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Ini Rahasia Soft Selling Saya saat Promosi [Bacanya Sambil

Santai Aja Ya]
By: Dewa Eka Prayoga
Ada sebuah rahasia yang belum pernah Saya bocorkan pada siapapun kecuali
pada orang2 tertentu yang memang sangat beruntung...
Kabar terbaiknya, kali ini Saya ingin membagikan rahasia tersebut pada Anda.
Mau? ^_^
Sambil Anda semakin penasaran dengan apa rahasia yang ingin Saya bagikan,
artinya Anda termasuk orang yang beruntung...
Ya, inilah yang disebut dengan: SOFT SELLING.
Bahasa gampangnya, gimana caranya Anda bisa jualan tanpa orang merasa
Namun sebelumnya...
Sejujurnya, Saya menggabungkan beberapa ilmu dalam promosi yang Saya buat.
Walaupun orang2 mengenalkan dengan sebutan Copywriting, tapi sesungguhnya
bukan itu saja yang Saya gunakan.
Tepatnya, Saya menggunakan Ilmu Hypnosis dan NLP dalam Copywriting yang
Saya pakai.
Nah, pada email kali ini Saya akan membahas penggunaan NLP dalam
NLP-Copywriting sedikit berbeda dengan Copywriting biasa.
Perbedaannya terletak bagaimana tulisan2 yang kita buat dapat mempengaruhi
Lantas, apa hubungannya sama Soft Selling?
Soft Selling terjadi karena sugesti beli tidak disarankan oleh pikiran sadar, tapi
tembus ke pikiran bawah sadar langsung.
Beuh, ngeri!!
Berikut elemen2 penting dalam Soft Selling yang bisa Anda aplikasikan dalam
Copywriting Anda:
Intinya, sugesti/perintah yang ditanam di kalimat yang lebih luas
Agar tidak terdeteksi keberadaannya oleh faktor kritis

Agar dikenal bawah sadar, diberi tanda, misal: Bold

Bisa diletakkan dimana saja dalam kalimat

Saat Anda pilih layanan kami, Anda sedang memanfaatkan hasil

pengalaman kami selama 27 tahun di industry ini.

Anda bisa telpon bagian order kami sekarang, untuk memiliki

DVD pemrograman Apple ini.

Sebelum Anda baca sampai selesai, ketahui 15 keuntungan saat

Anda miliki produk ini di kantor Anda.

Seperti apa asyiknya, saat Anda miliki TV LED 3D yang memiliki

layar lengkung dan bisa disesuaikan dengan bentuk ruangan Anda?

Kata-kata yang jika diucapkan akan membuat orang light trance,
memasuki dunia internal mereka sendiri.
Cocok diletakkan di depan embedded command, untuk menciptakan
trance, dan menyembunyikan perintah.






Menggambarkan seolah-seolah


Ingin tahu


Mungkin belum pernah Anda bayangkan memiliki software yang mampu
untuk mencari
data apa saja di Facebook dengan gampang dan cepat

Dasar dari hampir seluruh format sugesti, fleksibel digabungkan pola lain.
Kegunaannya untuk mengarahkan sugesti melalui suatu sebab.
Pola Dasar: [Cause] dan/maka sehingga/jadi [Effect].

Karena Anda seorang pecinta kucing, maka membaca info ini akan
bermanfaat bagi kesehatan kucing Anda.

Saat Anda lanjutkan baca sampai akhir, maka membuat Anda dapat
mengerti cara kerja pikiran yang mempermudah Anda membuat

Anda bisa berikan vitamin ini secara rutin, dan anak Anda dengan
mudah terhindar dari penyakit musiman.

Gunakan larang untuk membuat pikiran kritis tak curiga, padahal bawah
sadar mematuhinya sebagai perintah.

Jangan terlalu cepat memutuskan untuk beli produk kami

sekarang sebelum Anda baca 10 kunggulan dibandingkan

Anda tidak perlu bayangkan seperti apa kelihatannya ketika

komputer Anda terbebas dari virus selamanya


Loop alias pola melingkar, artinya 1 kesatuan utuh.
Jika suatu loop tidak diselesaikan, maka disebut open loop (loop yang
Open Loop mengakibatkan rasa penasaran, ingin tahu, karena sesuatu
yang tidak selesai.
Cocok untuk membuat penasaran pada:

Apa isi email berikutnya pada autoresponders?

Apa yang akan diperoleh jika mengisi opt-in

Apa yang akan mereka dapakan setelah invite BB?

....dan seterusnya

Di email berikutnya yang kami kirim besok, kami akan memberikan

pada Anda 7 tips yang terbukti menurunkan berat badan 10 kg
tanpa harus work-out!

Dapatkan cara menghasilkan 100 like dalam sehari, dengan teknik

Zaap yang kami kembangkan

Sebenarnya masih banyak elemen dan teknik2 keren lainnya yang akan Anda
dapatkan ketika Anda dapatkan ketika Anda putuskan join di (link)
Kabar buruknya, waktu Anda tinggal 2 hari lagi...
Karena mulai besok lusa, pendaftaran akan ditutup dan Saya tidak tahu
kapan lagi akan dibuka batch ke-2 untuk program Mentoring Copywriting ini. Dan
kalaupun nanti dibuka batch 2, harganya pasti lebih mahal...
Mumpung masih ada waktu dan investasinya lebih murah, gunakan kode kupon
MAHIR30 (tanpa tanda kutip) saat

Join dan dapatkan DISKON 30%!

Jika belum join, silakan join melalui link di bawah ini:
--> (link)
Join sekarang, atau tidak selama2nya....
Salam, Dewa Eka Prayoga

Listen to this!
By: Joe Vitale
If you havent already signed up for the living an (link), its not too late!
Ive joined a line-up of 26 top experts and bestselling authors in the spiritual and
self-improvement space to help you live life at an elevated level in mind, body,
and spirit,
including James van Praagh, Colette Baron-Reid, Caroline Sutherland, Mira Kelley
and me! :)
In my interview, Im revealing how you can (link).
Im also giving a (link) to all isteners AND will announce a very special offer that
will knock your socks off one you can only get through the Living an Elevated
Existence Summit!
If you are ready for big changes in your life from re-training your mind and
healing your body to tapping into your intuition and discovering your purpose
then sign up now! (link)
See you there!
P.S. Imagine living a life free of limitations, full of opportunities and overflowing
with abundance, healing, and well being where struggles with relationships,
health, weight, money or career are at a minimum, and love, freedom and
happiness are part of your every day of experience.
25 top mind, body, and soul experts and me tell you how by going here for
FREEE! (link)
Thank you
I love you

FREE: Rapid Wealth Accealeration

by: Joe Vitale
I just polished up a whopper of a report for you. (report membuatnya seolah
(link) (1)
Its short...
Its strong...
Its freeee...
And it can rapidly (amazing poor choice of word) accelerate your wealth.
I mean... fast
Download it and see for yourself
(link) (2)
P.S. This is for my subscribers only. No one else is seeing it
So please dont share: (dont makes it more intriguing)
(link) (3)
Thank you
I Love you

5-minute intuition training breakthrogh (yours freee)

by Joe Vitale
A friend of mine has a gift for you today.
You can have it at no charge or obligation.
What would you do to possess a tool that could:
Increase your creativity?
Tell if someone is lying to you?
Warn you of impending danger?
Help you make faster and better decisions?
Increase your confidence level?
Give you greater awareness?
Advance your enlightenment?
Improve your relationships?
You already have that tool. But like most people,
you may not know how to use it, or even recognize it.
The tool?
Your intuition.
The gift?
Its a simple technique a friend of mine, Tom Justin, discovered while teaching a
class on mind power and intuition (shows authority) at UCLAs experimental
For years he kept this tool a secret, teaching it only to private students and in
small invitational workshops. When he released it publicly on the internet, he
chose to give it away at no charge.
When I saw it, I said, Tom, youve finally cracked the intuition code!
Tom can teach this technique to you in less than five minutes.

What happens after that will depend on you and your willingness to use this
powerful inner-power for your well-being.
Youll see an earth shaking history of how this subtle power saved Tom from
getting on an airliner that crashed, killing all aboard.
Youll discover how your intuition can trigger somethingly seemingly simple yet
that can have a profound effect on your life.
For example, Tom had been away from Las Vegas for two years.
A few months after moving back, he suddenly decided one day to send me a
quick email.
He said,I dont know if you knew I was back in Vegas, but I am. If you find
yourself coming this way, please let me know...
When I got that email, Id just finished packing for my first trip to Las Vegas in
many years. I was to leave the following day.
As a result of that email, Tom and I had a private dinner discussion and have
done so annually now for over three years.
This note to you is just one of the outcomes of that simple email he intuitively
sent to me.
Tom will teach you the difference between your intuitive tickle and your
intuitive click, and what to do when you either get a tickle or click.
Believe me, knowing this can be life changing. It has been for him and many of
his students around the world.
Okay, enough. Go pick up your gift now.
P.S. Tom is also making an exclusive offer for Friends of Joe, that no one else will
be seeing anytime soon. Ill let him tell you about it. For now, just pick up your
free pdf report and video at (link)
Thank you
I love you

Ada buku bagus banget. Bos bisa baca...

By: Dewa Eka Prayoga
Saya termasuk penyuka buku-buku karangan penulis luar. Kenapa?
Walaupun bahasanya bahasa Inggris dan penuh tantangan (saat membacanya),
tapi ilmu serta pengalaman yang dibagikan penulis sungguh luar biasa...
Siapakah dia?
Marshall Goldsmith adalah seorang Penulis, Professor, dan juga seorang Coach.
Saat ini, ia mengajar di Dartmouth Colleges Tuck School of Business dan menjadi
pendiri Marshall Goldsmith Group.
Ia juga adalah seorang penulis dan co-editor dari 32 buku. Termasuk buku What
Got You Here Wont Get You There (New York Times Best-Seller, Wall Street
Journal yang menjadi buku bisnis nomor 1, dan menjadi pemenang dari Harold
Longman Award sebagai Best Business Book of The Year). Wow..
Untungnya, ketika Anda baca email ini, 3 buku yang Saya rekomendasikan ini
sudah diterjemahkan dalam Bahasa Indonesia.
Artinya, Anda nggak usah puyeng2 lagi bacanya nanti.
Tinggal: baca, cerna, pahami, dan praktikkan.
Untuk mendapatkan buku yang sangat bermanfaat ini, Anda hanya perlu
merogoh kocek 333.000 rupiah sajah
Dan gak Cuma itu...
Tim Billionaire Store sudah menyiapkan 7 Ebook GRATIS yang tidak kalah
bagusnya untuk dibagikan pada Anda saat membeli 3 buku ini.
Bayangkan... 333 ribu, dapat 3 (10?) buku. Langka!
Langsung saja,

Silakan pesan melalui (blablabla)

Sebelum kehabisan, karena stoknya dikit banget....
Dewa Eka Prayoga

[Video] Solusi dari Masalah Paling Nyebelin di Facebook Ads

By: Fikry Fatullah
Apa yang paling nyebelin, menghabiskan waktu, dan membuat banyak orang
menyerah karena bingung atau bosan saat berurusan dengan Facebook
Jawabnya ada 2:
1. Meriset interest (minat) dan,
2. Copywriting/membuat iklan.
Namun, copywriting dan gambar yang digunakan untuk iklan, masih bisa kita
contek dan modifikasi. Dari iklan-iklan yang dipublikasikan oleh kompetitor kita.
Bagaimana dengan interest? Di mana menconteknya?
Sampai saat ini belum bisa.
Namun kini ada alternatif solusi untuk Anda yang hingga sekarang masih
bingung bagaimana men-target interest pasar Anda di Facebook.

