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— ster 22. ence 42 @ 1 before, Do youreenber tha? A Yes, ._Ardso youhave concluded hat here was conspiracy amongst Gal Pata and Tim When end Dr Grossman o provoke youn dong something; cored? A Yes, 2. Ard what youbas hat concaon on? 9A. They ware ll thee of tham anare~ they 0a that five days previous they had been 11d of a for-cause aut of his regulated ‘2 research practic. 18 Q. And based upon that ofcaton, you 14 belive athe te of hose people onspied to 15 by to provoke you nto doing something? 16 A. Thats what beleve they i yes, and ‘7 tharemay hae been an additonal patipants that 18 tookpace inthat agreement 19 Other peop inte ofe? 2A. Nooterpeoplein Viva corporat, quote, 21 end quote. 22 Ion tink weve gti is, bt 23 whatoosion did Fen When rave? 24h. Hews vio president of cna research 25 forVve Asthma Alergy, Inc KATHY FINK 2 ASSOCIATES. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 Nw, geting back tener, you 911 fom your fice, andthe some pont ofr or fo showed up come? ‘Cont Ano dey ot you? Lassune tyne foo: And how dil bey manage to to you, do yeuinaw? A Late of pone that na, 11 ort know the parla ets chow came to be 12 intervened byte offer, 13°". Andwher Waste inion? 14 A_itwasinoneofthe coordinator ofces 15 real ight 16. ewasnotinyur cfc nay event 47 canec? 18 A. Idortbelve tas. 18 Q._Andyoushled tatters inthe 20 pice rept san acute desertion ot hat 24 occured that coed? 2A folie. 2 Q._ Howlong ere te pice fics here t 24 te Vira tice? 25 A Imgong to guess an ou. TTY EINK ASSOCUTES Woche tak to oer than you? A. allo, rca ight the invited ‘Tintin thereon Okay, So bey justtaked to you and Tn Wier? 8 A Andwhen thy it tied ome alone and 7 than tae tim Wien, rl, bt 8 ramumber Whiton bing there and exacy when Whiten 8 aed dont inn. 10." Otay. Now prortothe pice ang, 11 6dyoutako Tin Whiten? 12 A Ne, Lit know Whiten was even going {8 tobeonthe premises, 14 Q. Sovhenal is alegedy oxaed, you 4 it oten know Tn Whiten washers? 18 A Taiscomet 17 _Q._Aeritowared when didyou tnd ut 18 alin Wen ws one premises? 18 A. evastlong arth poe arte. 20 Q._Andidyoutak to Ten Wen wiht 21 police rwieutte poe rbot? 22." There poke to Ten Wien oe on one. ZB Okay. Soven you tod te poe what 24 happened, ws Tn When presen? 25K Area thinkhe was. HATHY FINK & ASSOGTES 1 2 3 4 5 S ©. Ate te ple et, het id youd? ‘refed on whethritwul be Ws to continue song atin hat wer on the schedule tha dy or water under te crcuntances~you ton, Gal gave me her emission geome. | thnk asad Ga'perision ogo hme ight cf what ad just transpired and eg ome that rmoming. 8 Q. ‘Okay. Soafer te poice le, hen you 410 wenthome? 11 A Nottoolong aftr that, yes, {2 OQ Okay. Did yousee any patents ater the 18 polcele? 14 A. Notthat recal, 18 Q._Didyoutakto Dr. Grossman? 8 A No AT Q._ Okay. Woudyou ate tht your report to ‘1B thepoice department and everthing you sito 1 48 cant remeber her nave, wast Lata, Gal and 20 someone ese? 2k Wait 2 0. Joanne B Lele stat over tere 24 Would youagre hat everyting hat you 25 ssid to Joanne, Gal, the poe ofce and Tim KATHY FINK & ASSOCIATES 1 2 3 4 5 8 1 8 ® 4 Whiten were seaus algatons aginst Dr. Grossman? 