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Classroom Management Plan

The following statements describe my dispositions as a teacher and beliefs

about what I believe to be true about children and their behavior and my role as the
classroom teacher in shaping the behavior. It reflects my personal philosophy about
children and what they require to have a successful educational career including
leading educational theorists such as Maslow and Piaget that shaped my personal

It is my belief that to ensure learning occurs, children must first feel

that they are in a safe environment. I believe that all children have a sense
of belonging and security that needs to be fulfilled before they are able to
learn effectively and efficiently (Maslow). I believe that all children are
influenced by their environment that they grew up in and live in. I
understand that my classroom will have the same influence and I believe
that I can make it a positive one. I know that children are susceptible to
social media and are influenced by what they see (Bronfenbrenner). I believe
all children have the ability to learn and as an educator it is my responsibility
to teach at the correct stage for each child (Vygotsky/Piaget). I understand
that it is my responsibility to coach the students as they grow and relate
learning objectives to their previous knowledge. I believe that children will
form their disposition according to their past experiences with what they
were allowed to do (Skinner).
I understand that it is my responsibility to create a climate in my classroom
that enables students to participate while feeling safe. It is the first responsibility I

have in creating my classroom environment: students safety. It is my responsibility

to be sure that all students can maneuver around the classroom at any time
necessary. This includes strategies such as a well thought out classroom that limits
distractions and enables engaging, interactive lessons that reach all individuals with
their own learning styles. I want to create a culture that encourages discussion in
the classroom and I understand that it is my responsibility to create a culture where
students feel free to talk openly.
I accept the responsibility of following any district and building rules, routines,
and discipline policies. It will be my responsibility to learn and know each rule and
routine so I can implement them into my classroom. It is my responsibility to make
sure each and every student understands and practices each rule and routine. I
believe that students will have a higher buy in to the classroom rules if they are
there to help create them. This will be done in the first days of class, and will be
practiced every day afterward. I accept as my responsibility the consistent follow
through of each rule we make both by reinforcing when they are followed and by
giving consequences when they are not.
As a student disregards a rule, I will accept the responsibility to follow
through with my discipline strategy. I will mainly use the problem solving strategy
that involves the students with discussing the problem, why its a problem, and
solutions to the problem. I will then monitor the students progress as the solution is
applied. When further discipline is needed, I believe in applying natural and logical
consequences that will teach the students to be responsible for their actions. I will
also be using strategies such as nonverbal cues, eye contact, and proximity before
moving on to strategies such as staying in from recess or calling down to the office.
Whenever possible, I will use the reinforcement of positive behavior to shape the

behavior into appropriate behavior. This is going to focus on the students positive
behavior rather than the negative behavior.
Finally, I believe that contact with the parents is not only necessary but
beneficial as well. I accept the responsibility to contact the parents to report student
behavior: both good and bad. I believe it is important to include the parents in any
decision making regarding their child and informing them of the behavior so I can
gain information about the student and home life. I also believe it is my
responsibility to keep an open door policy for parents including but not limited to
student presentations, projects, conferences, and field trips.
Please refer to the following Rules and Routines Handbook for more detail in
specific areas.

Routines and Procedures

Procedures for room use
Teachers desk
and storage
Student Desks

Storage form

Students will not take anything from the teachers desk or

any storage area without permission from the teacher. All
storage areas will be closed and off limits.
Students are not to open, move, or organize other students
desks without permission from either the desks student or
the teacher. They will maintain the organization of their own
desk throughout the year beginning with designated desk
cleaning times yearly in the year.
Students may use items stored on open shelves and will
have the materials that are commonly used easily
accessible. Students are expected to treat objects they take
from open storage with care and replace them when they
are done.

fountain, sink,
pencil sharpener
Centers and
Equipment areas


White board

Only one student will be allowed to use these facilities at a

time only when the teacher is not talking. Students will be
allowed to have a water bottle by their desk that will only be
filled during specific beaks.
Students will be allowed to use the restroom one at a time.
They will not be allowed to during instruction or group work.
Centers will be used in worktimes designated by the teacher.
There will be student options for those who excel and
assigned centers for students who need practice. Equipment
will be assigned to each student and will only be used when
specified. Students will be expected to remain quiet even
when working in small groups.
Computer stations will be made available as needed in the
classroom. This will be indicated by the teacher and the
students will not be allowed to use the computers without
permission. students will either be assigned time on the
computer or must ask to use the computers
Students will not be allowed to use the white board without
instruction from the teacher. When allowed to, the students
will only use the markers that they will be able to use will be
clearly marked (for example, tape around the end) to
indicate that they are the markers for the board. Students
will also have the responsibility of erasing the board at the
end of the day. The responsibilities will change to a new
person every day or every week.