Dengan aplikasi ini, Anda bisa langsung mendapatkan daftar interest yang sesuai
dengan bisnis yang Anda jalankan saat ini.
Dengan interest yang lebih tertarget, tentunya kemungkinan iklan Anda muncul
di hadapan orang yang tepat akan semakin besar.
Dengan InsightZilla Anda juga bisa menghemat puluhan hingga ratusan jam riset
interest, karena Anda bisa mendapatkan hasil yang sama hanya dengan
beberapa kali klik.
Untuk melihat langsung bagaimana aplikasi ini bekerja, saya sudah membuat
video reviewnya di sini:

Klik disini untuk menonton video reviewnya

Bonus dari saya

Jika Anda membeli menggunakan rekomendasi link affiliate dari saya, Anda juga
akan mendapatkan bonus tambahan:
1. Satu bulan gratis layanan Kirim.Email untuk 2500 kontak email (jika
Anda sudah menjadi pelanggan, atau sudah pernah mendapatkan bonus
langganan gratis, berarti bonus ini akan saya tambahkan)
2. Kursus Online: Facebook List Building
3. Kursus Online: Facebook Avatar (terbatas hanya 10 orang)
Detail mengenai bonusnya bisa Anda lihat di sini>> (link)
Seperti biasa, jika Anda masih memiliki pertanyaan silahkan balas email ini.
Selamat ngiklan di Facebook.
Fikry Fatullah
Email ini saya kirimkan menggunakan Kirim.Email

Suka Main Fb Ads...? [Cobain Pake tools ini deh]

Dewa Eka Prayoga
Jujur, saya pribadi bukanlah pemain FB Ads. (bertentangan dengan judul)
Karena saya punya orang khusus di perusahaan untuk handle FB Ads. Dan tugas
saya hanya memonitoring apa2 saja yang dilakukan dan bagaimana hasil yang
didapatkan. Asyik lah pokoknya ^_^ hehe
Jika Anda adalah seorang pemain FB Ads, dalam artian Anda menggunakan FB
Ads untuk mempromosikan produk Anda, maka Anda akan sadar betul bahwa
bagian terpenting penentu kesuksesan FB Ads untuk menghasilkan sales adalah
dalam melakukan: RISET INTEREST.
Ya, Saya paham betul, melakukan riset dan targeting iklan di fesbuk
sangat membutuhkan waktu yang super lama.
Dan parahnya, udah nentuinnya lama banget, pas udah dapet, belum
tentu tepat. Huffh... #nyesek
Saya sering bilang,

Target Market 10x lebih penting daripada Copywritingnya

Bisa jadi, kalau misalkan saat ini iklan fesbuk Anda belum closing2 juga, atau
closingnya nggak terlalu besar,
...bukan karena Copywritingnya yang jelek, melainkan karena Riset Target
Marketnya yang kurang tepat
Untungnya, Saya baru nemu tools FB Ads yang Saya rasa ini keren banget dan

bakalan langsung Saya rekomendasikan ke seluruh tim Ads Saya di bisnis...



Anda bisa lihat previewnya melalui link ini

--> (link) (1)
Kalau Saya cek, intinya tools ini bakalan pas banget untuk mereka yang
main FB Ads..
Catatan penting buat Anda, kalau sekiranya Anda nggak ngerti FB Ads dan
gak main FB Ads sama sekali, lebih baik jangan beli tools ini...
Saya khawatir, Anda hanya buang2 uang saja. Kalau Anda yang biasa pake FB
Ads sih, Saya rekomendasikan Anda untuk miliki toolsnya
Ya, saya merekomendasikan tools ini pada Anda yang benar2 suka main FB Ads...
Apa BONUS nya kalau beli dari kang Dewa?
Pertama, tools ini udah bagus banget. Nggak perlu BONUS apapun dari
Saya. Maksimalkan saja nanti toolsnya untuk generate sales lebih banyak lagi.
Kedua, walaupun demikian, Saya tahu Anda ingin value lebih dari Saya.
Karenanya, Saya hanya akan memberikan BONUS:
(1) Cara Membangun Personal Branding di Facebook, dan
(2) Cara Membangun Kolam Uang di Internet
Kedua bonus spesial tersebut berbentuk ebook. Anda bisa baca, pelajari, dan
praktekkan ilmu luar biasa yang Saya share disana untuk mencetak
lebih banyak sales di Facebook.
Sekali lagi, bonus tersebut hanya akan diberikan pada mereka yang beli
InsightZilla melalui link di bawah ini
--> (link) (2)
Wait, tunggu...
Sebenarnya, ketikapun Anda belum pernah main FB Ads,
...Anda pun akan dapatkan 14 Video Pembelajaran FB Ads dari Mas Nofi

Bayu Darmawan (Certified Social Media Consultant & Founder FanspageID),


Panduan Retargeting Facebook

Tips Menjaring Reseller via FB Ads

Optimasi Iklan FB Biaya Murah

Panduan Targeting FB Ads untuk beberapa kategori produk, seperti:

produk anak, herbal, kecantikan, kesehatan, produk muslim, produk
pasutri, bisnis offline, produk gadget, promo event, bisnis properti,
dropship luar negeri, produk digital, dan fashion (kalau produk Anda ada
disini, artinya pas!)

Dan perlu Anda tahu, ketika Saya searching dan kepo tentang info harga
produk sejenis di luar sana yang tidak sebagus ini, harganya sekitar $67
(setara Rp 900.000). Wow...!!
Untungnya, karena Anda menerima informasi ini dari Saya, cukup Anda
investasikan 650rb saja...
Mana yang lebih penting: membiarkan iklan FB Ads kita tidak efektif atau
membuatnya lebih powerful lagi dengan gunakan tools ini?
Wait, tunggu lagi... ^_^ hehe
Saya ada kupon yang bisa Anda gunakan supaya Anda dapat DISKON
(potongan harga sebesar: Rp 200.000).
Jika mau, silakan gunakan kode kupon: ZILLA200 saat melakukan pembayaran
Cuma keluar 450rb, Anda bisa lebih banyak hemat waktu, hemat uang,
dan tentunya lebih mampu menarget Target Market produk Anda secara
mudah dan tepat...
Ujung-ujungnya, konversi dan omset penjualan Anda melesat drastis! Aamiin
Klik link di bawah ini utnuk miliki toolsnya sekarang
--> (link) (3)
Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat untuk Anda...
Salam, Dewa Eka Prayoga

P.S. Saya hampir lupa mengatakan bahwa tools ini dijual hanya 5 hari saja.
Penjualannya akan ditutup 3 hari lagi.
P.P.S. Saran Saya, khawatir Anda lupa dan melewatkan kesempatan langka ini,
segera miliki tools ini sekarang juga
P.P.S. Jika Anda sudah beli dan transfer, kabari Saya melalui email:
Lampirkan bukti transfer dan invoice Anda, tentunya: Nama Lengkap Anda. Saya
akan langsung kirimkan 2 bonus spesial yang sudah saya janjikan diatas
beserta BONUS KEJUTAN lainnya.. Pssstt...!!

Saya sudah bilang ke Anda belum ya?

Dewa Eka Prayoga

Kemarin Saya sudah bilang belum ya?

Bahwa penjualan InsightZilla akan ditutup besok malam jam 23.30 WIB.
Jadi, kalau Anda benar-benar tertarik miliki tools yang pastinya memudahkan
Anda dalam membidik target market saat FB Ads ini, Anda bisa beli toolsnya
sekarang juga
Silakan klik link di bawah ini untuk miliki toolsnya
Dan sesuai janji Saya,
Saya akan berikan 2 bonus spesial untuk Anda berupa ebook:
(1)Cara Mudah Membangun Personal Branding di Facebook
(2)Cara Membangun Kolam Uang di Internet
Bahkan, Saya memberikan 2 bonus kejutan untuk Anda yang pastinya akan
sangat membantu Anda dalam meningkatkan konversi dan sales Anda.
Anda boleh beli toolsnya, jika memang itu bermanfaat untuk Anda.
Kenapa Saya rekomendasikan tools ini?
Karena Saya pun baru saja beli barusan. Hehe... Dan ini lagi coba2. Seru!
Harganya hanya 450rb, Saya rasa itu murah banget dibandingkan kemudahan
dan impact yang diberikan pada kita.
Pas beli, pake kode kupon ini ya: ZILLA200.

Semoga rekomendasi tools dari Saya ini bermanfaat untuk Anda.. Aamiin

Love u,
Dewa Eka Prayoga
P.S. Anda tidak harus terburu-buru beli toolsnya sekarang. Besok juga nggak
apa2. Asalkan jangan lebih dari jam 23.30 WIB aja. Okey?

Robi, Inilah Kesempatan Anda Bisa Untung 11 Juta dalam 1 bulan.

Dewa Eka Prayoga
Hi, Robi
Seperti yang sudah Saya infokan di email sebelumnya, saat ini Saya sedang
mencari 100 orang agen eksklusif untuk memasarkan buku ke-8 saya
yang berjudul:


Dalam buku tersebut, Saya banyak membahas tentang:

1. Bagaimana Memperbesar Konversi Penjualan hingga 300%
2. Bagaimana Menulis Penawaran yang SULIT DITOLAK Calon Pembeli
3. 13 Jenis Headline yang Mematikan
4. 10 Teknik Menulis Copywriting yang Dapat Membius Mata Pelanggan
5. 17 Taktik Promosi yang Terbukti Menghasilkan
6. Cara Membuat Pembaca Iklan Anda betah berlama-lama dan Membeli
Produk Anda
7. Cara Mengetahui Apa yang Diinginkan oleh Target Market Anda
8. Rahasia Menjual Produk Laku Keras Nggak Karuan!
Prediksi Saya, penjualan buku ini akan benar-benar MELEDAK NGGAK KARUAN,
seperti buku-buku Saya sebelumnya. Karenanya, Saya ingin berbagi peluang dan
keuntungannya dengan Anda. Boleh?
Apa keuntungan yang Anda dapatkan jika bergabung menjadi Agen Eksklusif
1. Modal Terjangkau, Untung Memukau. Modal hanya 4 juta, dapat 100
eks buku. Harga jual buku Rp 79.000. Buku ini akan terbit tanggal 1 Juni
2015. Pada saat terbit nanti, harga buku ke end user mulai tanggal 1 Juni
2015, keuntungan yang Anda dapatkan adalah Rp 118.000 x 100 buku =
Rp 11.800.000. Edan?

2. Support Marketing Tools. Artinya, Anda tidak usah pusing memikirkan

Strategi Marketingnya, karena sudah saya buatkan. Anda tinggal
3. GRATIS 1X TRAINING Bagaimana menjual Buku Laris Manis Tanjung
Kimpul senilai Rp 1.000.000 di Jakarta pada tgl. 23 Mei 2015.
Bagaimana, apakah Anda tertarik untuk menjadi agen eksklusif buku tersebut?
Tunggu... Saya tahu betul bahwa Robi cukup cerdas dalam merespon penawaran
ini dengan cepat. Karenanya, Saya ingin memberikan BONUS spesial untuk

Jika Anda memutuskan untuk daftar dan transfer hari ini, Anda akan dapat

Berhak menjadi Authorized Reseller tiket Seminar Akbar

Billionaire dengan tema Creative Business pada tanggal 22 Agustus
2015 dengan Pembicara yang Luar Biasa: Wempy Dyocta Koto (CEO
Wardrobe & Oxford), William Tanuwijaya (CEO Tokopedia), Achmad Zaky
(CEO Bukalapak), Dewa Eka Prayoga (CEO Billionaire Store). 4 CEO dalam
1 panggung. WOW!

GRATIS 1 Tiket Seminar Creative Business senilai Rp 300.000

GRATIS Video Seminar Jago Jualan senilai Rp 300.000 yang belum

Saya jual di manapun

Kaos Milyarder Eksklusif dengan Tema khusus. Hanya dicetak 1x senilai

Rp. 120.000


SMS 085723721078 sekarang! Atau klik disini (link)

Ingat: Modal Hanya 4 Juta, Untung capai 11 Juta, bahkan Lebih. Ambil
Peluangnya Sekarang!
Besok seluruh BONUS tersebut diatas akan hlang. So, pastikan Anda daftar
Ah, hampir lupa. Selain BONUS Spesial tersebut, Saya pun akan

memberikan Anda GRATIS Ongkis pengiriman 100 eksemplar buku

tersebut se-Indonesia. Artinya Anda tidak perlu mengeluarkan biaya
tambahan untuk Ongkos Kirim. Tapi ya itu, khusus untuk Anda yang daftar
sekarang dan transfer hari ini ya...

Segera SMS 085723721078 sekarang!

Dewa Eka Prayoga
Founder Billionaire Store

I can finally invite you to this

Joe Vitale
For the last seven years, I have been privately interviewing some of the greatest
minds in the world speakers, thinkers, authors, visionaries, healers, scientists,
marketers, and more.
The Secrets, tips, methods and leading-edge information these people share with
me every month is inspiring, practical, eye-opening and often unforgettable.
But only subscribers to my hipnotic gold membership program get to hear these
incredible interviews, and we closed admission to it years ago.
Wel, I have good news for you.
Not only can you now subscribe to these private monthly interviews, but when
you do, you can also have access to *all* of the past ones.
This is a breakthrough of historic proportions.
The seven years of interviews are a storehouse of wisdom not unlike the
legendary library of Alexander the Great.
Am I overstating this?
I dont think so.

