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a WAN AND ANAKIN bea a1 aU me se Id an PO CaO PEM ENC e i ey ire CC eC Ce POA ees CRU RUE CI CLs PE ee | his master, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, on.a mission to Carnelion W ‘in ee OE Re CCE Ss cea PEE it ee they discover the ruins of an advanced civilization, FUME Aaa m aay survivors living on mountain peaks above erty eT a) ELS Me CMLL plummeting towards the surface. Obi-Wan manages air Ea OCA ONCOL EL Oe: ET em UC ea eC UC Cas UTA ORR Lae Coa order to rebuild a BER Cr aOR 115 eee BUSAN eV et] MARCO CHECCHETTO arty yee iad rye Aire BH) ae WT CET) Mae Wy aL Dye ere Rec ie eed pee ia mean Petty Ferra ite PTS ire barnes cg gee OM me mS See aa Leese) Lucasfilm bald TCT NN ait] Pry ic acer: ces Ta EV) ‘STAR WARS arid Felated text and illustrations are trademarks and/or copyrights, in the United States and other countries, of Cee a ence cece eases c e eeeIn t ED eOt Co et e or institutions in this magazine with those of any living or dead person or institution is intended, and any such similarity which Dee i i CR ES ee eae Gmc ote Rech oun ] ON, ANARIN AND fone OUR Wate \ e Shi - Vs aa 4 , eo fe . Se) a eon: a yi Ve. AN ; oo mel Je ae ae | KEEP YOUR OOD UP, ANAKIN, HT WOULD NOT DO FOR EITHER OF US TO BE ECOGNIZED IN THIS PLACE, 1s DIFFICULT DECISIONS! ‘OW, T AMM SO SORRY. SHOULD NEVER HAVE MENTIONED..THAT IS I DONT UNDER: SO AWFUL, WHY DOE ‘DO SOMETHI FROM, ANAKIN, AND T HOPE I DID NOT RAISE OLD WOUNDS BY MENTIONING SLAVERY, WS. FINE, CHAWICELLOR DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT Fr THAT MUCH YORE. i ci BUREAUCRATS? 5 FULL OF PLEASE: MT YOUNG, SERAORS FRIEND. “COLANDRUS, SENATOR OF THE SUNTILLA SYSTEM, POWERFUL. REPREHENSIBLE. EATS THE SENATE AS HIS PERSONAL BANK--HE MAKES WITHDRAWALS FROM EVERY PLANET WITHIN HIS INFLUENCE, TRADING. z FAVORS FOR CREDITS, BUT HE IS SO CAREFUL. ‘ONLY SMALL AMOUNTS IN EACH TRANSACTION. | DIFFICULT TO PROVE. "BUT WORST OF ALL TT WORKS. HE |S ONE OF THE MOST INFLUENTIAL MEMBERS OF THE SENATE, ‘AND THAT INFLUENCE. TwIsH THE CHANCE CUBES WOULD TURN AGAINST Hi, COLANDRUS 18 AN ADDICT, ASLAVE TO HIS IMPULSES. HE WOULD KEEP ROLLING IN AN EFFORT TO MAKE UP HIS LOSSES. “AND IF HIS LOSSES WERE LARGE [J] “HE WOULD SEEK EVER ENOUGH, HIS GREED [J] LARGER BRIBES...T WOULD WOULD END dil LEAVE A TRAIL. ity AGENTS WOULD FINALLY BE ABLE TO |g i ‘PROVE HIS CORRUPTION. WE COULD REMOVE HIM, RETURN JUSTICE ‘TO THE SENATE “BUT ALAS, FEAR THAT 18 JUST A FANTASY” THE SENATOR JusT "ASKED YOU A QUESTION. NO. HE IS ty PADAWAN, SOMETHING BETWEEN STUDENT AND Al ‘APPRENTICE A HES A ‘STUDENT? SURE HANDLED Us EASILY ENOUGH, DOWN ON THAT MOUNTAIN. NOT TO MENTION THE CORI N E-LEECHES, NID. 1S THAT WHAT YOU TWO SORT OF. THE JEDI ARE TO DIFFERENT Pl POWERFUL, BUT THERE AREN'T THAT fHANY ‘AND 1 SOMETIMES THEY CANT HELP REFUSE, 7 ANAKIN IS, PORTANT. HE ( ‘OTRAORDIANY POTENTIAL {BOTH WITH RESPECT TO His (OWN ABILITIES AND IN HIS ABILITY TO AFFECT THE BALANCE OF GOOD AND EVIL IN THE UNIVERSE. HE REQUIRES GUIDANCE TSWORE TO you DONT sounD )B AL TWAT Hap De ed Ss a eg eae RO Ue eC Ce et ae a eRe ml ans eee ei eae Hello faritastie Marvel Star Wars team! pcm Mere ures Obi-Wan & Anakin. AS | was reading, | ce em oe quote: *For @ thousand years the mystic a ed Crea eee cae a a oe eo ‘f Darth Bane’a thousand years before Ce ea withi Darth Bane. in’ the works at the stUdio-or créative office? One of the eee me eee ee ea aed ever cet utd Poo De ann Pea eC Oa tien creator of the Rule of Two for the Sith aac tek re eee ears from the distant past. Unfortunately, and Cee UE eae ree ee eae Cm ee Seas Ree Re eens is Still not yet.up to me, Perhaps once | Oe ac Ne ose ea Re ee ey OE Psa ren Aen tuted ce Ni ae a Skee Ms rs Dea Re) Cece Wan and Anakin ~things like that pesky Re aa i) Coe wee meet ed bianks about the history of a master and Padawan...and.we might not, even Cu ce Sn ee ey care Cc Sees Ue Tee Seer prequels - especially Ewan McGregor Se uci a Cs oo a ceo Co eee Seta aus ce ae oe nnd Re a Sg Cee eae ea it goes before | judge it All] ask is, since Re ee Pasa Uol Brig Dae ad Dey you are going to HATE issues 4 and.. Ce ee Pe Ra ees ys Pe ee ee aes ee ee Bane. It's @ Gungan party, and we're Smee ace) SU ce ca Cec UeR Se mes erm nC eae ete CO a Sea eke Ce a et Pe Ren ecco eM ace eC eet Re CUR em a Cee Reet ee an, experiment; and Anakin might not Bei Cu Rune have chosen, i it had. not been ‘iis master's dying wish. | also can’t wait to Cee eeu aee a ae Me ee politely enforced his“ authority over ecm? Pee cae ean oe eae gee eum that was the first Duros Jedi .l've ever co . tect Rann) ee ao eee Tec yes ee ee ok Tee ae Ce eC Ce See ate neuer Roe ne aa cee et face See eae ee ago‘in a galaxy far, far away is a lot t to than you think'~ and we want to eee ea er riod Oe De sa a ‘one of the things | was tnost excited to Sa St cet ‘To Charles Soule and the creative team, em reece is Issue. The artwork is beautiful to took at; ea ae ee ee ee eee a Ce eeu esc very welt. The temple scene was rightly, te aes Te em a standout: ‘The. Story is: interesting. so aa te wa Ce a em aS Pere ets ae Ry Pee eet es frees Fe CN Cur Me Pe ee EU Uae ee coe Cera ene a eee es Pete M Ee Rosa SRNR en eeu See ua nar Dee eGR De en a SO ee mas ere ae ae eS eee Rs ee ems ere uma eee ee Cert) Cu a ee ey Erne a eee Rd LO et ee eon) Re ene nica ae Re ecm pS ma mesa publisher, ahd everyone else involved in eases aac! Bouin) CeCe DST ae Cue a PO RUC eer Coomera aaa Betts

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