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ee ae PE ee ¢ , i EVENTS Pe / ie ad : Ws Raa eu ivi Td. eee at 2 Eo Pg a Pes 7 EDITroR’s On OCTET ET Era eee ee tea tae ate Sen tere hte tec Ua are cg en ee ett et rine Sere err ners era neat Peat ert ert ened eee eee See ny ri) See ce eee ere aren eee eet eet eter ee eared to all readers ~ isto promote the spat of Asotin ireland forthe beneft of he entire pee reteset einer nt rren ety ier eed Se eer eg rt a enter eee) Pen ee ener ene nett tr erien ois happening and keep you informed sbout the best places to pick up your kt We wil be eccentric oer errr eer) yobumay not have been aware of before and so hopefuly Keep you playing Arso for years ee nr ere erie tars eet y gaming and well examine the gear reed to sul every type of game. In shor, we hope 10 become the ulimate resource for Ish ArsoR knowleage. AS well as an browsed eiion errr eet Pritt eT ee ane end ete rr ra eee re rnc respected Airsot players and welll be haping to get more great atcles fom these guys Pe eee err coe Iistening to what the irish airson community has to say about So please let us know wh Pe er or Le ea rere ete ere es eae et ean ee een Lat) Penne re roa eee nears eee peeeet per lent retin ir net tern ereer hit Lio) Poin ce eed ere ee enue bearer should be sent to info@sitrepmagazine,com - We hape you enjoy the frat issue and w= eee ee ae nets eee ee ny Sree s Info@sitrepmagazine CO oy * et ng SA et igh Pernt ceed All the latest news from the Irish Airsofting world Do You Remember Your First Time-By lan Emes A Bit About MOSFETs ~ By Sean Canit Coa Dog Tagged TA Events ~ By Keth Richardson ‘SennyBridge Beginners’ Guide — By Damian Dobbyn Airsoft Sniper-~ By Keth Richardson Gunny’s AEG Assault Course —By sean cahit Green Zone Combat—By Damian Dobkyn For edvortising enquiries orto ‘submit photographs or articles reed eee ASAP Looking for Mature Players aan soe Ara aes ASAP ONES er payers aged 0 ot ing ssous ave en events, he cance ge members ian ‘iret ati teen arend mush ME veto SHRep Mage ovens cies serart te ast Commit Own names came ee rg cay 1 GeToP thyou entered ating oad ith ASAP hack tham outa ern asapietndcom oremalten a asap asofrelanaggmlteo™ Re eee: > = CLASSIFIED: TOP SECRET Nap Overation Clip Wing Th et Wb held in Bet be Sitep wishes the game ts te organises the Red Barn Hosts Charity Airsoft Event ‘On Api nd, re Bam played host toa char vent in aid of Dani abe: A one-time Aso player, Danlel has ban batting cancer for some time now and reer samy has located asouce of teatment In ‘Germany. The daylong event was held 2 Red Barn and supperted by MA, Hobby Ars and the Cano Shop ameng other. There wore also i lent of vlunsers thereto help the day ge slong smoothly peaberear [A whepping 3.450 was aise on te day, wich wl ne doubt be of oeat | ma help Daniel and his fay Big congratlatons go out to al those inohe this is wha the sh Aso ommunty i al bout, ENCE SOURCES) AND METHODS INVOLVED LSB66-1825-PL888-S6a8-1860). { Whiskey Delta Radio is on the Air Ms a you raves bern staan nyt youreay hed deen you ner tin to Whiskey Oita Rado (WOR) fom 20:0hr5 aetna Wednesday nigh The one re sae cathy Ue ads om Waterford based Aso Whiskey Dota i being Hosted by JhnPower with help from Aaron Malone, Ban esd ee alone ad James Green the weekly sw Nes 2 rec of marie and ome ey fat acusins et Iaestin eh Absot news. ois Dot as ai to and these who a tintng bout whats going 088 ‘ue us here at itRep magazine, te froma the sport and ifm players rout playing eal they need to know {he sh Aso community. ‘WOR ie ooking for shops and sites to send them al news wa aly he ture, get woven running competons andnePictonare, You can ste to the show every Wednesday toe tatpbisydeacanterhn and yous ao en ‘on Facebook a mmm SOC A Social Network mayer Y Samet eg the idea in doy Ete Management for Airsoft ly of vonage cesta ent esc Hf t + ¢ “By ignorance, the tg wheel of bith i Pubs nites me 4 ‘ the Buddha Sw wr 7 OSes THE GOLDEN BUDDHA MC wD TTD (0 CO | Arriving on a site tor ne frst ime ‘Airsoft isa very daunting event. Youre ‘nervous and dubious about the people around you, I's anew experience, anew envroment. Allround you are people with weapons that look far more superior than your brand new Siralght out ofthe box gun. All you can think to yourselfisthat “these guys must be good” ‘You stané inthe corner of what is known as ‘te safe zone’, keeping to yourself, admiring the varity of weapans on show ‘Then the Marshal oives a quick brie ofthe tules and regulations ofthe ste and how your fist game of Asof wil play. Thenit's time. You foas your magazine with BBs and head out to the gaming zone. You're nervous but excted, your heart racing. Then the adrenalin kicks | in, you fee a rush that you have never fet before, al the time thinking to yourself thatthe ‘uy against you, wah sllhis tactical gear-on, Tocks tke the best Airsoter inthe word. Ther you fre your fest few shots and you hit hin, hhe cals out ‘it's your frst kl, he heads ‘ffte respawn and a smile comes across your face and you think to yoursel, | can do this. ‘The nerves aisappear ana you relax and start enjoying Arsot, ‘That si youre hooked! You continue fring at the opposition and then fom behind a tree 2 BB fies through the air and its you, you shout “hit” and walk away to respawn By Alan Elmes ‘You return tothe game and continue playing Lunt the Marshal Blows te white to signal that te game is over This bate might be ost but the games sil go on...A quick reload of BB's andthe next game begins, your objective Isto detonate a bomb placed inside the ‘ppostion's base, which they are defending heavily Your team breaks into smaller squads and you al agree ona plan to attack the base, Squad 1 tacks fram the font wile your squad atacks the Tear, as you approach the base a silence fal all Aatound you, nobody makes a sound then al hel breaks lose. Aitackers attacking and defenders, defending BB's fying through the air, every Aso player must be on fll auto. You pop your head up fiom the bush you were using for cover land right Here in font of you is the enemy Wing and waiting. You raise your weapon to fre when tht Pt nt nt countless BB's It you trom, head toe, you fee! pain but nol enough for youto stop 0 yu shout it” ang run back o a respavn as fast as you canto get back nt ie fre fant. ‘Your teamhas closed upon the defenders base as you rejoin yau team mates a voice says “kif ki as one of he detenders arses fom the bush Covered in branches, twigs, leafs whatever he ould fndin the surrouncing area to camouflage himself, na's been waiting all game for a player to walk past and it happened to be you. Ar you look arourd in amazement that you didnt see im in your rush to rejoin the fre fght he Is hit by a member of your team and both of you head back torespava ‘On the way to the respawn point beth of you discuss the “knife kil joking and laughing at how in that brief moment you were tered vile the other player was trying his best nt to burst out laughing. He comments "the lock (on your face was priceless". “Airsoft is a game of excitment and a game of fun. It’s about meeting people who will become your friends” (Come lunch time al players are back in the ‘fe zone some are having lunch, your heat Is pumping, then you heat a voce “well done, {yu got me good atthe star of that game, bul Iget ya beck haha’, i's the guy you hitin you fist game as an Airsot player congratulating you, Youve earned his respect Because you {gave him respect, he introduces you to the ‘est ofhisteam and fienships are made Every aisoft ste you go to players talk about thir loadeuts and recommend diferent shop and sites. Asot Is @ game of exotment ans | game offun. t's about meeting people who ‘wil becone your fends, people who you know veryiite about ‘But for that day they become your Dest tend, someone who wil watch your back while you Watch theirs. t's about communicating with ether lke minded people who have the same goal every outing te have 8 good time. The more you play the more you want o play. Every ste has ts regular players. The ones who look ater the new players giving them information on weapons, tacics and how the game will play out. There are numerous stes scattered across the country, each with thet wn Unique layouts and style. Every game is diferent, every player diferent, yet they al have fone thing in common: ther love and respect for ‘his spert and those who play Airsoft is a family not just a sport. ee a esa ed Par ra etn Penn eere ie nett Peer eects oer ate) ee aa ea eee re rat) Pa reer cae Ce eed Peer sere! ee eke erence y carbon, Weis eaused by arching, As