This is such a miraculous collection of mind-expanding and inspiring interviews,

that the best way to get a grasp of the gold in them is to go here
And Ill be interviewing more great minds in the coming New Year. Youd be wise
to sign up now, start listening to the past interviews, and gear up the ones
coming in 2012.
Please go review the site. This is well worth your time, as the wisdom there is
beyond life transformative.
Go see.
PS- As before, we will only let the doors stay open for membership for a short
time. If you want to be one of the privileged few, please go here now (link)
Thank you.
I love you.

[Info Seminar] Meraih 100 Juta Pertama bersama Ippho Sntosa

Dewa Eka Prayoga

Salah satu sahabat Saya, Mas Ippho Santosa, akan mengadakan seminar yang
menurut Saya sangat bermanfaat untuk siapapun yang ingin mengalami
perubahan finansial dalam hidupnya.
Seminar tersebut berjudul,Meraih 100 Juta Pertama Dapat dibuktikan
dalam 12 bulan!
Saya pribadi sebagai orang yang cukup mengenal beliau, sangat
merekomendasikan Anda untuk belajar ilmu penting dalam seminar tersebut.
Karena ilmu yang beliau sampaikan semuanya sudah dipraktikkan sendiri dan
terbukti mampu mengubah hidup bagaikan bumi dan langit.
Anda boleh ikuti seminarnya dan rasakan dampaknya dalam kehidupan
Kabar terbaiknya, sebagai apresiasi Saya jika Anda mengikuti seminar beliau
dengan tema tersebut, saya akan mengadakan Webinar GRATIS pada
tgl. 7 Maret 2016.

Temanya masih berkaitan dengan materi beliau, yaitu 100 juta Pertama
Pasca Kebrangkrutan. Dan akan dibawakan oleh saya langsung. Insya Allah
Sebelum daftar Seminarnya dan ikuti FREE Webinarnya, silakan baca dulu
halaman ini baik2
Silakan klik link di bawah ini
Segera setelah Anda baca halaman tersebut sampai selesai, Anda bisa langsung
SMS (nomor)

Dewa Eka Prayoga
P.S. Oh ya, pendaftaran Seminar dengan FREE Webinar ini akan ditutup hari ini
jam 12.01 WIB. Pastikan Anda amankan tiketnya sekarang. Daftar sekarang....


Bagaimana mengubah setiap tulisan Anda, menjadi tulisan yang

menghpnosis orang untuk membeli?
Pernahkah Anda menyadari bahwa ada orang-orang yang mampu
menghipnotis Anda melalui apa yang mereka tulis? Sedangkan hampir 95%
materi tulisan (khususnya tulisan bisnis, promo dan iklan) di luar sana itu
Dulu, kemungkinan besar Saya juga sama dengan Anda, saya menulis dengan
alamiah, sesuai dengan ilmu menulis yang saya ketahui saat itu,
Namun setelah saya mendalami ilmu hypnosis dan NLP (Neuro Linguistic
Programming), semua berubah.

Saya mulai menulis dengan kesadaran penuh, menyisipkan sebuah atau

beberapa kalimat hypnosis dalam setiap bagian, sehingga membuat
pembaca dengan suka rela, bahagia, melakukan apa yang Saya arahkan.
Ingat: suka rela dan bahagia, bukan terpaksa lho.. ^_^
Sejenak, kembali Saya ingin ajak Anda mencermati pesan Tony Robbins, berikut

Ya, pola menulis yang menghipnosis ini juga memiliki POLA yang bisa Anda
ikuti, sehingga Anda bisa juga sukses menghipnotis calon pembeli melalui
setiap tulisan yang Anda buat.
Sebagai pebisnis, tentu tujuannya banyak: membangun branding,
menguatkan pengaruh, dan tentu saja untuk MENJUAL LEBIH BANYAK.
Kalau Anda serius ingin jadi seorang ahli menulis yang menghipnotis,
silakan teruskan membaca tulisan di website ini sampai tuntas ya ^_^
Memperkenalkan... HYPNULIS!
Jurus Menulis yang Menghipnosis
(image promo)
HYPNULIS bisa dipergunakan di media apapun (social media, blog, iklan,
selebaran, papan reklame, dll)
Bayangkan, berapa besar pengaruh online/offline Anda akan meningkat!

Tak akan ada kendala jarak, Anda bebas mengatur waktu belajar sendiri.
Tugas-tugas di kursus Hypnulis ini akan membuat pembelajaran Anda
semakin cepat.
Belajar di perjalanan menggunakan smartphone Anda? Bisa banget!
Bayangkan juga, Anda bisa langsung praktekkan Hypnulis ke postingan
Social Media/Blog/dll melalui smartphone Anda!
Siapapun bisa mempelajari Hypnulis ini. Tanpa memerlukan pengalaman
menulis/jualan sekalipun.
Yang perlu Anda siapkan: semangat #EKSYEN tanpa TAPI dan NANTI! Itu
saja ^_^
Percaya tidak kalau Anda langsung bisa dapatkan uang jutaan dari ikut
kursus Hypnulis ini! Gimana caranya? Affiliasi (Promokan Hypnulis =
dapatkan komisi penjualannya).
Gimana rasanya, belajar dapat ilmu yang Anda bisa pergunakan terus
menerus untuk menghasilkan Uang, malah dapet uang tambahan lagi!
Enak ya!?
Bayangkan kembali, saat Anda menggunakan Hypnulis di setiap tulisan
Anda, secara langsung Angka Penjualan Anda perhatikan perlahan-lahan
mulai meningkat!
Sudah dibuktikan, tinggal Anda pribadi yang merasakan dampak WOWnya! ^_^
Silakan Anda intip semua materi yang akan Anda dalami dan membuat
Anda menjadi seorang Master Hypnulis, mampu menjual apapun kepada
STOP! Level Anda dimana?
Singles Day= 195 Trilyun di 1 hari. Berapa Target Omzet Anda?
2 Kerangka Inti dari Hypnulis
Apa itu Hypnulis?
Waking Hypnosis

Fokus, Lalu Membeli!

Cara Mengubah Persepsi Calon Pembeli
Ini Dia Rumus Paten Hypnulis
21 Checklist Rahasia Sales Letter yang Tidak Boleh Pesaing Anda Ketahui
17 Checklist Rahasia Hypnulis
5 Hukum Rahasia Hypnulis
Sebuah Rahasia Hypnulis
3 Kunci Penjualan Sukses, Produk/Jasa Apapun
Apa Itu Hypnosis?
2 Hal yang Membuat Orang Bertindak (Membeli)
Formula Hypnulis yang Terbukti Berhasil
Formula 4 Langkah Hypnulis, dalami ini dulu
Lebih Panjang, Lebih Nikmat
Ambil Kendali dengan Mengetahui Cara Orang Berpikir
Rahasia Menulis yang Menghipnosis Semua Tipe Pembeli
Masuk ke Dunia Orang Dulu, Baru Bawa Mereka ke Dunia Anda
29 Headline Hypnulis yang Selalu Bisa Menghipnosis Siapapun
30 Cara Menulis Headline Hypnulis
Rahasia Bang Motty Ber-hypnulis
Teknik Framing, Membuat Pembaca Memakai Kacamata yang Berbeda
Tentang Bang Motty
Bang Motty (@Motivatweet) adalah mantan karyawan 5 perusahaan
multinasional berbasis di Jakarta.
Di jabatannya yang terakhirm ia dibebani angka penjualan sebesar Rp
140 Milyar/tahun, dan hanya diberi komisi sekian persen saja.
Puas menimba ilmu dari perusahaan-perusahaan internasional itu,
akhirnya ia memutuskan untuk memeras keringatnya untuk membesarkan
bisnisnya sendiri ^_^

Ia memulai langkah bisnis onlinenya di KASKUS (modal NOL rupiah, hanya

bermodal foto produk dari supplier + buka pre-order), atas izin ALLAH di
bulan pertama ia sudah mengantongi omzet Rp 200 juta/bulan.
Semakin kemari, ilmu bisnis (online & offline)nya semakin terasah, jumlah
karyawannya bertambah, dan sekarang ia dedikasikan sebagian waktunya
untuk membantu pebisnis-pebisnis Indonesia untuk menemukan pola-pola
yang sudah ia buktikan sendiri di lapangan.

Berapa nilai investasi yang perlu Anda tanamkan untuk mendapatkan ilmu
WOW yang akan meningkatkan Angka Penjualan dan Besarnya Pengaruh Anda ke
level yang jauh lebih tinggi lagi?
>> Hanya Rp 194.000 saja<<
Bayangkan... Penjualan Anda meroket, berubah drastis, hanya bermodal Rp.
194.000 saja sekali seumur hidup! Amat terjangkau bukan investasinya?
Investasi Rp 194.000 sekali di depan, seminggu sampai sebulan setelah
praktek bisa balik modal berkali-kali lipat, setelah itu menikmati
hasilnya jutaan-puluhan juta hingga ratusan juta sebulan, terusterusan... enak ya? ^_^


^_^ Terima Kejutan untuk Anda Berikut Ini:

Bonus Spesial!!
Jika Anda mendaftar kursus Hypnulis ini SEKARANG. Anda berhak
mendapatkan Bonus-bonus yang WOW berikut ini:
Potongan Harga Spesial!
Bukan lagi Rp. 194.000!!
Tapi HANYA >> Rp. 126rb,- saja!
(Anda berhemat Rp 68.000!)
1. Rekaman #NgobrolBisnis Bareng Bang Motty Episode HULK
2. eBook 25 Terapan Teruji Part 1 Bikin Bisnis Makin Mapan dan
Banjir Rezeki
3. eBook 10 Tips Terapan Teruji part 2
4. eBook 15 Cara Menghasilkan Uang dari Internet

5. Gratis Seumur Hidup #EmailCurhatBisnis bareng bang Motty.

6. Akses ke Secret Group untuk Diskusi dan Tanya Jawab seluruh
Materi Kursus Hypnulis.
7. Anda otomatis terdaftar menjadi Affiliate untuk Kursus Hypnulis.
(asyiik dapet duit ^_^)
Wow Banget ya Bonus-bonusnya!? ^_^
Mau ambil keputusan sekarang dan menerima semua manfaat Kursus Hypnulis
beserta Diskon dan semua bonusnya atau mau tunggu harganya naik dan
pesaing Anda yang belajar ilmunya duluan? ^_^
Diskon dan BONUS SPESIAL yang Saya berikan untuk Anda ini hanya berlaku
>> 8 Maret 2016 Pukul 22.00<<

Rp 126rb

>> Cara Pemesanan<<

Setelah Anda klik tombol hijau di bawah ini, Anda boleh lanjutkan prosesnya
sesuai petunjuk pendaftaran.
Info Penting untuk Anda:
>>Kursus Online Hypnulis ini hanya dibatasi 300 orang saja, supaya
pembelajarannya maksimal dan lebih efektif.. Langsung daftar dan pastikan
Anda mendapatkan kursi ya ^_^ <<
>> Kursus Hypnulis ini Full Online 100%. Anda bebas mengatur waktu
belajar sesuai dengan waktu dan kecepatan belajar Anda masing-masing<<
>>Link Affiliate Kursus Online Hypnulis bisa Anda ambil di member area
Hypnulis: Login >> klik Kursus Hypnulis >> klik: Get Code Affiliate <<
Ada yang ingin ditanyakan tentang Kursus Hypnulis ini?
Silahkan hubungi Bang Motty di: DearMotty@gmail.com

[WORKSHOP] H-5 Belajar Dapat Milyaran dari Facebook

Denny Santoso

Tahukah Anda bahwa Facebook bisa dibuat mencari income sampai
milyaran rupiah?
Saya baru saja menyelesaikan Batch 6 Workshop Digital Marketing Elite Training
2 hari di Surabaya kemarin.
Ada salah satu peserta dari Batch 5 yang memberikan testimonial, bahwa
kemarin ketika dia belajar di Batch 5, dia belum mengerti sama sekali tentang
Facebook Ads.
Dia tekun mencoba kesana kemari, dan akhirnya ketika memberikan testi
kemarin, dia sudah berhasil melakukan penjualan hanya 1 barang saja dengan
cara beriklan di Facebook dengan total penjualan mendekati 1 Milyar rupiah
hanya dalam waktu kurang lebih 8 hari saja.
Pertamanya ketika saya minta memberikan testi, dia belum mau, katanya
angkanya belum mencapai 5 milyar :)
5 Milyar adalah angka yang dicapai oleh Albert Leonardo, yang akhir
minggu ini (tanggal 12-13 Maret), akan mengajar di Kelas Facebook Ads
Mastery di DigitalMarketer.id.
Kalau Anda masih menggunakan Facebook untuk posting status-status saja,
tanpa pernah menghasilkan income lebih, maka Anda melewatkan potensi yang
luar biasa sekali.
Kalau Anda belum daftar di Facebook Ads Mastery, silahkan registrasi melalui
link ini:
Anda akan belajar dari dasar, kemudian praktek, dan ketahui bahwa ada
teknik2 khusus yang dilakukan orang-orang yang berhasil mendapatkan
Mereka mengerti bagaimana melakukan teknik scaling, baik itu vertical scaling
maupun horizontal scaling.
Apa itu?
Semuanya akan Anda pelajari di kelas sehingga Anda tidak lagi mendapatkan
uang receh setiap harinya.
This is what the master do.

