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January 2016 iB amination & Certificaition Beye Rome tee) Peer CNM ea meee CE oo Rrra one ae cue Cee ure es ese au aE R Ueda cael Pen IN SCC UMUC Nesmith The ASCP Board of Certification certifies those Tree aucune ut Rela prerequisites and who achieve acceptable Remi eRn CmCOes The oe ee ee ees mee jeation does not discriminate amiong applicants as to age, gence Table of Contents ASCP! Intemational Certification for Laboratory Professionals What ie Cerication About the ASO? Board of Certification Maintenance of Credental Irtomational Cetiication Process. Applicanis with a Dsabilty Intemational Certification Categories and Application Fees International Technician Certification Intemational Mocical Laboratory Tachrician, MLTIASCP), bhematonal Hetotecnican, HT/ASCP! Intemational Phlebotomy Technician, PRTIASCP!, International Technologist Certification bhtemational Medical Laboratory Sciemst (también discondle en spar}, MLSASCP} (Contfoo de Laborato Médico htenacionel, CLM/ASCP!, Intemational Tecnnologst in Bod Banking, BBIASCP}, International Technologist in Chemistry, CIASCP Intemational Technolog! in Cylogenstics, CG/ASCA)) Intemational Cytotechnologist, CTIASCP} Intemational Tecanoboist in Gynecologic Cytology, CTayniASCP} Intemational Tectnolgist in Hematology, HIASCP) International istotechnologist, HTLIASCP, Intemational Technologist in Micrabiology, ASCP International Technolog in Molecular Biology, MBIASCP} International Specialist Certification Intemational Spacials in Blood Banking, SBBIASCP) bhtemational Spacialst in Chemisty, SCIASCP) bhtemational Specialst in Cytotechnobgy, SCT/ASCP}, Intemational Spociast in Hematology, SHIASCP), Intemational Specials in Microbiology, SMIASCPI, Official Documents Required Documentation Recuired Variation of Academic Education Variation of Work Expersnoe, Varicaton of Trang Programs ASOP/ASCP! Cartiod Applicants ‘Completing the Application Form Payments for Online Avalon (Change of Ema, Maling Address andlor Name Change 5 65 6 67 7 10 ton " 1112 2 4 “4 14-18 18 1 16 16 Application Processing Acknowledgment of Appication Review of Documents Application Status. Determination of Eloy. hraigiilty Study Maras, Scheduling Your Exam Scheduling Your Aopointment RReschedng Appointments Cancalaton Potoy Reappling for Examination Examination Administration Computer Adntive Testing \What to Bring to the Examination Center Electronic Devices Rotarence Materials Taking the Tost. Examination Results Examination Seore olease of Scores, Watch for Your Caticate, eoquest for Exam Scores Submitted to a Thid Paty. Varication of Computer Examination Results Ro-xamination, ‘Maximum Number of Examination Attempts. Certification Expiration Cartiication Exeration ovocation of Certfcation (Credential Waintonance Program (OMP> Appendix A - Letter of Authenticity To accompary all ASCP! Work Experience Documontation Forms Appendix B ~ Letter of Authenticity To accompany all ASCP’ Traning Documentation Forms Appendix C - Pearson Professional Centers st of Test Centers 7 w ” ” ” 7 18 8 8 8 1° 1 9 9 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2 22 23 Appendix D - Acceptable Evaluation Agencies Foreign Transcriot Evaluation Agencies 28 2016 VANUARY ICATION ASCP BOARD OF CER ne ASCP BOARD OF CERTIFICATION ASCP International Certification for Laboratory Professionals \With over 800,000 indviuals certified, the American Society for Cnical Pathology {ASCP} isthe largest association of laboratory professionals inthe world Serving asthe largest and oldest pathology and laboratory mecscine society, the ASOP Board of Corttication (800) now offers a formal process for international laboratory professionals to eain ASCP! The ASCP’ credential cartes professional compotancy among now and practicing laboratory personnal in an efor to contbute globally tothe highest standards of patient safety and carries the weight of ‘ver 85 years of expertse in clinical lcoratory professional certication, By earning ASCP! certication, you demonsiate to your employer and your colleagues that your knowledge anc ‘experience meet the highest standards of your profession, What is Certification? Coniicaton isthe process by wich a nongovernmental agency or association recognizes the competence of an incvicual who nas met predetermined qualffations. ASCP Board of Ceritcation ‘erties incviduals upon completion of academic prerenvisies, Clrical laboratory eoucaton, or experience, and successtul porfomance en an examination. Foroign educated graduates of ‘medial laboratory sclencs programs and laboratory professionals ‘are challenged with content that mirors the standards of ‘xcolonce established by ASCP exams. About the ASCP Board of Certification Founded in 1928 by the American Society for Clncal Pathology (ASCP, the Board of Certfeaton is widaly accoptod as tho most influentl leader in the fold of certtestion of macoal laboratory professionals. The ASCP Board of Coritcaton understands the importance of imoariaty in concluting cetffcation and ‘quaFication activites, I manages corflct of interest and ensures ‘objecthly by representative membership of is Board of