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Choose one of the 4 images to write a story about. You will then delete the remaining 3
images and can size your image prompt accordingly. Create a title that will draw in a reader
to your story. Your first two sentences should hook the readers attention. Pay careful
attention to creating details to help develop your story. The story must be organized with a
beginning, middle and an end. There should include well thought out; characters, setting,
problem or exciting event. Choose interesting vocabulary to keep the readers attention.
Finally, use correct grammar, capitalization and punctuation. There is an attached rubric
that you should refer to before you start and before you complete your final edit. You will
have 1 hour to complete your story.

Name: Kyle
Date: March 9,2016

The Chicken Rider

One day their was a little boy that had a dream and it was to ride a chicken. Once on a
little farm there was a man his wife and one boy and the boy was about 10 but he had a
dream to ride a chicken. The boy was all grown up but after 20 years he forgot the
dream of his childhood and now he had a job like the rest of the people in the world.
One day in a lad close to the city and in the lad the people that work there were working
on making chickens as big as a man. When they finished the project it went terribly
wrong and made all the chickens super size and they escaped the lab and they roamed the
city and when the man seen them he started to remembered his dream and then he
completed his dream and after the army captured them they tried to make them normal
size. After a few years later he still remembers what he did and in the few past years
the lab that did that was closed down and the man lived a nice life and he had kids of his

Rubric rating submitted on: 3/15/2016, 10:01:30 PM by mark.kinzel@wrsd.ca

Your score: 3

Details of the

Details of story

The story is

There are few

story are

are clear and make

predictable. Some

details or


sense. The story is

details may be

descriptions. Does

specific and


irrelevant or

not flow from

consistent. The


unnecessary. Tends

beginning to end,

story flows and

from beginning to

to follow familiar

illogical sequence.

makes sense.

end. Writing

patterns or ideas.

Does not get

Supporting details

generally holds the

May keep the

reader's attention

are consistent and

readers interest.

reader's attention.

The story has a

The story follows a

The story has a

The story has no

beginning, middle

logical sequence

beginning, middle

clear beginning,

and end. There is a

with a beginning,

and end but can be

middle and end.


middle and end.

difficult to follow.

There are some

between events,

There is a

There is some

actions or events

setting, and



but are illogical or


between events,

between events,

hard to follow.

Characters are

setting, and

setting, and

Lacks connection

well described and

characters. Story

characters. Story

between events,

developed. There


beginning briefly

setting, and

is a well described



characters. Does

setting. There is a

characters and

characters and

not describe

clear and well

setting. There is a

setting. There is a

characters or

defined story

clear and well

story problemthat

setting, may just

problem or plot

defined story

is connected to the

give character

that flows logically.

problem or plot.


names. There is a

The story problem

The story problem

an abrupt ending.


or plot is

or plot is

problembutthere is

connected to the

connected to the

no character

character. Events,

character. Story

development. Story

actions, details,

has a logical ending

ending does not

help to develop
story. Writing
holds the reader's
Your score: 3

and/or characters

that resolves the

makes sense or is

are consistently

story problem.


maintained. The
ending resolves the
problem and
satisfies the
Your score: 2

Words are well-

General words are

General words are

Words chosen are

chosen. Phrases

chosen and used

chosen and are

often wrong and/or

are purposeful.

correctly. Words

used incorrectly at

misused. Phrases

Avoids overusing

and phrases help

times. Words and

are misused or

words. Words and

explain and

phrases are simple


phrases are used


and/or do not

to create imagery

describe well.

(mind images)

Sentences are well

Sentences include

Simple sentences,

Basic and poorly


formed and flow

one complete

which do not


smoothly and vary

thought. They

include descriptive

sentences, that

in length. They

begin with capitals

language. They

often don't make

begin differently

and use

generally begin

sense and are

with the correct

appropriate end

with capitals and

repetitive in

use of capitals and

marks. They are

use appropriate


have appropriate

logical, and make

end marks

end marks


Your score: 3


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