Coe. oer erate \ its two cont arching occurs. This is more kely Shhappen withthe use y ee eh reat Pree ees ee) eee ee eee cee ree rine pee eee eet nea) Fealised the two contacts were also Lemon ne eee te eee oan pear eestor ty Pea eet ny ew switch would be required eae nd er red ee res fancy having to replace the tigger Pao eee Cee eects Perera iceuns erry one) acre Seer ee meen tees pone meen iene! ee eae) Poon pee ery Papeete cre) pee een ae eee) oom cee rennet) pee ete Paar ee eer reteenael eee tier eae ins Perera ts Pere eater naar) Seemed Peeters ope eae! Teeeeebenpenth ee wry9 Pees ete Pe eed rene tnd ee ee ea se een tn Cee ener an poe ea ay Cees perenne oe ern tee seta aera least we have computerised cee Perro Se Ponenerenry ere poses rete prere it Sree ener Creare eer Peeper sae nei Pont ern ty cere pera eert ee ier Peers eee arene ra recanted ere once ear errs peer rerres ice eet Rese perleetond rated Peer ant pee rer ete] pee eee iene er inet Peers ff 2, K. RICHARDSON tsa. sl 4 Some ofthe biggest dates on tN Ish Airsot players are the reguar BatleSim events organised by TA Events inthe UK. Each year mote and nore Irish players are attracted to these 26 hour long games. Taking place inthe FIBUA, Vilages used by the Brtsh army to prepare fr deployment overseas, these games ofer an Air sof experience which tis currently impossible to find in roland, They are algo a great opportunty {for regular ih players from all over the couriry to meet up a8. community and show everyone lust how serious about our sport we realy ate, Reports are that well over half of those attending the next TA Event in Apt wil be heading ove ftom Iietand! SitRep magazine was lucky enough to grab some time withthe founder and organiser of TA Events, an Wermertng, just before he got too deep int the last minute planning forthe latest BatieSim game being held at Sennybridge FIBUA valage, pat the of the Chernarus Confle. Pet ey SitRep) There are requarty large SSitRep) TA Events have a new event planned for April 2011, part 3 ofthe Chemarus Confit, what ean you tellus about his usceming event and what cathe ish players traveling over ‘Sxpectin terms of rule development and tha development of tre Chemards Confit ory tne? SSitRep) Looking to the future, can you glve us some hints as to what TA Events has planned to | eep yourgames fresh. dynarie and continuously evelving in order to remain on top a= eland's favourte Eatlesim destination? tan) SitRep team will all be in attendance at Sennybridge fc 3 of tre Ghernarus Conflit and we wil bring you a full PR CN BEGINNERS’ GU WY) POM CT HE chee eed iNet Rea TCL lenty of Irish players will be heading to the next big UK airsoft event, what can ee eee ete re he ee Sensing Well frst of, the Sennybridge FIBUA (fehting ohare enero cet cy onmererem e eent rere ot ey Pee eet ra rr eee rene) oe ete as inet rir rari cold place that tis. The realisation starts o set in afer you've unpacked your gear and put up Cre ees a een en eee een rete pe ee ees Sree nr erties! ert ee Pree ener rere er en eed ere eee ret eee ea cy ens See Rae cat ee er ery Pile are ener ear et CES ee emmy cr eid Pe rere ary ie Le ek ar eer a eae aaa eee) Ceo ede) having a beer ortwo and chatting wth your flew een eet ey See ecg) Pome rr e rt orcs pore ore brett teas Try and get as much sleep as you can because et a Cones oo Gaming starts about midday on the Saturday ee ecm) See ace ee eer) follow proper ratio procedure with your section, nearer ere Eee tris poe rere TRC ecu d Pecos see er ct ars Rete eea S pte ce ree eck one ee Cuore) light with only what you actually need eee een ens eee eerie) Make sure to pack all your essentials, mask Poon ener eters land boots intowhatever bag you are using well cen eres ee nr) ‘excess weight when you probably won't need Pec ras eee ere ees eee res ee ee ered Next up i you sleeping arrangements. You op- ater a rs ee eg ty Pere er erent ee es ek ren wil need a slesing bag, get a good one asthe en enter Peer rane nt pea reece nay peer oy er ory to abate the hunger until your section poeta eee ‘A water bladder in your tac vest can eer cnr at ected Sart Guides” sub menu. Found here at Seen ted ors ‘with all the background aE ent ets Pn ey The Airsoft Sniper re probably he mos popuar rad that many newscomerstohe Sort choese to travel down, but