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Finding Your Area

Lesson Title/Topic: Your Area

Target Concept: Finding the area of your name on graphing paper
Standards/Rationale: Grade 2 TEKS 111.4 ~ 9 (F)
Lesson Objectives: The student will find the area of their initials filled in on graphing paper with 65%
Assessment: The student will color in the squares on graphing paper in the shape of their initials and find
the area of the initials of their first and last name.
Materials: Pencil, math notebook, graphing paper, coloring pencils, poster board with grid cut into
smaller pieces~one for each student
Lesson Cycle: (Direct instruction)
The teacher will
Focus/mental set: ask students if they would like to find

The student will

answer yes.

the area of themselves in square units.

Teacher input: Define area (the number of square units on

Write definition of area in their

the inside of an object). Have students write the definition

math notebooks. Discuss in

of area in their math notebooks. Ask students to discuss in

groups the square units being the

groups what they notice about the squares. If needed, hint

same size and shapes. Also

that there is something about the size and shape of the

discuss in groups the square units

squares. Rotate room to hear conversations in group.

need to be the same for measuring.

When they all understand the square units are the same size

Count along with the teacher as

and shape, ask the groups to discuss why that is important.

she counts the square units of each

Rotate the room to listen to groups discuss this. The goal is


to have the groups understand it is to measure the object

correctly. Find the area of a 1X4 and 2X2 polygon by

counting each square unit out loud and writing each number
in each square as you count it. Have students count with
Guided Practice: Hand out graphing paper. Ask students

Create 2X3 polygon as teacher

to make a 2X3 square unit polygon as the teacher creates

does so on the overhead. Will

one on the overhead. Count each individual square, writing

count each square with the teacher,

in each number in each square as you count to 6 square

making sure to write the number in

units total, having the students count out loud with you.

each square as they count to 6

Instruct students to write their answer next to the polygon

square units total. Create 3X3

like this: Area=6 square units. Ask students to make a 3X3

polygon as teacher does so on the

square unit polygon as the teacher creates one on the

overhead. Will count each square

overhead. Let the students count each individual square,

on their own, making sure to write

writing each number in each square as they count to 9

the number in each square as they

square units total on their own. Have students discuss with

count to 9 square units total. They

their group their answers. Rotate the room and listen to be

will then discuss with their table

sure each student is getting it correct. Call on groups to

group and compare answers.

share answers. Instruct students to write their answer next

Create 2X6 polygon as teacher

to the polygon like this: Area=9 square units. Ask students

does so on the overhead. Will

to make a 2X6 square unit polygon as the teacher creates

count each square on their own,

one on the overhead. Let the students count each individual

making sure to write the number in

square, writing each number in each square as they count to

each square as they count to 9

12 square units total on their own. Have students discuss

square units total. They will then

with their group their answers. Rotate the room and listen

discuss with their table group and

to be sure each student is getting it correct. Call on groups

compare answers. Create letter T

to share answers. Instruct students to write their answer

on graphing paper as teacher does

next to the polygon like this: Area=12 square units. Ask

so on the overhead. Will count

students to make a letter T as the teacher creates one on the

each square on their own, making

overhead. Let the students count each individual square,

sure to write the number in each

writing each number in each square as they count to 7

square as they count to 7 square

square units total (3 horizontal on top and 4 vertically

units total, 3 on top and 4 going

below). Have students discuss with their group their

down the middle. They will then

answers. Rotate the room and listen to be sure each student

discuss with their table group and

is getting it correct. Call on groups to share answers.

compare answers. Finally, they

Instruct students to write their answer next to the polygon

will glues their sheet of notes onto

like this: Area=7 square units. Glue graphing paper notes

the page they defined area in their

into the math notebook so they have good notes to look

math notebook

back on that will not get lost.

Independent Practice: Hand out graphing paper to

Create their initials on

students. Instruct them to create their first and last initials

graphing paper. Count the

on the graphing paper. Ask them to find the area of each

area of square units for

letter, writing in each square the number as they count.

each initial. Write above

Have students write in the total square units on top of each

each letter Area=_____.

letter as Area=____. Allow students to color in their

Color in their initials with

initials, informing them these will be displayed in the

coloring pencils and turn in

classroom when completed.

Technology Integration: Watch YouTube video for area

their work to be displayed.

Watch the video on YouTube

for 2nd graders.

for 2nd grade area. If time

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLmDRF37eyo

permits, class can make their own

If time permits, class can make their own instruction video

instruction video during the week

during the week as a review.

Plan for Extension: Have the students find the area for

as a review.
The students can choose to

their full name. Be open with their exploration. If they

find the area of their whole

would like to design a building instead or create a

name or design a Minecraft

Minecraft style picture, let them. As long as they find the

style picture and find the

area of the figures they create, it is their choice.

area of the items they

Plan for Corrective Re-Teach: Hand out 8 Lego pieces to

Using Legos provided by the

students grouped up in pairs. Have one student create the

teacher, one student will create a

polygon while the other student draws out their partners

polygon while the other student

creation. After they create and draw the shapes, have them

draws out their partners creation.

count the number of Legos used and drawn and compare

After they create and draw the

their answer with their partner. Once they have agreed on

shapes, they will count the number

the number of Legos used, have them write on the drawing

of Legos used and drawn and

Area=____. Have the partners switch roles and repeat the

compare their answer with their


partner. Once they have agreed on

the number of Legos used, they
will write on the drawing
Area=____. Partners will then
switch roles and repeat the process

Closure: Ask the students to tell you what the area of the

again in their different role.

Tell teacher what the area

initial of their first name is.

of the initial of their first

name is.

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