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When is he going to share his specific plans on how he will lead congress,

get their support and measure his success?

I do understand the argument relating to policy however I see this as none issue and
the #establishment playing into its own strengths in which it can frame the
paradigm of national discussion. Lets remember the left and right establishment and
there policy is not working to well as we are #19Trillion in #debt, endless
#corruption, kept military at endless wars while our freedoms are being overtly

I understand establishment is pushing that against Trump but I just dont buy it. Say
what you want about his personality (which is actually charming IMO) but he is a
#successful #entrepreneur and has #built/#created a successful multi billion,
multinational enterprise (#YUGE). Are we going to keep handing our Country to unqualified leaders who have no #background in #creating #value? What did #Bush C-
student know about policy or 1 term Senator #Obama (education/ background
unknown) know? We all watched the debates and they seemed at the time informed,
likable and good but the reality is they both failed the economy (among other
things) and establishment policy is failing the American people miserably

I think this is why #Bernie is popular w/ #Millennials half of them live at home still,
lots of debt and poor opportunity for economic advancement. It sad people are
fighting for $15 and hour when what is really needed is REAL #upward #mobility
through #good #jobs 60K paying jobs.

But #upwards #mobility left through #establishment #policy including the #gutting
of #USA #manufacturing/ #corporate #inversion which Trump fully understands.
Not to mention knows how to apply leverage to reverse this trend. This could bring
good paying high skilled jobs back. Every country wants to sell to our large (best in
the world) consumer base. We are doing the USA no favors with many of the trade
deals/ policies created by establishment politicians in the past. China should really
thank the USA for building its middle class BTW because it came at a heavy cost to
many USA workers

But back to Trumps abilities I believe running an organization successfully take a lot
of things done right. Think of the #complexities #associated with his #business. He
has built #sky #scrappers. People thought #Romney was rich but Trumps net
worth blows his away and it was all self created with his unique skill sets.

Trump is more of a big picture guy. He understands everything but small details and
the tactics are more small picture tactical decision that most executives delegate to
their highly talented network that surrounds them. And think about it Trump will
have the best in #American #talent available to him, not establishment think tank
know nothings that are all talk no action and have never created real value.

So how is he going to achieve #YUGE growth. That is still to be scene but there is a
lot of untapped potential in this country that could be easily unleashed with the
right leader who is not afraid of #big #Ideas (not one who divides the nation against
itself #Obama). He has formed policy related to greatly simplifying the tax code (less
IRS more $$ in working class pockets). Policy to bring companies back to the USA
and Im sure he will work to make low cost capitol more readily available to
#SMALL #BUISNESS. Remember how the #establishment #bailed itself out with
#Billions of Tax payer $$ using FEAR and economic investment that went to mostly
insider/establishment businesses. All the taxpayer money going to big banks barely
trickled any capitol to the people. Now we have a socialist running for president
because the best prospect of good life to some, seems to be through the government.
I wish people knew that that Gov. can take away the goods its gives to you. Its sad
but a welfare class exists and could potentially grow if we dont get this election

He does have TAX policy (big) | Corporate inversion ideas, understands the need for
infrastructure, will bring back multi trillions that are sitting offshore (that would be
YUGE) and will use his good business judgment to shape trade deals. At the end of
the day his personal success is a great indicator of what he is capable of. Trump is a
#blue #collar #brawler that will #fight for the #people of the #USA and put America
first. #Populist.

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