Governors from othe associations and societies, The Bow of Governors of the ASCP Board of Cerifcation has 24 members: + Five pathologsts (nominated by the ASCPi; including one ‘member of the Amarcan Society of Hematology “+ Five Iborstory professionals (rominatel by the ASCP}; Inching one member of the American Association for Clinical Chemistry + Four representatives from the Amarican Socity for vical Laboratory Science {ASCLS) + Two raprosontatives rom tha Association of Ganatic Technologists (AGT) “+ One representative ftom each of the following si acltional Participating specialty socities: ‘+ ABB; American Association of Pathologists’ Assistants; ‘Amyerican Soccty for Mctebiclogy; American Society of ‘Cytopathology; Cirical Laboratory Management Associaton: and National Society fr Histotechnology “+ One puble member + Past Board of Governors Chair ‘The ASCP Boavd of Cartiication (B00) represents the gokt standard for caiteaton of pathologists’ assistants and laveratory professionals. ‘Through the work on various scientific and examination commits, noarly 100 volunoor technologists and tachnicians, specials, laboratory ecient, physicians, professional researchars, and experts in psychomavies ensure that BOC ‘examination processes and certicaion credentials continue to ‘maintain the highest standards ofthe laboratory modicina profession, BOO examination committees are responsible for ‘examination development and review, determining accuracy anct relevancy ofthe exaninations, and establishing the competence level for each area of laboratory medicine, Maintenance of Credential [Anyone certtied prior to 2072 will maintain thelr certification credentials for Ha, Begining January 1, 2012, however, international certification must be maintained by completing the (Credential Maintonance Program (CMP), International Certification Process Step 1. Met the efgiity requirements forthe accroprats ‘examination categary as shown on pages 4-12 before submiting your ontne apaticaton ‘Complete the appropriate onlne applcaton form (soe ppage 16) and submit the follwing: ‘Appropriate application fee (eect card or check) ‘Application fees are nonrefundable. Necessary documentation required to verify our elpilty (see pages 14-15), Receive notification amal with instructions to relieve your acinissionnotiicalion in your calne ASCP account t0 take the examination on computer at a Pearson Pro‘ossicnal Genter within thves-menth pot, upon dotermination of your examination eligi. ‘Schedule an appointment to take the examination within ‘he three-month perio indicates on your admission rotiication the ‘Step 2 ‘Step 3 Step 4 Take the examination at the Pearson Professional Center of your choice. Appendix C, page 23) immeclataly ater you completa the examination, you wil $00 your prolminary passa yesuit on the computer scroon, Receive notiicaton emal to login anc view your final Receive your ceriicate in approximately 6-8 weeks veitying your certicaton upon passing the examination and the Credential Maintanance Program booklet ‘containing infomation on maintaining your corttestion CCongratultions on your decision to apply for carication by the AASOP Board of Ceritcaton, the certication agency representing the majority ofthe laboratory community. Wa wish you succoss on your examination. ‘Step § Step 6 ‘Step 7 Applicants with a Disability Notiy the ASOP Board of Cert ‘email at the tme of aopleation if you wish to requas ‘modifications on office in wrtng via mal or esting {An appicant who wishes to request modifications ia the ‘examination envionment becauee ofa dieabilly must nati the ASCP Board of Certication offiea in wring a the time of application and provide anpropriate documentation about the sabilty and the rooded modification. The ASCP Board of CCartication will consider maadfication othe testing constone on 2 case-by-case basis. The ASCP Board of Cariteaton wil work rectly with the applicant and proctors atthe test conters to make modieations In the testing environment that make it possible for an indvual with 2 alisabilty to tako an examination under concitions that wil accurately relect the incivdual's aptitude or achievernent level, ‘Such mociicatos may nolide provcing auxkary aids ana sonioes to an apolcant witha cisabilty fortesing moseaons wi nto accept Application feos are nonrefundable, Be sure you meet the lighilty requirements as stated and are able to provide the appropriate documentation before submitting your online application and fe ‘The Board of Ceriiction does not establish elgbity of any candidate trom information tha i supplies va emai, corespondance, fax. or tokphone calls alone. Our office must base all decisions on a review and vetication of information supplied through formal application for examination. Category of Examination ‘Application Fee Intemational Histotechnician, HTIASCP4 S175 International Medical Laboratory Technician, MLTIASCP} $175, Intemational Phlobotomy Technician, PRT(ASCP)) $125 Intemational Macical Laboratory Sciantst, MLSIASCP} $200, Intemational Histotechnologist, HTLIASCP), $200 Intemational Technologist in Blood Banking, BEIASCP) $200. Intemational Technologist in