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Aha Journal: Evaluating pharmacological

interventions for the geriatric population
Learning Activity

This learning activity will allow the instructor to assess the

emotions and development of the student. As a new nurse in a
NRP they will be involved in clinical experiences, working with
their preceptors, in which this learning activity will be
applicable. The student will be asked to reflect in a journal
discussion on their experience and observations of the effects
pharmacological interventions on the geriatric population.
Cognitive: Analyzing, Evaluating, Creating

Domain of Learning Affective: Valuing, Conceptualizing, Internalizing the Values

(Blooms Taxonomy

At the completion of this learning activity, the learner will:
Learning Objective(s) Evaluate pharmacologic interventions prescribed for the
geriatric population and anticipate adverse drug reactions in
the geriatric population

Preparation Required
There is little preparation for this learning activity. The
by Teacher/Facilitator and instructor will need to provide the new nurse with a grading
Materials Needed
rubric in order to allow the new nurse the best opportunity to
complete the assignment effectively.

Time Allotted

Learning Styles
Addressed by Activity

The journal will be assigned at the classroom time of the sixth

week of the course and will be due to be completed and
submitted electronically to the instructor one week after being
assigned. It will need to be submitted electronically as the sixth
week is the final week of this course.
Visual and Tactile

How is content connected This will be a continuation of the classroom lecture presented

to prior learning?

Reflective Debriefing
with Learners (postlearning activity) How will
it be accomplished?

on the geriatric population and pharmacological

The debriefing will come from the instructor in the form of
feedback after the completion of the journal assignment.

Evaluation of Learning The evaluation of learning will come from the completion of
(How will it be
the assignment compared to the provided grading rubric.
Teacher Reflection

This learning activity will stimulate critical thinking and allow

the instructor to their critical thinking skills in a clinical setting
(justify choice of learning and identify any deficits that may need to be addressed as this
activity and good fit for
will be the last week of this course in the NRP.
the identified learning

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