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State Monad
The use of the Either monad helped us simplify error processing in the last tutorial. I promised to
show you how another monad, the state monad, can eliminate explicit symbol-table threading. But
before I do that, let's have a short refresher on currying, since it's relevant to the construction of the
state monad (there is actually some beautiful math behind the relationship of currying and the state
There are two ways of encoding a two-argument function and, in Haskell, they are equivalent. One
is to implement a function that takes two values:
fPair :: a -> b -> c
fPair x y = ...

The other is to implement a function that takes one argument and returns another function of one
argument (parentheses added for emphasis):
fCurry :: a -> (b -> c)
fCurry x = \y -> ...

This might seem like a trivial transformation, but I'll show you how it can help us in coding the

Curried Evaluator
Let me remind you what the signature of the function evaluate was -- to make things simpler, let's
consider the version from before the introduction of the Either monad:
evaluate :: Tree -> SymTab -> (Double, SymTab)

I'm going to parenthesize it the way that highlights the currying interpretation:
evaluate :: Tree -> (SymTab -> (Double, SymTab))

Let's read this signature carefully: evaluate is a function that takes a Tree and returns a function,
which takes a SymTab and returns a pair (Double, SymTab). What if we take this reading to heart
and rewrite evaluate so that it actually returns a function (a lambda).
Let's start with the UnaryNode evaluator, which used to look like this:
evaluate (UnaryNode op tree) symTab =
let (x, symTab') = evaluate tree symTab
in case op of

-> ( x, symTab')

Minus -> (-x, symTab')

and let's try something like this:

evaluate :: Tree -> (SymTab -> (Double, SymTab))
evaluate (UnaryNode op tree) =

\symTab ->
let (x, symTab') = {-hi-}evaluate{-/hi-} tree symTab --??
in case op of

-> ( x, symTab')

Minus -> (-x, symTab')

You see what the problem is? In the new scheme, the inner call to evaluate will no longer return a
pair (x, symTab') but a function (SymTab -> (Double, SymTab)). Let me call this
functionact for action. How can we extract x and symTab' from that action? By running it! We do
have an argument symTab to pass to it -- it's the argument of the lambda:
evaluate :: Tree -> (SymTab -> (Double, SymTab))
evaluate (UnaryNode op tree) =
\symTab ->
let act = evaluate tree
(x, symTab') = {-hi-}act symTab{-/hi-}
in case op of

-> ( x, symTab')

Minus -> (-x, symTab')

What have just happened? We called the new evaluate only to immediately execute the resulting
action? Then why even bother with the intermediate step?
First of all, it's a neat idea that evaluation can be separated into two phases: one for creating a
network of functions like evaluate calling each other but not actually evaluating the result; and
another phase for excecuting this network, starting with a particular state -- the symbol table in this
case. Obviously, if you provide a different starting symbol table, you will obtain a different final
result. But the network of functions depends only on the original parse tree.
The second reason is that this form brings us closer to our goal of abstracting away the tedium of
symbol-table passing. Symbol table passing is what "actions" are supposed to do; evaluateshould
only construct the tracks for the symbol-table train.
Interestingly, this separation between creating an action and running it turned out to be quite useful
in C++, as I showed in my old post Monads in C++. There, the actions were constructed at compile
time using an EDSL, and then executed at runtime.
Going back to our program, we'll try follow the same procedure we used to derive
the Eithermonad. The most important part of a monad is the bind function. Remember, bind is the
glue that binds the output of one function to the input of another function -- the one we call a
continuation. The signature of bind is determined by the definition of the Monad class. It has the
bind :: Blob a
-> (a -> Blob b)
-> Blob b

where Blob stands for the type constructor we are trying to monadize. In our case, this type
constructor is of the form (SymTab -> (a, SymTab)), with the type parameter a nested inside the
return type of an action. I'll call this function type the new Evaluator:
type Evaluator a = SymTab -> (a, SymTab)

We'll standardize it later using a newtype definition, which is required by instantiate, but for
now let's just work with a type synonym.
So here's what monadic bind should look like for our type (yes, it's exactly the same as for
ourEither monad, except that Evaluator now hides a function):
bindS :: Evaluator a
-> (a -> Evaluator b)
-> Evaluator b

