. Though both my country of birth and parents country of origin are both
against me and are at the heart of the obesity problem, I have managed to watch my health and
keep a healthy life, body, and mind. My lifestyle is based around keeping healthy and strong, no
matter what obstacles lay in the way. I keep a strict diet that give me the right amounts of what
my body truly needs, and exercise regularly and vigorously. If I do ever become overweight, it
will not be because of obesity but most likely of muscle mass. I believe my heart is strong
enough to prevent heart disease, and diabetes has a low chance to affect me without my consent.

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Following the course that I am currently on I cannot see myself attaining any diseases that I can
prevent on my own, which is the whole goal of my lifestyle.

One of the thing that anyone can point out about all these diseases and their origin is the
lack of diet and exercise. So what does that say about our society that most of our diseases are
caused by a lack of the essential activities in life? The day that the biggest threat in the world is
caused by a lack of a healthy lifestyle is the day change needs to happen. We must stop this
promotion of an obese lazy life and begin promoting the uncomfortable reality that to live a
healthy life you must work for it. To live comfortable, you must get working and the first step is
to change your diet and begin exercising regularly, only then will the diseases that take so many
lives on a daily basis not be a problem, or applicable to you, only then can you live your life
carefree and proud.

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