Procedures for Individual Work and Teacher-Led Activities

attention during

Talk among

Students will be expected to face the presenter and listen

attentively. They will stay seated at all times during
presentations, remain quite, and only have books necessary
for the lesson on their desks.
To give all students the chance to participate, students will
raise hands during lessons to answer questions. If all
students are not participating, popsicle sticks with students
names on them will be chosen. There will be several
different types of discussions to encourage full participation.
There will be several time opportunities for the students to
talk to one another before sharing their answers and/or
opinions to gain confidence in their answers. When they are
working individually, they will be expected to work quietly or
the talking privilege will be lost. There will be a no-talking
signal such as turning off the lights momentarily that will tell
the students to stop talking all together.

Obtaining help

Students will be expected to raise their hands to when they

need help while working in their seats. They will be expected
to know when certain times are when they are not allowed
to interrupt the teacher such as during a small group guided
reading lesson.
When a student is finished with their assigned work before
the next scheduled activity, they will be given additional
enrichment assignments or they will be allowed to finish
other work that may be not be completed.

When individual
work has been

Transitions into and out of the room

Beginning the
school day

Every day there will be a bell activity on the board that the
students will come in and complete. They will be expected to
go to their desks and work on the bell activity when they
come into the classroom at the beginning of the day. After
the bell activity, the lunch menu, pledge of allegiance, and
schedule for the day will be discussed.
Before leaving the room, students will line up at the door
after all materials have been put away and the students are
quiet. They will all be expected to stay quiet and keep ands
to themselves by interlocking their hands behind their back.
When students need to leave the room on their own to work
with a speech teacher or special education teacher, students
will be expected to do so quietly after they put their
materials away.
When students are returning to the room after a block like
lunch and/or recess, students will be allowed to use the
restroom, drinking fountain, and the pencil sharpener before
sitting at their desk. To allow time for students to unwind
and prepare for academic work, there will be activities like a
read aloud brining the students back to class.
Ending the day will begin with a review of what we talked
about for each lesson. Students will then put all materials
used during the day away and clear off all areas including
their desks, any work tables, and the floor. Again groups of
students who are sitting quietly will go get their coats and
backpacks and line up at the door.

Leaving the

Returning to the

Ending the day

Procedures for Small-Group instruction

Getting the class
ready for the

In the beginning of the year there will be a series of minilessons that will teach the students workstations that they
will be able to work at during small group instruction
including. They will practice each workstation and be
successful at completing it individually before the next one
is introduced.

movement into
and out of the

behavior of
students in the

behavior of
students outside
the small group

Use of materials
and supplies

Using multiple

Transitions will be described and taught to the students

separately and practiced before they are expected to
complete them quickly and quietly. Students will stop talking
at the teachers signal, move to their next area with the
required materials. The board will display an online timer so
the students will know when to expect the teacher to begin
the transition.
By the time small group instruction will begin, students will
learn what the classroom will look like and sound like during
their lesson. They will have one more mini-lesson about
what their small group will look like. Students will come to
the small group prepared with all required materials. Before
instruction begins, the teacher should refer to the rules to
review what to do in the small group. Students will be
encouraged to participate by answering questions and
adding on to or debating with any answer already given.
There will be small behavioral adjustments such as signaling
with a thumbs up if the student agrees with another or
taping the table when they have an answer.
Students who are not in the small group will be working in
workstations in small groups. In the mini-lessons about the
workstations, expected behavior for the workstation will be
explained and modeled. Before any small group instruction
will begin, students will know what the classroom is
expected to look like and sound like. They will then learn
that there will be no interruptions of the small group
instruction unless there is an emergency.
Each workstation will have a separate tote full of the
materials needed for the station. Students will be taught
during the workstations mini-lesson where to find the tote
and get the materials. If there are any extra required
materials the students do not yet have for the small group
instruction, the teacher will bring it to the small group.
There will be multiple groups working at one time for a
period of up to twenty minutes. The teacher will begin
building the students stamina for twenty minutes of group
work slowly at the beginning of the year.