The client of bind is supposed to pass an evaluator as the first argument and a continuation as the
second. The continuation is a function that returns an evaluator. Let's look for this pattern in our
implementation of evaluate of the UnaryNode:
evaluate :: Tree -> (SymTab -> (a, SymTab))
evaluate (UnaryNode op tree) =
(\symTab ->
let act = evaluate tree
(x, symTab') = act symTab
in case op of

-> ( x, symTab')

Minus -> (-x, symTab'))

We are looking for a piece of code that can be interpreted as "the rest of code." On first attempt we
might think of the following lambda as our continuation:
\x' -> case op of

-> ( x', symTab')

Minus -> (-x', symTab'))

but it's the wrong type. Our continuation is supposed to be returning an Evaluator, not a
pair(Double, SymTab). How can we turn this value into an evaluator? That's what
monadic return is supposed to do. Its signature, again, is determined by the Monad class (I'm
calling it returnS for now to avoid name conflicts):
returnS :: a -> Evaluator a

The implementation is a no-brainer, really. We turn x into a function that returns this x with a side
of symTab:
returnS x = \symTab -> (x, symTab)

So here's the candidate that fulfills all our requirements for a continuation:

\x' -> case op of


-> return x'

Minus -> return (-x')

This is indeed a fine monadic function (returning a value of the soon to be monadic Evaluator),
and it fits the type signature of the continuation required by bind; except that we don't see it in the
original code. We can't carve it out of the current implementation of evaluate. If we could only
find a way to insert this returnS and then immediately cancel it. But how can one undoreturnS?
Well, how about exectuting its result? Check this out:
(returnsS x) symTab' = (\symTab -> (x, symTab)) symTab'
= (x, symTab')

When you execute a lambda, you simply replace it with its body and replace the formal parameter
with the actual argument. Here, I replaced symTab (formal parameter, or boundvariable)
with symTab' (the argument). In general, the argument may be a whole expression. You just stick
at every place the formal parameter appears in the body. (You have to be careful though not to
introduce name conflicts.)
So here's the final rewrite:
data Operator = Plus | Minus
data Tree = UnaryNode Operator Tree
type SymTab = ()
-- show
type Evaluator a = SymTab -> (a, SymTab)

returnS :: a -> Evaluator a

returnS x = \symTab -> (x, symTab)

evaluate :: Tree -> (SymTab -> (Double, SymTab))

evaluate (UnaryNode op tree) =
\symTab ->
let act = evaluate tree
(x, symTab') = act symTab
k = \x' -> case op of

-> returnS x'

Minus -> returnS (-x')

act' = k x

act' symTab'

main = putStrLn "It type checks!"

If it type checks, it must be correct, right? To convince yourself that this indeed works, first
apply k to x -- this will just replace x' with x. Then apply the resulting action to symTab' to cancel
out the returnSs.
Let's continue with our program to define a new monad. To this end, we need to identify the
pattern we've been looking for. We want to pick the implementation of bindS from evaluate.

We can clearly see the two arguments to bind: one is act, the result of evaluate tree, and the
other is the continuation k. The rest must be bind. Here it is, together with returnS and the new
version of evaluate:
data Operator = Plus | Minus
data Tree = UnaryNode Operator Tree
type SymTab = ()
-- show
type Evaluator a = SymTab -> (a, SymTab)

returnS :: a -> Evaluator a

returnS x = \symTab -> (x, symTab)

bindS :: Evaluator a
-> (a -> Evaluator b)
-> Evaluator b
bindS act k =
\symTab ->
let (x, symTab') = act symTab
act' = k x
act' symTab'

evaluate :: Tree -> (SymTab -> (Double, SymTab))

evaluate (UnaryNode op tree) =

bindS (evaluate tree)

(\x -> case op of

-> returnS x

Minus -> returnS (-x))

main = putStrLn "It type checks!"

Symbol Table Monad

Let's formalize what we've done so far using an actual instance of the Monad typeclass. First, we
need to encapsulate our evaluator type in a newtype declaration. This muddles things a little, but is
necessary if we want to use it in an instance declaration. Here's a type that contains nothing but a
newtype Evaluator a = Ev (SymTab -> (a, SymTab))

And here are our return and bind functions in their cleaned up form:
instance Monad Evaluator where
return x = Ev (\symTab -> (x, symTab))
(Ev act) >>= k = Ev $ \symTab ->
let (x, symTab') = act symTab
(Ev act')

= k x

act' symTab'

Now that the paperwork is done, we can start using the do notation. Here's our
monadicUnaryNode evaluator:
evaluate (UnaryNode op tree) = do
x <- evaluate tree
case op of

