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MARCH 25, 2016

Have you ever looked at our government or a major problem in the world and said, if I were president heres
what I would do to fix that? Like virtually everyone else, I have too. In fact, I was thinking in exactly those terms
just this week. So much so, that it prompted me to write this paper.
Like all of you, I listened to the news last week of another horrific
attack on innocent people in Brussels. Radical Islamic ISIS terrorists
triggered bombs filled with nails and shrapnel that tore through their
innocent victims, killing almost 40 and injuring over 200 men, women,
and children, including numerous Americans. This follows right on the
heels of the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, CA. ISIS has taken
responsibility for the attacks by bragging about their handiwork. What could be more demented?
So, the question I began to really ponder was How do we stop terrorist attacks from radical Islamists? I admit
that Ive been thinking about that question and the underlying issues for a long time now, but usually in isolation
bits and snippets of thought whenever it occurred to me. This time though, I decided to pull all those thoughts
together into the actual approach and plan that youre reading. It will take you around an hour to digest. Are
you willing to invest an hour to read or listen to my approach if its real, actionable, and guaranteed to deliver
results? I have the answers and I hope that you and others will listen before its too late for more innocent
victims. I cant solve the problem for the whole world, but I can solve it for the United States and other likeminded nations.

After my initial shock and horror at seeing the carnage in Brussels, I quickly began to ask what I ask every time I
see this awful brutality: how long will we allow this to go on? How long will we fail to stop it by reacting in the
same ineffective ways by pursuing the same ineffective tactics and responses despite the fact that they clearly
havent worked? After all, weve been reacting in basically the exact same way for over twenty years, and this
particular type of terrorist and terrorism is largely unfazed.
Some world leaders are quick to talk about large-scale military solutions, while other leaders propose doing
what essentially amounts to nothing. Thats how they think within a very tightly confined set of possible
responses. On the morning of the Brussels bombings, presidential hopeful Ted Cruz, along with many others,
suggested that we should bring to bear the full force and fury of the United States military in retaliation
against ISIS. He went on to suggest that carpet bombing was the answer. Donald Trump emphasized the need
to manage immigration and to focus more attention on Muslims living within the United States and Europe. The
sitting president and Democrat hopefuls vacillated, responding with the greatest of care in deference to political
correctness and concerns for offending Muslims. Neither the President or any Democrat presidential hopeful
will even speak the phrase radical Islamic terrorist for fear of offending someone in what they refer to as the
Muslim community. In fact, President Obama went so far as to school us all on racism and bigotry, and on the
need to allow even more Muslims to enter the company. Later in the day, political types and the media engaged
in heady debate about whether radical Islamic terrorists activities were based in religion or ideology. Wow!
Does anyone really believe that the fine lines between religion and ideology, at least as relates to the Brussels
bombing, matter one wits worth to the victims?

The situation is so tragic, yet these suggestions and comments from political leaders border on
the absurd. Our government, along with other world governments seem to have only two
possible responses. They either believe that we should essentially do nothing, or they believe
that if we militarily attack ISIS or Al Qaeda targets in places like Iraq or Syria well stop them in
their tracks. But as were continually reminded by these radical Islamists, neither tactic is even
remotely effective. Since the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, weve toppled
governments in Iraq and Afghanistan. Weve contributed to revolution in countries like Libya,
Syria and Egypt. We failed dismally to assert our will and might in Sudan. Weve overthrown
dictators, and killed many terrorist leaders. Our drones provide a remotely controlled capability to kill terrorists
from afar. And yet, the terrorism continues. Moreover, it continues to get worse with more frequent and more
deadly attacks. Do you ever think about why?
Do you ever ask yourself why these tactics havent worked? You should, because the fact is, they will NEVER
work. They will never work so long as we keep on making the same basic mistake. For decades now weve been
dealing with the symptoms, while completely ignoring the underlying problems. Again and again weve proven
unequivocally that dealing with symptoms will NOT work, and never will. We MUST address the underlying
Doesnt anybody get it? Perhaps our political and military leaders do get it, but are just afraid to call a spade a
spade. Has political correctness caused us all to become completely blind to the facts? Weve been attacking
terrorists and terror-supporting regimes for over twenty years and the problem continues to worsen and
become even more widespread. No one alive can rationally argue that its getting any better. Al Qaeda was bad,
but dont the images of ISIS beheading innocent victims suggest that theyre even worse? Why arent we and
our allies getting real with ourselves and with each other, and really looking at this issue without the blinders
of political correctness?


We dont seem to be asking the right question: Why hasnt all this force and fury made any difference at all?
Why are terrorist cells alive and well across the planet, including right here in the U.S.? Why are new radicalized
Muslims joining groups like ISIS in greater numbers than ever before? Why are these groups increasingly
widespread, and increasingly deadly? If well take off our blinders of political correctness and inane naivet, the
answer becomes very clear, very quickly. Heres why:
Consider this. If someone you know has a headache, what should you do? Well, you could hit them in the head
with a rock and make their headache go away at least until they regain consciousness. When they do wake up,
theyre probably going to think seriously about addressing that blow to the head with you. They may react
physically and even violently. The problem is, you addressed the symptom in a heavy-handed and ineffective
way. But you didnt address the underlying problem. Your heavy-handed approach never had even the remotest
possibility of long-term success because you didnt deal with what caused the pain in the first place. Had you
given them an aspirin and advised them to lie down, their headache would have simply gone away. You would
have addressed the underlying problem with a viable solution and everybody would have been at least
reasonably happy with the outcome. Symptom versus underlying problem.

Indulge me as I describe one more example. Lets assume you have a friend who is hungry. Because youre a
kind, compassionate person, you give them food, which solves their immediate problem. Unfortunately, youve
only addressed the symptom of the real, underlying problem. This person needs the income that comes from a
good job that pays a living wage so that they can buy food and escape hunger. So, while the problem seemed to
be that they were hungry, hunger was only a symptom of the underlying problem. In fact, the real, underlying
problem that you may not have even been aware of, was that they needed a job so they could buy food and
never be hungry again. Although hunger is a symptom, the underlying problem was the need for a good job.
Symptom versus underlying problem.
For years now, we and our allies have been dealing with the symptoms of radical Islamist terrorism, without
ever addressing the underlying problems. You dont solve hunger with a single meal. Nor can you cure a
headache with a rock to the head. In the same way, you dont solve the terrorism problem by bombing an ISIS or
Al Qaeda camp in Iraq. Why wont that work? I mean, it does seem to make us feel better when we deliver some
vengeance upon those terrorists, doesnt it?
Think of it like this. If the United States is attacked by a nation-state, we would retaliate with a counter-attack.
Wed do so because the attacking country would immediately be a known enemy with a clear set of targets.
Nation states, even the small ones, have borders and territory that they and others agree are their own. They
have a seat of government, military targets, leaders, territory, and so on. That enemy is at very real risk in that
they have something to lose in the form of their own homeland. They stand to lose the very ground they call
home. Assuming that this enemy is incapable of overpowering the combined forces of United States, our
overwhelming military response would almost certainly result in success. In all likelihood, we would defeat the
enemy and, when the war is over wed return our troops home. The enemy would be vanquished, having lost
their ability to further molest the U.S. The enemys military leaders and politicians may be ousted. They may
even be killed. But without a doubt, their ability to wage war would be eliminated and the threat to U.S. citizens
would be neutralized.