Chemisty, C/ASCP) $200 Intemational Technologist in Cytogenetics, CGIASC™} $200, Intemational Cytotechnologist, CTIASCP) $200 bnternational Technologist in Gynecologic Cytology, (CTayn (ASCP) $125 Intemational Technologist in Hematology, ASCP) $200 Intemational Technologist in Microbiology, MIASCP 200 Intemational Technologist in Molecular Biology, MBIASCP) $200 Centifeo de Laboratorio Médizo Iniemacional, CLMJASCP) $200 Intemational Specialist in Blood Bankng, SBBIASCP} $250. Intemational Specialist in Chemistry, SCIASCP} $250 Intemational Special n Cytotechnology, SCTIASCP} $250. Intemational Specialist in Hematology, SHASCP) $250 International Specialist in Microbiology, SMIASCPH ‘$250 The requirements and fees stated in this booklet change without notice. + ASCP BOG Schalk Funding ava or Farce: Lites Counties 2016 YANUARY | FICATION G9 cer ASCP BOARD OF w ASCP BOARD OF CERTIFICATION MLT(ASGP)) International Medical Laboratory Technician ‘To be eligible for this examination category, an apotcant must sally the requirements of at least ene ofthe foloveng routes: Route 1: Minimum ofa two-year diploma in Mecical Laboratory “Tacnnology” which includes training in blood banking {immunohematology), cnemisty, hematology, and microbiology from an accrectad/approved” tactical institution. Route 2: Minimum of a two-year diploma o* equivalent in any ‘biological science or chemisty trom an accrecited/aporoved™ ‘eicatioral institution AND successful completion of a Medical Laboratory taining pxogran, The traning program must include blood banking fmmunchomatology), charity, hematology, anc microbiology, Route 8: Minimum of a two-year diploma or aquivalont in any biological science or chomisty from an accrecitec/approved™ ‘educational instituton AND three years exoetience including all aspects ofthe clinical laboratory nan accredted/approved Inboratory fact, Experience must inclide blocd banking (immunchematology), chemistry, hematology, and microbioloay, * Dagret/Dsnts in Media abort Tetvelogy ice Meet Teeny, Mesa Laberatay Sconce, nea abstr Sconce, and Boomedea Lateratry Scone, * sccrcedgprove by «govern rndtoyessociton or Mosby, Counnes tout a prevent sytem of acceso pera mut ave renamslsicatcea nttone approved by an tematonal Adve ‘ou acootted Oy the ASCP Soa of Cece, or fg De lta by rarer! erataon Eyton of acceaon mt have abortores approved by an ier ois Boar sponte bye ASCP Board of Coan HT(ASCP’) International Histotechnician “To bo eligible for this examination category, an applicant must ety the requirements cf at leat one ofthe folowing routes: Route 1: Successful completion of an accradtod/anprovod™ bistotechnician clinical training program which includes an Invernship in hstotechnalogy. Route 2: Mlnmmum ofa two-year diploma fom an ‘acctadted/approved educational institution, AND one year _accoptable oxporinco in a histopathology (clinical, votatinay, industry, or research laboratory in an aceredited/approved!* Inboratry fact * Accrecta/apreved by a goveming ruts assciton or Min CCounnes witout a prevent system ef ccredaiesaperral us have rogrameccatnstttns approve by an teational Ado ‘Boat aoported bythe ASGP Board of Catton, o gb on be governing regulator association or Mistry. Counties witout a prvalet Aeisor Bows apatite bye ASCP Board of Cereaton Clinical Laboratory Experience To ful the experience requirement for the Intemational Hstotechnician exarinaton, you must have experience in ALL of the following arsas: + Fixation + Embedding’Microtomy + Processing + Staining PBT(ASGP’) International Phlebotomy Technician ‘To be elgible fortis examination category, an applicant must sallsty the requirements of at least one of the following routes Route 1: High school graduation (or equivalent} AND completion ‘of a formal phlebotomy program. This program must consist ot Homatolga,y Mcrooclogi 8 Ruta 4: Un tu wverstari, ce ino 4 aos de durscin,en S cvalqiorcioncia bolégica 0 quimica do una insttusion educativa acreditada/aprobada “, ¥ poseer cinco aos de experiencia, incluyendo todos ns aspectos del aboralorio clhics, en un laboratorio acredtado/aprcbado". Dicha experiencia debe inclir Banco de Sangre (hmunchemaloloyja), Quimica, Hematclogia, y Microbiologia, uta 5: Un tu universitaio, de minimo 4 aos de duracién, de Una insttusion ecucativa acroditada/sprobada ", ¥ poseer un diploma, © equivalents, de una duracién minima de dos afos en cualquier cioncia bolégica 0 quimica de una insitusion educativa acredtada/aprobada™, Y posesr cinco afos de expernca, habiondo includo todos los aspectos del laboratatio cinco, en un laboratorio acredtado/aprobado". Dicha experiencia debe inclir Banco de Sangre (hmunahematologa), Caitnica, Hematologa, y Mierobiologta, + Thuos/Dpiemas en Tecnlota Mica incuyen Tecnology Mécca, Onc de aboretors Mca, ence de Labortone Gio y Gerla 36 ‘apetios pars nu pat de ecactn in: tmanascp organ 3 Conticataninteratnal, Cada el vari en termini y rome 3 so. ‘Suto seb sr eqverie un tied os Fade Unison Aerstad/apecbade por una seocacin o Mite reauador Pe ub ‘no suena cn ut sstaraprvaete de acrecacenaprabactn ber ASCP BOARD OF CER JANUARY 2016 @ ASCP BOARD OF CERTIFICATION tener programsvinsttusoneeecbcatvas