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Alyssa Martin

Elizabeth Kent
English 1020R
12 April 2016
Annotated Bibliography
Barber, Chris. "Mens Health 8: Eating Disorders, Domestic Abuse and Self-harming."
British Journal of Healthcare Assistants 9.6 (2015): 284-87. EBSCOhost. Web.
3 Mar. 2016.
I like this specific journal because although it does deal with other issues as well, it
brings to my attention that men can also deal with Eating Disorders which is frequently
forgotten. I love how the site brings up Pro-Ana websites. Bingo. These sites encourage others
in their eating orders to stay strong and stay skinny. They promote lots of rules and tips to
avoid eating or how to purge more successfully. They often include photos of thinspirations
and things of that nature as encouragements. It is one thing to struggle with hating food, it is
completely a different monster to encourage others to also do so. These websites often leave out
the fact that you can die or have permanent body damage because of it. I am so glad this was
brought up, no matter how surprising it was to come up in a Mens Health journal. I was sure that
some other article that I found would bring it up, but I was wrong. I loved seeing people talk up
about these problems, especially men. I wanted to include this in my final paper because I want
to bring up how these things do not just apply to women, but also men. I also would love to bring
up how true it is that although these Eating Disorders may not be started by some of these
internet sites, they can definitely encourage it.

Burton, Maddie. "Understanding Eating Disorders in Young People." Practice Nursing

25.12 (2014): 606-10. Ebscohost. Web. 03 Mar. 2016.
According to this Journal, anorexia has the highest mortality rate. There are a lot of
interesting statistics but quite honestly, its from a nurses or doctors perspective so I am having
to look up a lot of what this means. Another thing about this journal is it tells nurses and medical
staff how to handle if they notice a young girl is too thin, they say to ask a series of questions
which include: how she is feeling, if she knows she has lost weight, if her periods are normal,
what her mother thinks, how her friends would describe her, and how things are at school. I dont
know about you, but if I was going to get a check-up and a doctor asked me these questions I
think I would just get up and leave. I get that they are trying to do their jobs but this is ridiculous.
What I love about this article is that it provides theories about where eating disorders come from.
It identifies three major theories: the Biological/Medical Theory, the Psychological theory, and
the Social and Environmental theory. I really enjoyed someone not pretending like they know a
definite answer, when in fact they dont. You can have an opinion, but no one knows for sure. I
love this source because this is a huge thing with our youth. I would love to use this because it
shows a new perspective on Eating Disorders and how people are told to deal with a potential
eating disorder. Although I may not approve with exactly how they say to handle it, at least they
arent turning a blind eye on it.
Prevalence vs. Funding." Get The Facts On Eating Disorders. National Eating Disorders
Association. Web. 24 Mar. 2016.
This website starts out by saying that Eating Disorders are not a fad, so why then, in the
statistics does it show that if a person is friends with someone who shares about their Eating
Disorder, that they are more likely to catch the eating disorder? It is almost as if they are

tricked into it and then given the rules that they must follow. I know that these people are doctors
and have done studies on trying to find out what these eating disorders are, but I am always the
type to question. Just because a doctor tells me this is a biological disease, does that mean that is
really what this is? It also has lots of statistics about magazines and Miss America. But if this is
truly a biological thing, why would those matter? Do the images of these skinny girls bring it out
of these girls? If they were to be shown curvier girls instead, would they binge instead of purge
and starve? Did anyone stop to ask them why they felt like this was necessary? Or did we just
diagnose them, give them a prescription and send them out the door? This site brings up the
financial side of funding for help and awareness for Eating Disorders. Do we not have studies
done because of lack of funding? If this was truly impacting as many people as they say it is,
why would they be lacking for money? If my child or anyone close to me died from a disease
and they claimed to not be able to cure it from lack of funding, dont you think I would help? I
liked the website because it presents new opinions and it questions why things are the way they
Troscianko, Emily T. "Is Anorexia a Disease, a Series of Bad Decisions, or Both?"
Psychology Today. Sussex Publishers, LLC, 31 Jan. 2012. Web. 03 Mar. 2016.
The first con to this cite is that it is specific to Anorexia, and not all eating disorders. The
next con that I find is that she just states everything matter-of-a-fact, without ever showing me
any studies or explaining why this is a mental disease. She does inform me that it affects the
body, but that is exactly the definition of an eating disorder. She explains how anorexia is more
severe than some other popular eating disorders. The reason why I still used this source even
though it seems somewhat outdated, is that this author has experienced Anorexia in herself. She
also talks about the treatment for anorexia, saying that it is easily treated. So, if this really is such

a serious thing, why do so many people still struggle with this? Do they never take the time to
get diagnosed? For her, she talks about talking herself out of her anorexia through counseling. I
struggle with seeing this as a disease if someone can talk you out of having it, even though it
might be over time. So, I found it necessary to look up the definition for a disease. The simple
definition for disease from Webster says it is just an illness that affects a person, animal, or
plant: a condition that prevents the body or mind from working normally. A problem that a
person group, organization, or society has and cannot stop So, by the first part of the definition,
Anorexia is an eating disorder. But, when we read the second sentence, it said that it cannot stop.
Maybe each anorexia or eating disorder case is different, but from her personal experience, this is
not a disease. Even though this cite is specific to Anorexia, it is written from someone who has
suffered with it, itself. So Im using it for a direct citation of how it feels to know what an eating
disorder is but still struggle with it.
Walker, Morgan, Laura Thornton, Munmun De Choudhury, Jaime Teevan, Cynthia M.
Bulik, Cheri A. Levinson, and Stephanie Zerwas. "Facebook Use and Disordered
Eating in College-Aged Women." Journal of Adolescent Health 57.2 (2015): 157-63.
EBSCOhost. Web. 3 Mar. 2016.
So I think I just like this one because its blaming it on something else other than this girl
doesnt believe shes pretty enough. But then again, can a disease really be contracted by looking
at other peoples photos? If so, why are we still allowing photos to be posted at all? This website
gives as high of a percentage as sixty percent of the blame to Facebook and social media. I really
did love this website because it told me that they actually held the study on this themselves. They
gave me three different tables of information, they told me the questions they asked. They told
me how many people were asked these questions and I really enjoyed reading it. A new thing this

website brought up was the idea of how perfectionism plays in. I know a girl growing up who
was a perfectionist and honestly it was exhausting to be around her. It honestly annoyed me.
They said that these type of people are often the type to contract an Eating Disorder of some
kind, especially binge eating. This surprised me. Binge eating is eating as much as you can
without being able to stop yourself. Usually this is done alone and in secret. I guess that you get
so tired of seeming perfect that when you finally are alone, you just go crazy. I probably would

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