ISIS and Al Qaeda are not nation-states. Theyre not centralized, or even fixed to one spot on a map. Prior to our
poorly planned and profoundly ill-advised complete military pull-out from Iraq, ISIS didnt even rely on heavy
weapons such as tanks, artillery, and other military vehicles. Unfortunately, opportunity knocked for ISIS,
because we left many of these behind when our military formally departed. Now, terrorists use our own
weapons against our military advisors and the Iraqi soldiers theyre training.
Groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda are adept at using technology to plan, communicate, and execute their terrorist
activities. Our leaders say silly things like we need to cut off the head of ISIS with intensive and long-term
military action. Can they really believe that military action alone can solve this problem? I mean, weve been
trying that approach between Iraq and Afghanistan for over fifteen years now. Is there anyone thats bold
enough to suggest that weve been successful?
If you remember your study of mythology, youll recall the Hydra. When a hero in these stories cut off the head
of this monster, numerous new heads immediately grew back to take its place. The monster became more
powerful and far more deadly. This is an incredibly powerful analog for groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda. Kill one of
their leaders and many others immediately step up to take his place. The terrorist monster becomes more

fiercely determined, and even more deadly. The ideological flame that radical Islamic terrorists carry for
revenge, for jihad, is instantly fanned into a wildfire. This approach simply cannot, has not, and WILL NOT ever
Because these large organized terrorist groups are not nation-states with clear borders and territory, we cant
defeat them by pushing them back, or by carpet bombing them as Senator Cruz suggests.
We cant defeat them by using our military to force them out of an area they occupy, because theyll simply
move on into another. These groups leverage a decentralized model of command and control that isnt based
entirely in one town, one area, or one country. Losing a piece of ground does not represent defeat in the way
we have traditionally defined it. To the contrary, they only grow stronger in their resolve in their commitment
to unending jihad against the U.S. and our allies. Thats why the traditional model of warfare that we and our
allies continue to tout as the most viable response to ISIS and Al Qaeda fails completely. Its the equivalent of
trying to stop shark attacks by catching a trout. Were reacting to symptoms, but ignoring the underlying causes.
When terrorists bombed a crowd of innocent onlookers at the Boston Marathon, we hunted
them down. We killed one of them, and captured another. Our government leaders describe this
as a success. When Salah Abdeslam was captured in Belgium, world leaders portray this as a win
against terrorism. Yet catching a couple of terrorists while many others are actively killing
hundreds of innocents, or plotting to do so, doesnt seem to me to be a win at all. Again, were
attacking symptoms, but not providing cures. Were ignoring the underlying problems that cause the symptoms
manifest as terrorist acts. We bomb ISIS or Al Qaeda sites in Iraq or Syria and claim success because we killed a
handful of terrorists. Yet these groups only grow stronger. We react to symptoms, but ignore the underlying
causes. Yet if we understood the underlying causes, we could treat the symptoms while effecting a cure. In
order to get to that place, we should be asking our leaders questions along the lines of this one: Why doesnt
the killing of terrorists and terrorists leaders stop the terrorist attacks? Why doesnt this seem to have any real
impact towards ending the ongoing threats from radical Islamic terrorists? Do you ever ask that question? If
not, you should.


So, how does all of this discussion so far apply to the ongoing terrorist threat and these horrible attacks that
radical Islamic terrorists keep perpetrating? Its really pretty simple. To illustrate, consider the following
hypothetical examples.
Imagine for a moment that a devout Buddhist guns down scores of innocent people because theyre not
Buddhists. The gunman seeks refuge in a neighborhood that is primarily Buddhist. Do you think the neighbors
would band together and help to notify authorities? Do you think they might even try to subdue the gunman, or
otherwise assist with bringing him to justice? I do. In fact, I have no doubt that they would.
Lets look at another example:
Imagine that a Christian madman triggers a bomb, killing innocent people at a shopping mall. He claims that he
did this because he believes that the victims were sinners who didnt practice his fundamentalist beliefs. He
then hides out, seeking safety with other like-minded individuals. Does he find absolute comfort and safety? Not
for long. Its only a matter of time before someone hands him over to the police for what hes done.

I could go on and on, but the point should be clear. Civilized people who believe in a higher power simply dont
cant condone such terrible atrocities. Substitute virtually any world religion you choose for the examples I
suggested above and the outcomes would essentially be the same. Any religion that is, except Islam. Devout
followers of that religion often these situations very differently. Why do you suppose that this is the case?
Its time to cut the B.S. and call it like it is. Muslims hid the Paris shooter for over four
months right in the Brussels neighborhood where he grew up. The Muslims who
were harboring terrorist Salah Abdeslam in that neighborhood felt no loyalty to
Belgium, their adoptive home to the country that took them in as welcome
members of their society. None of them believed they had an obligation to the
victims of the Paris bombings, to the people of Paris, or even to a basic sense of
human decency that might otherwise cause one to decry such terrible acts of violence.
Not one of them felt that they had a fundamental duty to phone the police or assist with his capture. Why? How
long will we go on making excuses for the Muslim community? At what point does this community accept
the responsibility to join us in stopping this violence? These are questions that nobody seems willing to ask, or to
answer. But I will.
We all know that the Quran talks about killing infidels. I dont believe that theres any value in belaboring that
point. Many ancient religious documents suggest violence against anyone who doesnt believe like they do. Fine.
I get it. Most of these holy books were written many hundreds, if not thousands of years ago. I for one, would
like to believe that civilized people can discriminate between what writers working in isolation believed so long
ago, and what is right and appropriate in our world today. But at least for a great many Muslims, this is clearly
not the case. Why is that okay? Why do we continue make excuses, or even deny this simple fact, in the face of
abundant and undeniable supporting evidence? Most importantly, why havent we taken this issue head-on,
with proactive solutions to end the violence against non-Muslims?


I can hear it already. Whoa! you cant attack the Muslim faith. Or even, youre a hater!. Well Im not
attacking the Muslim faith. Furthermore, Im definitely not a hater of any believer in any religion. BUT, and this
is a very important point: I definitely do HATE what these terrorists have done, and what they continue to do. I
hate that they are so willing to kill and maim innocent men, women, and children. Can anyone reading this
honestly say that they dont hate the horrendous violence they continue to perpetrate?
Setting that aside for a moment, what I hate even more is that Muslim leaders dont seem to hate these
terrorists or their murderous actions. In fact, I fail to see any evidence that these Muslim leaders have any real
problem at all with these terrorists activities. I arrived at that conclusion when I considered that Ive never, ever
heard even one Muslim leader take a rock-solid, committed stance towards convincing me or the American
people that they do. Dont you ever wonder why?