This is what the wizard do.

This is what youre gonna do!
See you in class
Denny Santoso
What Stage Are You In?
Joe Vitale

Many have written to me from all over the world asking for a downloadable
version of Tje Awakening Course, my bestselling audios on the four stages of
They asked fo a version that could be downloaded straight to your computer or
to even use on your iPod or other media player while running, driving, walking,
cleaning, relaxing, or anything else.
A version that makes storing CDs, DVDs, workbook and hard-to-shelve cases
Not only is it now availabe, Im offering a very substantial discount on it. (More
on that in a minute).
The Awakening Course covers everything to live a balanced life, including how to
explode your wealth and finances, live a life of great helath and fitness, find true
love and long-lasting relationships, become more spiritually enlightened and
discover real happiness.
It reveals the four stages to ideal health, wealth, romance, and more.
And you can be one of the first people to order this new downloadable program
today at a very substantial discount from the price of the physical version.
Youll also be able to get two FREEE BONUSES (you cannot get anywhere else)
that will knock your socks off.
The Awakening Course is unique on a number of levels mainly it is the only
(and I mean only) course ever developed on complete personal transformation.
It not only gives you a proven step-by-step approach for finding and achieving all
your goals and desires in all areas of your life but you will actually go far beyond
it into complete mind, body, and even spiritual transformation.
With the Awakening Course, you will completely transform every area of your life.

The Awakening Course will take you on a magical journey through the four stages
of awakening.
During your adventure, I will instruct you on the pitfalls and practices of each
stage ad will finally lead you into the fourth and final stage of complete
awakening a place rarely ever described before.
Heres just sample of what you will learn in the first five presentations of The
Awakening Course...

What it means to be awakened and why its so important

How you can create your own awakened life filled with miracles

The steps to get out of the victim mentality

Ways to turn your fears into catalysts for success

How to move beyond ego

5 steps for attracting anything or anyone into your life

The missing secret for making the Law of Attraction work every time

How the universe works (the real truth)

Cleaning and clearing methods allowing miracles

New perspective on money, role models, and the power of your


How to re-state complaints into positive life-changing intentions

The role gratitude plays in attracting what you want in your life

How to co-create with the Divine

A rare ancient method you can use to clean blocks

How to prepare yourself to become awakened

And we have not even discusssed the Awakening Course Live video seminar
presentation, Inspired Action Guide and two freee bonus presentations (not
vailable anywhere else) yet so please stay with me. Youll be blown away as
Ive never offered anything like this before.
The Awakening Course also comes with a special downloadable 45-minute
video seminar called The Awakening Course Live

This is a live downloadable video seminar of the one and only presentation I
ever gave on the subject of Awakening.
The Awakening Course Live video seminar also has a lot of other great
information that ties into the course. So much so, I originally wanted to offer
this separate from the Awaekning Course, but decided it was just too
important to leave out. So it is yours to download.
And to really make this course as effective as possible...
You will also receive a downloadable Inspired Action Guide.
This downloadable guide is truly magical. Here youll be guided through all
four stages of awakening through some very intense, effective and FUN
exercises guaranteed to get you to where you want to go in every area of
your life Complete mind, body and spiritual transformation guaranteed.
The Awakening Course comes with two freeee downloadable bonuses.
First Im going to give you access to a special audio presentation (you cant
get to anywhere else) called
The Awakened Millionaire
The Awakened Millionaire contains a stirring interview I gave to Peter Wink,
my VP of Marketing.
He sat me down in the studio and asked me question after question about
wealth, finances, exactly what it takes to become a millionaire and more.
(Personally I think he just wanted this information for himself when you
consider how hard he pressed me for details.) All the answers are here.
After listening to The Awakened Millionaire, youll know...

How you can change negative beliefs about money

The process of shifting to an awakened millionaire mindset

How you clear yourself mentally of your money issues

What the missing secret id to making the Law of Attraction work for your

The first steps you need to take if youre experiencing serious money

What to do first to make extra money right away

How coaching can help your finances

The role positive thinking plays in attracting wealth or anything else

Why you need to develop a sense of gratitude to attract more abundance

The difference between an awakened millionaire and billionaire

Why it is ok to have material wants and the message it sends to the


The Awakened Millionaire freee presentation (by itself) is worth more than the
investment youll make in the course. And you can download it as part of The
Awakening Course.
And Im going to make it even better.
Im adding in yet another free bonus presentation called
The Awakened Relationship
Now this is a must have for living a complete life. After all, relationships are
I get so many questions through e-mail and in my snail mailbox about
attracting love and sustaining relationships, I just had to add this second free
bonus presentation to the Awakening Course.
In fact, these are the exact same strategies I used to attract the woman of my
dreams the lovely Nerissa
After listening to The Awakened Relationship, youll know...

The key to long-lasting intimate relationships

How to deal with a negative life partner

Why you should not keep secrets from anyone

The power of mutually beneficial relationships

How to relax with less stress

How to experience deep inner peace, even in the midst of chaos and

Ways to resolve conflicts at home and at work, without having to seek the
approval of others

How to have more authentic, intimate, and loving relationships

And much more.

In fact, I was going to keep it a secret, but what the heck theres also a
whole other section in the Awakened Relationship presentation, containing

answers to questions Ive never addressed before. You have to listen to the
presentation to get them.
So there you have it.
You can get the entire downloadable Awakening Course, consisting of...
1. Five Awakening audio presentations taking you through the four stages of
Awakening and more
2. The Awakening Courses Live 45-minute video seminat containing the one
andonly prensentation Ive ever give on awakening
3. An Inspired Acion Guide which is truly magical where youll be guided
through all four stages of awakening through some very intense, effective,
and fun exercises guarenteed to get you to where you want to go in every
area of your life. Complete mind, body, and spiritual transformation
As well as two freee bonus presentations (not available anywhere else)...
Bonus #1: The Awakened Millionaire where Ill teach you how to attract money
and transform your finances
Bonus #2: The Awakened Relationship where youll learn how to find love, build
long-lasting relationships, and even meet your soulmate
All downloadable right to your computer.
Thats five Awakening Course audio presentations, one Awakening Course Live
Video seminar presentation, one inspired Action Guide and the two free bonus
audio presentations (Awakened Millionaire and Awakened Relationship).
And you can have the entire downloadable Awakening Course today for ONLY
$67. (Thats a savings of 25% off the physical version that costs up to $89.95).
Take inspired action, order now and have The Awakening Course within minutes.
Your 100% Iron-Clad Money-Back Guarantee: If youre not happy any time within
weeks from your purchase, let me know and you will receive a 100% refund.
And the entire downloadable Awakening Course is guaranteed for 60 days so
you have absolutely, positively, nothing to lose.
The Awakening Course is near and dear to my heart. I pulled out all the stops and
left no stone unturned. All of years my research on becoming awakened are laid
out in this simple-to-follow course.

No matter what stage are you at in your journey the theories, practices, and
life-chaning exercises within The Awakening Course (and the two free bonuses)
will assist you in moving forward in your life with a greater sense of ease and
well-being. Youll create new practices, habits, and beliefs that will put you in a
place of personal empowerment and total personal transformation.
You will become awakened.
Take inspired action and order your downloadable Awakening Course today.
P.S. When you order The Awakening Course today, you will get all five audio
presentations packed with information on the four stages of Awakening and
more, the special 45-minute live video seminar presentation called The
Awakening Course Live which is the one and only presentation I ever gave on
Awakeningm as well as the Inspired Action Guide where I will personally walk you
through all four stages of awakening through some very intense, effective, and
fun exercises guaranteed to get you to where you want to go in every area of
your life.
And lets not forget the...
Two free bonus presentations: Youll get The Awakened Millionaire presentation,
where youll learn how to find love, build long-lasing relationships, and even
meet your soulmate
And the entire Awakening Course is guaranteed for 60 days so you have
absolutely, positively, nothing to lose.
Take inspired action and order the downloadable Awakening Course today at...

iPhone 6s:
The Only thing thats changed is everything.
by Apple?

The moment you use iPhone 6s, you know youve never felt anything like it.
With a single press, 3D Touch lets you do more than ever before. Live Photos
bring your memories to life in a powerfully vivid way. And thats just the
beginning. Take a deeper look at iPhone 6s, and youll find innovation on every

3D Touch

The next generation of Multi-Touch.

The original iPhone introduced the world to Multi-Touch, forever changing the way
people experience technology. With 3D Touch, you can do things that were never
possible before. It senses how deeply you press the display, letting you do all
kinds of essential things more quickly and simply. And it gives you real-time
feedback in the form of subtle taps from the all-new Taptic Engine.

12MP pictures. 4K videos. Live Photos. Lasting memories.

The worlds most popular camera is more advanced than ever. The 12-megapixel
iSight camera captures sharp, detailed photos. It takes brilliant 4K video, up to
four times the resolution of 1080p HD video. iPhone 6s also takes selfies worthy
of a self-portrait with the new 5-megapixel FaceTime HD camera. And it
introduces Live Photos, a new way to relive your favorite memories. It captures
the moments just before and after your picture and sets in motion with just the
press of a finger.

A9. The most advanced chip ever in a smartphone.

iPhone 6s is powered by the custom-designed 64-bitA9 chip. It delivers
performance once found only in desktop computers. Youll experience up to 70
percent faster CPU performance, and up to 90 percent faster GPU performance
for all your favorite graphics-intensive games and apps.

A breakthrough design. Pushed even further.

Innovation isnt always obvious to the eye, but look a little closer at iPhone 6s
and youll find its been fundamentally improved. The enclosure is made from a
new alloy of 7000 Series aluminum the same grade used in the aerospace
industry. The cover glass is the strongest, most durable glass used in any
smartphone. And a new rose gold finish joins space gray, silver, and gold.
Touch ID

Advanced security. Right at your fingertip.

Using a highly advanced fingerprint sensor thats now faster and better than
ever, Touch ID makes unlocking your phone easy and secure. And it lets you use
Apple Pay at over a million stores and within participating apps.

Faster LTE.
Faster Wi-Fi.
iPhone 6s features LTE Advanced with speeds up to twice as fast as the previous
generation. It supports more LTE bands than any other smartphone. And when
youre connected to Wi-Fi, iPhone 6s lets you do things like browse the web and
download apps at speeds up to twice as fast, too.
iOS 9

An experience unlike any other. On a phone unlike any other.

iOS 9 is themostadvanced, intelligent, and secure mobile operating system in the

world. Powerful new built-in apps, advanced features in Siri, and enhancements
throughout the system make it smarter nad more essential than ever. Deep
integration with Apple hardware makes everything work together beautifully. And
the App Store is full of incredible apps that have been tailored to take advantage
of what iPhone is capable of.

Your iPhone is beautiful. Give it a complement.

Our accessories go together with iPhone so well because theyre designed
together. Natural leather and vibrant silicone cases provide stylish protection.
And new Lightning Docks in four color-matched metallic finishes allow for easy

Brainstorm With Me?

Dr. Joe Vitale

I love masterminds.
Thats when a small group gathers and supports each other with resources,
intentions, energy, and more.
Napoleon Hill considered it the secret to massive success.
Masterminds give me a chance to help people with my three decades of
marketing and metaphysics experience.
Beacuse I love this so much, and miss doing it, I decided to offer a new one to

In short, Im looking for ten people who want to mastermind and brainstorm with
me personally in Austin, Texas, on May 28, for a half-day of private and personal
focus on your needs and desires.
These events are inspired and inspiring, as you never know who will say the
rightthing to trigeer a breakthrough for you or a miracle.
The investment will be $5000. Youll need to make your own travel and
accomodations, of course. But Im sure youll find the experience unforgettable
and priceless.
If you are interested, write suzanne@mrfire.com
I hope to see you there.
PS If more than ten people want to intend, I will announce a second
mastermind. I want to limit the event to ten so each person gets my full
Note: If the investment feels too much for you at this time, consider getting my
definitive program on getting clear of issues at (link)
Thank you
I love you

The Wall Street Journal


Dear reader:
On a beautiful late spring afternoon, twenty-five years ago, two young men
graduated from the same college. They were very much alike, these two young
men. Both had been better than average students, both were personable and
both as young college graduates are were filled with ambitious dreams for the
Recently, these two men returned to college for their 25 th reunion.

