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Ashleigh on 3/23/06

At my school, you get paddled after school by the principal. I've gotten it twice. He
called me out to the hallway towards the end of detention and I had to bend over with
my hands on my knees and look straight ahead. I got three licks the first time, and five
the second time. Both times I cried.
Jana on 3/31/06
I was recently sent to the office for cutting a class. I was wearing jeans. I had to bend
over the principals desk, feet shoulder width apart. I had to keep my elbows on the desk
while I was given four very hard licks with a round paddle that he uses on girls. It is 1/4
inch thick and has three small holes. I could not help but cry a little because it hurt a lot.
It is school policy that a parent is called when you are paddled at school. It has always
been that if you get spanked at school u will get another at home. My dad was very
upset that I did not go to Algebra and I got caught skipping. I not only got about 10
swats with a paddle at home I had to write 500 times I will attend all my classes in
school and not skip any of them. My butt was very sore and my hand was sore for
writing until I got it all finished.
Jennifer on 4/15/06
In Texas, you usually bend over with your palms against the wall and your feet about
three feet from the wall and shoulder width. This puts your butt sticking up. In the high
school, boys usually get it with a board type paddle and girls with a round paddle-ball
type paddle which spreads the sting over a wider area. It doesn't bruise, but in my case
my butt was red for about a day and hurt to sit for a week or so. Paddling is usually
voluntary as a substitute for detention or
ISS and the number of licks depends on how many hours of detention you get out of-like one lick per hour. One of the girls' student PE teachers told us she was paddled for
parking in the teachers' lot. I've heard they get it on the bare after school, but no one
really knows. We asked her and she just smiled and turned very red.
Heather on 5/10/06
im in tennessee, im 18 now a senior in high school. i got my first paddling at 14 i got 3
thaT YEAr 3 swats each. i got 4 at 15, 3 swats. i got 5 at 16 - 5 swats. 2 at 17 - 3 swats
and 5 swats, and this year at 17 ive gotten 8 - 5 at 5 swats, 2 at 10 swats and 1 at 3
swats. i touch my toes and usually in jeans, but like 3 was in a skirt. i got my last one
5/8/06 10 swats
Amy on 7/16/06
In our district in Texas, paddling is used a lot at the high school level because students
get a choice of swats or Saturday detention for something like excessive tardies and
most take the swats. Both girls and boys get the same choice, and these days almost as
many girls are paddled as boys. Usually girls are paddled by a designated female coach
(who has a reputation for paddling even harder than the male coaches and AP's).
Kelsie A. on 7/07/05
This is from a student who had to take four licks from the asst. vp because she had an
afternoon job at Kroger Foods. I was so humiliated and the paddling hurt a lot. I could
not stay in after school session and I was not going to ISS. I had no choice but to have a
spanking as if I was a grade school student. I think 17 is too old for a student to be
paddled. Maybe it is pride but, I was sore for several days and when I was at work my
thought was here I am doing the job of an adult and just four hours earlier I was
bending over a desk elbows on table told to look straight and to keep my mind on the
chair behind desk. It was scary and it was the most painful situation I had been in since
I had gotten a spanking from my mother for staying out too late when I was 14 years