Clearly these radical Islamic terrorists represent a really, really dangerous problem. Its a problem that we
absolutely must solve, and in no uncertain terms. So, how do I propose to end this threat? How do we put a stop

to the threat of radical Islamic terrorism in our great nation? How could we encourage other nations to stop this
form of terrorism in their countries? What should we do, and how do we go about it?
Well, heres my approach. I know without a doubt that its the only coordinated approach that will ever work.
How do I know this? Because weve tried so many other things and none of them have worked. I know it
because weve never tried these things in the way Im proposing. I know it because it just makes sense. I think
my approach will make sense to you too. The answer is clear: stop reacting to symptoms. Instead, respond with
a cure a long-term set of solutions that proactively attack the underlying problem! What follows is my cure
for the sickness of radical Islamic terrorism that has metastasized like a cancer, attacking innocent people
throughout the world today.


declared war on us. Can anyone suggest otherwise? Would you even believe
anyone who suggested otherwise? Oddly, our political leaders are so afraid of
offending the Muslim community that they wont take this step. Why? Weve
ignored threats from other avowed and committed enemies in the past, but only
to our detriment. We ignored the Japanese threat during World War II until they
attacked Pearl Harbor, killing thousands. We ignored the Nazi threat until our
closest European ally, Britain was on the brink of defeat at Hitlers hands. We
literally saved ourselves and the rest of the world from totalitarian rule by taking action and eliminating
these threats. Yet, despite all of the declarations of war against the United States and our allies by radical
Islamists, we cant bring ourselves to respond, rather than react.
We react by blowing up a terrorist training camp. We react by using a drone to kill a terrorist leader. We
react by occasionally capturing a terrorist perpetrator of a bombing or shooting spree. Its time for a new
and coordinated approach. Its time to formally declare war, in partnership with our allies against radical
Islamic terrorist groups around the world. Its time to build a war machine capable of defeating them all.
Traditional warfare just doesnt work as I described earlier. We need to accept that and move on. So what
will? I honestly dont have 100% of that answer. However, by combining all the bright minds in the U.S.
military with those who study terrorism for a living, Im confident that we can come up with approaches that
will be far more effective than what weve been trying (and failing at). But rest assured, whatever they do
ultimately come up with will necessarily be comprised of a different and varied military strategy along with
the other components of my approach outlined below.
Formally declaring war on radical Islamic terrorism is the first step. It defines how we will address the
terrorist threat through predefined processes and procedures, within our government and militarily. It is
part of a formal process within our government that provides intelligence, military forces, and funding. A
declaration of war also aligns all branches of government at all levels towards providing resources and
information to defeat the enemy. Although this may seem like another inane procedural formality from
Washington D.C., it really is necessary, and we need to do it immediately.

month. And not next week, but NOW. Again, this shouldnt be permanent - thats
definitely NOT who we are as a people - but we must do this for however long it
takes to get a handle on whos coming in and what their motivations are. We must
develop a viable means of screening these people to exclude obvious terrorist
risks. We need to bear in mind the fact that ISIS has clearly stated that theyve
moved terrorists into Western nations through normal immigration processes. Theyve also made it clear
that they will continue to do so.
I get it. All Muslims are NOT terrorists. In fact, only a tiny percent of all Muslims are. But that doesnt mean
we should throw the dice in the name of political correctness or concerns about offending that Muslim
community world leaders keep referencing. Millions of people enter the United States each year. Most
should be welcomed with open arms, and under normal circumstances, they are. Our president had strong
verbiage on this topic. Mr. Obama opined that we should not place any restrictions whatsoever on these
immigrants that we should even invite more to come to the U.S. Well, given where were at right now
relative to radical Islamic terrorism, I couldnt disagree more. It was not easy for me to arrive at that place.
Ive always believed that were a nation of immigrants a true melting pot. But my greater goal of
stopping these terrorists has necessitated a different view, at least for the near term.
Heres how I came to that conclusion. While thinking about the issue of unfettered, versus constrained
immigration policy, vis--vis Muslims, and considering my feelings about it, I considered a possible scenario.
Specifically, I imagined the horror I would experience if my family was attacked by a gang of thugs. I
imagined that those thugs all shared a certain form of radical beliefs that caused them to hate all who
believed otherwise. I imagined that their hatred extended to a willingness to harm and even murder nonbelievers. Those thugs all dressed similarly, and behaved in a consistent fashion. They all came from similar
places in the world.
I considered this, and I ask you to do the same: Consider, as I did, that this experience was yours, and that it
was real. Imagine that it was your family who was attacked. Imagine that there are now a great many more
people standing at your door who come from the same places as those murderous thugs. They may share
common traits in appearance or attire. They act much the same, and they share a common set of
threatening beliefs about those who do not share in their faith. Now, ask yourself this simple question: Will
you invite them into your home and into your family? Im guessing your answer was either a flat no. At a
minimum, you would want to have a means of determining who these people are. Youd want to know that
they wont harm your family before you open your door.
In my case, I can tell you that at least for the near term, I would rightly be overly cautious in the extreme
unless and until I understood how to discern which among them are likely to harm my loved ones. Like all of
you, Id rather err on the side of caution, than risk the horror of seeing those I cherish being injured or
murdered, while knowing all the while that I could have, and should have prevented it. My concern for the
people standing at my door will never supersede my concern for my familys safety. I believe that most of
you reading this would feel similarly if your family was threatened. Well folks, Im here to tell you that our
families are threatened, and its high time we work to eliminate that threat.
We considered a potential threat to our home in the exercise above. We need to remember that the United
States of America is our home. As citizens of this country, we cherish it, and all its diverse people. Our
communities are comprised of those from all walks of life, of all ethnicities, and of all religious beliefs. Those

communities include family, friends, and even strangers that we hope will someday become friends. Unlike
our political leaders, I believe that our first priority should be to protect all of them from harm. Just as in the
example cited above, we need to take a similarly cautious approach with Muslims who wish to enter this
nation that is our home. At least until we have this imminent threat of radical Islamic terrorism in check, Im
not prepared to knowingly put my family, my community, or my country in harms way.
This isnt religious bigotry. Im not calling for a permanent ban on immigration by Muslims. Im only calling
for a temporary ban until we can again say with complete confidence that we can keep our nations families
safe. Thats wise caution, reinforced by the experience of repeated terrorist attacks, and underscored with a
very real threat from ISIS and others that more attacks will surely follow. I have choices. So do you. For
example, I can feed a tiger through a fence. This is a fairly safe process. Alternatively, I can ask my family to
take a few pounds of raw meat in hand, and enter that tigers cage at feeding time. Clearly not a very wise or
well-considered approach. I would never make such a choice, and neither would you. We love our families
and we dont take reckless action with potentially dangerous animals. I suggest that we shouldnt take
reckless actions with potentially dangerous people either. To do so, is inviting disaster. I dont want to see a
another bombing or shooting in this country, all the while knowing that I could have prevented it if only Id
taken action if only I had stopped worrying about being politically correct. We have a choice here. We can
either go on treating the symptoms of terrorism by once again cleaning up the bodies of innocent victims.
We can treat the symptoms again, by killing an individual terrorist perpetrator. Or, we can go to the
underlying causes by doing everything in our power to prevent those terrorists from coming into our
country in the first place. Symptoms versus underlying problems. All things being equal, which makes more
sense to you?


