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Long Range Instructional Planning Guide

Tutors Name: Sara Peters

Student(s) Name(s): Ally Owens & Kevin Anderson
Age: 10
Grade: Fifth
Instructional Reader Stage: (circle one) Transitional



Independent reading level: First/Second

Instructional reading level(s): Second-Fifth/Fourth
If a range, optimal instructional reading level for intervention: Third/Fourth
Frustrational reading level: Sixth/Fifth
Notes on reading:
Word Study Stage: Early WWP Begin instruction with which features: CVCe/CVVC long
vowels/CVC short vowels (Ally) & CVCe/CVVC long a/CVC long a (Kevin)
Focus instruction on (select 1 main area): (circle one)


Word Knowledge

What Essential Question will guide our lesson sequence?

What is the best way to travel?
What primary comprehension strategy will we work with to develop independence?
The comprehensive strategy that we will be working on this semester is determining importance to
better internalize details and main idea to improve comprehension.

What writing genre and/or focus will we include in our studies?

The writing aspect that will be our focus over the course of the semester is structure and mechanics
of writing. We will use both fiction and nonfiction as models on which to build.
Instructional Goals from the Case Summary Sheet(s)
Word Knowledge
Ally seemed fairly
Ally seems to have

fluent when
a decent mastery of
My goal for Ally
reading aloud
her digraphs and
in terms of
during the oral
blends as seen by
comprehension is
portion of her WRC
her spelling
for her to be
assessment. There
inventory results
better about
were a few times
and her word
internalizing her
where she would
knowledge lesson
new knowledge
insert words or
that was delivered
to be able to
change words in
this week. Yet, she
apply it later in
the story, but out
seems to be
of the ten miscues
struggling with
she had, she selfLong Vowels,
questions or
corrected three of
particularly the
writing. I want to
them. She also
CVVC pattern.
focus on
often repeated
Therefore this is my
words or phrases
starting point for
importance with
for clarification or
instruction and my
my tutee in order
because of an
first goal for her.
to help her sort
error, which
When spelling
out important
affected her
words with long
details from the
reading rate. One
vowels of the CVVC
not as imporant

Ally is able to write
with good detail
and give reasons
behind those
details. Yet her
structure behind a
story or piece of
writing seems to
be lacking. She
does not state her
supporting details
in a way that
makes sense and
seems to jump
back and forth
between details,
almost to circle
back around and
restate something
previously said.
Therefore I want to
work with her on

goal I have for Ally

is to take her time
to make sure she is
reading the words
on the page
carefully. I noticed
that when she
would make an
error, she would
say a word that is
very similar in type
of the written
word. For example,
she would say "lay"
instead of "lie", or
"it's" instead of
A second goal I
have for Ally is to
read passages with
better phrasing. I
found that she had
fairly good
expression but her
phrasig could use
some work. I want
to teach her how to
read a sentence
while being
observant of the

pattern such as
train she seems
to understand that
she needs two
vowels, but does
not know which
ones or in which
order to write
them. For example,
when writing the
word train she
reversed the vowels
that are in the
word, writing
TRIAN. When she
wrote the word
float, she seemed
to recognize that
she needed a long
o, but used a u to
create the long
vowel, resulting in
the spelling of
My second goal for
Ally is to then work
on Ambiguous
vowels next such as
ou, ir, and
diphthongs such as

ones. I want her

to learn to keep
those important
details in mind
from the
beginning of the
story to the end.
I also think this
will help her
answer questions
when the answer
is not directly
stated, because
this was a
problem for her.
Comp Activities:
chunking the
text and
importance in
a certain
section before
moving on.
Vocabulary: I
want to expose
Ally to new
vocabulary in

how to structure
and organize a
writing piece so
that the details are
easily followed by
the reader, and
they all relate back
to supporting the
main idea.
The second goal I
have for Ally is to
work on the
mechanics of her
writing such as
capitalization and
sentence starters.
She seems to start
her sentences in
the middle of
thoughts, which
makes it difficult
for the reader to
understand, as well
as affecting the
flow of the writing.
Activities for
Sentence Starters
Graphic organizers

punctuation and
how that affects
the sentence when
read aloud.
Fluency Activities:
Phrasing chunks
Phrasing based
on punctuation
For Kevin, my goal
is to build up his
fluency by getting
him to look at the
whole word. He
would say them for
then or horse for
horses. So, I want
to make sure that
he follows through
the whole word. He
also doesn't have
very much emotion
in his voice and
reads at a slower
rate, but I think
that is from his
lack of confidence.
I really want to
boost his

oy. This also

seemed to be a
weakness for Ally
as she struggled to
spell words with
this feature when
assessed with the
Upper Spelling
Inventory. (See
results above)
Activities for Word
Speed sorts
Blind sorts
Vowel Spin (WTW
p. 229)