General Procedures

At the beginning of the year, when books and supplies is

distributed to the students, record taking will be done to
keep track of who is in possession as well as any damage
that may be done to the books. Throughout the year,
student helpers will aid in passing out any needed materials.

Interruptions or

resource, room,
school offi ce


Fire and disaster


Students will be taught before any interruptions happen

(such as incoming phone calls) to continue working quietly.
Students will use a hall pass that is kept in an open, easy to
find area to keep track on how many students are out of the
When a group of students is going out of the room work on
group work (studying or researching at the library) the
teacher will always call ahead and make sure that the
supervisor of the room is expecting them.
A review of school procedures will be explained to students
at the beginning of the year before they travel to the
cafeteria. If needed there will be an incentive for good
behavior such as an award system.
Student need to be taught that safety is the number one
concern and there will be no aggressive or dangerous
behavior on the playground.
Students will be taught the school wide procedures and
routines ahead of time so that the class can review them
before each drill.
Students will aid the teacher in erasing the board, passing
our materials, carrying messages to the office, watering
plants, and tidying up. Responsibilities will be changed
weekly to another group.

Communicating Assignments and Work Requirements

Where and how
assignments will
be posted
Standards for
form and

Procedures for
absent students

Assignments will be posted in an easily viewable location

and students will be expected to write them down in their
assigned planners that will go home, be signed by parents,
and checked in the morning.
In the beginning of the school year the teacher will teach
students procedures (such as what type of paper to write on,
any headings to use). Students will be reminded of these
procedures and expected to carry them out throughout the
Every day for 15 minutes before or after class, the teacher
will have an open time where the students can talk or ask
questions. This time can be used for student who were
absent and need to know what the assignment it. The
students will be given a specific time to compete the work
and place to hand it in.

Consequences of
late or
incomplete work

There must be clear due dates that students can understand

and follow. They need to be achievable and manageable. If
an assignment is not handed in on time or is incomplete,
points will be taken off (for example, 5-10% per day). If a
student continually misses the due dates, an individual
meeting with the teacher should be held to figure out what
the problem is.

Monitoring Progress on and Completions of Assignments

Procedures to
individuals work
in progress

Procedure to
monitor groups;
work in progress

How to
students are
Records of
student work


Every time the students are working on individual work, or

seatwork, the teacher should be walking around the room
and checking on students progress. If the assignment is not
due for several days (for example, an essay or research
paper), goals should be made for each student to reach. The
teacher can check if the students have met goals by
requiring rough drafts or separate parts of the assignment to
be handed in.
When the teacher is working with a small group of students,
the rest of the class needs to have something valuable to do
and they need to know exactly what the teacher expects
them to be doing. Students can be placed in groups and
work in workstations that require a student contract (to
keep track of what the student did that day) and/or an
assignment to hand in.
When students arrive in class, they can be given a number
(corresponding with their names) that they will write at the
top right of the page. Students can then hand in their
assignments in order of the numbers. This will give the
teacher the ability to quickly go through the assignments to
see if any are missing.
The teacher will keep a digital records of what has been
completed as well as physical ones. The digital records will
be updated backed up often. The physical records will be
kept safely in a filing system.
Students will be taught several strategies to monitor
themselves to ensure comprehension. They will be given a
reference sheet to remind them of their choices.

Schools grading
policies and
What kinds of
feedback will be
used when

The teacher will have a thorough understanding of the

schools grading policies and procedures before shaping her
The teacher is going to give students feedback as often as
possible while they are working through the lesson and after
every major assignment. She can keep a list of the students

What to do if a
student stops

Share students
work with
Handling grading

names and date the last time she met individually with the
student to ensure that no one is missed.
The first time a student misses an assignment for no
apparent reason, the teacher will talk individually with the
student to find out what the problem is. If there is no
problem, the student will be required to complete the work.
If the student continues missing assignments, the teacher
will start getting in contact with the parents first by note,
then a phone call.
Students will have a folder of checked work that will go
home to the parents. This will include all work, good and
Grading disputes will be handled in a professional manner.
The teacher is to stay professional at all times. Rubrics,
guides, and reasoning behind the grades will be used to
defuse any disputes.

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