OIL. Many of the mistakes we make with regard to radical
Islamic terrorism can be traced directly back to two
interrelated causative factors: our need to protect our
sources of oil, and the policies weve implemented to
achieve that goal. It is a fact: If we end our addiction to
Mideast oil, well end (or at least greatly reduce) the need
for our continuous military involvement in the Mideast.
You see, we keep making the same stupid mistakes in the Arab world. Our political and military leaders just
dont seem to get it. It seems that no matter how many times we fail, we go right back to the Middle East
and do exactly the same things, apparently expecting different results. But we dont get different results, do
we? Instead, we get increased anger, hatred, and fomentation of terrorism from virtually every action we
undertake in this region. Forget the distant past, even though our problems extend back at LEAST to World
War I. We neednt look further back than thirty or forty years to see just how insane our policies in the
Middle East have been and continue to be.
So, lets review of brief bit of history to see why Im so confident that we need to drastically alter our
Mideast policy.

Prior to 1978, we supported the Shah of Iran as a close ally in the region. The Shah was a horrible dictator
who imprisoned and tortured thousands of his own people. Despite that, he had been our close ally because
he allowed American companies to develop the rich oil resources within his borders. Since we got the oil
deals we needed, we made no effort whatsoever to push the Shah towards a more stable and enduring
model of democratic government. In 1979, the Ayatollah Khomeini led a revolution against the Shag. After
ousting the Shah, Khomeini and his followers, and took sixty hostages from the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. The
Ayatollah held those prisoners for 444 days, and our President Carter had no idea what to do to bring them
The Iran hostage crisis finally ended in 1981. However, prior to that, the United States armed the militant
dictator of Irans next door neighbor and avowed enemy Iraq. That dictator was Saddam Hussein. Our
money and weapons made him one of the most powerful and evilest leaders in the region, and fueled the
Iran-Iraq war that killed at least 500 thousand soldiers and an equal number of civilians. The loss of life was
staggering and after many years, the war ended in a stalemate with both sides clearly expressing animosity
towards the United States for our role. Supporting one side against the other ultimately resulted in hatred
towards the U.S. from both sides. Our real failure was that of failed policy compounded by our complete
ignorance of the underlying ethnic and religious issues in the region.
We ended all diplomatic relationships with Iran after the Shahs fall, and worked with our allies to isolate
that country from the community of our allies. The financial impact to Irans economy has been enormous,
and devastating. Clearly, the Iranian government and the Ayatollah have no love loss for the United States.
Without a doubt, the Ayatollah and his minions are zealots of the worst kind. Their support of terrorism
through funding, training and weapons is well-known. They have clearly stated their intent to destroy Israel.
Their radical beliefs, along with our ill-conceived policies have contributed to Irans focus on developing
nuclear weapons. The prospect of such a radical Islamic state wielding nuclear weapons is a terrifying
prospect indeed. Now, our illustrious president has engaged us in a dangerous dance with Iran. Obama
promises that by essentially allowing the Iranians to do whatever they want, whenever they want, well
somehow dissuade them from developing nuclear weapons. Iran is a nation with clearly stated goals for
conquest. They actively support our enemies. They have been our enemy since 1979. Now, the Whitehouse
would have us believe that Iran has turned over a new leaf onto a new era of peaceful coexistence. The
naivet of that contention is beyond my ability to characterize ignorance in the extreme! Again, failed policy
compounded by our complete ignorance of the underlying ethnic and religious issues in the region.
Only a few years after the end of the Iran Iraq war, the United States, in an about face, labelled Saddam
Hussein our enemy. After a short war in the 1990s that brought Hussein into check, but quickly got U.S.
armed forces out of Iraq, we reengaged to end his reign after the 9/11 attacks. That war lasted for years,
and cost almost five thousands American lives. Then, we withdrew without ever building a solid government
and infrastructure to replace that of the defeated Hussein. The corrupt and bigoted Iraqi leaders we
propped up as an interim government engaged in looting and under-handed dealings to line their own
pockets while leaving their country in turmoil and despair. There are even indications that those leaders,
bolstered by U.S. power, have extended their depravity to include ethnic cleansing by systematically
allowing or even supporting the killing of Sunnis and other non-Shiites. Now, without a solid plan for what
wed leave behind once the war ended, Iraq is in chaos. Groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS have what essentially
amounts to free reign a situation that theyve leveraged to their fullest advantage. Does this sound like a
familiar set of mistakes? Absolutely. More failed policy compounded by our complete ignorance of the
underlying ethnic and religious issues in the region.

In the 1980s our focus in the Arab world was Afghanistan. There we armed the Mujahedeen to fight against
the Soviets, who had invaded that country. We even labelled the Mujahedeen as Freedom Fighters,
despite the fact that they were Muslim extremists who hated the U.S. every bit as much as they hated the
Soviets. Nonetheless, the notion of freedom fighters played better to American TV audiences, ensuring their
support at the polls. By the 1990s, with the Soviets long gone, those same Freedom Fighters and their
children, the Taliban, were our enemy. We went to war against those same terrorists because they actively
supported Osama Bin Laden and his Al Qaeda terrorist network against the United States. The very people
we armed and supported in the 80s were responsible for assisting with the attacks on the World Trade
Center. We successfully toppled the Taliban government in Afghanistan, but the country is little changed.
Taliban forces continue to carry out routine raids and bombings. They control large areas of the country. We
maintain a solid military presence there, but one thing is certain. If we pulled out completely, Afghanistan
would be in utter chaos within months. More failed policy compounded by well, you get the picture.
Next, Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton determined that the time is right to topple the
government of our enemy Muammar Gaddafi in Libya. Despite the fact that Gaddafi, like many leaders of
Muslim nations was corrupt and evil, his country was stable. We made no effort whatsoever to devise a plan
for what should come after Gaddafis rule. The Obama-Clinton plan was a disaster of epic proportions,
resulting in the loss of fourteen American lives at the U.S. Diplomatic Compound in Benghazi, including that
of U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens. Weve removed Gaddafi and left chaos in our wake. As a result,
weve handed the entire nation of Libya over to ISIS and other terrorist-affiliated groups, who have engaged
in savagery against innocents, particularly Christians, that is beyond compare. Few of us will ever forget the
images of the mass beheadings by ISIS of 21 Egyptian Christians on that beach in Libya. Is my assertion that
our entire approach in the Mideast is based on failed policy made worse by our complete ignorance of the
underlying ethnic and religious issues in the region?
Fresh from those dismal failures, President Obama announces that we support a transition to democratic
government in Egypt. Another disaster of remarkable proportions and result. Not only was the country
initially thrown into complete chaos including riots, murders, and destruction, but the end result is a military
regime that is far harsher than the one Obama sought to replace. Lets review. The U.S. determines that we
need to intervene in the politics of Egypt by fomenting and even assisting with the overthrow of the military
regime that controlled the government. The result is first destruction and chaos, followed by even harsher
military oppression. I have to ask What did we think wed achieve? More importantly, what did we
ultimately achieve? Do you think we missed the mark there? Id say so. In fact, Id say that we not only
missed the bulls eye, we missed the entire target by a country mile. We failed completely. Perhaps youre
beginning to see a pattern of failed policy and complete ignorance of the underlying ethnic and religious
issues in the region?
But wait, theres even more! Just when you thought it was as bad as it could get, Obama managed to make
things even worse. Not to be discouraged by all of our other failures in the Middle East, our president and
Secretary of State Kerry decide that its time to topple the leader of one of the only remaining stable
countries in the region: Syria.
In typical U.S. foreign policy fashion, we begin by fomenting revolution within Syria. Somehow though, it
seems that we neglected to do even our basic background research. You see, Syria has long been an ally of
the former Soviet Union and now of Russia. Russias President, Vladimir Putin quickly ordered the Russian air
force into Syria to prop up the Assad regime. After a prolonged arms-length diplomatic dance with the