They were still very much alike. Both were happily married. Both had three
children. And both, it turned out, had gone to work for the same Midwestern
manufacturing company after graduation, and were still there.
But there was a difference. One of the men was manager of a small departmen
of that company. The other was its president.
What Made The Difference
Have you ever wondered, as I have, what makes this kind of difference in
peoples lives? It isnt always a native intelligence or talent or dedication. It isnt
that one person wants success and the other doesnt.
And that is why I am writing to you and to people like you about The Wall Street
Journal. For that is the whole purpose of The Journal: To give its readers
knowledge knowledge that they can use in business.

MacBook Light. Years Ahead.

By Apple

With the new Macbook, we set out to do the impossible: engineer a full-size
experience into the lightest and most compact Mac notebook ever. That meant
reimagining every element to make it not only lighter and thinner but also better.
The result is more than a just a new notebook. Its the future of the notebook.

A full-size keyboard. In a fraction of the space.

We believe that a comfortable, full-size keyboard is essential for a great
notebook experience. But to fit one into the elegantly thin new Macbook, we had
to completely rethink how a keyboard is enginereed and constructed. To create
the new keyboard, we redesigned each key and its underlying mechanism not
only making the whole keyboard much thinner, but also allowing for more
comfortable, precise, and responsive typing that just feels right.

Retina re-envisioned.
The moment you open the new MacBook, its gorgeous 12-inch Retina display
with edge-to-edge galss brings everything into focus. Every photo leaps off the
screen in rich, vibrant detail. Over 3 million pixels render each letter with crystal
clarity. And it all comes to light on the thinnest, most energy-efficient Retina
display ever on a Mac, meticulously honed to deliver a bold visual experience
within an impossibly minimal design.

The trackpad, pushed even further with Force Touch.

With the new MacBook comes a whole new way to experience a trackpad. The
Force Touch trackpad is enginereed to deliver a responsive, uniform click no
matter where you press the surface. And underneath, force sensors detect how
much pressure youre applying and give you new ways to interact with your Mac.
You can now use a Force click to enable new capabilities, like quickly looking up
the definition of a word or previewing a file just by clicking and continuing to
press on the trackpad. Youll also experience haptic feedback a tactile vibration
from the trackpad that adds the sense of the touch to what you see on the
screen. These advanced capabilities work in addition to all the intuitive MultiTouch gestures Mac users love. Youll be more in touch with your Mac than ever
before. Without lifting a finger.

Fully equipped for a wireless world.

The new MacBook is designed to fit effortlessly into our increasingly wireless
Just about anything you do with a notebook can now be done over the air, thanks
to Apple software that takes full advantage of the latest Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
wirelessly technology. So no matter where you are, you can connect to the web,

transfer files, organize your photos, listen to music, and more without being
tied down.
The most efficient way to charge a notebook is by conncting a charger to a port.
And as long as we were going to include a port for changing the new MacBook,
we wanted to make sure it was the most and versatile one available. The new
USB-C port puts just about everything you need in a port all in one place. This
amazing port provides charging, speedy USB 3 data transfer, and video output in
a small, reversible design thats one-third the size of the current USB port.

Quietly astonishing.
The new MacBook has been enginereed from the gorund up for silent, efficient
performance. It starts with a fifth-generation Intel Core M processor that runs on
just 5 watts of power, made even more efficient by optimizations throughout OS
X. Together the processor and OS X sip so little energy that the system generates
very little heat, so no fan is required to cool the computer. That means when
your MacBook is working, you wont hear a thing. And the logic board on which
the processor sits has been completely redesigned to pack all the capability you
expect in a Mac into as little space as possible.

All-day battery life.

All-new design.
We know people rely on Apple notebooks for all-day battery life, regardless of
how compact they are. And with the slim new MacBook enclosure, al-day battery
laife simply would not be achievable using tradisitonal rectangular batteries. So e
developed our own unique battery technology specifically designed to make use
of every last millimeter of available space. The result is a terraced, countoured
battery design that not only fits perfectly inside the incredibly slim MacBook, but
also is unlike anything seen before in a notebook.

OS X is the operating system that powers everything you do on a Mac. With OS X
El Capitan, its simple to do amazing things and delightful to do all the everyday
things. And it works seamlessly with your apps and iOS devices.

Built-in Apps
Every Mac comes with apps for creativity and apps for productivity. It also comes
with a collection of great apps for things you do every day, like surfing the web,
sending mail and messages, and organizing your calendar. It even comes with an
app for finding new apps. Your Mac is more than full-featured, its fully loaded.

Pure invention.

Do you write or speak?

By Joe Vitale

Do you wever do any writing?

Do you ever wish it was easier?
Do you ever want to write with more power, creativity, and persuasion?
If you answered yes to any of the above, then keep reading for some good news..
My software for helping you write sales letters, ads, articles, books, speeches,
news releases, and more called Hypnotic Writing Wizard is online, and in two
cool versions.
This is the famous windows software that people have been raving about for a
long time. Larry Dotson said
This software should be ILLEGAL. It makes it too quick and easy to write
anything. It shot the words out of my mind like a rapid-fire MACHINE GUN.
Direct marketing legend Joe Sugarman said -Not only does this leading edge software help you write sales letters with ease,
but you can also write news releases, ads, articles, speeches, web copy, and
even entire books with it.
The hypnotic inductions by Joe are simple, short, and more importantly, they
work. I was skeptical about the Hypnotic Readibility Formula, but I used it to
analyze one of my own letters and the results opened my eyes. Hypnotic Writing
Wizard is a breakthrough in creative writing.
Profilic author of 50+ books Bob Bly said
Anyone having trouble writing anything needs to boot this program up. Within
minutes you can slides through blocks, getting a handle on what you want to
say, and come up with memorable ways to say it. This is a real brakthrough.
Youll also find there are now two versions of the software:
#1. The Basic one gives you all the tools you need to write letters, ads, books,
talks, etc.
It comes with the formulas, inductions, tools, headline generator, readability
analyzer, unconscious directed writing, etc. You could become a hypnotic writer
with just this alone.
Its that powerful.
#2. The Deluxe version comes with all the basic tools but includes the famous
Swipe Filem containing proven words, phrases, sentences, closers, etc., which
you can just weave into your writing to make it much more compelling. This is

beyond powerful. You simply copy and paste swipe the proven sentences
that improve your writing. This is almost too easy.
The Swipe File has been and still is my secreat weapon in writing my emails,
sites, articles, and books with such speed and power. I love it and *always* use
it. Obviously, it works. Again, it comes with the Deluxe version.
Im very excited about Hypnotic Writing Wizard.
This program is based on my first best-selling e-books, Hypnotic Writing and
Advanced Hypnotic Writing (and includes them for easy reference).
While it wont do your writing or thinking for you, it *will* guide you to writing
with more ease and power. The hypnotic inductions and other tools will stimulate
your mind to come up with fresh ways to express yourself with persuasive power.
Hypnotic Writing Wizard is a fun. Youll probably feel like you are playing a video
game rather than writing anything. Its all intuitive and playful.
If youre at all interested in writing with more ease and focus, using every
hypnotic tool in the book, then check out my software at
I wonder what youll write after you get Hypnotic Writing Wizard today...
PS Hypnotic Writing Wizard is for PCs only.
Sorry Macs.

For @username
Neil Patel

I get approximately 400 emails a day to my personal inbox. Across all my email
accounts, its easily over 1,000.
I get all kinds of requests. Some funny. Some serious. Some to say thanks. But by
far the #1 request I get is...
Neil please, please, put on a webinar and show us your favorite marketing
Well Ive been thinking about it a lot, and I think its time. So thats exactly what
Ive decided to do.
Im putting on a LIVE [link free webinar!]
Im calling it: The Advanced Customer Acquisition Webinar
[Click here to register for the webinar now]
When I hosted webinar for KISSmetrics we had an average of 3000 to 4000
people register to each one. So as you can imagine, Im expecting thousands of
registrations and the webinar room is going to fill up quickly.
Id suggest you sign up to attend this webinar if you want to:
1. Get my simple 5 step sales process framework, which you can implement
immediately in your business
2. Learn a super simple process that turns cold prospects into happy
3. How to create marketing campaigns that automate customer acquisition
I recently helped Google with this to get more customers for adwords
4. A customer acquisition and scaling process very few people use and know
5. Integrated marketing and compounding growth tacticsa high-level
strategy thats easier than it sounds
Im going to be sharing a lot of awesome content on this webinar. I want to help
you get results quickly and easily.
If youre familiar at all with me and my blog, you know how much I love to overdeliver. This webinar will be no different, and Im excited to show you just what I

All you need to do is [link]

On the page youll see a simple registration form. Just submit your best email
address and Ill send you all the details on the webinar.
P.S. I also have some really awesome new videos to share with you. Youll receive
these after you register, bfore the actual webinar.
All the best,
Neil Patel

The Lazy Way to Riches

Joe Vitale
If youre looking for a way to prove to yourself that all this Law of Attraction
mumbo jumbo actually works, I have something juicy for you...
You might call it The Lazy Way to Riches.
Heres the story
Many years ago I held a tele-seminar where I and a few special guests revealed
how to create your own reality in a very specific way to attract a very specific
concrete result.
Since so many people are tired of hearing that you can use these mind-overmatter principles to attract parking places, I thought,what if you could use these
principles to attract actual new CARS to park in those parking places?
So the event become focused on how to attract a new car.
Why the focus on manifesting a car?
Good question. Heres why...
First a new car is something almost everyone wants. And since my mission is to
introduce these principles to as many people as possible, teaching people how to
attract a new car is the perfect way to do this.
And second, unlike subjective goals like wealth or happiness, a new car is
tangible it is easy to tell if you have manifested one or not. I am so convinced
these steps work. I want you to try them out on a goal that leaves no room for
Many who attended the live event were able to attract far more than new cars.
One woman attracted $97,000 in cash.
You can read the whole story and see a few photos of my cool cars (Ive given
away most of them though) and those of others, by going to
Attracting a new car is simply a type of human potential exercise. Its a way to
stretch your mind. Its a way to show you the portal to your own inner power.
Are you ready to enter that portal?
Are you ready to attract what you really want?
Are you ready to expand your mind and prove to yourself and everyone else that
the Law of Attraction works?

Theres nothing like driving around in a spanking new car to make everyone
wonder what secret you know.
But maybe youd like something better than a new car. If so, these same
principles will work for that, too.
Try it for yourself.
Go see
PS Ive attracte so many new cars using the method revealed in the
teleseminar series that I gave away many cars. Its not about the cars. Its about
the process. Im telling you, when you learn how to use the Law of Attraction,
you can help lots of people besides yourself.
Go see
Thank you
I love you


Joe Vitale
I love sharing great spiritual resources with you, so Im pleased to be part of an
awesome series I think you should know about The Conscious Life Awakened
Speaker Series (CLASS).
Its hosted by the cool folks who put out Conscious Life News, and its live, fun,
transformational and FREE.
Get access to CLASS here:
Ill be on CLASS April 3 talking about The Awakened Millionaire Mindset and The
Secret to the Spiritual Wealth Lifestyle.
On the call, Ill show you how to:

Unlock the Spiritual Wealth Mindset

Awaken Your Passion, Purpose, and Impact

Transform Your Relationship with Money to Awaken

More spiritual growth

Use your spiritual path to make more money

When you join CLASS, youll also get instant access to 11 transformational
bonuses worth $333, plus access to other highly respected speakers like Derek
Rydall, Hans King, Carol Look, and Mas Sajady, and more.
My call will be LIVE and Ive given host, Vicki Howie, permission to ask me about
anything, which means it will be fresh and new.
You dont want to miss CLASS, so be sure to register, even if you cant make the
call. That way, youll get access to my interview replay and the 11 empowering
bonuses too.
Enjoy the series, and Ill see you on April 3!
P>S. Your free goodies are waiting for you here:

Thank you
I love you

The Letter That Built Newsweek

Dear Reader:
If the list upon which I found your name is any indication, this is not the first
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Youve undoubtedly heard everything by now in the way of promises and
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If you subscribe to Newsweek, you wont get rich quick. You wont bowl over
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your first copy of Newsweek arrives. (Your convesrssation will benefit from a
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The answer depends upon what type of person you happen to be. If you are not
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The Letter that Built American Express

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[BONUS GENDENG] 9 Bonus Tambahan plus Diskon 50%