2 AL Absolutely. Now dno ay anything 5 that wasnt absolutly the absolut uth as to what 4 happened as God is my wires and ass ava ewor| underoath 8. Myqueston’s: Would you agree that what T ousad were serous alegaions agin Jay 8 Grossman? 8 A. msomy could yourophrase tat again? 40 Q._Yes. Would you agree that eventing hat ‘1 yousai to Gal, Joane, he ole fcr and to 42 Ten Whiten were serous alegatons ages! 18 Dr. Grossman? 14 AL Ofcourse thay serious, 15. Q. Asamateroffcitcontued 18 ony 47 Wout you agree with that? 1B _A._Ieleve thee was criminal wrongdoing 19 that ay, yah, absolutly. 20 Q. And would you agree that you have no 21 evidence to support your legaton? 2 A, _lotdage. rede tony 23 frathand bing iin, Let’ - when you say"no 24 evidence" how much more evidence doe a person nee 25 was firsthand witness, vim of that eininal _— race 7 1 misconduct, 2 QL Letmeputitbis ay. Oter han your 5 version, would you agree there’ noche evidence 4 that xoborts your version? 5A Youman that goes to show that e would 8 be anindivual ust totaly incapable ofthat? 7 No, dont age otha. 8 Q._ Thistsmyquston. masking yout 8 theres ny oer evidence tal in anyway hat 10 woul suppor youralegaton that r. Grossman ‘1 cokod you, edo sbarle you, whatever you want 2 tocalit- 13 A. Hes bean vlntinthe past - 14 Q. Letme fish, 8 A Okay, 18 Q. ~andifthereis ay evden, you 47 say yes thes ober evidence then Ianto know 18 whats 19 A, Astowhethor thr’ ovdanc that he dd 20 hate con that dy tat pec nstane, no, 21. Butthers age vlume of evidence that goes to 22 showhehas bee vletin the past. 23, Telme abou Dr. Grossman vent acts 26 thatyouhave persoal nwiedge fin past. 25 A. Theolsa —wel ve aeady asserted HATH FRKRASSOGATES || ATHY EINK ASSOCIATES e @ + ta umorous acts of xtoton upon sal he. 1A. \Gorthnow bie nane 2'C Tmikng bt oer acs 2-0. Wine waste aber? 5A orton viet ac 3A. InTueson Tis hfomaton vas recount 40. eyousnareofanychernert where 4 toma oie phyla dependent by 5 Dr Gossnan has isoenne,d io strgle hen 5 teghone, 8 edie item wih ach, anyteg 8 Gay, Who verse pyar? 7 Weta 7A. Thaieny = ay have stato ak Yes, 8 ain anonymous hs pi artis 8 G. Whar 4 ements rlogn 10 -A. Theresa cncal esearch atert who 10" Te sosuh pegs, ndyute ‘1 ve lamed within th ast year and half id ‘2 shorty after being screened for an asthma research 3. study by Jay Grossman. 14 Q._ Wel, did Dr. Grossman hth patent, 15: strangle the paten, toot he pao anting 16 theta? 1 A No 18 Q What Dr. Gossnan doto cause the 19 patents deat? 20 | A. Intentional andlor eclessly endangered 2 thir physeal safety. 2 Q Invhatway? 23 _A._Inapproprately srening ham foran 24 asthma research study. 25, Whoisthe patent? KATHY FINK & ASSOCIATES: 11 regret youve ested is {2 anieroah, Youre regued ane he queso. 13. There's no privilege. Someone tells you something, 1 younare bil neve ou 15 "A. Thtsnot hath Atzona al handbook 16 2003-2004 says about the informant’s privilege, but 4 anyway, by hat atough one. nea youre 4 qutngmethe was hough i ew. 48 Thats erat vrai, er 2 You'd ma hal ete iyo omen, You 21 ‘testified to this as part of your case or your 22 defense. 15 A nde sted orb pond 2 asors= 2% Q. Whatever your deal with tem, there's ATH FINK ASSOCIATES _— siaer 24 race 90 — ee 1 nolega prioge. 