Russians, weve now succeeded in nothing more than completely destabilizing this otherwise stable country.
Russia exerted her will, and the Obama administration blinked. Assad has maintained his hold on power,
albeit a tenuous hold. Make no mistake, Im not suggesting that the government of Bashar al-Assad is, or
ever has been, representative of American ideals. Lets face it, hes a horrible human being. But, in a region
epitomized by instability and war, Syria was stable. In a time when instability in the Mid-east is resulting in
more battlefronts that we can manage, and therefore more footholds for terrorists like ISIS, we need
stability wherever we can find it. Unfortunately, our misguided actions in Syria have left ISIS and other
terrorists to control large areas of the country. They are actively killing innocents, destroying ancient relics,
and pillaging everything they can sell for cash to wage war on the United States and our allies. Worse yet,
theyre ideally positioned to inject ISIS terrorists into the throngs of innocent Syrians fleeing the devastation
of war in their country for a better life in Europe. Weve provided an ideal means for ISIS, Al Qaeda and
other terrorist groups to readily enter and set up operations across Europe and the U.S. They need only take
advantage of our willingness to help out those in need of our despair at the suffering we so often see on
the faces of the immigrants depicted in the media.
Perhaps worst of all, the result of our confoundingly ignorant policy in the Middle East is that weve actively
contributed to what is sure to be one of the most terrible and far-reaching humanitarian crises in modern
history. Thousands of immigrants have fled the region to Europe in hope of a better, safer life for
themselves and their children. Many have died along the way. Well never forget the images of the drowned
children in the Mediterranean Sea, will we?
So lets review. Weve toppled governments and left terrorists to have free reign in our wake. Weve
destabilized the entire Middle East. Weve contributed to an incomparable humanitarian crisis. Need I say
more? It just doesnt get stupider than that folks.
In fact, I honestly dont think we could have made things any worse. Even if we had actively set out to cause
problems and increased hardship for the world, I dont think we could make things any worse. Its difficult to
imagine how we could ever have thought these policies and military actions were in anyones best interest.
We can do better. We MUST do better.
Okay, so what about Israel? Israel is our ally. Its the nation that gave birth to both Judaism and Christianity,
and its the home of an important site to Muslims. We must support our ally, but we must approach that
commitment differently. I dont have 100% of the answers to such a complex dynamic. I do know that Israel
has a right to exist and that nations such as Iran who call for Israels destruction cannot be allowed to act
against our ally. I also know that no religion has the right to demand the utter destruction of another as the
Muslims have suggested of Judaism and Christianity. We cannot allow that hate or the violence it leads to,
especially against our ally in the region. Furthermore, I acknowledge the right of other nations and peoples
such as the Palestinians to exist in the region. As such, we must negotiate treaties and agreements that
provide for peaceful coexistence. But, any such agreement MUST allow for the peaceful existence of Israel.


Now for that bit about ending our dependence on Mideast oil. By
eliminating our need for that oil, we reap many, many benefits. Of
course this would help the planet in a variety of positive ways. But
then, this isnt a treatise on renewable energy or global climate change.
What Im concerned with here is how we stop radical Islamic terrorism.
Freeing ourselves from our addiction to Mideast oil is key to achieving
that goal.
When we stop buying oil from Muslim-dominated countries, we stop
funding terrorists. There is a 1-to-1 correspondence. Muslim-dominated countries fund radical Islamic
terrorists. The oil feeds the terror. When we stop buying oil, we stop funding the governments that host and
support terrorist groups. Were no longer hostage to the notion that we must indirectly fund the very
terrorists who have vowed to harm or even destroy the United States and its allies. Oh, and dont forget that
we also remove the funding that fuels research and production of nuclear weapons and other weapons of
mass destruction in countries like Iran.
Its high time that we stop chattering aimlessly about this and actually DO IT. We have the technological
capability. The oil is a finite resource that will be completely consumed eventually anyway. Whether we like
it or not, and whether we do it today or tomorrow, we WILL stop using Mideast oil because well have
consumed every drop. Why not back away from the table on our own terms, rather than on their terms? As
oil becomes more scarce, the Mideast emirates will inevitably ratchet up the prices until they bring the U.S.
and other western nations to their knees economically. They will, in a very literally sense, own us! We MUST
move now, before it really is too late. While the impatient Muslims wage war with terrorism and fear, the
patient Muslims simply wait until oil is so scarce that they drive us into the ground economically. Yet we just
sit back and watch this unthinkable situation evolve before our eyes. We do nothing to stop it.
Well, I for one cannot sit quietly any longer. We can send human beings into space. Across the planet, every
large country continues to build the sophisticated machines of war. We spend hundreds of billions of dollars
building instruments of death, all in the name of defense. Without a doubt, we need strong defensive
capability. However, ask yourself this question: Aside from our military action against Iraq and Afghanistan
following the September 11th, 2001 attacks by Al Qaeda, when was the last time that the United States
actively used the full might and power of our awesome military to actually defend our nation? The fact is,
we primarily use our military as an offensive weapon to further our interests across the globe. The last time
we actually used our military in a purely defensive posture was against Japan following their attack on Pearl
Again, we should never give up our military. Im not even remotely suggesting that. I firmly believe that our
best negotiating leverage comes from maintaining a position of military superiority. What I AM suggesting is
this: Why dont we build the ultimate weapon and eliminate much of the need for using conventional
weapons altogether? The ultimate weapon? you ask Yes, the ultimate weapon! I believe that this
ultimate weapon - the one that could virtually guarantee superiority for the United States and our allies is
within our reach. Such a weapon would eliminate so many threats that we face today. Many countries and
vicious dictators who hate America would be powerless to defend against it. But what makes this weapon
the ultimate weapon is the fact that it would never end a life. Its use would never destroy a city, or harm a
single human being. Sounds amazing doesnt it? It sounds like the kind of weapon that might actually makes
sense if it would actually work the way Ive described. So, how does this ultimate weapon work? Well,