Nicole on 8/03/06
I teach at a high school where paddling is used a lot and I think is very effective.
Students choose between a paddling and detention suspension and almost all boys and
most girls take the swats. These are usually administered in the hall outside the class
room and the other students definitely hear it and this is a big deterrent. We have a notolerance tardy policy and for example the first week of school last year several girls
were late returning from lunch to my geometry class and were paddled. It was over 3
weeks before another student was tardy. While I
have doubts about corporal punishment for younger students, in grade 9-12 it is by far
the most effective form of discipline we have.
Ann A (in a debate about teens being too old to be paddled) on 8/16/06
I'm all for corporal punishment, it works wonders at this level. But in grades 9-12 the
person administering the paddling to girls should be female to avoid objections. We have
a designated female coach that swats harder than the boys' coach. Nothing works
Angela on 9/21/06
I have to reluctantly agree with the effectiveness of corporal punishment, although I
know some raise strong objections to this practice. My junior year of high school I was
caught smoking in the parking lot with several other girls. Because I didn't want to
appear chicken, like the other girls I chose a paddling over in-school suspensions. The
punishment was 5 swats from a vice principle
who REALLY meant business. I was sore for a week. Ten years later, at age 26, when I
see a teen or college-aged girl smoking on the streets, I can almost literally feel that
paddle swat my buttocks. I haven't smoked since and never will again!
Christy on 7/25/06
I graduated several years ago from Alexandria High School where paddling was used a
lot and is very effective. I don't know the exact stat's, but about half of girls and 80% of
boys get paddled at least once during high school. I was paddled during the first
semester of my senior year for "shooting the finger." I had always been a good student
and was never really in trouble, but flipped off some girl
in the hall and got caught and sent to the office. I had to wait about half an hour to see
the VP who ultimately gave me the choice of a paddling or a long detention, so I chose
the swats. I had to wait another 20 minutes or so for the punishment since the AP was
seeing a freshman boy who had skipped class. That student was paddled first, and it was
so hard that I thought about backing out. I was completely embarrassed bending over
for the swats which were witnessed
by a female faculty member who wasn't much older than I. It hurt a LOT, but I never
shot the bird again!
Nicole on 8/07/06
The main thing I remember about high school PE was getting paddled if you were late to
class or didn't bring your uniform. The coach/teacher was a 225 pound lesbian with a
large wooden paddle that she loved to use. Being tardy got you 3 "swats" that hurt like
crazy. Then after class you had to shower in the communal shower and everyone could
see that you had been paddled!

Reggie Thompson on 12/02/04 (smoking cheerleaders spotted)

At our school they would be given demerits for smoking on the cheerleading team. If it
was a first offense they would be given the choice of 10 days in
ISS or five swats. a second offense would be one week suspension and 30 demerits
which would put them off the squad. We recently had four cheerleaders caught smoking
on one of our buses. They each received 18 demerits and all four girls chose the paddle
instead of ISS.
Jane A. on 10/20/06
I am teaching for my first year here in south Ms. school teaching 8th grade and 9th
grade English. This past Wednesday two of my ninth grade girls I guess decided to not
attend my 5th period English class. One of the teachers who was on their free period
caught them coming back on campus 15 min. before the class would be over. She
brought them to me. I then had them go to our Asst. Principal with a note stating the
reason. I was shocked that he immediately felt this was a call for corporal punishment.
our manual states that corporal punishment will always be the last resort after other
disciplines have been used. These girls are good students who I think decided to make a
wrong choice. He had me to come to the office which meant I had to leave my 6th
period class and when I was brought both girls were crying and then he informed me
that their parents had been called and they were going to receive 5 licks with a wooden
paddle that would be administered by him to their buttocks which I would be their
witness. He also went on to say they would write a 3,000 word theme the subject would
be chosen by me and to be graded by me. I asked him if I could discuss the situation
with him in private. He told me he would after the girls were paddled. He then instructed
one of the girls to step out of the office and wait til she was called in. Then he had me
stand in front of the other girl as she was bent over. I was to hold her shoulders as he
paddled her. He gave her 5 very hard licks and she cried the whole time. I am appalled
that this took place with no input from me as a professional teacher.
Ashley on 12/07/06
I was paddled in 11th grade for smoking, and don't feel like I was ushered into some
world of violence. It was better than sitting out of class for ISS for three days and
probably more effective. It hurt like crazy and I got a reminder every time I sat down for
about 5 days. I never smoked at school again and rarely elsewhere. I think if every teen
who is caught smoking underage was paddled, there would be far less smokers and the
savings in terms of costs and health care would be enormous. Of course, the bible
supports corporal punishment, and teens have been paddled for decades in Alabama and
elsewhere--because it works.
Dan on 12/08/06
You say It was better than sitting out of class for ISS for three days and probably more
effective. How come? You chose what for you was the less painful alternative. Surely by
your own reasoning sitting out of class for ISS for three days would have been more
unpleasant and therefore more effective?
Ashley on 12/08/06
It was better than ISS because I was on the volleyball team and if you got ISS you were
off the team. It was actually the coach of the team who administered the paddling, and
she was about 5'10" and 230 pounds. She was known to paddle harder than anyone in
the school, including the VP and men's coaches. It was after practice, and all I had was
my gym shorts on. When I felt the first lick, I thought I'd made a big mistake by not
taking ISS even if that was the end of my sports career. By the last lick (5th), my butt
felt like it was literally on fire. When I got home and looked in the mirror over an hour
later, it was still bright red. Yes, I do remember the pain every time I think about
smoking, and that was over 3 years ago. It was the most effective punishment I ever
received and may have saved me from eventual cancer.

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