apcbads cor ne Junta de ‘Reese itsastora te pre uta do Cartan dole ASCP, 0 egies sors detarnacta mesure na evaasen curoar. SU eae (be er ogusote sunt obo Extadoe Un regaacler Pass qe no cusrten con in stems prevent de sedi Cfbon tora nbortorcsarobados por una Jade Ascsoes Imac llega zor a uta de Cetin de ASCP. BB(ASCP)) International Technologist in Blood Banking To be elle fo this examination category, an applicant must satisfy the requiroments of at loast one of the following routes: Route 1: MT/MLSIASCPY cartication, AND a baccalaureate ogres from an accradtod/approved" educational institution. Route 2: Baccalaureate degree from an sccredted/anproved” ‘educational instituton in ological scionco or chomistry AND one year acceptable cfnical laboratory exveriance in Blood Banking (immunohematology) in an accredted/approved'™ laboratory faci. Route 3; Baccalaureate clegres from an accredited/anproved” ‘educational nstituton in biological science or chemistry AND successful complation of a Bod Barking (hnmunchematclogy) Clrical traning prograr” which inchides an intemship, Route 4: Graduate level degree (Master's, Doctorate) in chemist. biclogy, immunology, immunchematology, merebiology, clinical Inboratory sciences or an appropriately related fla, fom an Accrected/approved educational insttuion, AND sx months ceptable crical sboratory experienes in Blood Banking {immunohematology) in an accredtad/approved'” laboratory faci. Route 5: Baccalaureate cagros in mecical laboratory science" from an accredted/approved" educational institution AND successful comaletion of a Mecical Laboratory training program’. * Aecredes/aproved by 3 governing rater) secon 2 Mn ‘Cerne mitout 3 previ sytem ef crea pera ms! have regramlaueatena nmttoneaporoed by an iematonai Aaa eae epaited by ne ASCP Boar ot Gurteaton se igo i be axtemied bytranscrpt ean. The barclaweateSeree us De eave a US. centres cegre Ejaton of acceaon mut have abortores approved by an nterators ois Soar sponte bye ASCP Bardo Coan “Degres/Dpomas in Media Laboratory Scene nude Mecca! Labratry Soe, Medal Techrogy, Cine Labeaty Sonce, ana Biomed! Clinical Laboratory Experience To full the experience requirement fr the Inemmatonal Technologistn Blood Banking examination, you must have clinical Inooratory experonce in alo the following procedures: + Serologic Testing + ABO and Rh Tysing + Antivady detection and identification + Grossmatcring + Direct antigloouln tests «Test for othor blood group antigens + Routine Problem Soking + Transfusion reactions + Immune homobc anomias + Homolsticcisoase ofthe fetus and neavborn (HOFN) + Rh immune globulin studies + Incications for ranstuson + Quality ControvAssurance + Reagents, equipment + Laboratory Operations * Donor Collection, Processing, and Testing Profiancy may be ‘demonstrated through perfomance, observation or simulation} + Donor selection, preparation and collection + Processing and donor testing + Component propavation ‘or storage and administration C(ASCP%) International Technologist in Chemistry To be eligible for this examination category, an applicant must satisfy the requirements of at least one of the following routes: Route 1: MTIVLSIASCP4 cortiication, AND a baccalaurvato degree ftom an accredted/approved" educational institution. Route 2: Baccalaureate degres trom an accraditedanproved" feclcationalinstituton in biological science or chemistry AND one year acceptable clnical laboratory exoerience in chemistry in an accrodted/approvad™ laboratory faci. Route 8: Baccalaureate degree from an accredted/acproved" fexlcationalnstituiton in biological science or chemistry AND successful complaton of a chamisty anveal traning program’ Which ineludes an intecnehip Route 4: Graduate lovel dagros (Mastor's, Doctorate) in chamisty, (or an appropriately related fel, from an accredited/approved" cecational institution, AND sic months acceplabe clrical laboratory exoarionce in chomisty in an accradted/approved™ laboratory fait. Route 5: Baccalaureate cegros in mecical laboratory sciences" from an accreditec/spproved" educational institution AND ‘successful completion of a Mecical Laboratory training program.” Accredtestgeroved by + govring eur asocaon or Min. CCournes ious preatn ytom of cereal appa ms ave ‘breamlesicatna sors aoeroved by a Ieratonal Aioy oad Sepanied by be ASCP Board of Catenion ce igo wa be dxtemined by ravers auton ~ Laboratory accent by JO, CAP, under SO 15189 or aurorzed by @ ‘oven repulstnar eon or Meaty, Cours witout «erin Sater aceecaon mut hav aborts aproved by an heal Zeon Boars agente by the ASCP Board of Caton ~ Deproes/Diemas in Medel Laberaan Sconce nce Medea Laboratory ‘Sonnes, Mecca Techroy, nea Laboratory Scarce, and Rimes abort Seece Clinical Laboratory Experience To ful the experience requirement for the Intemational Technologist n Chamistry examination, you must have clinical laboratory experiance in eight of the fitesn procedures listed + Carbohydrates + Bhod gases * Ehctrohtes| © Qualty contal program + Enzymes ‘management + Hame compounds + Therapeutic cag monitoring . + Toxicology Unis ipoproteins » Non-protein nitrogen ‘compounds » Electrophoresis Proteins + fnenunecherisry Point-ot-cora + Vitaminsmhomnones CG(ASCP)) International Technologist in Cytogenetics To be elgible for this examination category, an applicant must satisfy the requirements of atleast one of the following routes: Route 1: Baccalaureate degree from an accredted/anproved” ‘edveationalinsttuton AND successful completion of an accrectet/approved cytogenetics clinical traning orogram” which includes an intomship. Route 2: Baccalaureate dogeas from an accrodited/aoprovad” ‘educational institston in iological science or chemistry. AND one year acceptable work experience in an accreuted/aoproved™ Clnical eytogenetics"™ laboratory or an accredited/approveat Inoratry Route 3: Graduate lovel dogroe (Master's or Doctor in gonotics for molecular biology from an accredttad/approved" educational Institution, AND rina months accoptable work oxcerionca in an accredted/approved" clinical eytegenatos"™” laboratory or an ccrectec/approved™ laboratory. _Acrecelaporoved by a govering requir asocaton er My. Courresmithout a revert ystem cf ceed pera ut ave rogame/edicatea stttre approved by an ration! Adve Board Sepatied by he ASCP Boars Cerfeaon, sige wi be deomices fytraserp eau, The Bsrcalsurale degree mus! Bo alo US! eaceaiieate eee Latortoy acretos by JO} CAP, under IS0 18189 o authorized by 3 gover regulatory associate oF Mrs. Cournes witout «prevaont Ejtan ot acon mt have abort proved by an wr Hesiory Boars spies by Ye ASCP Board 3 Cereaton ~Acinea caginntes berate defo as one capabie of prove ‘ku wi ionize an praca expotenc m ial evegerate, uch as era cal ute and hares ke prepaatin ar ttn Chramasore anal mirseope and mage ana, ard mec feorngues fg, Rurescence mtu hyerdoaten FSH) ard micvoar CT(ASCP’) International Cytotechnologist To be elgile for this exeminaton catogory, an applicant must satisfy the requirements of atleast one of the following routes: Route 1: Baccalaureate dogeve or highar from an accredited/approvad’ educational insitution, AND succosstl ‘Completion of an accrected/approved" eytotecrnology cnical training orogram which includes an internship. Route 2: Baccalaureate degrve or highar from an accrected/approved" educational nsttution, AND three (3) years of experience in gynocological and non-gynecologcal cytology fina nosdle aspiration {°NAY, and Inboratory operations immodiatay per to application in an accrecitecvapproved™ laboratory fatty AND succosstul completion of the national examination in counties where a national registry for Cytotecrnology exists. Route 3: Baccalaureate degree or higher from an accrectad/approved” educational nstution, AND CTIAG) centieaton. Route 4: Baccalaureate degree or higher from an accrested/approved" educational institution, AND CTgyn/ASOP), certification AND two (2) years of experience in non-gynecological cytology, fine neadle aspiration (PNA), anc Iaboratory operations in an acctadted/approved™ laboratory facity * Accrecesagorovs by 4 governing retary atsoiten or Mey, Courres woul a prevatn jtem of ccreda sper us hake frorams/eduestona! neuen: aperoved by an nteratora Aveo Board Sepohed by the ASCP Boar of Cerfeson,o laity wi be determined Upransoner evasion, The Caccarats degree mut be eave US baccatneate te. ~ aberatry accredits by JO, CAP, under $0 18189 or auroras by @ gore regu assoclan or Mest. Courres witout «eevee Stor of accrediation mut hav bortres approved by an henaoral Aion, Boars agponied by te ASCP Board of Crteaton CTgyn(ASCP/) International Technologist in Gynecologic Cytology ‘To be elgible for this examination category, an applicant must sally the requirements of at least one of the fellowing routes: Route 1: Minimum of 82 year diploma or equivalent fom an accrecited/approved" educational institution AND successful ‘completion of an accrecsad/approved” Cytotechnology program in, \which the program of study incorporates theory and practice in ‘gynecologic cytology. Route 2: Current employment in the field of cytology AND one (1) year of experience in gynecologic cytology immediately prior to application in an accradited/approvec™ Iboratory feclty AND. successful comalation of tha natonal exarsnaion in countins where a national egisry for Cytotechnology exist, Route 8: CTHAG) corteation. + Accactedlgerove a govering rity assciton or Moby, CCourresitout a revalint sytem of acces aparal must ave ‘regrasleusatara stats approved by an tematona! Rave ose epohted by the ASCP Board ot Certeaton, a igi wi be deterred by ransaro raaton. ‘governing regulatory asociain or Mrisry. Countries witout a erovale stem of aceretaon mast have borates proved by an tema oor Boas agpanied byt ASCP Board ef Creator H(ASCP)) International Technologist in Hematology To be elle for this examination category, an applleant must salsy the requirements ofthe folowing route: Route 1: MT/MLS|ASCP4 cariiction, AND a baccalaureate ogres from an accredites/approved" educational insititon. Route 2: Baccalaureste clegree from an accrecited/aporoved* JANUARY 2016 N ICATION ASCP BOARD OF CER JANUARY 2016 | Co ASCP BOARD OF CERTIFICATION ‘educational instituton with a major in bcloglcal scances or chemistry, AND one year acceplable clnical laboratory experience