despite the fact that this ultimate weapon would do all the things Ive described, and would ultimately be a
benefit to all humanity, its only really a weapon in an abstract sense. What Im referring to as the ultimate
weapon would be a viable renewable energy source that would eliminate our reliance on fossil fuels, and
hence Mideast oil altogether.
Great! you say, but that ultimate weapon, this renewable energy source youre fanaticizing about,
doesnt exist! Thats true. It doesnt. And yet Im 100% confident that it could. Ill grant you that I dont
know how to create it. If I did, Id already have done so. Im the first to admit that I dont have all of the
specific answers to issues this complex. Im not a physicist, or chemist, or energy expert. However, I have
something that all of these, along with our political and military leaders, appear to lack - good old-fashioned
common sense. You see, I dont need to be an energy expert to know that there are energy experts out
there that we need to be talking to. I dont need to be a physicist to know that there are brilliant physicists
out there who want to solve this problem just as badly as I do. And I dont need to be an expert in energy
production techniques to know that those experts exist, and that they want to help.
I only need to know that we need to bring these brilliant minds together to collaborate on finding the
solution or solutions. I know that we need to provide them with both the motivation and the funding they
need to dedicate themselves to getting results. In this case, that result is the ultimate weapon. I propose
that we define what is essentially a Manhattan Project for Energy Independence. I propose that we gather
together all of the appropriate experts, scientists, and theoreticians with expertise and commitment to solve
this problem.
How do we fund such a herculean undertaking? I propose that we fund it from three sources. 1) The first
source would be a percentage of what we currently spend on military weapons. 2) The second source would
come from a majority of what we currently spend on foreign aid. These are the billions of dollars we give
away every year to all those countries who dont really like us much anyway. For example, we just sent $150
Billion to Iran thats Billion with a B! They hate us, and theyre one of the biggest sponsors of terrorism
on earth most of it targeted directly at the U.S. and our allies. Folks, $150 Billion would go a long way
towards launching the Manhattan Project for Energy Independence.
Unfortunately, it will also go a long way towards directly and indirectly
funding production of nuclear weapons and delivery systems. By
delivery systems Im referring to the missiles that Iran recently
launched with the words Death to Israel written on the sides. Does
anyone really believe that their ultimate motivation is anything other
than what the Iranians painted on those missiles prior to launch?
3) The third source would be derived from a much higher tax on those incredibly rich oil companies like
Exxon Mobil and Chevron. As I write, Exxon Mobil shareholders are expressing their extreme pain because
profits for 2015 are down to an earth-shattering $4.2 Billion from last years $8.8 Billion. Those arent
earnings. Those are pure profit dollars. Surely, these wealthy oil companies that routinely pay hundreds of
millions of dollars in compensation to their top executives, could afford to contribute a significant
percentage of their profits to improving the lives of all mankind? When is enough, enough? These
companies have raked in billions of dollars in profits on the backs of American consumers. Its high time they
give something back. Clearly their motivations have been focused on profits rather than research and
development efforts that would contribute to an undertaking like Im outlining. At the very real risk of
sounding like a Bernie Sanders supporter, I think its time to help them adjust their motivations towards

achieving a more altruistic set of outcomes that will help this country accomplish our collective goal of
developing a renewable energy source that can free us from our dependence on Mideast oil.
I know we can do this. I know it because weve done similar, seemingly impossible things before. Look,
during World War II our great nation took esoteric physics theories from concept, to the atom bomb in only
a couple of years through the original Manhattan Project. We gathered the brightest minds to join together
and solve what seemed like unsolvable problems. We defined the outcome of this effort as a national goal,
and we provided all the federal funding and governmental support that was needed. Because of all this
support and commitment, the original Manhattan Project was a success. We attained our goal. In so doing,
we ended World War II, the most horrible war the world had ever known.
In the early years of the 1960s we committed to landing astronauts on the moon and returning them safely
to earth. We didnt know how to accomplish that. Much of the technological to do so didnt even exist yet.
Despite this, our president committed this nation to achieving that goal. The rest is, as they say, history. We
landed on the moon and we set the United States apart as the unrivaled leader in space exploration. The
ancillary benefits have also been nothing short of astounding. The space program gave us incredible
advances in chemistry, plastics, lubricants, batteries, solar power generation, computers, and electric motor
technology, to name only a few.
What Im proposing here is no different. We need only make the commitment to accomplishing something
this big without the option of giving up. By doing this, weve succeeded before. By doing this, well succeed
again. Its up to us. The choice is ours: Continue down this path fueled by Mideast oil this path with no
destination and an extreme set of risks to our people, our economy, and our allies or, choose a new path
that is tantamount to the ultimate weapon against being controlled by our enemies. This later path is the
one that ensures our stability as a nation. It protects our way of life, and even enhances it. It protects the
environment for all mankind, and it opens the door to a host of new technologies that will improve the lives
of everyone on the planet. Why wouldnt we do this?
As a nation, we throw billions of dollars away every single year. We need only insist that those dollars go to
a better cause, to a cause that has more potential than virtually any other single effort to improve the lives
of every single human being on the face of the planet. Thats a cause I can get behind. Its one that matters
right now, and one that would matter for my children, their children, and all the children to come. Yet we
dont demand this of our politicians. Why? Its certainly achievable. I have no doubt that its a problem that
our brilliant scientists and researchers could solve if only we asked them and supported them. But we have
to take action. One thing is certain it wont happen if we stand aside and wait for political leaders to act
altruistically. They just dont seem to be capable of doing that. Why? Is it because theyre incapable, or
unwilling? Perhaps its both. One thing is for sure: Its up to us to demand it.

4. At the risk of sounding like one of those political types WE NEED TO WORK
ILK FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH. We must form the coalitions and alliances
needed to stop this threat. Theres just no way to do this in the absence of a
coordinated effort. This isnt as difficult an undertaking as it might at first seem.
Many of these nations are experiencing a far more immediate threat than we do from such terrorism,

because it is growing on their very doorsteps. Consider the recent terrorist bombings in Turkey and Pakistan.
I sincerely believe that these and other countries are willing, and certainly able to assist us in this regard.
Time to stop going it alone. Doing what weve done in the past and somehow expecting that it will work
better this time is foolish. Whats that old definition of insanity? Keep doing the same thing, but expect
different results. Well, thats exactly what weve been doing for over twenty years.
Its time for a different approach. Its time to act. Its time to act as a world-team against radical Islamists.
Its time to stop these psychopathic murderers. By joining with our friends, and with those who arent yet
friends, but should be, we can do this.