Based on both the

Upper Spelling
Inventory and the
Elementary Spelling
Inventory I have found
that Kevin is in the
Mid WWP spelling
stage. He seems to be
initially instructional in
the Other Long
Vowels category that

various contexts
to improve her
prior knowledge.
I think that by
improving her
prior knowledge
it will help with
her overall
comprehension. I
also want to help
her find the
meaning of
words based on
the context they
are in.
Vocab Activities:
Context Clues
Concept sorts

Kevin will work on

his summarizing
skills, and
questions. He will
also need to work
on silent reads
because I feel like
he doesn't read
when he has the
option to read

Cool Blue
review when we
use capital letters
and then when we
write, we switch
and use a different
color pen when we
write a capital
letter. (Idea from:
Because Ally did
not capitalize any
of her sentences or
names of places, or
events, I think that
she needs to
practice writing in
a way that draws
attention to when
we capitalize
letters that
reinforces it in a
visual way.

Our goal is to work

confidence, so he
may need a reward
system with a fun
literacy game.
Roll an emotion
Read poetry
Lego words
Decorate his
own bookmark
to help him
track the words
all the way

includes ambiguous
vowels and

diphthongs such as
oy and ou. Due to
this, my first goal for
Kevin is to work on
this feature.
My second goal for
Kevin is geared toward
the other instructional
area for Kevin. I also
want to work on

complex consonants
with Kevin. This
seemed to be a solid
instructional point
according to his test
results on the USI.
This was the area
where he really
started to decline.

dice game
wanted but so
5 finger re-tell
Post it notes as
he read silently
A goal for
vocabulary for
Kevin is to learn the
main vocabulary
words form the
stories that we read
together. In his
prior knowledge
section he didn't
have a firm
background on
some words found
in the story, so I
want to make sure
that he learns
words in the stories
he reads.

on capitalizing,
brainstorming and
planning. Building
confidence because
he crossed out
most of his writing
in the sample. Also
beinning middle
and end of his
For activities we
could use the
planning chart.
Work with webs,
organizers, and
four squares.
middle, and end
Dont let the
pigeon drive the
bus punctuation
Teach MINTS for
Months, I,

Vocab matching
Vocab four
Vocabulary Web

Reading for
3-4 minutes
Text title: Wagon
Trains by Bobbie
Text source:
Text level: GRL P
Skill focus: The
student will practice
reading a passage
based on the
punctuation that is
within the phrases.
This will be done with
gradual release after
it has been modeled
for the students.
Activity: The
students will read a

Word Knowledge
10 minutes
General feature: long
a vowels v. short a
vowels (A)/inflected
endings (K)
Sort categories: CVC
short/CVCe/CVVC long
(A)/ doubling/nothing/edrop (K)
Activity: blind sort

6-7 minutes
Text title: Wagon
Trains by Bobbie
Text source:
Text level: GRL P
Content focus: Travel
by wagons
Skill focus:
importance in
paragraphs in order to
comprehend the text as
a whole.

Names, Titles,
Start of

10 minutes
Task: The students
will write a
explaining whether
or not they would
like to travel by
wagon train. This
will be supported
by information
gained through the
Skill focus: The
students will be
focusing on how
they can use
information from a
text to draw
conclusions and
form opinions.

alternating the
sentences between
the partners. The
emphasis will be on
the punctuation and
the role it plays in our

Text title: Airlines

make their
passengers get too
close for comfort
Text source:
Text level: 700L

General feature:
Long o
Sort categories: long
o (CVVC)/CVCe/long o
(CVC)(A) &
vowels all (K)

Activity: word
Skill focus: The
students will practice hunt/BINGO
reading with
expression that shows
the feelings behind
the words written on
the page. This will be
done with gradual
release before we do
our activity.
Activity: The

Text title: Airlines

make their passengers
get too close for
Text source: Newsela
Text level: 700L
Content focus: Travel
disadvantages of
Skill focus: The
students will ask
questions about why
people might be
unhappy about
travelling with less
space and other
questions in order to
comprehend the

Task: The students

will write a
paragraph to an
airline explaining
how they can make
air travel better
using information
gained from the
Skill focus: The
skill of focus is to
persuade the
audience as to why
they should make
air travel. The
students will be
working on how to
use information
they have learned

students will draw an

emotion out of a
bag and have to read
a selected group of
sentences with the
given emotion in their
voice. This will show
the students that the
feelings of the
reading and the writer
can affect how it is
read aloud.