-> return x

Minus -> return (-x)

SumNode is even more spectacular:
evaluate (SumNode op left right) = do
lft <- evaluate left
rgt <- evaluate right
case op of

-> return (lft + rgt)

Minus -> return (lft - rgt)

Compare it with the original:

evaluate (SumNode op left right) symTab =
let (lft, symTab')

= evaluate left symTab

(rgt, symTab'') = evaluate right symTab'

case op of

-> (lft + rgt, symTab'')

Minus -> (lft - rgt, symTab'')

All references to the symbol table are magically gone. The code is not only cleaner, but also less
error prone. In the original code there were way too many opportunities to use the wrong symbol
table for the wrong call. That's all taken care of now.
There are only three places where you'll see explicit use of the symbol table: lookUp, addSymbol,
and the main loop -- as it should be! I recommend studying the complete code for the calculculator
listed at the end of this tutorial, with special attention to those functions.
Now you have seen with your own eyes that all this can be done with pure functions. We managed
to manipulate state -- the symbol table -- in a purely functional way.
There is a popular misconception that you must use impure code to deal with mutable state, and
that Haskell monads are impure. There are ways to introduce impurities in Haskell -- there's a
bunch of functions whose names start with unsafe and there is trace for debugging, the ST monad
(not to be confused with the State monad), all of which (carefully) let you inject impurity into
your code. Sometimes it's done for debugging, sometimes for performance. In general, though,
you can and should stick to the purely functional style.

State Monad
What we have just done is to create our own version of a generic state monad. It was, hopefully, a
good learning experience, but one that shouldn't be repeated when writing production code. So
let's familiarize ourselves with the Control.Monad.State version of the state monad (strictly
speaking the state monad is defined using a monad transformer, so the actual code in the library
may look a bit different from what I present). State monad is defined by a new typeState, which is
parameterized by two type variables. The first one is used to represent the state (in our case that
would be SymTab), and the second is the generic type parameter of every monad type constructor.
newtype State s a = State s -> (a, s)
State has one data constructor also called State. It takes a function as an argument. The

interesting thing is that this constructor is not exported from the library so you can't pattern match
on it. If you want to create a new monadic State, use the function state:
state :: (s -> (a, s)) -> State s a

Instead of extracting an action from State, which you can't do, and acting with it on some state,
you call the function runState which does it for you:

runState :: State s a -> s -> (a, s)

The Monad instance declaration for State looks something like this:
instance Monad (State s) where
return x = state (\st -> (x, st))
act >>= k = state $ \st ->
let (x, st') = runState act st
in runState (k x) st'

Notice that State s is not a type but a type constructor: it needs one more type variable to become
a type. As I mentioned before, Monad class can only be instantiated with type constructors.
I've shown you how to extract the bind operator from state-threading code, but there is a more
general derivation that's based on types. In Haskell you often see functions whose implementation
is determined by their signatures. Sometimes it's determined uniquely, more often we pick the
simplest non-trivial implementation that type checks. Here's the signature of>>= that is required by
the Monad class as applied to State s:
(>>=) :: State s a -> (a -> State s b) -> State s b
act >>= k = ...

The first observation is that, in order to run the continuation k, we need a value of type a. The only
source of such value could be the first argument, act, and the only way to retrieve it is to
call act with some state. But we don't have any state yet.
But notice that bind itself doesn't produce a value -- it produces a State object. How do you
construct a State? By calling state with a function. Bind must therefore define a lambda of the
signature s -> (b, s) and pass it to state. The outer shell of >>= must therefore have the form:
act >> k = state $ \st -> ...

Now, inside the lambda, we do have access to a state variable st and we can use it to run act.
act >> k = state $ \st ->
let (x, st') = runState act st

Now we have x of type a so we can call the continuation k:

act >> k = state $ \st ->
let (x, st') = runState act st
act' = k x

The continuation returns an action act' of the type State s b. Our lambda, though, must return a
pair of the type (b, s). The only way to generate a value of the type b is to run act'with some
state. Here we have a choice: we can run it with the original st or with the newst'. The first
choice would mean that the state never changes and, in fact, doesn't even have to be returned by
the action. There is a perfectly good monad built on this assumption: it's called the reader monad

(see the exercise at the end of this tutorial). But since here we are modeling mutable state, we
choose to use st' to run act':
act >> k = state $ \st ->
let (x, st') = runState act st
act' = k x
in runState act' st'

There is one more ingredient necessary to make the state monad usable: the ability to access and
modify the state. There are two generic functions get and put that provide this functionality:
get :: State s s
get = state $ \st -> (st, st)

put :: s -> State s ()

put newState = state $ \_ -> ((), newState)
get returns the value of the state. put returns unit, but has a "side effect" of injecting new state into

subsequent computations.