Okay, Ill grant that these first four components of my plan will take at least months, and in most cases
years, along with lots of hard work and some big dollar funding. That doesnt mean we shouldnt do them.
What it means is that we clearly should, and that we must undertake them with even greater urgency.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step, right? We just need to accept that we wont get
immediate results. These parts of my plan WILL take time. We may not get exactly what we want in every
case. For example, we may not get a guaranteed approach for 100% energy independence in the first five
years. Despite that, there can be no doubt that the outcomes will be a huge improvement over where
were at right now. Whats more, well at least have a coordinate plan that, over time WILL get results!

POTENTIAL TERRORIST CELLS. Its time to forgo political correctness and concerns about hurt feelings or
upset leaders. Our president and many other political leaders in the U.S. and abroad continually express
their abhorrence for this approach, even as terrorists murder their citizens. How messed up is that? As
Americans, we have laws, along with certain values and principles that define us as a people. For example,
we dont condone violence against those who dont believe like we do. We dont view women as inferior to
men. We dont believe that Muslim leaders should direct the activities of our citizens or our government. As
is the case with anyone coming to America, Muslims are free to live here and to practice their beliefs as they
see fit so long as they dont infringe on the rights of others. Again, thats America. Thats what were all
However, Muslims who come to this country definitely are NOT free to impose their beliefs on anyone else.
When their desire to do so extends to terrorism against U.S. citizens, we have every right, both morally and
legally, to put a stop to it. We need to begin taking coordinated action in that regard immediately.
Its time we identify those within our borders who hate the United States and who wish to destroy it. Its
time we identify those Muslims who call for jihad against America, and who wish to harm the citizens of this
great nation. Its time that we show them the door. If a Muslim teacher or Mullah, is fomenting hate and
terror, he needs to be deported or imprisoned so he cannot continue to do harm. If Muslim families and

neighborhoods harbor and protect terrorists, they need to be deported or imprisoned. I just dont get it.
Well hunt and kill terrorists outside of our borders and call it a win, but for some reason we wont go after
those within our borders with the same vengeance. Again, Im not promulgating hate towards Muslims. I
AM proposing that we stop excusing the hate-mongers and terrorists within that so called Muslim
community because we are so afraid of offending the rest. Christian Americans dont riot in the streets if a
Christian criminal is arrested and imprisoned. They dont incite violence against anyone who doesnt believe
like they do. I suggest that we should rightly expect the same restraint and appreciation of American values
from Muslims, Buddhists, Blacks, Native Americans, or any other religious or ethnic group.

6. And now for the coup d grace. This is the big one. The big daddy. The big Kahuna. The one that will define
the difference in my plan from every other plan Ive ever seen. The one that will actually deliver immediate
Mullahs and other Muslim leaders routinely support, encourage, and even direct terrorist activities. No
other religious group in the world is so clearly defined by such widespread and deep-seated encouragement
of terrorist violence directly from its leaders. Why is that okay? Why are we so concerned about being
politically correct that we wont even call it out? We know it to be true. Leaders of Islam in this country and
elsewhere routinely cry out for Jihad against the United States and Israel. This truth is borne out again and
again with each new terrorist attack or atrocity that we see committed by the likes of ISIS. Yet our
government pretends its something else altogether. They wont ever name exactly what else they think it is,
though, because they wont even put the words radical, Islamic, and terrorist in the same sentence. I know
what it is though, and so do you when you really think about it. When religious leaders encourage violence,
or worse yet, actively call for violence, zealous followers will respond with violence and terrorist activities. In
the same way, when religious leaders call for peace and harmony, their zealous followers will respond in
peaceful ways. So Muslim leaders have a choice. They can call for jihad for violence, or they can call for
peace and harmony. Its up to them to make the choice. Why then, dont Muslim leaders universally call for
peace and harmony? Isnt that the RIGHT question that we should all be asking? Isnt that the right thing for
Muslim leaders to do. Again, this is their opportunity to do the right thing.
Radical Islamist terrorists kill hundreds of people throughout the world every year. Despite this, have you
ever witnessed a gathering of Muslim leaders who have joined together to vocally condemn these atrocities
with real and enduring commitment? I have not, but I would certainly welcome it. Have you ever watched
the nightly news and seen leaders of that Muslim community marching through American or European
cities to demand a stop to the violence and terrorism perpetrated by radical Islamic terrorists? I have not.
Have Muslim leaders across the planet ever joined together and communicated a message of tolerance,
peace, and non-violence against non-Muslims. Definitely not. Millions of devout Muslims participate in a
pilgrimage to Mecca each year. Have the leaders of Islam ever addressed their followers during holy week
and demanded a stop to the terror and violence? Absolutely, and unequivocally, NO! Why? Perhaps more
importantly, why dont our leaders call it out? Why dont we demand this from Muslim nations as a
precondition to trade, to U.S. foreign aid, or even to the military defense that we provide them? I believe its
time to blow the time-out whistle and find out why.
So, while we non-Muslims wrestle with concerns about being politically correct While we all struggle with
trying not to offend Muslims Those same Muslims refuse to join hands and condemn the violence in

