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World Without Cancer and Candida
World Without Cancer and Candida
World Without Cancer and Candida
Ebook338 pages9 hours

World Without Cancer and Candida

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This book is a comprehensive compilation of over one hundred natural and alternative cancer treatments. It is a result of extensive research of the methods cancer victors have used to make themselves cancer free. Read their stories, which is a directory of over 3,000 people who beat their cancer using the treatments described in this book. The o

Release dateFeb 8, 2021
World Without Cancer and Candida

Jack Mavian

Your Own Medicine is a book written by Jack Mavian, a nutritionist consultant and oncology researcher.

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    World Without Cancer and Candida - Jack Mavian


    During my long-term experience in USA, Mexico, Canada, China, Hong Kong, India, Middle East, Russia, Armenia, Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium, and England, I have come to the conclusion that healthy eating can solve many different health problems. In my consultations, I combine science-based health recommendations with practical tips and tools to help you shift to a healthier way of eating. A healthy diet can help to boost your immune system, fight inflammation and cancer, help you lose excess weight (or regain weight lost during treatment). Let me help to reach your personal health goals and strengthen your body’s defenses against cancer.

    I advocate a diet that is as varied as possible and consists of nutrient-rich foods packed with vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, proteins, and fiber. Shifting to a natural whole-foods diet along with regular physical activity and high-quality sleep can help to rectify even long-standing health imbalances. I want to encourage my clients to play an active role in their health by eating as healthily as they can. Healthy eating can be a creative, enjoyable, and life-affirming way of life.

    The program typically includes the following topics, selected according to your personal requirements:

    Immunotherapy by means of natural immune stimulants and diet

    Recuperation after surgery, chemotherapy, and irradiation

    Body cleansing from parasites, detoxification, and normal metabolism restore by means of diet, phytotherapy, and special procedures

    Inflammation cessation by means of natural anti-inflammatory substances

    Weight management: Attaining and maintaining healthy weight

    Boosting mental and physical activity

    Disclaimer: Statements about products on this book have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Nothing stated here should be considered as medical advice for dealing with a given problem. You should consult your health care professional for individual guidance for specific health problems. Information conveyed herein is based on pharmacological and other records—both ancient and modern. No claims whatsoever can be made as to the specific benefits accruing from the use of any herb or nutrients.


    This book is a comprehensive compilation of over 100 natural and alternative cancer treatments. It is a result of extensive research of the methods cancer victors have used to make themselves cancer free. Read their stories in this directory of over 3,000 people who beat their cancer using the treatments described in this book. The objectives of the book are to do the following:

    Encourage you to be open-minded and seek all the information about your choices of treatments

    Be a starting point for your discussions with your doctor or with the qualified, licensed physicians who use these treatments in their practices, or your chosen natural therapist. Please do not delay in consulting a licensed physician for an opinion if you suspect you have cancer.

    Be a starting point for your own research so you can make the best-informed decisions about your treatment plan.

    The consensus of the majority of alternative cancer therapists is that the chance of full recovery using alternative therapies is almost 100%. with a newly diagnosed condition of early cancer, before any traumatic or toxic treatments have been received. Unfortunately, by the time most patients consider alternative treatments, they have already undergone other treatments.

    The e-book does not advise you which treatments to choose. It simply provides you with information that you are unlikely to obtain from your doctor, or find by yourself. You can make use of the information in discussion the experts who developed these treatments and with the qualified, licensed physicians, therapists, and clinics who use them in their practices.

    Take Control of Your Own Health!

    Many say that the Cancer Establishment’s system is largely designed to protect the monetary interests of chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. Keep an open mind about all the available options. This e-book is not meant to provide medical advice. The only advice we wish to give you is this: do not surrender your independent thinking. Reason things out and make your own decisions. Network with other patients. Consult with researchers and innovative doctors. Search out different opinions. Do not let arrogance, based on fancy titles and institutional authority, dictate your most important decisions. Do you know how many thousands of people were sent home to die, who later completely recovered? We are not talking about spontaneous remissions, but natural healing achieved with nontoxic holistic treatments.