Text title: Cruise

Ships by Jason Cooper
Text source:
Text level: 850L
Skill focus: The
students will work on
reading at a
moderate pace so
that the audience can
clearly understand
Activity: The
students will practice
reading a different

General feature:
Long vowels (all)
Sort categories:

CVVC/CVCe (all
vowels)/CVC long vowels
(A) & -dge-/ge (K)

Activity: jeopardy to
review all long vowels
and make further
generalizations to
apply to all long vowel
features (WTW p. 231)


to support their
ideas in their

Text title: Cruise Ships

by Jason Cooper
Text source:
Text level: 850L
Content focus: What
it is like to travel by
cruise ship today

Task: The students

will write a
difference between
travel by ship
today and travel by
ship when the
Titanic sailed.

Skill focus: comparing

and contrasting travel
by ships in the past and
present through
synthesizing main
ideas. The students will
read pages from the

Skill focus: The

students will use
information from
both the text they
read and the text
they listened to me
read and use the

paces (slow, medium,

fast) in order to see
how the pace the
reader says the words

Text title: California

Bullet Train might be
one of the worlds
cheapest in 2028
Text source:
Text level: 720L
Skill focus: The
students will practice
reading with good
expression in their
voices that shows
their enthusiasm or
interest in the piece.
Activity: The
students will practice
reading with varying

book selected above

and work with the main
idea. Then they will
listen as I read a
passage to describe
the Titanic and then we
will use a graphic
organizer to outline
how ship travel has
General feature:
complex consonants
Sort categories:
-dge/-ge (A) & -tch/-ch
Activity: speed sort to
generalizations and
give clues as to when
one feature is used
over the other

Text title: California

Bullet Train might be
one of the worlds
cheapest in 2028
Text source: Newsela
Text level: 720L

information they
used to summarize
each to they write
a paragraph that
explains the
difference between
sailing on the
Titanic and sailing
on a modern cruise

Task: Students will

use their
information and
summaries to write
a paragraph
stating why trains
Content focus: Why
are getting better
traveling by train is
and why they
getting cheaper and
might be better to
therefore perhaps
travel by in the
better for the consumer future, as well as
the limits trains
Skill focus: After
can have.
breaking the article up
into pieces for them to
Skill focus: The
read, the students will
students will work
highlight as they read
on explaining the
and then summarize
reasons for an idea

levels of enthusiasm
in their voices to
show how showing
interests, gets the
listeners also
interested in the

Text title: Talk about

smart! Tesla makes
the first car that can
change lanes by itself
Text source:
Text level: 700L
Skill focus: The
students will practice
reading with good
prosody to show how
expression relates to
fluency. When a
student can picture
how a passage should
be read based on
expression, fluency
will also improve.
Activity: The
students will read the

General feature:
complex consonants
Sort categories:
-tch/-ch (A) & -ce/-se
Activity: Writing sort:
help students see the
difference between
when each feature is
used and help them to
internalize the
difference between the

the different parts of

the article to then use
on a whole summary

by giving both
sides of the
argument in order
to show both

Text title: Talk about

smart! Tesla makes the
first car that can
change lanes by itself
Text source: Newsela
Text level: 700L

Task: The students

will choose one or
two of the
discussed methods
and cars and write
a paragraph
explaining how
they should travel
across the country.

Content focus: the

advances made to
travel through the
automotive industry
Skill focus: The
students will infer what
other advances can be
made in the
automotive industry
based on the current
advances and also infer
why the advances that
were explained in the
article have been

Skill focus: This is

working on helping
students put all of
their knowledge
together in a
practical way and
then to synthesize
it into a single
letter. It also is
getting them

passage with
expression as though
they are confident
and then as if they
are shy or unsure.
They will then discuss
how the confidence of
a reader impacts how
well they read as well
as their rate.
g to

Text title: Hikers find

trail angels along
the way
Text source:
Text level: 680L
Skill focus: The
students will practice
reading with good
expression in their
voices, using all of
the skills we have
worked on over the
past six weeks
Activity: The
students will choose a
part from the


thinking about and

narrowing down
what the best way
to travel is, to
prepare for the
following week.