absolute terms. Why have we tolerated that? Why do we continue to do so? When will we wake up and
smell the coffee? As a nation, the United States of America has every right to ask for such condemnation
from Muslim leaders, but we dont ask - and they certainly dont offer. Why dont we ask? Because we might
offend a Muslim or a Muslim leader? Im willing to wager that no Muslim would be as offended as the
victims that ISIS has beheaded, or the many victims of terrorist bombings and other atrocities throughout
the world.
You see, this is the only real way to ever stop Islamic terrorism. Killing a few terrorists will address a
symptom at a single point in time. After all, that particular terrorist cant recommit a terrorist act from the
grave. Unfortunately, it doesnt address the underlying problem of a belief system that doesnt condemn
violence against non-believers, and in fact, often condones it. Once again, weve been so busy treating
symptoms that we have completely ignored the underlying problem.
Bombing ISIS or Al Qaeda camps in Iraq or Syria will certainly kill some members of these groups.
Unfortunately, in most cases it also kills many innocents who are routinely used by terrorists as human
shields. Weve proven with absolute certainty that this will strengthen the terrorists resolve, and that it may
even attract more of these radical jihadists. Treating symptoms only provides temporary relief, and, in the
case of these maniac terrorists it always makes the problem worse. Curing a headache with a rock to the
head just doesnt work. We know this from direct experience. Every time we knock out a terrorist, the
terrorist organization wakes up with greater resolve and increased commitment to our destruction.
Symptoms versus underlying problems.
The causative factors to the problem of Islamist terrorism in this country and Europe dont stem directly
from a failure of our government or failures on behalf of our people. The underlying problem is that Muslim
leaders, who have incredible influence and even control over their devout followers, refuse to take a
coordinated stand against terrorist violence worse yet, many of them encourage or even demand it!
Meanwhile we play silly games, carefully applying rules and laws to Muslim terrorists, that were originally
meant to protect law abiding American citizens. But these Muslims arent law abiding American citizens.
Theyre something else. Theyre people who readily take all the freedom and comfort that the United States
and Europe offer, all the while plotting the death and demise of the very citizens who welcomed them in.
How can that ever be acceptable?
Its time to end this game of cat and mouse. Either the Muslim leaders favor violence against us, or they
abhor the violence and commit to stopping it. Its really an either or situation. Its time for us to ask the
Muslim leaders: Are you supporting or even encouraging violence against non-Muslims, or will you join
with us to put an end to it? But we dont ask that question, do we? I mean, when was the last time you
heard a political leader ask Muslim leaders to take a stand against violence and inflammatory rhetoric? Ive
never heard it. Neither have you. Why? Is it really more preferable to endure these unending terror attacks
than to risk offending Muslim leaders or members of that Muslim community our leaders keep talking
I know what you may be thinking. Many readers will decry what Im proposing as a violation of civil rights
and the first amendment to the constitution. Surely Muslim leaders and their followers have the right to
speak out against America, right? Its their right to threaten violence against this country and its people isnt
it? Gosh, we sure wouldnt want to violate the rights of those who are trying to kill us, would we? Whereas
no one I know of is actually saying those words, our collective actions are tantamount to screaming them
from every mountain top. Can you see how absurd, and how doomed to failure that is? When leaders of

organized groups, whether religious or otherwise, encourage violence against this country their first
amendment rights are subsumed. When they engage repeatedly in acts of violence against our nation and
its people, they define themselves as enemies. We dont have to name them as enemies, theyre already
naming themselves our enemies in both words and action. Theyre very clear on this point, even though we
seem not to be. Its high time that we stop sitting by in blissful ignorance waiting for the violence thats sure
to come.
But wait, other groups like some of those elitist quasi-militant groups in remote parts of the country have
threatened violence against our government and our people, havent they? Sure they have. Some have even
acted on their threats and perpetrated violence. Theres a key difference though. Once they transition from
talking to action, law enforcement responds quickly and harshly. These groups are shut down. The threat is
mollified. Yet, Muslims threaten violence, and we do nothing. They act on their threats, killing and injuring
innocent Americans. We do nothing. Sure we kill or capture the perpetrators in most cases. But then we
stop we dont go any further. Weve treated the symptom and then we stop. We do nothing about
addressing the broader underlying problem. We give the perpetrators a rock to the head, and the Muslim
community is outraged and more deeply committed to future violence. The underlying problem is with the
leaders of the Muslim community and their encouragement of hate and violence. Resolve the underlying
problem and the symptoms will go away.
We shouldnt have to spy on the Islamic leaders or their followers, but their consistent support of violence
clearly indicates that we need to do just that. When did it become U.S. policy to welcome terrorists into our
great nation, and then stand by waiting for the inevitable violence from those who have avowed it simply
because we just cant imagine offending someone? We need to set the tone and set the example for the
world. We need to demand that every Muslim leader in this country take an active role in stopping the
terrorist mindset and in supporting our government.
Im not suggesting that Muslims should have to embrace any other religion. After all, America was founded
on the notion of religious freedom. But, they must disavow this insane notion of Jihad. They must take
responsibility for any hate or murder they encourage. They MUST become part of solving the problem in
partnership with the rest of us. By definition, if they wont do this, then theyre not Americans. Theyre a
foreign group that seeks to overthrow our way of life, our religious institutions, and even our government.
Merriam-Webster defines enemy as: one that is antagonistic to another; especially: one seeking to
injure, overthrow, or confound an opponent. Does that seem to describe the radical Muslim leaders and
their followers who have sworn jihad against the United States? I think it does, and if youre an enemy of
this great nation we should act to remove you from our borders and defeat you whenever or wherever we
encounter you. Am I missing anything?
How can what Im suggesting ever be characterized as asking too much? Are Muslims who live in the
United States not Americans? As Americans, dont we all have a duty to protect this nation and its citizens?
As Americans, weve all said the Pledge of Allegiance. When I say it, I mean every word. I believe that the
vast majority of American Muslims mean it when they say it too. Given that, isnt it okay to call out those
who dont? Isnt it our responsibility, even our duty? As Americans, we must demand this and accept
nothing less. And as Americans, we must be prepared to accept and acknowledge that not everyone believes
in the American dream. Not everyone wishes well for America. In the same way, we must come to grips with
the notion that if you mean harm to this nation, then we shouldnt embrace you with open arms and await


the knife in our backs. By definition, you are our enemy. As a radical Islamic terrorist, youve already
declared that you are our enemy. It only remains for us to follow suit and declare that youre our enemy too.

There it is. My plan for ending radical Islamic terrorism. If I were president, Id be pushing every one of these
items as key components of my approach. I would never relent.
This isnt America love it or leave it. Rather, its an approach that says this is America support it and help
us drive positive change for the betterment of all Americans! But theres more, because this approach also
says, If you mean to overthrow this country, its government, and its rich diversity of culture and religion, then
you are by definition, our enemy. As such, we are at war with you. We owe you no shelter, no comfort, and no
safe haven. In fact, we owe all other Americans a commitment that well remove you from this country so that
you cannot cause harm to its citizens. We wont allow you to enjoy all that this great country has to offer as you
plot terrorism against us.
My positions on the issues and my approach are not politically correct, thats for sure. But, this is the right
approach for any sovereign nation, and its the right approach for the United States. Its time folks. Its time to
stop reacting to symptoms with ineffective political pandering or even ineffective traditional warfare. Its time to
start responding in a more holistic way by tackling the underlying political, economic, cultural, religious, and
ideological problems, so that we can end the threat of radical Islamic terrorism once and for all.

Thank you so much for taking time to consider what Ive had to say. I dont claim to know every fact or every bit
of information. However, I do claim to leverage a basic bit of common sense that has produced what I believe is
the only combination of effort that will ever work.
A couple of points about me:
Im not a political expert. Im not a historian, so I apologize in advance if any of the information I present herein
miss the mark in some small way. My focus and intent is on addressing the broader issue, and to offer my
opinions about solutions. Im not a professional writer or reporter, which Im sure youll readily discerned as you
read this. Im just an average, hard-working American whos completely fed up with seeing these ongoing,
horrendous terror attacks. Rather than just sitting back and doing nothing while watching these terrorist animals
hurt or kill innocent people, I decided to take a stand and voice my opinions. I decided to write about my ideas
and to share them with anyone who wants to read them. History will inevitably shape my opinions further, and
add to this narrative. Im open to constructive criticism, and I welcome your comments and feedback. If I can
learn from you, Im happy to do so.


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