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Josh Wells

Dividing Fractions Grade 8

Lesson # 1 March 22, 2016
The main goals of mathematics education are to prepare students to:
o Use mathematics confidently to solve problems
o Communicate and reason mathematically
o Appreciate and value mathematics
o Make connections between mathematics and its applications
o Commit themselves to lifelong learning
o Become mathematically literate adults, using mathematics to contribute to
Develop number sense (Grade 8).
Demonstrate an understanding of multiplying and dividing positive fractions and
mixed numbers, concretely, pictorially and symbolically.
Mental Mathematics and Estimation
Problem Solving
Fine Arts Music
o Listening: to develop the ability to make aesthetic judgments based on
critical listening and analysis of music.
o Valuing: To make students aware of the implications of music in our
society with respect to music careers, its avocational and leisure uses, and
to grow in the appreciation, understanding and enjoyment of music as a
source of personal fulfillment.
Think critically
Demonstrate good communication and skills and the ability to work cooperatively
with others
Identify and solve complex problems
Manage information

Josh Wells

Wait Time
Teachers Pick
Think, Pair, Share


Logical-Mathematical solving complex problems
Interpersonal working as a group to discover a solvable question that everyone
Musical using music to help memorization
Visual-Spatial using manipulatives for better understanding, circle
demonstration of fractional division on board
Intrapersonal Wait Time, Think Pair Share
Can a regular fraction ever be more than 1?
o No, only if improper or mixed.
How are regular fractions, percents and decimals related?
o All regular forms represent a part of a whole.
Dividing Fractions Worksheets
o Answer Sheet
Dividing Fractions Activity Paper
(to be placed within activity bags)

Fraction circles kit (513.26 Fra
MHC Lib.)
o Divide into activity bags
two whole fractional circles.
Enough for one bag per pod.

Quick Review of Fraction Multiplication multiply straight across
o Give example 4/3 x 2/1 = 8/3 = 2 2/3
o Remind: always reduce, no improper fractions
Begin lesson on Division of Fractions
o Relate to division of whole numbers
2/1 = 2, 2/ = 4
o Draw circle on board
Divide into half
Question / , / 1/8 (draw segments to help)
Remind: Division is always how many times we can fit the
second number into the first.
Hand out Circle Activity bags
o Explain:
Each table has been given a bag with two sets of circle pieces
Organize them into two color coordinated circles

Josh Wells
Explain Visual and Hands on learning can be helpful for deep
learning. (Relate to my own learning style)
Task using the circles create a division question you can prove
with the pieces provided. Write down the question on paper
Give example with pieces 1 / = 2
Remind: Random student asked from each table will explain their
questions so make sure everyone understands and can explain the
question and answer. Raise hands when complete. (Check)
Encourage to discover a second question if first was correct.
Run video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRqWUY8VTYY Fraction Rap
Video (HOOK) Remind: Musical rhythm can help with memorization of facts.
Explain Flip it
o Reciprocals always flip the last number of a division problem
o Why? (to simplify)
Anything multiplied by its reciprocal is 1.
You can do anything to a problem as long as you do it to all
numbers and your solution will remain the same.

[ 40 min]
Hand out Worksheet
o Depending on time assign appropriate numbers.
o Remind students: Not a test please ask questions. Please put names at top.
Always reduce and no improper fractions.
Review questions on board
o Ask students answers via dice roll (4 sided die and 7 sided die available
from mentor teacher to represent pods and chairs)
[ 20 min]
Check for Understanding
Collect worksheets and grade.
Discuss with mentor teacher next visit students perceived understanding
Review learned theories next class based on learning exemplified on worksheets
Think, pair, share on key points if further review is necessary
Review video occasionally to assist memorization of theorems


Students create extra division questions during activity (advanced)

Josh Wells

Explain shortcuts (advanced) ex. Reduce before multiplying, Cancelling matching

numerators and denominators).
Students use simpler fraction activity bags. Ex. 1 whole and 2 half pieces.
Second worksheet available with denominators 2 through 10 instead of only
2,3,4,5 and 10. (advanced)


Assess results of worksheets for understanding.
Formative assessment from students (next class)
Formative assessment from mentor teacher
Overall students showed engagement and interest especially during manipulative
activity and video.
Results of worksheets showed positive understanding.
During review and direct instruction ensure to give students time to absorb
information and inquire.
o Think, Pair Share or Wait Time would be helpful (tried TPS with the
second grade 8 group with good success)
Opportunity to prolong the activity with manipulatives if each table, after creating
their question, rotated around the room to observe and understand the questions
other tables discovered.
Hook could have been used earlier in the lesson as a review tool (to multiplication
of fractions) and as an introduction to division.
May need to give worksheet as homework or provide additional time for
completion as the 15 minutes of actual work time was not long enough for all
students. (Many did however complete on time)
o I had an All Done secondary worksheet for student who wished to
challenge themselves but did not have time to administer or explain. This
should be mentioned to students at onset of worksheet time.

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