    Term Definition

    acidosis: A condition characterized by excessive acid in the body fluids. Also see alkalization and pH Alkalization. Blood serum pH never changes—it is maintained by the body at around 7.37. It does this by excreting with the urine either more acid or more alkali. However, body tissue pH will fluctuate constantly based on diet. Most cancer patients tested apparently will show a pH of 4–5, which is very acidic. This acidity of body tissue drives out oxygen. Low oxygen equals an environment ripe for cancer. As two-time Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg pointed out, cancer thrives in an oxygen-deficient environment. Alkaline tissue holds twenty times more oxygen than does acidic tissue, and this oxygen-rich environment is critical for maintaining health and eliminating anaerobic bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc., that are harmful. This is why wellness practitioners recommend eating green foods (these foods are rich with alkaline elements to keep the pH balanced) and avoid eating processed foods, which contain numerous acid elements.

    alopecia: The loss of hair, which may include all body hair, as well as scalp hair.

    AMA: American Medical Association.

    anaerobic: Does not require oxygen.

    angiogenesis (an-je-o-JEN-uh-sis): The growth of new blood vessels feeding the tumor. Cancer patients want to disrupt this process by whatever means possible. An agent that prevents the growth of new blood vessels to a tumor in an attempt to starve the tumor of necessary nutrients.

    antioxidants: Are substances that may protect cells from the damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. Free radical damage may lead to cancer. Antioxidants interact with and stabilize free radicals and may prevent some of the damage free radicals otherwise might cause. Examples of antioxidants include glutathione, lipoic acid, catalase, superoxide dismutase, melatonin, beta-carotene, lycopene, and vitamins C, E, and A.

    apoptosis: Natural cell death. Cancer patients want apoptosis to happen to their cancer cells as soon as possible.

    cachexia (ke-KEK-se-uh): A wasting away of normal body tissue.

    cancer: Any malignant growth or tumor caused by abnormal and uncontrolled cell division; it may spread to other parts of the body through the lymphatic system or the blood stream.

    carcinogenic cancer-causing: Carcinoma A form of cancer made up of epithelial cells. Epithelial cells line body cavities, cover internal organs, and line the internal portions of organs and the skin.

    enzymes: An enzyme is a protein, or protein complex, that catalyzes a chemical reaction. Enzymes are essential to living organisms, and a malfunction of even a single enzyme out of approximately 2.000 present in our bodies can lead to severe or lethal illness. There are two classes of enzymes recognized:

    Metabolic enzymes - These are responsible for repair, formation, and function of each cell within each and every tissue of the body.

    Digestive enzymes - These are necessary for the proper breakdown of ingested foods to allow effective absorption of the nutrients to occur.

    Raw foods contain varying quantities of the following four basic types of plant enzymes: protease for protein digestion, amylase for carbohydrate digestion, lipase for fat digestion, and cellulose for fiber digestion. Every raw food contains exactly the right quantities and types of enzymes necessary to digest that particular food. Although enzymes are present in all raw foods, they become devitalized in cooked or highly processed foods. Temperatures greater than 118° F kill enzymes. Even steaming vegetables kills enzymes, as does irradiating or microwaving them. Freezing, however, does not affect enzymes. When the body receives foods deficient in enzymes, it increases its number of white blood cells as a defense mechanism. Enzymes are then released from these cells as well as from the lymphatic tissue and spleen, where they also are stored into the blood to digest toxins resulting from eating processed foods. When white blood cells are continually elevated due to a diet high in processed food, the immune system is weakened. This is because enzymes, normally held in reserve to help fight infection, are instead pulled out of storage from white blood cells and other storage sites to digest the processed food.