Dewa Eka Prayoga
Saat Anda membaca email ini, mungkin Anda mengira bahwa Saya akan
mengingatkan Anda bahwa waktu Anda untuk miliki CSO Kit tinggal 1 hari lagi.
Hehehe... ^_^ nggak, kok...
Jangan bayangkan itu. Jangan pikirkan hal itu.
Karena Saya tidak akan memaksa Anda untuk miliki CSO Kit. Itu kan hak Anda.
Iya, kan?
Tenang saja...
Lagian, nggak bagus juga kalau mengambil keputusan beli sesuatu dipaksa
seperti itu. Gak bagus ah... Baiknya keputusan itu dipikirkan matang-matang.
Tapi kalau misalkan Anda hari ini berubah pikiran, silakan langsung menuju
csokit.com untuk melakukan pembelian.
Lagian, melalui email ini, Saya sebenarnya ingin menyampaikan 2 hal: kabar
baik dan kabar buruk.
Apa itu?
Kabar baiknya dulu ya...
Kabar baiknya...
SIAPAPUN Anda yang kemarin sudah beli CSO kit, selain sudah mendapatkan
CSO Kitnya + Bonus Spesialnya yang tertera di landing page, Anda pun akan
mendapatkan BONUS KEJUTAN berupa
1. Ebook 11 Trik Follow Up Penjualan Senilai Rp 99.000
2. Ebook 7 Teknik Menghadang Keberatan Ala NLP senilai Rp 99.000
3. Ebook Cara Membangun Kolam Uang di Internet senilai p 147.000
4. Ebook Persuasive Copywriting senilai Rp 249.000
5. Video Case Study tentang FB Marketing Dewa Selling senilai Rp 197.000
6. Akses Exclusive Webinar tentang The Power of Story Telling senilai Rp
7. Voucher Diskon 50% buku Easy Copywriting seniali Rp 123.500
8. Voucher Diskon 50% Buku Dongkrak Omset Milyaran dengan Tim
Penjualan senilai Rp 210.000
9. Voucher Diskon 50% buku 30 Hari Jago Jualan senilai Rp 129.500

TOTAL BONUS TAMBAHAN senilai Rp 1.551.000

Wah, GENDENG banget kang... Pengen dong. Tapi kemaren kan Saya
belum sempet beli kang, gimana?
Untungnya, Anda masih punya waktu 1 hari untuk dapatkan itu semua secara
cuma2, alias GRATIS!
Silakan lakukan pembelian CSO Kit Sekarang, klik ->
Dan kabar terbaiknya, Anda cukup investasikan Rp 798.000 Rp 399.000 saja.
Bayangkan... Seberapa besar benefitnya dibandingkan investasi yang harus
Anda keluarkan.
Nah, itu kabar baiknya...
Kabar buruknya...
Penawaran ini akan berakhir besok.
Ya, besok pkl 24.00 WIB penjualan CSO Kit akan ditutup. Artinya, penawaran ini
tidak akan terulang lagi.
Wah, kalau gitu ceritanya, Saya mau beli sekarang aja kang...
Ya, sebaiknya begitu...
Keuntungan Anda beli dan transfer hari ini adalah...
Selain bisa dapatkan semua BONUSnya, bisa segera berkreasi dengan CSO
kitnya, juga bayarnya lebih murah.
...karena besok harga naik.
Ah kang, saya besok aja deh belinya...
Silakan. Tapi Anda bisa pikirkan kerugiannya. Bayangkan jika seandainya Anda
lupa beli tanpa alasan yang jelas dan tidak bisa miliki CSO kit dan BONUS2 yang
Saya sebutkan di atas? Entar bisa nyesel lho. Hehe ^_^
Saya sih bukan nakut2in, tapi kebanyakan orang2 yang beli produk Saya
sebelumnya pada kaya gitu. Dan jangan sampai itu terjadi pada Anda...
Beli sekarang.

Dewa Eka Prayoga

P.S. Khusus untuk Anda yang sudah beli CSO Kit dan ingin dapatkan BONUS
kejutannya, silakan cek dashboard member area Anda di bagian Akses Produk
nanti malam jam 20.00 WIB.
Bonus2 kejutan sudah bisa Anda nikmati mulai nanti malam.
P.P.S. Exclusive Webinar tentang The Power Of Storytelling akan dilaksanakan tgl.
28 Maret 2016 pkl. 10.00 WIB, sambil Saya bagikan BONUS2 lainnya yang belum
bisa diakses di member area nanti.
P.P.S Kalau Anda sudah transfer dan masih belum aktif, silakan balas email ini,
atau kontak via WA/SMS 0859-7490-2378.
Sukses selalu ya... ^_^


Zulfadhli Azhari
Halo Bos Robi ada promo buku bagus untuk marketing facebok nih..
Simak yaaa ...
Market Tertarget dlm hitungan Detik!!
Tidak mungkin, dalam hitungan detik bisa mendapatkan market yang
Mungkin sebagian dari mereka berpikir seperti itu..
Tapi, tahukah Anda kini Anda dapat menentukan dan mendapatkan dengan
mudah Market yang Anda inginkan.
Semua ilmu nya bisa Anda pelajari di paket buku
3 Tools Facebook Graph Gratisan & eBook Jurus Facebook Marketing
Hanya dengan Rp 280rb saja. Anda sudah mampu memilah dan memilih para
pengguna fb berdasarkan parameter.
Mengetahui Solusi sederhana untuk melacak, mencari, dan temukan facebook
berdasarkan nama, grup, alamat, kota asal, pendidikan jenis kelamin, tempat
tinggal, pekerjaan fanspage, minat, bahasa, hingga tempat yang pernah di
Dan mendapatkan cara jitu untuk meledakkan omzet penjualan bermodalkan
Mau Tahu Caranya?
Silahkan Order sekarang juga,
dengan format SMS: Paket FM Nama Anda Alamat Lengkap No Hp
Lalu SMS ke 085716141527
Tapi, jangan putuskan BELI SEKARANG, karena Saya juga ingin Anda tahu,
keuntungan lain seperti:
1. Video Audience Insight by Untung Wibowo
2. Video Social Media Marketing by Arief Maulana
3. 10 Desain Template BBM + Tutorialnya
4. Vdeo SEO for Facebook by Dosen Jualan
5. eBook Cara Nanam Backlink di FP FB by Dosen Jualan
Yang akan Anda dapatkan setelah BELI Buku ini...
Kapan lagi, Anda bisa mendapatkan fasilitas gratisan di facebook marketing
beserta penunjang ilmunya. Berupa teknik facebook graph yang nantinya akan
membantu Anda dalam membuka tabir rahasia dibalik facebook graph itu
sendiri. Hanya dengan menginvestasikan uang Rp 280rb saja...
Silakan order sekarang juga,
dengan format SMS: Paket FM Nama Anda Alamat Lengkap No handphone

Lalu SMS ke: 085716141527

Action sekarang juga
Happy Connecting.
Zulfadhli Ashari
Internet Marketer & Instructional Design
NB: Promo Paket Facebook Marketing hanya 280rb saja. Paket terbatas hanya
untuk 2 hari ini saja.
BELI buku ini dan Buka Tabir Rahasia Facebook Graph ini sendiri.. ^_^

Can You Make A Circle Please?

Joe Vitale

April will turn your life around if you are open minded and can make a circle.
April will see the release of my magnum opus; a fiery manifesto that represents
my life work; a new book that blends spirituality with wealth and shows you how
to profit from your passion.
April will also open the doors to my new program for teaching the breakthrough
controversial formula for attracting Spiritual Wealth.
Im alerting you now because I am too excited to sit on this news, and because I
want to get you thinking about your own passion and purpose.
Meditate on what you would do every day if money were not a concern at all.
How would you live your life?
What passion would you pursue even if you werent paid?
What would you do differently when you have Spiritual Wealth?
Circle April 3rd on your calendar.
Ill send you the news then.
Expect Miracles.
PS My team and i have created the most complete and intense program anyone
has ever developed. And its all designed to help YOU. Again, circle April 3.
PPS Too curious and impatient to wait? I dont blame you :)
Take a sneak peek at the light here
Thank You
I Love You

Mau Belajar Copywriting Lebih Dalam Lagi?

Dewa Eka Prayoga
Kalau misalkan Anda tertarik belajar Copywriting lebih dalam lagi...
Katakanlah yang akan membahas tentang pola-pola baru Copywriting di era
Juga membahas ilmu-ilmu keren penunjang jualan online seperti story telling,
soft selling, covert selling, dan NLP-copywriting
Juga membahas studi2 kasus kenapa dan gimana caranya kok Saya bisa
dapatkan konversi leads yang sangat tinggi di setiap penjualanannya
... dan hal2 lainnya
Anda mungkin sangat cocok ikuti Mentoring Copywriting.
Program mentoring Copywriting ini sebelumnya sudah diikuti oleh 648 orang,
dan Saya bersyukur karena mereka sangat puas dengan service yang Saya
...apalagi mereka bisa dapatkan akses 27 video eksklusif, 9 ebook, 23
modul, dan hal2 bermanfaat lainnya yang selalu Saya update di
member area dan grup FB khusus.
Inilah buktinya...
Testimoninya banyak banget, alhamdulillah... Saking banyaknya, bingung deh
mau ditampilin yang mana. Hehe
Nah, kalau misalkan Anda ingin seperti mereka, yang mulai tahu dan kuasai
Copywriting dengan pola baru serta terbukti menghasilkan banyak
... alangkah baiknya Anda join program Mentoring Copywriting ini.
Namun sebelumnya, Anda harus join waiting dulu.
Karena pendaftarannya member baru akan dibuka tanggal 4 April 2016.
Join waiting list sekarang. Klik link di bawah ini...
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iPad mini 4 Mighty. Small.

Theres more to mini that meets the eye. The new iPad mini 4 puts
uncompromising performance and potential in your hand. Its thinner and lighter
than ever before, yet powerful enough to help you take your ideas even further.
Ridiculously light, seriously thin.
iPad mini 4 puts everything you love about iPad into an incredibly sleek and
portable design. So you can enjoy FaceTime calls with friends or get work done,
wherever and whenever you want.
Power thats anything but mini.
iPad mini 4 is powered by an A8 chip with second-generation 64-bit desktop-class
architecture that can handle even your most demanding aps. Whether youre
editing a video, browsing photos, or both, your experience will be smooth and
Two amazing cameras. Clevery disguised as an iPad.
The iSight camera in iPad mini 4 delivers advances ioptics, an improves sensor,
and an Apple-designed image signal processor. It also includes handy features
like panorama, time-lapse video, slo-mo, and burst and timer modes. The frontfacing FaceTime HD has been redesigned, too, with a refined sensor and larger
pixels for even better low-light poerfrmance. The upshot? All your photos and
videos and video calls and selfies look incredibly vivid.
Advanced security. Right at your fingertip.
iPad mini 4 uses Touch ID technology to turn your fingerptrint into the perfect
unforgettable password. So you can unlock your device with just one touch and
keep your personal data secure, even if you share your iPad someone else. Touch
ID also lets you make sure purchases in iTunes, iBooks, and the App Store. And
with Apple Pay, you can make purchases within your facorite participating apps
quickly, conveniently, and securely.
Fast Wireless Connectivity.
iPad mini connects to fast Wi-Fi and cellular networks, so you can download
content, browse the web, and share documents from virtually anywhere. When
youre not near a wifi-hotspot, the Wi-Fi cellular model connects you to fast
cellular data networks around the world. And with Apple SIM, you can choose a
plan quickly and easily in over 90 countries and territories.
A better experience with every touch.
iPad mini 4 runs iOS 9, the most intuitive, advanced and secure mobile operating
system in the world. If it feels like iOS 9 was made for iPad, its because it was.

With improved apps and new features like Slide Over, Split View, and Pictures in
Picture, iOS 9 helps you get more done in powerful yet simple ways. Whether
youre checking messages while answering email or creating a presentation
while watching the big game, iOS 9 helps you get more out of iPad than ever
Apps designed for iPad. And everything you want to do with it.
iPad mini 4 comes with powerful built-in apps for the things you do everyday, like
surfing the web, checking email. Editing movies and photos, writing reports, and
reading books. And there are even more incredible apps on the App Store
designed to take advantage of its retina dislay (instead of simply out iPhone
Apps). So whther its photography, gaming, traveling, or managing your finances,
youll find an app that will help you do it better.
Covers made for iPad mini 4. Colors that match everything else.
The iPad mini 4 Smart Cover and Silicone Case protect your device everywwhere
you take it. Designed to be paired, the Smart Cover attaches to the front of your
device while the Silicone Case snaps onto the back. Together they provide
protection available in ten gorgeous colors.