tie a sy of play whieh is oten misrterpeted This mlscon- Ceation lends newcomers to aualoes than fves asa one hunter, fe guy wha fds he perfect cancealed vantage poi and proceeds fo angage and eliminate great swathes of op. positon ayers fom hishidden postion Hs nt Tong before they tout that arly ever were cut that way Here we wil afempt to examine the many facets of one of Asof's most com plex and cemanding oles We wil take a ook at what is required ofthe Ar. sof sniper form his team and look atthe benefts of having an effective ArsoR sniper establanes ‘within a team dynamic Inve take a quick glance at ou rea stel counterparts, their effectiveness inthe field is devastating andthe demeralising effect on the ‘oppostion can cause a huge psychological impact, 30 ts no wonder thatthe role holds ch appeal te Aireot players, While similar {es eman mosty comet, aaping Some o improve the role ofthe Arcot sniper. ‘Anvdamentaleror.A sniper is always teed to be twice as effective in Kish Also ‘then paired with anther marksman from hi of a sniper and a ' sniper’ fle wil having soneone wih a fly automatic ie will come as a 2 second marksman fully automatic assault rate on bi ty of ther immediate ards the sniper from ita much faster rate of fre. The spotter may aso quard entry and ext points, His task isto ‘bserve areas nat visible othe sniper and with the enper team's reat He may aso take paint when rel information tothe tear, help and cocrdinated attacks. Coomunications are also vial tothe sniper pers, in my opinion regard importa a thet io bebeve for not can be afar more efectve tol wine eliminating the omy a8 a sniper. Thetefore good radio communications skits af also a key element» in becoming a skied Meet snipe. The hirtof snipers gear or equipment can be broken ite four branches weapons, ops, Communiestions and camouflage, Weapons can be broken inte primarylsecondary weapons. The primary would be your chosen sniper rife Usually this would be a bolt action rifle but mere land more Irish Aisot we eee players moving tovards a sem automate rife such as the M14 EBR, this isan issue commonly debated as tome would argue thie dts the snipers ole tomore ofa DM role or (Designated marksman) Secondary weapons would commonly include 8 pistol ant possibly grenades, landmines and dummy knfe. Optics would include the snipers scope usvally this i x40. This means the scope nas variable zoom capabily. In the case t ranges between 3 and Sx magnification though 4mm wide view objective lens A tep zeroed in prior to game commencement, ether ‘optics would neue a smal et of mini binooulare Communications would consist ofa good two vay rad and headset, this in my opin lonisa mest ‘Snipers use the ghille suit ané drag bag due to covert requirements for infvaton and camouflage The gille suit was, believe it or not fist develeped by Scotish game wardens to better court game and eatch poachers. Chile suite can be hand made in many diferent ways, ‘Some make them from rough hessian type Bulap latached te netting, ther ghille suits are otter bulk using camouflaged pilot's fight sut, or some tne kind of one-piece ‘overal asthe base, A fll cover of rough webbing o' fish netting in a durable fabric is attached in regular patterns designed to hide lines and tlend nto surrounding eover. This can than be weathered using mud and ether organic materials or ancther metnod is to spray paint Ive even Feard of lacs dragging t behind ther cat! The final choice wil depend on locaton ‘ry and use ae much ofthe local foliage az possible without restieting your movement. 's customary forthe ghlle ut to be made by the sniper and tart to his favrite ste You ean buy them premade but in my opinion, doing some research then making your evn ghile su ic half the fun and it also personales your snipe loadout. One problem with ghille suits is internal tempera tures though. Even in relatively moderate ‘mates, the temperature inside the gil sut ‘can Soar this s why we see more and more ‘Hoquent use of the hood and shoulder cover ‘which is the bare minimum ta Break up the boy tines. [My other top tps ecnceming equipment concern ammuniton and the ile Black book, how many 1ave we all seen the poor sniper retrea: of ammunition be prepared This! nd er which only they w placing inti, This m that each time the enemy