    FDA: Food and Drug Administration

    fermentative: Carry out metabolic processes anaerobically, that is, without oxygen.

    fibrin: Fibrin is naturally occurring in the body and is involved in the clotting process of blood. Fibrin covers cancer cells with a protective coat, hindering recognition by the immune system. In addition, fibrin relays a signal to the cancer cell to start angiogenesis, the growth of new blood vessels. Once their fibrin coating is removed, for example, by fibrin-eating enzyme mixes like Vitalzym, the cancer cells are exposed and our bodies’ killer cells can destroy them. And angiogenesis and cancer growth and spread is inhibited.

    free radicals: Are highly unstable molecules that interact quickly and aggressively with other molecules in our bodies to create abnormal cells. They are capable of penetrating into the DNA of a cell and damaging its blueprint so that the cell will produce mutated cells that can then replicate without normal controls. Free radicals are unstable because they have unpaired electrons in their molecular structure. This causes them to react almost instantly with any substance in their vicinity. Oxygen, or oxyl, free radicals are especially dangerous. Free radicals accelerate aging and contribute to the development of many diseases, including cancer and heart disease.

    Immune system: Our immune system is a complex network of cells and organs that work together to defend the body against attacks by foreign or non- self invaders. It comprises an army of white blood cells—NK cells, T and B cells—which travel around inside us destroying the millions of intruding microbes that penetrate our bodies every day, as well as the thousands of newly infected or abnormal body cells that develop. The immune system is one of the body’s main defenses against disease. Cancer may develop when the immune system breaks down or is not functioning adequately. A side effect of conventional cancer treatments is also depletion of the immune system.

    immunotherapy: A form of therapy that uses your body’s immune system to treat a disease.

    incidence: The number of new cases of cancer within a defined group and time frame.

    inoperable: Unsuitable for treatment by surgery. Also called unresectable or nonresectable.

    leukemia (loo-KE-me-uh): Cancer of the blood-forming tissues, such as bone marrow and lymphatic systems. This type of cancer results in the uncontrolled production of abnormal white blood cells.

    lymphocytes A: type of white blood cell distributed throughout the body by way of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system consists of lymph nodes and vessels, the thymus, spleen, and bone marrow.

    lymphoma: A type of cancer that begins in lymphatic tissue and may spread to other parts of your body.

    macrophage cells: Immune cells that trap and engulf foreign cells and particles, scavenge cellular debris, and destroy infectious agents such as viruses, parasites, bacteria, and fungi.

    melanoma: A tumor of the melanocytes—cells that produce skin pigment.

    metastasis (muh-TAS-tuh-sis): Spreading of a disease from one part of the body to another, usually referring to the movement of cancer cells through the lymph or blood. Also called distant cancer.

    metastasize: To spread from the first cancer site—for example, breast cancer that spreads to the bone.

    mortality rate: The number of people in a population group who die of cancer within a set period of time, usually one year. A cancer mortality rate usually is expressed in terms of deaths per 100,000 people.

    multiple myeloma (mul-tih-pul mi-uh-LO-muh): A cancer of the plasma cells—the part of the immune system that produces antibodies.

    natural killer cells: White blood cells that attack tumor cells and body cells that have been invaded by foreign substances.

    neoplasm: A new growth of tissue or cells; a tumor that is generally malignant.

    NIH: National Institutes of Health.

    non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: A cancer of the lymphatic system. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is related to Hodgkin’s disease but is made up of different cell types.

    oxidative stress: Destruction caused by free radicals. It occurs when the available supply of the body’s antioxidants is insufficient to handle and neutralize free radicals. The result is massive cell damage that can result in cellular mutations, tissue breakdown, and being immunocompromised. It is also the mechanism by which cancer treatments, such as radiation therapy and photodynamic therapy, exert their anti-tumor effects.

    pH: pH is the abbreviation for potential hydrogen. The pH range is from 0–14, with 7 being neutral. Above 7 is alkaline and below 7 is acidic. The higher the pH reading, the more alkaline and oxygen rich are tissues. The lower the pH reading, the more acidic and oxygen deprived are tissues. The internal environment of a normal healthy body is slightly alkaline, maintaining a pH of just above 7.