What Is a Monad?
We've seen two seemingly disparate examples of a monad and I will show you some more in the
next tutorial. What do they have in common, other than implementing the
functions returnand >>=? Why are these two functions so important? It's time for some deeper
The basic premise of all programming is that you can decompose a complex computation into a set
of simpler ones.
The difference between various programming paradigms is in the mechanics of composing smaller
computations into larger ones. For instance, in C you use a combination of functions and side
effects. You call a function (procedure) whose effects can be:
1. Returning a value
2. Modifying an argument (when it's a reference)
3. Modifying global variables
4. Interacting with the external world
Some of the effects are visible in the signature of the function (types of input and output
parameters), others are implicit. The compiler may help with flagging explicit mismatches, but it
can't check the implicit ones. So when you're composing functions in C, you have to keep in mind
all the hidden interactions between them.
In OO programming, side effects are somewhat tamed with data hiding. Although arguments are
mostly passed by reference, including the implicit this pointer, the things you can do to them are
restricted by their interfaces. Still, hidden dependencies make composition fragile. This is
especially painful when dealing with concurrency.

The starting point of functional programming is that functions have no side effects whatsoever, so
function composition is a straightforward matter of passing the results of one function as the input
to the next. This is a great starting point from the point of composability. However, many of the
traditional notions of computation don't have straightforward translations into pure functions. This
has been a huge problem in the adoption of functional languages.
Two things happened (not necessarily in that order) to change this situation:
1. We learned how to translate most computations into functions.
2. We use monads to abstract the tedium of this translation.
I tried to emphasize the same two steps when introducing monads.
First, I showed you how to translate partial computations into total functions. These functions
encapsulate their results into Maybe or Either types. I also showed you how to deal with mutable
state by passing it as an additional parameter into and out of a function.
This is a very general pattern: Take a computation that takes input and produces output but does it
in a non-functional way, and modify input and output types in such a way that the computation
becomes functional.
Next, I showed you a way to do the same thing by modifying only the return types of the
computation. If the translation of a computation required adding input parameters to the original
signature (passing the symbol table in, for instance), I used currying and turned the output type into
a function type. (In Exercise 1 you'll use the same trick used to implement the reader monad.)
So this is lesson one: A computation can be turned into a function that encapsulates the originally
non-functional bits into its modified (decorated, fancified, or whatever you call it) output data type.
The great thing about it is that now all this additional information is visible to the compiler and the
type checker. There is even a name for this system in type theory: the effect system. A function
signature may expose the effects of a function in addition to just turning input into output types.
These effects are propagated when composing functions (as was the effect of modifying the symbol
table, or being undefined for some values of arguments) and can be checked at compile time.
A potential shortcoming of this approach is that the composition of such fancified functions
requires writing some boilerplated code. In the case of Maybe- or Either-returning functions, we
have to pattern match the results and fork the execution. In case of action-returning functions, we
need to run these actions, provide the additional parameters they need, and pass results to the next
To our great relief, this highly repetitive (and error-prone) glue code can be abstracted into just two
functions: >>= and return (optionally >> and fail). Now we can test our implementation of the
glue code in one place, or still better, use the library code. And to make our lives even better, we
have this wonderful syntactic sugar in the shape of the do notation.
But now, when you look at a do block, it looks very much like imperative code with hidden side
effects. The Either monadic code looks like using functions that can throw
exceptions. Statemonad code looks as if the state were a global mutable variable. You access it
using get with no arguments, and you modify it by calling put that returns no value. So what have
we gained in comparison to C?
We might not see the hidden effects, but the compiler does. It desugars every do block and typechecks it. The state might look like a global variable but it's not. Monadic bind makes sure that the
state is threaded from function to function. It's never shared. If you make your Haskell code
concurrent, there will be no data races.