ven the snipe Utimately side ther kal zone. This technique is somethinga sniper could easily adapt this or her own local ste Other equpment that may be useful depending ‘on your endrenment would be insect reper, some snacks, a camel back, spare pistol macs ‘ penight and camouflage cea But to everyone who likes the idea ofthe Airsoft sniper role the best bt of advice you'l get fron the more experienced snipers is possily and that Isto have patience. Lats of When the adrenaline in flowing and you can hear your team-mates racking up the kils and having a great game. ican be easy to get Aisilusioned, Running about and geting Ilple Kis isnot the type of game thatthe Alrsof sniper has chosen to play You'e in his forthe long haul andthe satisfaction of a perfect steath kil wil come in time and be al the sweeter forthe walt and efor that you have putin. Hold your ground and bide your te. Your shot will come. Witten by Keith Richardson e ™ = WARNING. 114 STOW 14 COW VDF 0 OCB he AUTHORISED PERSONNEL ONLY | havo wo willl sash yon chills and Gmomiadye to hap yon Grercomoenotssaulicouso thot iivac chops easy CO ee Cuetec Bee eee roe is only as good as the power pack that runs ear re reer ts seven charges before they run at peak eft eran ers er aera ee ee renee balanced charge, the charging uns on these bateries must not be mixed up a8 they are Pee SILICON OIL ee eee ee et yor hop up pp. Read the instructions with your Se eee core ees ere oer rod. this gets sprayed i sicon ol Insert feet en ert Pereira ce reer es ere Cerner eo eet Petite ere erry ere ret ee ee tet] oe errr i) at ee ery rete eter ce eens Cee ee ed er Se eee) paar ee eer plastic and rubbers. play itsafe and stick with peeve sr ASSAULT COURSE Mcrae Sere eterno choc tis poe G&G RAIDER NON- BLOW BACK eee a eae eer pe cere ey eee eer ns een eens Cee arte n eee eae tte box Pee eee ene Ce eee Pree eerty) break in this to enable these to be sipped Cerrar rn pees po ——— eed Peete rece rar renner er) Po eee aay re — Peace Pe ee Sons oo ence prc it rere ts | ek ee Cone Ooo kac heed Push the mag release button into the re Phiips nead serews. Remove these and ee te es eer Peetu ec me Pe eee ere es ee oe tai eerie tars Poser ces Preterm ies Te ae eo Slide of he upper receiver. Remember to eer See sae et ee TS pein en oer enter poe eee ee ecu eee nr the mech box eel inta the rear ofthe mech box. Apply pres- Pee entra ico) See ences Win the box now open, you can check ener corre eens Reo eee ee eee Ere eer ere Pt eee ny Perea aa Soa eons Inthe grease on the beating eee ns Steno) Cee eee tar eats ns neta) Pe neat Sie Pee eae) Poor rere ies Cresent tee cees ree eta i een Peer ae Perera eee reer et err i pieeeiaseict eee as Now fi the moter. Ft the black connection Core reerrreterty black connection tobe connected wih the pe pesnseper reat ama pene raeeer nerve Renn era erento Penrose pene arma Cees ery ety eet oer ee errs Paneer arnt upper receiver. Pay attention tothe thread- eat eet battery plug and now my fend you are Perna Romande Tis tformaition 35 Preantieyafor oeyem eer Pemapcergen eons fecieesiona nein) osponsi sini ype ge acon toy Boao oO E REVIEW WRITTEN BY DAMIAN DORBYN Be tn eee et retaken 1a ease i wor sot sb Ene ee ese ar eed oa eee er ee ee et aes : | eeepc (lente Phere Smee: Lerma ee eee Hirer rier tient ~repurineaiarr Pee ee Hidolcte Abr fo te sinc tur ts VARS Vg wn sone say Gaerne neers ‘gear and aoof over your head. Next door is the small shop and sign- Cet eee ee eee yee rs {You wil find guns, consumables, sof drinks andigfjgcks.and of course pyro. As the rea eae er mec nItner eater ae e eae Erected inet acta! a wil u£1S for a day's garhigg with your own gear (approximately €15,60). Ppa -epleites eet. reohaeehaih ction hth) oomere) Pore ae ee eS rd Tequite good teamwork and co-srdipation Hgrebie ah ee in pete yer tt pccerreny r AT Ree pape seca ite Catan tear pec ete ame et ore ee son sea ae os Cer ie a eer es something to be ‘experienced. They are Cer eek aed eee eeetet ey Beret) a J Serr ararES Uprre el erieeeneeted Ererrrsee nin Hiesrcipereret fees oi Pepa iar id Reamer ere Pealer ena lee polation choy preprint sigan pctiohroy.. eamanarl perarrpetiiie ase hesiereearietnrsisisertiioe priate sneer ane or anne ero Live life on the trigger.

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