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Learning Screening-Preschool

Name: Mabel Shuffleton
Date of Birth: 8/11/2010
Age: 4 years

Date of Home Visit: 2/16/2014
Address: Kids In A Cabin Daycare: 77 River Rd. Plymouth, NH 03264
Phone: 603-536-3956

Screener: Danielle Vachon

OK21 or more for a score.

The Early Learning Screening-Preschool was conducted on M.S. a 4-year-old girl.
She was tested at her local childcare facility, Kids in a Cabin. The screening took
place in the school room of the facility where M.S. felt very comfortable. The three
main areas of the screening looked at Visual-Motor/Adaptive, Language and
Cognition, and Gross Motor.

The child excelled on every question. For the block building section she would start
building without hesitation for every question. The child kept asking for more
blocks so she could build a higher tower. The child needed assistance when building
the gate by imitation. She asked for help during this activity and with assistance she
was able to create the gate. During the copy forms the child got every question
correct. She would watch the screener and then immediately draw the line/shape
she was supposed to. When drawing the person the child drew a recognizable
person with 7+ body parts. She told the screener she was making a picture of her
mother. The Visual Sequential Memory section was very easy for the child. After the
screener asked her the 2-Card Sequences Trial she went on to answer the 3-Card
Sequences Trial without any direction.

The child did very well on this section. For the block counting she immediately said
5 when I put the blocks on the table without even asking her the question. She was
very quick with her answers! Her score during Verbal Expression was a 28. She
started out saying a few descriptive words for the ball and the button but once she
got comfortable talking/explaining she started using more phrases. The child
started getting creative with her answers for the block and car. She said things such
as, you can pretend it is this or it has a roof so you dont get wet.

The child was very excited to get up and start moving after sitting down for a period
of time. When the screener laid down the tape she immediately got up and jumped
over it with two feet. She then walked the line perfectly and described herself as
walking the plank. The child needed assistance while balancing and hopping. She
needs more practice balancing and hopping on just 1 foot.

The childs speech is free of articulation errors. Her speech is intelligible within
context. Her speech is intelligible outside of context.

Child was very cooperative and seemed very comfortable the entire screening. The
child should keep working on building her large muscles areas in her body. She can
do this by continuing to practice jumping, hopping, skipping, climbing, balancing,

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