Readers Digest Sweepstakes letter

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Hodgson:
Imagine the thrill of walking into a bank near the Hodgson home and surprising
the teller if you deposited a check for $250000 into your account.
And think of the look on the faces of your West Chester neighbors if you drove
dwon Johnnys way in a brand new car a car you completely paid for in cash.
Or how would like you to start out from Philadelphia International Airport on an
around-the-world vacation your pockets bulging with spending money?
These dreams could come true because your sweepstakes deposit slip above
gives you a chance to win the grand prize of $250000 cash (or $125000 now plus
$1000 a month for life your choice) in Readers Digest $1000000 sweepstakes.
A mailman from your West Chester post office may soon be knocking at your
door with a check for $250000!
But you cant win unless you enter. And all you have to do is return your
sweepstakes deposit slip in either of the enclosed envelopes by February 28!
(return it by March 2 and you could win any of 40710 other cash prizes but not
the Grand Prizes.) Thats all there is to it. Theres no other obligation; nothing to
And the sooner you reply, the more money you could win.
Why were you sent this opportunity to enter our sweepsstakes? To call your
attention to ReadersDigest products... and in particular to the brand-new
album were offering featuring a remarkable performer... Jim Nabors Sings
As an owner of That Old Time Religion, you obviously enjot Digest music.
Youll find the same kind of enjoyment in Jim Nabors Sings.
From Amazing Grace to Tennessee Waltz, youll hear 82 memorable
performances... inspirational hymns, love songs, popular hits, broadway classics,
country tunes, movie themes... the largest collection of Jim Nabors songs ever!
Why not hear them all for 7 days home trial on your choice of 7 records; 3 8track tapes or 3 cassettes.
After 7 days, if youre not satisfied with Jim Nabors Sings, simply return the
album. Youll owe nothing and well even reimburse you for the return postage.
If you agree, though, that Jim Nabors Sing belongs in your music library, then
keep it and pay for the low price of only $39,96 payable in 4 monthly
installments of just $9.99 each, plus $1.55 postage for records, 86c postage for
8-track tapes or 63c postage for cassettes. Theres no finance charge, no annual
percentage rate of interest, no charge for handling. The postage will be added to
your first installment.

To audition Jim Nabors Sings for 7 days home trial and enter the sweepstakes
at the same time... return your deposit slip in the enclosed yes envelope. (Please
indicate if you want records, 8-track tapes or cassettes by punching out one of
the circles on the envelope flap.)
If you dont want to audition Jim Nabors Sings for 7 days home trial but you do
want to enter the sweepstakes... return your deposit slip in the enclosed no
envelope. Whatever you decide, return it by February 28 to be eligible to win the
$250000 grand prize or by march 2 for any of the 40710 other cash prizes. All
prizes will be awarded! The sooner you return your deposit slip, the more money
you could win!

iPad Pro Super. Computer. Now in two sizes.


iPad Pro is more than the next generation of iPad its an uncompromising vision
of personal computing for the modern world. It puts incredible power that lepas
past most portable PCs at your fingertips. It makes even complex work as natural
as touching, swiping, or writing with a pencil. And whether you choose the 12.9inch model or the new 9.7-inch model, iPad Pro is more capable, versatile, and
portable than anything thats come before. In a word, super.
An awesome display of progress.
The key to the iPad experience is the display. Its how you interact using MultiTouch, and how you review content in spectacular detail. So we created our most
vivid Retina display ever. The 12-9 inch iPad Pro has the highest resolution of any
iOs device. And the new 9.7-inch iPad Pro screen our most advanced display
is the brightest and least reflective in the world.
A color standard big enough for Hollywood.
The 9.7-inch iPad Pro display uses the same color space s the digital cinema
industry. This wider color gamur gives iPad Pro up to 25 percent greater color
saturation than previous iPad models. So colors are more vivid, true to life, and
See things in the best possible light. Whatever the lighting.
People love using iPad everywhere. Thats why the new 9.7-inch iPad Pro has a
True Tone display. It uses advanced four-channel ambient light sensors to
automatically adapt the color and intensity of the display to match the light in
your environment. Which means reading is more natural and comfortable
alomst like looking at a sheet of paper.
Four Speaker Audio
No matter how you turn it, youll want to turn it up.
With a high-fidelity speaker in each corner, iPad pro creates a rich, wide, and
detailed soundstage. It automatically adjusts the orientation of the high
frequencies to the topmost speakers, no matter how youre holding it. So
whether youre playing a game or watching a movie, you-and your ears- will be
completely immersed.
A9X chip
Faster than a speeding laptop.
The 64-bit A9X chip gives iPad Pro the power to easily take on tasks once
reserved for worksations and PCs. Not to mention tasks youd never consider

doing a PC. Despite this barrier-breaking performance, the A9X chips efficient
architecture enables up to 19 hours of battery life.
Quicker Work.
With up to 1.8 times the CPU performance of iPad Air 2, the A9X chip delivers
incredible responsiveness. Even complex actions like editing 4K video happen
immediately and with unparalleled smoothness.
More beautiful play.
iPad Pro offers up to double the graphics performance of iPad Air 2. That menas it
can render incredibly detailed visuals, fluid animations, and effects so real, youll
lose yourself in your favorite apps and games.
A game changer.
Metal optimizes CPU and graphics like nothing else. So developers can design
even more highly immersive consloe-style games and balzing-fast apps.
Type. On a totally new type of keyboard.
Whichever iPad Pro you coose, theres a smart keyboard that fits. By combining
new technologies and materials, we created a portable keyboard thats
unbelivably thin and even doubles as a lightweight yet durable iPad cover. And
thanks to the Smart Connector, there are no cords, pairing, or plugs. Just attach
and start typing.
Completely familiar. Entirely revolutionary.
Apple Pencil feels incredibly responsive from the moment you pick it up. Its
sensitive to both tilt and pressure, allowing you to create a range of artistic
effects. And with its pixel-perfect precision, Apple Pencil opens up new create
Capture every detail in greater detail.
iPad Pro has remarkable cameras on both the fornt and the back. The 12.9-inch
models 8-megapixel iSight camera lets you shoot beautiful photos and video.
The 9.7-inch iPad Pro comes with a 12-megapixel iSight camera, which can
capture 4K video, 240 fps slo-mo videos, and Live Photos. Its also the first iPad
with True Tone flash, so skin tonels looks great regardless of lighting.
Things are harper on the other side of iPad Pro, too. The front-facing FaceTime
HD cameras latest sensor makes video calls more lifelike. And on the 9.7-inch
iPad Pro, the 5-megapixel FaceTIme HD camera features Retina Flash with True
Tone for gorgeous selfies.
Incredible power has never been so easy to handle.
Even though iPad Pro can handle tasks usually reserved for PCs, its kighter than
any PC could hope to be. The 9.7-inch iPad Pro packs heavyweight performance

into less than a pound. The 12.9-inch iPad Pro is thinner than iPhone 6s and
weighs just over a pound and a half. And thanks to the aluminum unibody, both
sizes feel reassuringly solid in the hand.
Fast wireless connectivity. iPad Pro can connect to the fastest Wi-Fi or cellular
netwroks so you can surf the web, stream movies and share documents from
virtually anywhere. With the Wi-Fi + Cellular model, you can also make phone
and FaceTime calls or even create a hotspot with your existing data plan. And
the new 9.7-inch iPad Pro features LTE Advanced, enabling up to 50 percent
faster cellular connections.
Apple SIM. So many ways to stay connected. All Wi-Fi + Cellular models are
unlocked, so you can pop in a SIM card anytime to get connected. For added
convenience, an Apple SIM comes installed on the 12.9-inch iPad Pro in a number
of countries. And the 9.7-inch iPad Pro with an embedded Apple SIM is available
all over the world. So its easy to purchase a cellular data plan right on your iPad
with no long-term commitment. Happy travels.
The password is you.
iPad Pro uses Touch ID technology to turn your fingerprint into an unforgettable
password. So you can unlock your device with just a touch. You can also make
secure purchases in iTunes, iBooks, and the Apps Store. And with Apple Pay, you
can make purchases within your apps easily and securely.
A better experience with every touch.
iOS 9 is the worlds most advanced, intuitive, and secure mobile operating
system. From powerful multitasking features to Night Shift and News, iOS 9 is
designed to help you get the mostout of iPad.
Great ways to expand whats possible with iPad Pro.
You can get even more creative and productive with accesories designed
especially for the scale, capabilities, and power of iPad Pro. Explore the range of
covers, keyboards, and more.

1965 letter selling the Mercedes-Benz 190 Diesel

Mercedes Benz
Dear Sir:
Forget it, Heinz, the experts told me. It just wont sell here.
They were talking about the Mercedes-Benz 190 Diesel a car that is owned and
driven daily by over 500,000 people overseas.
Americans wont buy it, said the experts. Why pay $4068 for a German car
with a noisy engine when $891.37 more they can get a Cadillac?
I had reason to believe the experts were wrong. Some Americans have paid for
this German car with the noisy engine.
As a matter of fact, if it wasnt for the noisy engine many of these Americans
wouldnt have found out about the car. While in Europe, they saw Mercedes-Benz
Diesel cars and noticed the noise made by the engine. Fascinated, they asked
And what they learned from European drivers up and down the high-speed
Autobahns convinced them the Mercedes-Benz Diesel is a great car.
As for the noise, they found it does sound different from a gasoline engine. In
fact, a few people may give the car a second look as you idle at a traffic light.
But you wont be bothered by the sound above 25 miles per hour. Some 190D
drivers report they actually enjoy the unique sound of the diesel. Many owners
tell me,If it didnt make a little noise, people wouldnt know its a Diesel!
Mr. John J Gray of Alabny, Oregon is one of these owners.
He travels all over the western US for his firm, Kashfinder, Inc. In the past 7
years, e has driven his Mercedes-Benz Diesel car 652000 miles.
652000 miles is a long way to drive one car, writes Mr. Gray. It has taken me 7
years during which my faithful Mercedes-Benz Diesen has run more efficiently
and far more cheaply than any car I have ever owned. And the car still doesnt
Recently, we asked other Mercedes-Benz Diesel car owners in America:
Of you had to do it all over again, would you buy another of these
Before I tell you their answers, Id like to reveal waht I learned from the US
Automobile Manufacturers Association. I asked them how many Americans buy
the same make and model of car they owned previously. They told me that fewer
than four out of ten do.
Yet, when we asked our Mercedes-Benz Diesel car owners in America if they
would buy another Mercedes-Benz Diesel, better than nine out of ten said YES.

The experts were wrong about these Americans. But one question remains
unanswered for me.
How many other Americans want a great motorcar?
Ill soon know the answer.
You and a small number of others have been selected to receive the most
unusual offer ever made by a car manufacturer.
I will pay for all fuel, all motor oil, all oil filters, and all lubrications on the new
Mercedes-Benz 190 Diesel for the first 15000 miles you drive it.
This offer is from Mercedes-Benz of North America, It is not from your MercedesBenz dealer. It will not affect your trade-in or terms in any way. I feel certain you
will like this car and will help me spread the word about it.
Thats why I can offer you all fuel free. All motor oil free. All oil fileters free. All
lubrications free. All are your s free for the first 15000 miles you own and drive
your new Mercedes-Benz 190 Diesel.
No other manufacturers of a full-size 4-door sedan in the entire world could
afford to make this offer.
I can make it beacuse the Mercedes-Benz 190 Diesel averages over 30 miles per
gallon of diesel fuel and diesel fuel costs 1/3 less than gasoline in many states.
In fact, the 190 diesel regularly saves its owners more than 50 per cent on fuel
costs alone.
And, like all Mercedes-Benz cars, the 190 Diesel is so finely machined it uses
scarcely any motor oil.
Thats not all.
The 190 Diesel never needs a tune-up. It has no carburetor to adjust or replace.
No spark plugs, no points, no condenser, no distributor.
Mechanics will tell you that many cars need a new set of rings after 75000 miles.
John Gray the Diesel owner in Oregon reports his car didnt need a ring Job
until after it had gone 275000 miles!
Even crack mechanics are surprised by that. We build the Mercedes-Benz 190
Diesel so that, with normal care, it will last for hundreds of thousands of all oil
filters, and all lubrications for the first 15000 miles you drive your new MercedesBenz 190 diesel.
So please accept my invitation to drive a 190D and reach your own personal,
private judgment. Simply return the enclosed card in the postage-free envelope. I
will also send you a special brochure called The Amazing 190D

My offer expires Monday, August 16, 1965, and is limited to the first 1000 people
who respond. I hope you take advantage of it. Thank you.

Im about top unclocki a new awakening...

Joe Vitale

If you havent joined the Awakened Millionaire Challenge,

all I can say is... youre missing out.
The response to this freee transformational challenge has been nothing short of
Yesterday, I released a video on the 8 Laws of Awakened Money...
some of my best matrial yet.
And today, Im unlocking a video that revelas what I consider one of the most
important lessons I learned to get me out of my 10 years of poverty oh song long
It will help you too.
Ill prove it.
Join me here:
P.S. If you want to know how combine wealth and spirituality to live your most
meaningful, abundant life... Join me here:
Thank you
I love you

20101 people are on board with Spiritual Wealth... are you?