Ex 1. Define the reader monad. It's supposed to model computations that have access to some readonly environment. In imperative code such environment is often implemented as a global object. In
functional languages we need to pass it as an argument to every function that might potentially need
access to it. The reader monad hides this process.
newtype Reader e a = Reader (e -> a)

reader :: (e -> a) -> Reader e a

reader f = undefined

runReader :: Reader e a -> e -> a

runReader = undefined

ask :: Reader e e
ask = reader (\e -> e)

instance Monad (Reader e) where


type Env = Reader String

-- curried version of
-- type Env a = Reader String a

test :: Env Int

test = do
s <- ask
return $ read s + 1

main = print $ runReader test "13"

newtype Reader e a = Reader (e -> a)

reader :: (e -> a) -> Reader e a

reader f = Reader f

runReader :: Reader e a -> e -> a

runReader (Reader act) env = act env

ask :: Reader e e
ask = reader (\e -> e)

instance Monad (Reader e) where

return x = reader (\_ -> x)
rd >>= k = reader $ \env ->
let x = runReader rd env
act' = k x
in runReader act' env

type Env = Reader String

-- curried version of
-- type Env a = Reader String a

test :: Env Int

test = do
s <- ask
return $ read s + 1

main = print $ runReader test "13"

Ex 2. Use the State monad from Control.Monad.State to re-implement the evaluator.

import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Monad.State

data Operator = Plus | Minus | Times | Div

deriving (Show, Eq)

data Tree = SumNode Operator Tree Tree

| ProdNode Operator Tree Tree
| AssignNode String Tree
| UnaryNode Operator Tree
| NumNode Double
| VarNode String
deriving Show

type SymTab = M.Map String Double

type Evaluator a = State SymTab a

lookUp :: String -> Evaluator Double

lookUp str = do ...

addSymbol :: String -> Double -> Evaluator ()

addSymbol str val = do ...

evaluate :: Tree -> Evaluator Double

evaluate (SumNode op left right) = ...

evaluate (ProdNode op left right) = ...

evaluate (UnaryNode op tree) = ...

evaluate (NumNode x) = ...

evaluate (VarNode str) = ...

evaluate (AssignNode str tree) = ...

expr = AssignNode "x" (ProdNode Times (VarNode "pi")

(ProdNode Times (NumNode 4) (NumNode 6)))

main = print $ runState (evaluate expr) (M.fromList [("pi", pi)])

import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Monad.State

data Operator = Plus | Minus | Times | Div

deriving (Show, Eq)

data Tree = SumNode Operator Tree Tree

| ProdNode Operator Tree Tree
| AssignNode String Tree
| UnaryNode Operator Tree
| NumNode Double
| VarNode String
deriving Show

type SymTab = M.Map String Double

type Evaluator a = State SymTab a

lookUp :: String -> Evaluator Double

lookUp str = do
symTab <- get
case M.lookup str symTab of
Just v

-> return v

Nothing -> error $ "Undefined variable " ++ str

addSymbol :: String -> Double -> Evaluator ()

addSymbol str val = do

symTab <- get

put $ M.insert str val symTab
return ()

evaluate :: Tree -> Evaluator Double

evaluate (SumNode op left right) = do

lft <- evaluate left
rgt <- evaluate right
case op of

-> return $ lft + rgt

Minus -> return $ lft - rgt

evaluate (ProdNode op left right) = do

lft <- evaluate left
rgt <- evaluate right
case op of
Times -> return $ lft * rgt

-> return $ lft / rgt

evaluate (UnaryNode op tree) = do

x <- evaluate tree
case op of

-> return x

Minus -> return (-x)

evaluate (NumNode x) = return x

evaluate (VarNode str) = lookUp str

evaluate (AssignNode str tree) = do

v <- evaluate tree

addSymbol str v
return v

expr = AssignNode "x" (ProdNode Times (VarNode "pi")

(ProdNode Times (NumNode 4) (NumNode 6)))

main = print $ runState (evaluate expr) (M.fromList [("pi", pi)])

Calculator with the Symbol Table Monad

Here's the complete runnable version of the calculator that uses our Symbol Table Monad.
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Map as M

data Operator = Plus | Minus | Times | Div

deriving (Show, Eq)

data Token = TokOp Operator

| TokAssign
| TokLParen
| TokRParen
| TokIdent String
| TokNum Double
| TokEnd
deriving (Show, Eq)

operator :: Char -> Operator

operator c | c == '+' = Plus
| c == '-' = Minus
| c == '*' = Times
| c == '/' = Div

tokenize :: String -> [Token]

tokenize [] = []
tokenize (c : cs)
| elem c "+-*/" = TokOp (operator c) : tokenize cs
| c == '='