in homatology in an accredited/approved™ laboratory facil. Route 3: Baccalaureate degree from an accredled/anproved” educational instituton in bologial sciences or chemistry, AND successful completion of a hematology cnical traning program" heh ineludes an internship Route 4: Graduate level degree (Master's, Doctorate) in biology, Chemisty of an appropriately related fl, ftom an accreited/approved educational nsituion, AND sx months acceptable crical aboratory experience in Hematobgy in an accrecited/approved"” laboratory fcity Route 5: Baccalaureate clegree in Metical Laboratory Sciences” ‘om an accreclted/approved" educational institution, AND successful completion of a Mecial Laboratory taining program. + Aecredes/aggroved by a governing reste section of Mn: CCeunines touts preva sytem ef cereal sper i ave prograns/eaucatena!retuionsapeoved by an Reratcna Asn Board ‘sepanted by be ASCP Boar! Certcaton, er elgbaty wi be deemed prance ran, ~ sbeaty accra by JO, CAP, under SO 15188 or authored by @ foveing regulary areocaton or Mn. Cours witout «pert! ‘Stor of accrediation mvt hav ibortros approved byw erat ‘aso Boars appa bythe ASCP Board of Ceifton Degrees/Dnemas Madea! aboratory Sciences de Medal Laboratary ‘Sonnee, Mesa Techroegy, nea Laboratory Soence, and Bima Laboratory Seioce Clinical Laboratory Experience To ful the expstience requirement for the Intemational Technologist in Hematology examination, you must have cirical Iboratory exceriance in allo the fllowing procedures: + Blood smear, evalation and afer * Complete blood count + Routine coagulation tests (e.g. PT, APTT, O-dener) + Quality contrat performance and evakiation Exparienceis also reauted in two ofthe three procedures listed + Insttument maintenance + Miscellaneous tess (e.g. ESR, sickle screen, manual cell count ‘and reticulocyte) + Other coagulation tests (e.g, fbrinogan, factor assays, hypercoaguabity) HTL(ASCP’) International Histotechnologist To be elgo for ths examination category, an appant must satisty the rouirements of at last one ofthe follwing routes: Route 1: Baccalaureate degree from an accreied/eoproved” educational nstluton, AND sucessful completion of an accrested/approved" hetotecimican or histotachrology clncal ‘ening progr which includes an intmsnp i histotechnolgy Route 2: Baccalurete degres trom an accrected/eoproved™ educational rsttuton, AND one year acceptable expaionce na Histopathology (clea, veterinary, indus, or esearch) laboratory In an accredited/approved laboratory faci. * Accresosaoroved by & oveming retary assciton or Minny (Cowra without e erent steno ccredasaparoal ust ate frogams/eaieator!vstutonsaporoved by an Reratona sry Board ppahied by be ASGP Bours of Cerifeaion,o egy wi be cetemired Eyraserpt erauaton. The barcisureate Segoe mu be oven 0 US baccabaeate ees. ~ Latest accreted by JO. CAP, utr 60 16189 or arene by & gore repulsion assocaton or Misty. Counnes witout «prevent Seton aceeaton must have borates aproved by an iematorl ‘iisery Boars ape’ byte ASCP Board of Creator Clinical Laboratory Experience To till the excerience requirement for the International !Hstotechnologist examination, you must nave experience in ALL cof the folowing areas: + Fixation + Embedding Microtomy + Processing + Staining M(ASCP') International Technologist in Microbiology To be elgibhe fortis examination category, an applicant must satlsty the requirements of at least one of te fllowng routes: Route 1: MT/MLSIASCP4 cariicaton, AND a baccalaureate degree ftom an accredited/approved educational institution. Route 2: Baccalawrate clogros from an acctodtad/approved™ ‘eclucational institution in biological science or chemistry AND ore year acceptable clnical laboratory experience in microbiology in an accrecited/approvad" laboratory fit. Route 3: Baccalaureate degree from an accrecited/aporoved™ eclcational institution in biological science, chemistry or medical sciences, AND successful completion of a microbiology cirical ‘vaining program which inches an intemship. Route 4: Graduate evel dagroe Master's, Doctorate) in ‘microbiology, or an appropriately related fl or an accrectad/approved" educational nstturion, AND sb months acceptable cnical laboratory experience in Microbiology in an ccrected/approved™ laboratory facity. Route §: Baccalaurcato dogrce in mecical laboratory scienco™ ‘tom an accrodtod/aporoved" educational institution AND suczessfal comolaton of a Mectcal Laboratory vaining program”. * Accrdoaaproved by 2 goveming raters asscion or Mn (Counres witout a erevalnt ytam of accreaeaperral must have frogams/eaueator! pstutons approved By an Rematna sry Board Sppahied by be ASGP Boar! Cereaton, or alg wi be deemired rancor eatin ~ Laboratory accreied by 01 CAP, under 80 15189 or arose by & ‘paving regulatory areoeaton or Misty, Cournes witout 9 proven System a acereaton must have borteresaporoved by an imate sary Bours apoated by We ASCP Board a Cuteater ~Degeec/Dpomas in Medea Laboratry Sciences clude Mec! Laboratary Stree Medel Techy, seal Labertry Sconce, and Blames Uateratoy Stones. Clinical Laboratory Experience To full he experience recuirements for the ntmetonal Technologist in Microbiology