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Photo creds: cheeky bathroom selfie

Hey! Im Aleksei, a first year Classicist at Kings, and would love to be your Social Events Officer
in Michaelmas 2016! The Union is not just for debates; its a great party venue too!

Im currently Deputy Head of Press at the Union, so have been working closely with Standing
Committee and have shown myself to be organised and committed
As Head Boy, I organised our years leavers party, a large scale event which took place on a
boat on the Thames and involved dealing with a tight budget
My mum never let me have a house party at school, so Im very keen to repudiate my
reputation as a non party-thrower

My vision
Weekly programme of ents
Lets keep the current favourites (yoga, zumba, jiu jitsu) and create even more events: jazz and
cocktail nights, partner events (e.g. with Arcsoc) and themed ones (e.g. a Halloween bop). I will
also publicise weekly events on a dedicated Facebook page so that everyones in the know!
Get involved
I will continue the current Ents Committee, create new committees for specific events (e.g. The
Freshers Ball), and encourage members to join these (incentives such as bar tabs seem to work)
Promoting the bar
We have one of the best bars in Cambridge; lets give you and your friends every reason to come
along by increasing member deals and bar-based events!

A super enthusiastic individual who puts his all into everything he does [Aleksei Opacic]
Aleksei has shown himself to be be very keen and incredibly dedicated [History teacher,
Year 7 report]

Vote online at cus.org/elections on


Any questions? Dont hesitate to contact me at ao398@cam.ac.uk or on 07786 307 021

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