2A Imad no deal wit thom. 3 Q._ Well whatever they wanld, we dorthave 4 than the system where someone can coe in and 5 testy and then not close whet the infomation 6 care fem, We daithave anonymous knd of seas T gig onso~ 8” A. David Shulan, LD. fom Albany nan 9 unsold phone cal. 10. Whowastte other? 41 A JackPinas, 1D. Tucson, Arizona, 12 Q. Whendidthese occur? 18 AL_ Probably within thes or four weeks after 14 Lal thom acopy both of them copies ofthe 15 Plans frst mended complaint inthe federal 16 racketerng action $7 What Dr. Suln say? 18 A Bythoway thet copy included a POF 49 floppy isk version anda hard copy ofthe ist 20 amended complaint, 21 Q. Sowhat ddr. Shuln el you? 2h Theyteh- 2 Q._ Not tke them one at tne 24 A. Dave Shulan conveyed tom —wel, he 25s ma fit of al do you havea copy of the KATHY FINK & ASSOCIATES @ i, You nov as tere el play, cou thre have buen anautpay? There oud have aly been ana, Cul te ave been a sath cericat anes cata. Cola acess tote deh cotta “These were al ngs wa asking nso Andthats pty chow wer ted get more omaen, mor specs, you 10 ow. fw ide an ths as kough 41 mou coordinator? sts ethan ineraton {2 youtave? Ande gear answer onary of 13 those 4G kay, Andyoutncyp what Shuan 4 tld you ard candies hat is an ican 4 thal, Gnssnan's aver pero, bal {7 comec? 1k Me 18 Whatsyoucondsin? 2A Thatsippors ori, ny 2' aresoabe corel, Ks oe mre pat ofa 22 gato of cngolg miszendc, enna 22 endanger nentonl andor reckss 2 endangurent flea research bjs for 2 poral fan gain Pero RT NK & ASSOCATES nce 91 ace 98 w 1 wansrips rom the ban ars that ay 2 Grossman Richard Bal Scot Osurand Davi Shulan 5 wer llpaies to 4 anda wo not yt bt be 5 geting oi 6 -Andthen he si you know that thre 7 was an asthe research subjet being screened fran 8 estima sidy in ate ame that's ayeerorsoin 8 themid:0s ~Ibeleve twas 6098, 410 athough, boy, you row, you woul ave to getter 41 Lei tape the cal | ean, was st fom {2 amor. twas cern nota pone cal 43. expectd certinly not on my el phone ~ that id 14 afer being inappropriately screened for anata 15 esearch ty by Jay Grossman 16 sadn, is theft ve ver {7 martha. Wace ht 8 19 Andthe sai ~ David sid, youneadto 20 lk nt this, Htmay have been a corone’ case 21 Thee should be something onthe death cei, 22" Andiflreal erect twas 23 younger asthmatic roan lier asthma. Young 24 peopl that ie sudden, unexpectedly, you nom, 25 Its something that a corner would wat tolook ATHY EINK & ASSOCIATES 8 1 Q. Youwould age, woul you that — 2A Wil. Wal. Did you gt it? 3 COURTREPORTER: teed getit 4 Q. BYMR HEURLIN: Youwoul agree, woud 5 yu, hat he aleged to stangulton atom by 8 Dr Grossman on you~ TOA Yes 8 __—wouibe an ntenonl acts opposed 9 tosome negigent cf? 10 A. Oh, ofcourse. 11 Q. Andas yousaid, twoudbe a crime? 2 A Yes. 18. Seto cme? 4 Yes. 48 Q. Okay What id Dr Prk you? 16 A Pinas 47 Q.Pinas. Sry 18 think theres Dx Pnusin on. 19 A. Basically the same incident that was 20 recounted tome by Dr. Shulan 2 Wasitthe seme ncdent same parson? | 22 A. Yes,unleshe—Idont know ora 25 cefany twas the same person, There may have 24 been more than one 25 Q. Have youtaed oarbody,invesigted, [KATHY FINK & ASSOCIATES proreror o 4 fond outin anyway tat Or. Grossman has 2 2 promensy fr vince? 