    pancreatin: The pancreas is a gland that resides behind the stomach. It secretes insulin into the blood to regulate blood sugar. It also makes digestive enzymes which flow into the intestinal tract. These enzymes are necessary to break down protein, carbohydrates, and fat so they can be digested. Pancreatin is a mixture of the fat dissolving enzyme, lipase, the protein enzymes such as protease, and those that break down carbohydrates like amylase.

    phagocytosis: The process by which a cell engulfs particles such as bacteria, other microorganisms, aged red blood cells, foreign matter, etc.

    the principal phagocytes: (Cells that can engage in phagocytosis.) Include the neutrophils and monocytes (types of white blood cells). One of the ways to fight cancer is the use of agents to stimulate macrophage production and activity.

    pleomorphism: Pleomorphism holds that the human body houses symbiotic, primitive microorganisms which can change in form. When the body’s internal environment is healthy, the symbiotic relationship is maintained. However, when the internal environment becomes imbalanced through influences such as poor diet, stress, and toxins, the symbiosis shifts. This microbial form changes through several stages to a virulent, pathogenic form, which has been associated with cancer.

    prostate-specific antigen (PSA): A protein made by the normal prostate gland. Elevated levels of PSA in the blood may indicate the presence of infection, inflammation, prostate enlargement, or cancer.

    proteolytic A: A catch-all term referring to enzymes that digest protein. Supplemental forms can incorporate any of a wide variety of enzymes including trypsin, chymotrypsin, pancreatin, bromelain, papain, and a range of fungal proteases. In the body, proteolytic digestive enzymes are produced in the pancreas, but supplemental forms of enzymes may come from fungal or bacterial sources, extraction from the pancreas of livestock animals (trypsin/chymotrypsin) or extraction from plants (such as papain from the papaya and bromelain from pineapples). The primary uses of proteolytic enzymes in dietary supplements are as digestive enzymes, anti-inflammatory agents, and pain relievers.

    radiation therapy (ray-dee-AY-shun THER-a-pee): Use of high-energy electromagnetic waves (radiation)—from outside the body or implanted into the tumor or body—to kill cancer cells. Sources of radiation include X-ray, cobalt, strontium, radium, and linear accelerators. Possible side-effects are headache, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, constipation and infection. Longer-term side-effects include an increased risk of secondary cancers. Adverse side effects of radiation for prostate cancer may include diarrhea, colitis, problems associated with urination, and a degree of impotence.

    relative survival rate: Measures survival rates of one group of patients treated one way against those of another group that was treated differently. Usually used to assess if one form of treatment is better than another.

    sarcoma: A malignant tumor of muscles or connective tissue such as bone and cartilage.

    surgery: In cancer surgery, all or part of the tumor may be cut out. The most common side effects of surgery are scarring, damage to the healthy areas around the tumor, bleeding, and infection during healing. Other side effects may be pain, disfigurement, and loss of function.

    survival rate: Commonly defined as the measure of the number of people who develop cancer and survive for five years after diagnosis.

    systemic: Affecting the entire body.

    Testosterone deprivation: Also known as ablation. A form of prostate cancer therapy involving either surgically removing the testicles or taking medications to block the production of male hormones, specifically testosterone, which encourages prostate cancer growth. An adverse side effect is memory loss.

    tumor: A tissue growth that can be benign or malignant; a neoplasm.

    white blood cells (WBC): General term for a variety of cells responsible for fighting invading germs, infection, and allergy-causing agents. Specific white blood cells are:

    neutrophils 40–75 %

    eosinophils 5 %

    basophils 0.5 %

    lymphocytes 20–50 %

    monocytes 1–5 %

    The figures show the relative proportions of the different types of white blood cell. The reason for the range of figures shown is that the requirement for different types of white blood cell will vary from time to time. Neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils are collectively known as granulocytes due to prominent granules in their cytoplasm. Lymphocytes and monocytes are classed as white blood cells because they are a constituent of blood and ultimately originate from the bone marrow.

