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Springfield College Daily Lesson Plan

Name: Jack Weinberger

Date: 2/1/15
Time: 9:00am
School: Agawam High
Lesson #: 1
Facilities: Back Gym
Class Size: 20-24
Grade: 9-12
Unit/Theme: Fitness/ Muscular endurance
Generic Level: Control/Utilization
Equipment: Range of dumbbell weights, speakers, gym music,
Focus of Lesson: Muscular endurance
Student Performance Objectives (SPO): (National # S1.H3.L1, S2.H2.L1, S3.H1.L2
; MA CF # 2.20, 2.21
; Task/Activity # 1
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

(P) perform every exercise to the best of their physical ability at every workout station
throughout the entirety of the class.
(C identify the two main differences between muscular endurance training and muscular
strength training by the end of the class during the closure.
(A) respect their classmates by understanding everyone is at different physical levels
and supporting them no matter their physical level throughout 100% of the lesson.
Check each objective is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally
Teacher Performance Objectives During the lesson the teacher will:
Use the word guys less than 5 times
Demonstrate each activity from multiple angles every time there is a demonstration
Give some kind of feedback (specific, corrective, general) every 3-5 seconds.
Special Considerations What are the safety concerns? What is unique about
the students in this class?
Since the class is in the gym with equipment, make sure they know how to use them
safely and responsibly. Gym equipment can be dangerous when used incorrectly so the
teacher needs to be very aware of the classes use of the equipment.
References: (include page # and/or actual web site address)
- http://www.livestrong.com/article/158446-how-does-circuit-trainingimprove-muscular-endurance/
- http://www.sport-fitness-advisor.com/circuit-training-exercises.html
- http://www.shapeamerica.org/standards/pe/upload/Grade-LevelOutcomes-for-K-12-Physical-Education.pdf : Page 36-38

Students will enter the gym, change, and
perform their normal warm-up routine.

X= Student
T= Teacher




Warm up- Teacher will have students through

lead the dynamic warm up. Students will
spend one minute doing three lower body
stretches (examples: hamstring stretch, calf
stretch, quad stretch, butterfly stretch) and
one minutes on three upper body stretches
(examples: arm across, arm circles, shoulder
flexion, neck circles) and one minute on a
quick heart rate riser (example: jumping
jacks). While students are warming up,
teacher will explain the importance of
breathing while working out (feed muscles
oxygen). Teacher will also discuss what
muscle endurance is compared to muscle
strength (endurance is withstanding work for
longer period of time (high rep,low weight)
Transition: Students will follow the teacher
through each station as the teacher explains
how to perform each exercise.
Demonstrations: Exercise will be
demonstrated by the teacher from multiple
angles during the initial walk around and will
be explained on the visual placed at each
Grouping: Students will pick a partner to
work out with through the class. They will
rotate from station to station together.
Safety Considerations: Students will place
the weights on the ground making sure not to
drop them.
Students will stay in their own personal space
during the entirety of the lesson.
Teacher Positioning: Back to wall, scanning.
Moving around classroom.
Extensions Up: Students will increase
Extensions Up: Students will go slow on the
way down and explode fast on the way up,
Extensions Down: Students will lower the
Transition: When the whistle blows,

students will reset up their station if needed,

and walk to the next station. They will have a
15-20 second break and then will start the
next exercise on the whistle.
Checking for Understanding: What weight
should you choose? -Since we are working
on muscular endurance, lower weight should
be used so we can perform higher reps.



Station 1-Hammer Curls: Students will work

biceps at this station. Muscle endurance
training calls for low weight, high repetitions.
Hammer curls are arm curls with the
dumbbells in a vertical position. Students
should keep a straight back and have their
arms straighten all the way down before
curling their arms all the way to a flexed
Skill cues:
-Elbow by your side
- Back straight
- All the way down, all the way up
Station 2- Box Jumps off Two Feet:
Students will work their legs at this station.
They will swing their arms from a stationary
position to initiate a jump onto a box.
Students will have the opportunity to pick a
box with an appropriate height for their ability.
Students will focus on exploding up and
landing on the box they will then step down
and repeat. Jumps should be as quickly as
possible to work on muscle endurance.
Skill Cues:
- Swing arms up
- Jump off two feet
- Land on two feet
Station 3- Planks
Students will work on their core at this station.
Students will hold the plank position the
whole time at the station if they can. If not,
they will go for as long as they can. Students

[] <--BOXS--> []




will focus on keeping their back straight and

their core tightened.
Skill Cues:
- Core tight
- Back straight

Station 4- Lunges w/ body weight or

Students will work on legs at the station.
Students will perform lunges at this station.
They will have the choice to hold dumbbells
in each hand to add resists or perform the
lunges using only their body weight. Lunges
are performed in a split stance. The back
legs knee reaches towards the ground as the
front leg stays stationary. They will perform
ten reps on each leg before switching. Once
10 reps has been performed on each leg,
they will start again on the first leg.
Skill Cues:
- Knee to the ground
- Chest up

Station 5- Tricep Dips Off Bench/Box

Students will work triceps at this station.
Students will perform body weight dips with
their hands up on a bench or box. They will
dip their bodies down until their arms are at a
90 angle and then push themselves back up.
Skill Cues:
- Elbows at 90
Station 6- Burpees
Students will work their whole body and
cardio at this station. Burpees consist of push
ups and vertical jumps. Students will start in
the pushup position, perform a push up (if
they can not, they will just hold this position
for 3 seconds) and then get to their feet and
jump as high as they can in the air. The
repeats until the time is up.
Skill Cues:
- Swing arms up





Station 7- Wall Sits

Students will work their core and legs at this
station. Students will sit with their back
against the wall and their legs at as close to a
90 angle as they can. Students will hold this
position for the whole time at the station or as
long as they can.
Skill Cues:
- Legs at 90
- Core tight

Station 8- Squats w/ body weight or

Students will work on legs and core at this
station. They will perform body weight squats
or hold dumbbells in each hand to add
resistance. Students will focus on going all
the way down to where their upper legs are
parallel with the ground (about 90).
Skill Cues:
- Chest up
- Weight on heels
Station 9- Shoulder Lifts
Students will work on shoulders at this
station. Students will use low weight and
perform high number of reps. Students will
cycle between lifting their arms straight out in
front of them for one rep and then out to the
sides for one rep. They will repeat this
process for the entire time at the station or as
long as they can. Very light weight is heavily
recommended here (1-7.5 pounds).
Skill Cues:
- Arms like a T
- Arms like Superman


Station 10- Cardio Choice

At this station, students will work on cardio
endurance by choosing a cardio exercise of
thier choice or from the list provided. List will
include the following exercises: Side to side
jumps, jumping jacks, running in place, high
knees, and butt kicks.

Skill Cues:
- Breath in through the nose, out
through the mouth.



Transition: Students will pick up all the

equipment at their stations and put them
away in their designated areas. They will then
meet the teacher in the middle of the gym
Closure: Students will review the difference
between muscular endurance and muscular
strength. Teacher will guide a quick
discussion on how they could perform these
some of these exercises at home (shoulders
with soup cans, cardio/squats/lunges/planks
etc. in the living room or basement.



Students will change in the locker rooms

before leaving the class.


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