Joe Vitale

I am truly humbled by the resoonse to my Awakened Millionaire Challenge.

Over 2010 people have joined so far, and more coing in each minute.
And, when you sign up below, (its freee), youll see the 1102 inspiring comments
people havfe left:
Im about to unlock the next awakening...
So nows the time, my friend.
And my promise is simple:
Follow my lead, and youll discover the foundation to combining money and
to make more money and experience more spritiual awakening...
At the same time.
Sound good, doesnt it?
Let me prove it to you (at zip charge to you):
Ill see you there!
P.S. This challenge closes on the 9th. Better move quick:
Thank you
I Love you

Letter Selling Subscription to Highlights for Children

Dear reader:
Share the enclosed happy face buttons with a favorite young friend or two...
But please send the one marked YES to us.
Place it on the enclosed special Christmas gift form; fill in the names and
addresses of your favorite youngsters and youll be giving them far more than
a charming, enduring year-round present.
Youll be giving them a head start in life.
Youll help them develop reading habits and attitudes toward learning that will
benefit them as long as they live and aid their steps toward intellectual
maturity while providing fun along the way.
A miracle?
No. HIGHLIGHTS FOR CHILDREN a concept, a plan, a proved method that gives
children fun with a purpose. Please let me explain:
All children enjoy learning, until some adult stops the fun. Childrens mind
question, examine, become curious about everything they do not know or
understand. Even babies want to learn by touching everything. And you must say
NO! to a hot stove, of course. With the pressures of todays fast-paced world,
even some well-meaning adults say NO! to a child curiosity.
Why? children ask. Perhaps over and over and over again.
But they really want to know. And highlights can help.
Help you provide your favorite youngsters with active, constructive learning,
prepared by deeply concerned and experienced teachers and child
Help you solve the annual Christmas problem, in a day of transitory values, by
giving the fun-filled gift that lasts all year long...
Help you prove even to preschoolers that reading is fun and worthwhile, too...
Help you teach the values you yourself hold dear: self-confidence, manners,
All of a sudden, children are grown.
And then what? Where have they gone, whats happened to the lost
opportunities to help make minds more attuned to intellectual achivement and
an awareness of lasting values? The direction children take is determined very
early in life and you have the privilege of helping to forge mature, responsible

Perhaps its best said in the words of Highlights Chairman (a frmer school
principal, by the way):
Having done one thing well, children do all things better
You know its true, because youve probably lived through the experience
yourself. The problem, often, is to get children to do a thing well, to appreciate
that they have, and then to want to repeat the experience.
Highlights takes care of a whole family of children. A bargain by any standard.
Think about it now, wont you? So many gifts are given to children in haste or
last-minute desperation. So few last beyond the moment, much less the season.
You have the chance to do better. Just think about your favorite youngsters, then
say YES yo Highlights.
They... and you... will be glad you did.
P.S. The happy buttons enclosed symbolize our wish for you and yours this
holiday season. There is, of course, no obligation on your part. Theyre our gift to
you, in the hope that youll decide to say YES and give Highlights to a young
friend or two.
As the enclosed folder shows, fun-filled issues of Highlights can help regardless
of a childs age, from two to twelve.
If you believe your favorite youngsters deserve Highlights helping hand, the
enclosed shopping list provides answer.
Say Yes (by sticking the proper button into place) and youll be activating a
series of Happy surprises:
1. A gift anouncement taht you can sign as you wish will be provided with
aech subscription you order if you order early. (We will send you an
acknowledgement/invoice confirming your order) If your order is not
received early enough, well send an announcement to the children in your
2. The first issue of HIGHLIGHTS FOR CHILDREN will follow shortly, jammed
with fun and learning for all hilder interestingm fun-to-know, useful
3. Then, throughout the whole year, your favorite children will be reminded
of you as a fresh, new issue of Highlights arrives addressed to each child,
given by you.

Some additional facts about the magazine may provide reasonable reassurance,
and theyre contained in the accompanying brochure. You may wish to look it
over now.

But its worth repeating that Highlights pages are uninterrupted by advertising.
Frankly, I dont believe we could have achieved more than 2m enthusiastic
parent and teacher subscribers if they were. And, as far as I know, theres no
better gift for the price.
You need to pay for your gift subsricptions until after the holiday season, if you

Attract Money Now A new Gift for You By Me Freee

Joe Vitale
I wanted you to be one of the first to know.
My next book is called Attract Money Now,
And Im going it away for freeee.
It reveals a new seven step formula one in no other book that is guarantedd
to work for virtually anyone who uses it.
I want you to have it freeee.
Whats the catch?
Its this:
I know the seven step formula revealed in my new book works. Once you use it
and start to attract more money, youll be able to afford such things as book,
audios and coaching, some of it by me.
In the end, well all win.
Obviously I could sell the book. But Im open to the help, go here to claim it
PS Pleae tell others about this gift.
Just forward this email to them or even just the lonk to them. The more people I
can help get put pf the woods of despair, the more we can create a happy,
healthy, and wealthy planet. Again, Attract Money Now will be freeee. Go here
to claim it
Note: Follow the real Joe Vitale here

Subscription letter for Barrons

Dear Freind of Barrons:
Back in 1925, Barrons published an article suggesting how $100,000 might be
well invested in securities for a widow with two small children.
The plan was based on a set of ten rules for investors, stated in the article.
The securities (stocks and bonds), all picked in accordance with the first seven of
the ten rules, are today worth $379,002.
The stocks are worth $330,364 many times over their original value of $51,000.
Average annual income, for the entire forty-nine years, has exceeded $11,200.
Latest reported income was $21,556.
So here you have to date how a list of securities, compiled in the third year of
Calvin Coolidges presidency, weathered the wild twenties, the woeful thirties,
World War II, and the 1969-1971 market plunge yet without benefit of the
important interim supervision provided for in the last three of the original ten
We have now reprinted these ten rules in a little Barrons boklet, with
interpretative comment on each rule.
As a piece of printed mater, the booklet is slight; takes you but a few minutes to
But I believe you will agree, its every word is pure gold.
Youll not only welcome the ten rules for their immediate value. I venture to
predict youll also come back to them repeatedly in the future for their help on
your ever-present problem of safeguarding what you have, and making it grow
and produce for you.
But you cant buy this booklet. Its not for sale.
I would like you to accept it in return for a little favor Id like to ask of you one
that i think will interest you.
Barrons, as you probably know, is a national financial weekly the only one
published by Dow Jones, the worlds largest, fastest business news-gathering
By virtue of this close connection this day-in, day-out working contact with Dow
Jones reporters, analysts, editor Barrons is an amazingly well-informed
publication, continually surprising its readers with the intimacy and vital
investment significance of its summaries and forecasts of industrial changes,
corporate, and government affairs.

Barrons own large staff of experts weighs, sifts, interprets, - to bring you each
week just the information you need about business and market trends,
corporation prospects, the intrinsic values of securities clear, concise reports
based on firsthand, intimate knowledge of whats going on.
So you can readily see why Barron;s (establishd 1921) has become the source
and authority dor many economists, stock-market services, investmens
consultants, and statisticians.
Yet the information for which you pay them high fees is just as basicalluy
available to you in Barrons weekly pages as it is to them.
I think youll agree with me we have a honey of a story:
1. A worthwhile saving on what you must pay for financial information.
2. Thoroughly reliable data every week to guide you in the continuous
supervision of your investment list in the decisions you make on
investment acquisitions or sales.
3. Comprehensive weekly trend reports political, industrial, financial to
help you plan your investmen moves with greater understanding and
foresight with fewer worries with added peace of mind.
But you know how funny, how unpredictacble people are. You can never be
sure of their reactions untuil after you have spent a great deal of money to find
out. That is, unless you test first.
Which brings me to the favor I want to ask of you.
Before we sink a lot of money into mailing thousands of circular letters to the
large key groups of prospective new readers we have in mind, we come to you as
a representative prospect.
Will you do this:
Merely try Barrons and judge the information in it for scope, brevity, reader
interest, and practical money value.
See what you get on stock market trends, bonds, mutual funds growth stocks
situatuions to consider for income securities to stay out of or sell now, beacuse
of serious weakness.
Compare Barrons witha any other financila-information serice, ot combination of
services, costing from $50 to $150 a year, or more. (Barron;s costs $25 a year)
Under this special trial arrangement, you pay ONLY OUR SHORT-TERM
35% from the newsstand cost.
If Barrons does not live up to your expectations, will you send us a brief note
giving us your frank and honest opinion of it?

Whether you become a Barrons enthusiast or not, we shall genuinely appreciate

your part in this test.
Of course, you understand, if your participation is to be value to us in deciding
our coming mailings to the key groups, your immediate respoense is necessary.
Will you, therefore, check the accuarcy of your name and address on the
enclosed card and return is it to us today in the accompanying self-addressed
envelope that requires no postage?




Semoga di hari Selasa yang penuh berkah dan penuh kesempatan2 baru ini,
bisnis Anda semakin meningkat setiap harinya yaa, aamiin ^_^
Dan saat Anda baca email ini sampai habis, maka Anda akan mendapatkan
BREAKING NEWS yang berguna bangt buat Anda dan peningkatan bisnis Anda,
insya Allah ^_^
Nah, seperti yang udah Bang Motty sampaikan, tanggal 8 April direncanakn
launching MBM 2.0.
Alhamdulillah jadwalnya sedikit molor ke tanggal 11 April, karena Bang Motty
lumayan ketarik ngurus bisnis pribadi..
Kebetulan satu baru aja jalanin program marketing yang biayanya ratusan juta
(doain target dominasi pasarnya berhasil yaa ^_^ aamiin)
Dan yang satu lagi dikejar2 investor mau nanemin duit beberapa M (ember kali
ah ^_^) jadi kudu fokus bikin proyeksi besnis 3 tahunan. Ada aja ya orang di luar
sana yang duitnya segudang trus ngeluarin beberapa M aja kaya ngeluarin
beberapa ratus ribu ^_^ *bersyukur dikenalin ke orang2 edyan ini*
Bang Motty turut mendoakan, semoga bisnis Anda juga mengalami percepatan
dan pertumbuhan yang bagus sekali di tahun 2016 yaa, amiin! ^_^
Nah, ngga hanya mendoakan, Bang Motty bantu dengan aksi nyata: MBM 2.0
(Mentor Bisnis Bareng Bang Motty versi 2.0) (MBM 2.0 adalah versi upgrade
dari MBM yang telah berlangsung 17 angkatan, 438 Pasukan Elite, yang
mentalnya TANPA TAPI dan TANPA NANTI ^_^)
Tapi maaf...
Ngga sembarangan orang bisa ikutan MBM nih ya.. ^_^
Karena Bang Motty sudah berpengalaman mentoring pebisnis, beraaat banget
bantuin orang yang punya MENTAL TAPI dan NANTI ^_^
Udah jelas dikasih langkah bisnis yang teruji dan terbukti + tinggal contek, eh
jawabannya TPAI... NANTI... TAPI.... NANTI....
Cape ngadepinnyaaa ^_^ muehehe
Beda sama yang mentalnya udah TANPA TAPI dan TANPA NANTI,
diarahkan begini... dia bilang: SIAP LAKSANAKAN!
diarahkan begitu... dia jawab: SIAP LAKSANAKAN!
dikasih tugas ini itu... dia jawab: SIAP LAKSANAKAN!
nah, makanya jangan heran, Pasukan Elite MBM omzetnya naik ngga

Targetnya jelas: tembus omzet 100 juta.bulan. Dan banyak yang capai, eh
malahan ada yang kebablasan sampe tembus level 1 Milyar/bulan! ^_^
Kenapa bisa begitu?
Karena mereka mlakukan apa yang Bang Motty aahkan semua TANPA TAPI DAN
Anda udah siap bermental tanpa nanti dan tanpa tapi?
Kalo udah, Anda boleh baca info lengkap ttg MBM 2.0 dan ikutan
#SeleksiMBM di link berikut: (link)
Semoga bermanfaat, berkah dan berlimpah!
Semoga Anda lolos #SeleksiMBM ya ^_^ Ngga sabar pengen bocorin semua pola
MBM ke Anda dan Bisnis Anda.
See you in the MILYARAN & JANNAH!
Bang Motty ~ @Motivatweet
Kompor Entrepreneur #UdahResignAja
N.B. Kalau ada pertanyaan, langsung reply aja email bang mottty ini yaaa.. ^_^

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