    The Immune System and Cancer

    Here are a few facts about the immune system and cancer. For most of your life, your immune system successfully fought cancerous cells, killing them as they developed. That’s its job. In fact, the only job natural killer cells have is to kill cancer cells and viruses. For cancer to develop, your immune system must either be worn out, ineffective, unable to kill cancer cells as fast as they normally develop, or you must be exposed to a mass of cancer-causing toxins, radiation, or some such thing that increase the rate of development of cancer cells to an abnormally high level that your immune system can’t handle.

    Either way, it is vital to strengthen the immune system in your battle against cancer, especially if you are getting medical treatments that wipe out your immune system.

    Of course, for most folks with more seriously compromised immune system, this supplement or group of supplements would not work well because they are in worse shape. This is why it can get so confusing in deciding what to use. If a supplement or procedure has been used for years, especially if it is popular, you’ll hear how it has beat cancer.

    The other concern is to make sure you do enough to wipe out the cancer. Cancer is not something to pussyfoot around with. While it is always hopeful and great to read about how someone took just one supplement and beat their cancer, and while that could happen to you, your odds of success are much higher if you take many different supplements in order to hit the cancer as hard as you can.

    In order to determine which cancer-fighting supplements are the most effective ones, we energetically test them for what we call their healing power. We have found this to be the most effective way of determining which supplements are likely to be the best to use. Our experience is that this works much better than taking a guess at what is good and what isn’t as good as it sounds.

    When we started doing this, we were surprised at how poorly the well-known supplements and procedures tested. Many had been around for years and were popular, used by many patients and naturopaths, etc., but they actually weren’t highly effective, though they are good enough to help some people, and thus over time, produced plenty of testimonials. As you see in this report, we’ve been able to find many stronger products. Most of them are new and thus unknown.

    We hope you find these testing numbers useful. We retest new supplements after they have been used a while to check how good they are proving to be after extended use, so numbers will change and emphasis too, based on real-life results.

    It is all too easy to waste money or, worse yet, die, from taking supplements that are not as good as they seem. This testing and these recommendations will help you determine what is just okay to take and what is very good to use. Given that many of the most well-known cancer-fighting supplements test in the range of 200 to 300, these new supplements are the strongest immune-boosting and cancer-killing supplements you can get. We will divide these supplement ratings and explanations up into different broad categories of similar products.

    The immune system uses inflammation to get rid of killed cancer cells, whether they are killed by an herb or essential oil, by chemotherapy, or by the immune system. If you kill a lot of cancer cells fast, as you can with the top supplements on this site, the tumors these cells are in get inflamed. This is because the immune system is using inflammation to get rid of the dead cells, and there are a whole lot of dead cancer cells in the tumor

    This inflammation could cause pain or dysfunction—depending on where the tumor is. You don’t want swelling in the brain, the bones or in the throat, for example, as that would likely cause pain or some type of dysfunction. In this case, you need to be using products that cause the cancer cells to die a natural death, either by poisoning themselves with auto-toxicity like PrugX and BLA cause, or by causing apoptosis in some other way.

    We had been looking at cancer-fighting supplements for almost a decade and hadn’t come across this issue before, which just goes to show that most products are not near as effective as the first group of immune-boosting cancer killers and other cancer killers covered on this site—the ones that brought this swelling issue to our attention.

    Because these new highest-rated supplements work so much more strongly than ordinary supplements, the swelling was more dramatic, and it was obvious what was happening.

    So the supplements in this section are divided into two groups. Supplements in the first group are the cancer killers and immune boosters that work by both killing cancer cells and stimulating the immune system to do so.

    The second group of supplements in this section fights cancer mainly, but not entirely, by causing cancer cells to commit apoptosis or natural cell death. They are the ones you must use if any swelling of a tumor would cause pain or dysfunction since these will not cause the inflammatory response by the immune system.

    The Immune System’s Role in Fighting Cancer

    The immune system is complex, made up of multiple mechanisms that act to defend and protect the human body against diseases such as cancer.

    The immune system comprises two major components that both play important roles in detecting and destroying abnormal cells, including tumor cells:

    The adaptive

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