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Responsive, Bootstrap Mobile First Web Template
Author URI: http://webthemez.com/
B-School is a Educational Responsive web design template with a modern style the
me from webthemez. This template can be used for multipurpose, Educational Insti
tutes, Collage's, Schools, Training Institutes and many more. This theme is easy
to customize as per you requirements and this is developed on latest technologi
es like HTML5, Bootstrap 3.3.1. This is fully Responsive web site.
Framework http://getbootstrap.com
Images (http://unsplash.com - CC0 licensed) and used form (google.com)

Font Awesome (http://fortawesome.github.com/Font-Awesome/)

html5shiv.js (@afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem)

Note: All the images used in this template is for demo use only, we are not resp
onsible for any copyrights issue.

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