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Essay Prompt: Write a persuasive

essay attacking Enlightenment
ideals from the point of view of a
member of the 2nd estate in

The Liberty, Equality and Fraternity of the Old Regime

The Old Regime is France. It is all

we have ever been and all there
is to be known of the history of
this great power; a system of
social structure and order that
has held this great nation in
check since its foundation. Never
was there a political system as
grand as that of the French
monarchs, who rule with pride,
knowledge and the Will of God
over their subjects. A bloodline of
royalty runs through them, giving
our monarchs the experience of
their ancestors and the consent
of God to govern over us as they
have always done. To take away
the Old Regime is not only
questioning the authority of our
Heavenly Fathers
representatives but to question
the authenticity of France without
her mighty King and Queen.
A proud member of the 2nd
estate, the legitimacy of our dear
King Louis XVIs power is
absolute. A ruler fit for the
mighty nation of France must be
many things: just in his actions,
wise in his orders and a man of
utter grandeur and brotherhood.
If any words of the campaign of
Libert, Egalit, et Fraternit
were true it would be the
fraternity of our king to his
subjects. As a member of the
nobility I have been in the
company of His Lordship and
found that kinship and
brotherhood to be some of his
most aspiring characteristics. All

our king has ever done has been

for the best of France and her
people, his people.
The concepts of progress,
reason, happiness, nature and
liberty chased down by the poor
misguided philosophes of this era
are noble endeavors but only
when applied to the right ideals.
When these concepts are taken
into account that of His Highness
King Louis XVI, it is obvious how
our dear King follows these as
well. Every action he has taken
has been for the progress of
France, the happiness of his
people and he has followed
through with reason in every one
of his actions. Liberty is what the
Enlightenment embracers shout
from the rooftops, and my
question is, how do they not see
the freedom, which they already
Not enslaved nor in imprisoned,
they work for their meals as we
all do through farming, education,
business or preaching the word of
God, and live lives of fulfillment
in this grand nation. Men are free
to survive, and celebrate life;
there is no chain or prison cell
they must be tied down to. The
only question against their liberty
is from the revolutionaries who
call for liberty, yet dont realize it
is already in their hands. What
they are asking for is power, not
freedom, and for that they must
call to God who would tell them

Essay Prompt: Write a persuasive

essay attacking Enlightenment
ideals from the point of view of a
member of the 2nd estate in
that He has already given all the
interpretations of the Holy Bible.
power they need to the King.
Certain privileges are necessary
Equality is a twisted word
for our clergy to perform their
and those enlightenment
duties and show the true glory of
followers themselves do not
the Roman Catholic Church. For
define it. Do they mean equality
the 2nd estate, it should never be
of the law, economy, or women
said that our wealth came to us
as well as men? There may be
unearned. We hold offices in the
something to be said about
government, a job just the same
equality under the law and to it I
as a farmer, merchant or
say thus, there can never be total
businessman, and spend each
equality under the law and it has
day toiling with policies and
been written in the history of
workloads to handle while also
France. The estates have lead our
managing land that feeds the
nation throughout its past and
people of France. Managing land
form a trinity that has always
is much more difficult than
been our countrys way of life.
plowing it, and to that I say it can
The power of the king is
never be questioned the privilege
unquestionable; his right to
of the highly deserving 2nd estate.
govern was blessed by the Holy
Reason, Nature, Liberty,
Trinity itself, so therefore there
Progress and Happiness are just
will be no one in France equal to
words applied to the wrong ideals
the royal family. Equality is
of Enlightenment. If one opens
impossible without securing a
their eyes to their nation they will
place in Hell for defying the
see these concepts have always
Kings right of power.
existed for them to live by,
The privileges of the 1st and
especially under King Louis XVI.
2 estate were given to them by
Under the Old Regime, there will
logical reasoning. The First
always be a progressing, happy,
Estate, the clergy, are a small
liberated and logical society who
group yet a holy group who bless
lives in order and trinity in this
us with their teachings and
grand nation of France.

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