= TokAssign : tokenize cs

| c == '('

= TokLParen : tokenize cs

| c == ')'

= TokRParen : tokenize cs

| isDigit c = number c cs
| isAlpha c = identifier c cs
| isSpace c = tokenize cs
| otherwise = error $ "Cannot tokenize " ++ [c]

identifier :: Char -> String -> [Token]

identifier c cs = let (name, cs') = span isAlphaNum cs in
TokIdent (c:name) : tokenize cs'

number :: Char -> String -> [Token]

number c cs =
let (digs, cs') = span isDigit cs in
TokNum (read (c : digs)) : tokenize cs'

---- parser ----

data Tree = SumNode Operator Tree Tree

| ProdNode Operator Tree Tree
| AssignNode String Tree
| UnaryNode Operator Tree
| NumNode Double
| VarNode String
deriving Show

lookAhead :: [Token] -> Token

lookAhead [] = TokEnd

lookAhead (t:ts) = t

accept :: [Token] -> [Token]

accept [] = error "Nothing to accept"
accept (t:ts) = ts

expression :: [Token] -> (Tree, [Token])

expression toks =
let (termTree, toks') = term toks
case lookAhead toks' of
(TokOp op) | elem op [Plus, Minus] ->
let (exTree, toks'') = expression (accept toks')
in (SumNode op termTree exTree, toks'')
TokAssign ->
case termTree of
VarNode str ->
let (exTree, toks'') = expression (accept toks')
in (AssignNode str exTree, toks'')
_ -> error "Only variables can be assigned to"
_ -> (termTree, toks')

term :: [Token] -> (Tree, [Token])

term toks =
let (facTree, toks') = factor toks
case lookAhead toks' of
(TokOp op) | elem op [Times, Div] ->
let (termTree, toks'') = term (accept toks')
in (ProdNode op facTree termTree, toks'')
_ -> (facTree, toks')

factor :: [Token] -> (Tree, [Token])

factor toks =
case lookAhead toks of
(TokNum x)

-> (NumNode x, accept toks)

(TokIdent str) -> (VarNode str, accept toks)

(TokOp op) | elem op [Plus, Minus] ->
let (facTree, toks') = factor (accept toks)
in (UnaryNode op facTree, toks')


let (expTree, toks') = expression (accept toks)

if lookAhead toks' /= TokRParen
then error "Missing right parenthesis"
else (expTree, accept toks')
_ -> error $ "Parse error on token: " ++ show toks

parse :: [Token] -> Tree

parse toks = let (tree, toks') = expression toks
if null toks'
then tree
else error $ "Leftover tokens: " ++ show toks'

---- evaluator ----- show

type SymTab = M.Map String Double

newtype Evaluator a = Ev (SymTab -> (a, SymTab))

instance Monad Evaluator where

(Ev act) >>= k = Ev $

\symTab ->
let (x, symTab') = act symTab
(Ev act') = k x
in act' symTab'
return x = Ev (\symTab -> (x, symTab))

lookUp :: String -> Evaluator Double

lookUp str = Ev $ \symTab ->
case M.lookup str symTab of
Just v

-> (v, symTab)

Nothing -> error $ "Undefined variable " ++ str

addSymbol :: String -> Double -> Evaluator Double

addSymbol str val = Ev $ \symTab ->
let symTab' = M.insert str val symTab

(val, symTab')

evaluate :: Tree -> Evaluator Double

evaluate (SumNode op left right) = do

lft <- evaluate left
rgt <- evaluate right
case op of

-> return $ lft + rgt

Minus -> return $ lft - rgt

evaluate (ProdNode op left right) = do

lft <- evaluate left
rgt <- evaluate right
case op of
Times -> return $ lft * rgt

-> return $ lft / rgt

evaluate (UnaryNode op tree) = do

x <- evaluate tree
case op of

-> return x

Minus -> return (-x)

evaluate (NumNode x) = return x

evaluate (VarNode str) = lookUp str

evaluate (AssignNode str tree) = do

v <- evaluate tree
addSymbol str v

main = do
loop (M.fromList [("pi", pi)])

loop symTab = do
str <- getLine
if null str
return ()
let toks = tokenize str
tree = parse toks
Ev act = evaluate tree
(val, symTab') = act symTab
in do
print val
loop symTab'

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