5" A. Theword Violent zppearedin aswom 4 affidavit by Richard al inthe Albany Count ease 5 In Aary, New York the case umber art 6 lt -but it's the caso whore day Grossman was 2 pay Richard Ball ALD, Soot Osu, MD and David 8 Shulan, LD. were pats. 9. "Theswomafidai 10. A. Theswom afdavitusesthe express word 4 violent. {2G Thisisinreerenceto Dr Grossman? 18 A. Inveference tor. Grossman. MR, HEURLIN: | aed iota a break, 18 (Abreakwas taken) 48. BY WR. HEURLIN: Back on he record 47 [wantto gobackto May 1,198. Had 4B youever cal 911 pict that ate? BA No. 20. Haveyyoucaled 91 she hat date? 2 A No 22. Haveyouhad any kind of ona ith ny 2 id ofan enorcoment agency before oar tat 24 dato? 25 A. eben intervewed bythe eiminal ® 1 division ofthe FDA. 2. Anying ese? 3 A_ Ne been trviowed by an inspector ot 4 thoFBL SQ. Okay. Anything ese? 8 A. Tho zon State Medical Board has asked T forrepots. 8 Anjing ese? @ A_Iwasasked tomate an afdevitto FDA 10 inspector Amando Chavez. 11 -Q. When yousaid before hata nna 12 investigator rom the FDA interviewed you, was that 18 Amando Chavez? 4A No 18. Whowasit? 18 A ldonthave that ame commited to 47 mano, 18 And the Flinn, did hathave 19 someting todo wit tis pacar indent? ak Yes 21, Andi you contact the FB oc he Ft 2 contactyou? 23 A contacted them, 24 QL And why did you coat the FB? 25 A Bocausel felt that thre was a= that 49 A. Imsurethatwas described. And also! ‘4, informed them of my having mado reports tothe 15. Arizona State Board of Medial Examines and aso 16 informod them that made a wrten eter to 17 Denton of th FDA back in Api 18 of 199, wherein expressed in wring concerns | 49 had relative to Jay Grossmars serch actives in 20 Tucson 2G. Okay. Now, sar ass strangulation 22 attempt that you alge, cd youepor hat othe 2 Fan 24 A. lreportedito the Tucson Police 25 Deparimet. Two differant reports, actualy, that KATHY FINK ASSOCIATES: KATHY FINK ASSOCIATES KATHY FINK & ASSOCIATES. % a 4 one, there ha oon emia misconduct and that as 4 conveyed the same nldent. 2 anindvdual ed not ave the investigative 2 Q. Bute yourepot tothe FI? 5 rasoures aval ome to ock in this matter, 3A. Didthe Fl askme about isbsouoy, -Q.Didyoutel Armando Chavez about = 4. Imaskngifyoudisoussed nt wih 5A Excuseme, 5 them, 8 twas athe recommendation ofthe 8 AL Wasitsomething that ame up during thelr zona Stee Board of Medial Exaniners that Intro ofme, ys. ' conc the FI to get op fom the invesigative 8G. Okay. Ante same wih Amando Chavez? {9 resources bacause | personaly didnot have such 9 A Yes. 10 resources, 40 Q._Andthe same with the ober FDA inna 41 Dilyoutel th FL abouts aleged 11 ivesigato?? 12. seangulatn atenot? 2 A Yes, 18 Q. Andi the Azona Medical Boar? ‘4A Thoincdent ws included spat ofthe 18. whale epot to those individual, yes. 18 0. Andi you suse this wih any fends MT ofyous? 18 A. No, The onl pooplthat mere apprised of 19 thisincidan and anything regarding what transpired 20. at Viva inc was maybe tro people who ft 21 needed to know. 220. How about you wie; i you tl er 23 about 24” A. Thasubstance of any porsonal or private 25 conversation ha wth my wie are protected by the {KATHY FINK & ASSOGITES

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