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Lord Kuthumi Stargate Mi -Law part of the energy of Sirius

99 sacred soul/star tablets

Old 1999 channelling thru Michelle on the Star

Tablets and Kaapsehoop


We are not here just to survive and live long.... we are here to live and know life
in its multi-dimensions, to know life in it's richness, in all it's variety. And when a
man lives multi-dimensionally, explores all possibilities available, ever shrinks
back from a challenge, goes, rushes to it, welcomes it, rises to the occasion, then
life becomes a flame, life blooms. BHAGWAN SHREE RAJNEESH
The qualities and opportunities for healing you are anchoring personally and
planetarily with this star code tablet are STAR-MI-LAW is part of the energy of Sirius. Silence is an important part of
working with this Tablet, and teaches one the importance of keeping certain
information shared with one sacred. Many times one is told information that
others may not understand, by sharing this information with them, one runs the
risk of the information being distorted and abused. We are still very much part of
a 3rd dimension of egos and personalities, this however, I feel is also giving us
the opportunity to learn discretion and remain silent. Pythagoras (Kuthumi) took
his students through initiations that entailed 5 years of silence in order to learn to
This symbol also works with bringing the energy of heaven to earth. It vibrates to
the number 8, which is the Christ number, so we are bringing heaven and earth
together. It is the balance of the heart and the mind penetrating the depths of
both worlds. In this space one connects with the worlds of the heavens and the
worlds of the earth the inner earthians and the star beings.
The Blue Beings shall hold the laws of truth, till the dawning of the New World
for at this time Christ shall return. This is the Christ Consciousness that is
returning at present and all light workers; people like you and I who are
consciously and actively working at bringing these truths to earth, are preparing
for the time that Christ shall return by living these principles in every moment of
our lives. The full Essence of the Return of Christ took place on the 9th of
September 2007.
This path is not a religion or a hobby, it is a WAY OF LIFE. This symbol is a
signal to the star beings and all the other dimensions of life that the time is now,
and earth is ready to embrace the energy of the Christ. As one prepares to
embrace this Christ energy, one also needs to do some house cleaning so that

the "Temple of God/dess" can be ready to accommodate the energy of Christ.

These Temples are our bodies, minds, our hearts and everything that makes us
who we are here. The process of self-mastery. One needs to master oneself
because when Christ comes there will be tremendous change and a cycle of
death by this I mean the earth is going to go through the process of death in
order to be resurrected. There may be physical death this is of course in
accordance with the highest will of all souls concerned however, I am not
saying that the earth is going to blow up in a big ball of flames. It is the way of
life that we know of now that will cease to exist or die. People's belief systems
and priorities will change, people will feel the need to simplify their lives and lead
happier more fulfilling lives. We can already see how peoples lives are changing,
look at the high divorce rate for one. People want more out of life, therefore they
feel the need to change their lives and break out of negative, unhappy,
destructive relationships and lifestyles.
This symbol works with the 8th chakra, which is like a beacon of light which all
beings of light can tune into as they recognise or notice the different beings of
light wherever they may be. By aligning with this Tablet one is consciously
connecting with the 8th chakra.
I am Kuthumi, this particular star code tablet is building the foundations of light
through the energy of Sirius, and these are the beings who have incarnated upon
this planet at this time whom you have come to know as your various sisters and
brothers of light. By opening and activating the channels of light between heaven
and earth with this particular symbol, so it is allowing for the other frequencies of
light to penetrate the energy of those standing ready to bring forth new
information with regards to technology, science and healing. This is why it is a
very important time for these new technologies, for these information systems
can now be shared, and this is all in preparation for the time that Christ shall
It is preparing each one of you so that you may be self sustainable when the
world that you know now goes through its own transformative experience, and
becomes the mighty light being that you have been told of. Those of you who
walk as Lightworkers, maintain your focus and know that what you do is
supporting the good of the whole, do not be swayed by those who come to you to
try and convince you that what you do, what you live, what you teach and what
you ingest is an illusion. This is very important, for the power that comes
through and to this earth can create miracles, but you need to build this within
your own body first. And through these symbols, this being done, but it is also
important for you to know that whatever you do with the energy of these symbols
you are fully responsible for.
The first time that this information came to the earth I, Kuthumi, in the form of
Moses, removed them, because there was a very good chance that this energy
was to be abused, and I could not permit this. However, this time I come forward

again and ground this energy for the good of all, but you must know that you
shall be responsible for this energy should you abuse it. There is no time to
waste, it needs to be built now, for the complete structure of all 99 star code
tablets forms the triangle of light that opens the gateway to all other dimensions,
bringing all together.
This universal mind is the God Mind, and through this God Mind, many will be
shown the tools of creation through which great inventions will come forward,
perhaps some of these inventions are forms you have only imagined, or
fantasised of, and often we have been aware of people saying Imagine if we had
this or that, Imagine what it would be like if happened and was invented,
how much easier it would make our lives, Have you ever thought of adjusting
this or adjusting that? and you all hold it as figments of your imagination, but it
is also that those of you that ponder upon these imaginative inspirations of light
to begin to act upon them. The Lords of Light hold and protect you, and your
earth needs this information now, and through this it will be in great service for
your earth. (Every new idea looks crazy at first).
So blessings to each one of you who resonate to the symbol of Star-Mi-Law for it
is the laws of God that flow through this core into the core of your own being. As
it flows through your core, it brings together the cores of the stars and crystals,
the cores of plants and animal kingdoms, the inner earthians, and all the other
beings of light on the various planets, galaxies and universes. This is a Universal
Symbol of Light. So it is that I, Kuthumi-Agrippa, through the energy of Moses,
seal this tablet in the highest order of light, love and truth and may all who work
with this symbol open to their potential and welcome the God Mind. And so be it.
The Sacred Mountain held in the ancient valley of mother earth in the cradle of
Africa, called today Kaapsehoop, holds the place where Moses journeyed to bury
his templates for the time of the new awakening on the planet. The minerals in
this house the ancient symbols of truth embedded in the rocks and the body of
mother earth. The ancient Guardians have watched this knowledge and taken
care of its presence for many thousands of years. It is now time for humanity to
live the symbols in their lives and become living symbols of love. This mountain
is today a sacred reserve and will continue to be for a long while. In the time of
mankind oceans have washed these basins and ice has capped these rocks and
yet the symbols of the soul of mother earth remain unchanged as the presence of
Moses scrolls lie buried in these mountains as his spirit guides this ancient
valley overlighting and creating the new cities of light, and the land of the rising
sun. An ancient ceremony a blessing performed upon this ancient site by the
priestesses of his time left above his tomb 24 stones all placed at equal angles
of the sun, holding the mother/father energy of the reflection of the universe.
Upon the 28th of March each calendar year, his presence emanates from these
stones to bring a new language of light; the new coding, the tablets, the keys of

This is over the astrological dates of the star sign Aries, symbolic of the initiator
of life, bringing us the deep knowledge of the reason to move on, the dreams that
needs to be achieved through living the heart of the matter.
When you code this symbol into the Earth, you are anchoring the Grids of the
New Earth through the healing of self which in turn will be offering humanity the
opportunity to choose to be motivated by love rather than fear by breaking out of
outdated ways of perceiving life and adopting the new skills of the soul
perceiving and acting within life from the well of wisdom.

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