General feature:
complex consonants
Sort categories: -se/ce (A) & contractions
not/will/have (K)

Text title: Hikers find

trail angels along the
Text source: Newsela
Text level: 680L

Activity: Word hunt to

expose students to the
use of the features in
context as well as to
help them see when
each feature is used.

Content focus: The

benefit of hiking and
how it compares to
other forms of travel

Task: The student

will write a letter to
a friend by telling
them what the best
way is to travel
from where they
are to another city.
They will use
gathered from
previous weeks to
explain which
method of travel is
best and why.

We will also talk about

the features we have
worked with over the
past few weeks and
what generalizations
we can make about

Skill focus: The

students will visualize
what hiking the Pacific
Coast trail would look
like in order to better
understand the

Skill focus: The

students will work
on summarizing
what they have


passage to read with
their best expression
and rate. They will
then also give an
example of a reading
without good
expression/rate to
show their
understanding of how
expression and
fluency impact


ELA skill SOLs:

5.2 The student will
use effective verbal
and nonverbal
communication skills
to deliver planned
oral presentations.
b) Use gestures to
support, accentuate,
and dramatize verbal
c) Use facial
expressions to
support and
dramatize verbal

ELA skill SOLs:

5.4 The student will
expand vocabulary
when reading.
a) Use context to
clarify meaning
of unfamiliar
words and
b) Use context
and sentence
structure to
meanings and
among multiple

learned by pulling
all of the
information they
have gathered and
learned over the
past six weeks to
explain which
method is best for
travel in their

ELA skill SOLs:

5.6 The student will
read and demonstrate
comprehension of
nonfiction texts.
a) Use text organizers,
such as type, headings,
and graphics, to predict
categorize information
in both print and digital
b) Use prior knowledge
and build additional
background knowledge
as context for new

ELA skill SOLs:

5.7 The student
will write for a
variety of
purposes: to
describe, to inform,
to entertain, to
explain, and to
a) Identify
intended audience.
b) Use a variety of
c) Organize
information to

i) Use language and

style appropriate to
the audience, topic,
and purpose.
5.6 The student will
read and demonstrate
comprehension of
nonfiction texts.
m) Read with fluency
and accuracy.

meanings of
c) Use
knowledge of
roots, affixes,
antonyms, and
f) Develop
vocabulary by
listening to and
reading a variety
of texts.
g) Study word
meanings across
content areas.

d) Identify the main
idea of nonfiction texts.
e) Summarize
supporting details in
nonfiction texts.
g) Locate information
to support opinions,
predictions, and
h) Identify cause and
effect relationships
following transition
words signaling the
j) Identify, compare,
and contrast
k) Identify new
information gained
from reading.
l) Use reading
strategies throughout
the reading process to
Content SOLs:
USI.8 The student will

convey a central
d) Write a clear
topic sentence
focusing on the
main idea.
g) Vary sentence
structure by using
transition words.
h) Revise for
clarity of content
using specific
vocabulary and
i) Include
supporting details
that elaborate the
main idea.
5.8 The student
will edit writing for
correct grammar,
sentence structure,
and paragraphing.
a) Use plural
b) Use adjective

knowledge of westward
expansion and reform
in America from 1801
to 1861 by
a) describing territorial
expansion and how it
affected the political
map of the United
States, with emphasis
on the Louisiana
Purchase, the Lewis
and Clark expedition,
and the acquisitions of
Florida, Texas, Oregon,
and California;
b) identifying the
geographic and
economic factors that
influenced the
westward movement of
Science 5.6 The
student will investigate
and understand
characteristics of the
ocean environment.
Key concepts include
a) geological

and adverb
c) Identify and use
d) Use
apostrophes in
contractions and
f) Use commas to
g) Use a hyphen to
divide words at the
end of a line.
h) Edit for
fragments and runon sentences.
i) Eliminate double
j) Use correct
spelling of
commonly used
k) Identify and use
Content SOLs:
USI.8 The student
will demonstrate
knowledge of

b) physical
characteristics; and
c) ecological

expansion and
reform in America
from 1801 to 1861
a) describing
expansion and how
it affected the
political map of the
United States, with
emphasis on the
Purchase, the
Lewis and Clark
expedition, and the
acquisitions of
Florida, Texas,
Oregon, and
b) identifying the
geographic and
economic factors
that influenced the
movement of
Science 5.6 The
student will

investigate and
characteristics of
the ocean
environment. Key
concepts include
a) geological
b) physical
characteristics; and
c) ecological

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