examination, you must have ‘experiance in thtee of si ofthe folowing areas + Bacteriology + Moleculor Microbiology + Mycobacterclogy + Mycobgy + Paastolgy + Vrology MB(ASGP) International Technologist in Molecular Biology To be eighle ‘or this examination category, an applicant must ality the raquireman of at last one othe fling routes: Route 1: ASCP! certfed as a technobgist MT/MLS, 08, CT HTL 88, C, H orM) or spacait (S38, SC, SCT, SH or SM) AND ‘a baccalaursate degree trom an accrited/approved™ ‘educational institution. Route 2: Baccalaureate clogres from an accreditad/anprovad"® ‘edcational institution AND successful completion ofan accrectec/approved agnostic molecular science program which includes an internship. Acadieric eucation or molecular science program must include courses in biological science and chemistry: educational ttution Route 8: Baccalaureate clagres from an accredtad/anproved"* ‘edational institution AND successful completion of a minimum {Wo-year Medical Laboratory program”. The taining program ‘must include blood Banking (mmunchematology), chemistry hematology, end microbilogy. Route 4: Baccalaureate degree in ary biological scence or cchomistiy fiom an accredlted/approved" educational institution [AND one yoar accoptablo exnarance (elnical,voteinay,incsty ‘or resoavch) in a molecular biology laboratory” in an accrected/approved™ Iboratory Route §: Graduate vel dogroo (Mastor's, Doctorate) in any biological science or chemisty om an accredited/approved* ‘edveational institution AND six months agcoptable experiance (nical, veterinary, industry, oF research) in a molecular biology Inboratery*in an accrodtod/approvod™Inboratory. ‘rc inanindge and prt expaence nal aspects of molecular pofmerace chan eston and beeen ecg. ~ Accroa/apreve by a ovemng reer asscie or Minn, CCounres witout a prevalent system ef accredtatov api mus bate Sepaiied by he ASCP Boars 0 Cerfeaion,o igo be detemired US. acral ee storatvy acres by JO, CAP, SO 15189 or autos by 8 gover itn rity, Courts witout «preva syste. Clinical Laboratory Experience To ful the experience requirement for the Intemational Technologist in Molecular Biology examination, you must have laboratory exoarionce in one ofthe flowing areas: Goneties/Genomice e., mutations, heried gone disorders, ppharmocogenomics) Homatology/Onoobogy (he. hematologic bmphoid rneoplasms/neoplesia) ‘stocompatiilly{.0., DNA-based tissue typing) Irfectious Disoase fe. molecular microbiology, molcula organism typing} Molecular Identity Testing (e., bone maraw engraftment, pater, forensic) ‘Sold Tumors (.,tumer gone markers} ARY © ASCP BOARD | oe JANUARY 2016 ASCP BOARD OF CERTIFICATION SBB(ASCP’) International Specialist in Blood Banking ‘To be aligbo for ths examination category, an applicant must salty the requiromonts of at feast one of the flowing routes: Route 1: Baccalaureate degrae from an accredtad/approvad” ‘educational insition in biological scionce or chomisty AND successful completion of a minimum one-year post baccalaureate loot! Banking mmunchematology clnical raining program ‘which incles an intornship Route 2: MT/MLSIASCP!) or BRIASCP) certfoation, AND a baccalaureate degre ‘ram an accradited/appraved" educational insttuton, AND thvee years of acceptable elnical laboratory experiance in Blood Banking (Immunohamatology in an acerestecapproved™ laboratory facty or tree years of accoptable exporionae as an acaclomlo educator in clscal Blood Banleng (immunchematology) in an accrected/approved™ educational institrion, These three years of experience must be acquired post baccalaureate degree, Route 2: Graduate level dogroe (Masters, Doctoral) in chemistry, biology, inmunology, immunchematolegy, microbiology, clinical laboratory sciences, or an appropriately related tld. rom an accrecitec/approved" educational institution, AND three yoa's of acceptable cinical boratory experience in Blood Banking Inboratory facility or three years of acceptable experience as an acacemic educator in cfrical Bod Banking Immunchematology) in an accreeited/approved" educational nsttution, These three years of experiance must bo acquired post baccalauraats dagros. * Accredtelaporove by « goveig equity association or Mt Camis whut s provi sem 3 accrealn pera mus! have promams/eevcaoral vafutons approved by an tematcr ACSOY ‘eas appsies by he ASCP Boars of Cacao, o et i B¢ temic by nanscrptevauaton The baccatureste degre must be (sauvaent to #US. bacesiurete eee, ~ Labor aor by JEL CAP, unr IO 16189 aurea by 4 ‘oveing regulatory axeccaton or Mra. Couns witout povaat Seton of aceradaton must Pav arate aproved ban trator ‘sory Board appar bythe ASCP Boa ofGetfeston. Clinical Laboratory Experience To tl the experience requirement fr the International Specialist ln Sood Barking examination, you must have claical laboratory ‘xperionea in ALL of the folowing procedwes: + Serologic Testing + ABO and Ra Typing + Antibody dotection and idomtfeation + Crossmatching + Dect antiglobuin tests «Tests for other blood group antigens + Routine Problem Soling + Transfusion reactions mrmune hemolytic anerias + Homolytic cfsoase of the fetus and novibom HOFN) + Rh immune glebulin evaluation + Indications for vansfusion + Qualty ControVvalty Assurance + Roagen's, equipment + Laboratory Operations + Donor Collection, Processing, and Testing (Proficiency may be \domonsivated through performance, cbsanvtion or simulation) += Donor selection, preparation and collection + Procassing and donor tasting += Component reparation for storage and administration SC(ASCP’) International Specialist Chemistry “To be eligible for this examination category, an appkcant must satisfy the requirements of at fast one ofthe following routes: Route 1: MT/MLS(ASCP' cortication or CIASCPH certication, AND a baccalaureate degree fom an accredtec/pproved!” educational inst‘ution, AND thvee years cf acceptable clinical Inboratory experience in chomisiy in an aocrected/anproved™ Inboratory facity or three years of acceptable experience as an Acaciomic educato in clrcal chemistry in an accredited! approved" ecucatonalinsttution, These three years of experince must be acquired post baccalauroate degree. Route 2: Graduate level degree (Masters, Doctorate} in chemisty, biology, mmunobegy, micrabiology, mocical laboratory sciences", or an appropriately related fd, from an acerected/approved educational insiution, AND three years acceptable clrical boratory experience in chemistry in an accredited/approved' laboratory facily. Thase thee years of experience must bo acquired post baccalaureate dogres, Route 3: Doctorate in chemistry, biology, inmunclgy, ‘microbiology, medical laboratory sciences", or an appropriately related fol, om an accrecited/anproved" educational insttuton, [AND two years of acceptable cInical laboratory experiance in Cchemisty in an accrecited/approvec™ laboratory ‘acy. These ‘wo yeas of exvaionce must bs acquired post baccalaureate dagros: acquired post baccalaureate degree. Route 4: MT/MLSIASCP cotiication or CIASCP) cortficaton, [AND a doctorate in chemist, biology, immunclogy, microbiology, medical laboratory sciences, or an appropriately related fel, ‘rom an accredited/approvedt educational institution, AND wo years laboratory experience in chemistry (eg. lina, research) in an acctedited/anproved™ laboratory faclly or two years of acceptable experience as an academic educator in clinical chemistry in an accredted/approved" educational institution * Accredtoa/aporeved bya govemng reuters associ a” Minn: CCourines mitout 3 prevent system ef ccrediaiev agua ms have rogamsledicatcra stirs approved by an rational Avo ‘Boa species bythe ASCP Hoar of Cafes, or eS) Be frees by warserpt eration Lateral acres by JO} CAP, under ISO 15189 o authored by gover reuteyassccaton oF Mrs, Couns witout «previo Ste caceedaton must have aborts aporoved By a” ntematon eit Boars apooited byte ASCP Board a Creator = Dagree/Djomts n Mek Laboratory Seances ude Medel Laboratory Stone, Medes! Tectraogy, Cea! Labrtoy Sere, and Blomedea (aberstry Scones Clinical Laboratory Experience To tll tre experiance requirament for the Inormatonal Specialist in Chemrsty examination, you mast have cinical boratory ‘experien in eight ofthe ftoon procedures feted! + Blood gases + Carbohydrates + Ehotrelvtos| + Electrophoresis + Enaymes + Heme compounds + Homonasivamins + Immanochemisty + Lpids/ipoproteins + Nom-protsin nitrogen compounds + Protaine + Therapeutic drug monitoring + Toxicology + Paint-t-oare + Chromatography xcariance is also requted in two of tho 8 procedures Istos! + Tost devalopmonvaliation + Procurement of laboratory equipment + Quality management + Ragulstory complance © Supervisory exoetience + Teaching SCT(ASCP)) International Specialist in Cytotechnology To be elle for this examination eategory, an applleant must salsty the requiromente of at loast one of the following routes: Route 1: CT/ASCP) certification, AND a baccalaureate degree or higher from an accredied/anprovad" educational institution, AND) ‘three (8) yoars of accoptabl exparionce in cytology in an _accredted/approved™ laboratory fact or three years of acceptable experience as an academic educator in crcal cytology in an accredtted/approvad" educational institution, ‘These these years of experience must be obtained folowing ‘CTIASCP) certfcaton Acree poroed by 2 goveing eqn asosaton a Misty. CCourres witout a prevatnt system of accredasaperval us ave programs/eazeatora! suions approved by antral Aaiory (Board aopotted bythe ASSP Boa of Cettcaton, or eS i be ‘fren by tarsrp! wakaion. The Bacearote ngs mis! Be Souvatner0 4 US. Baccaueate degree * Laboratany accede by Il CAP, under SO 16889 or athonces by 8 gore regusorassocaton oF Ms. Counnes witout «eevee Syston aceeaton must have borates aporoved by a ematorl ‘ssa Boars spotted byte ASCP Board of Coteaten SH(ASCP’) International Specialist in Hematology To be elle for tis examination eatogory, an applicant must sally the requirements of at least one of the fllowing route: Route 1: MT/MLS(ASCPI cetiicalon or HASCP) ceniication [AND a baccalaureate degree trom an accredtecapproved" ‘educational insitution, AND three years of acceptable cirical laboratory experience in hematology in an accrected/approved™ Ibboratory facil or three years of accoptable exoationce as an academic edeatr in alnical hematelagy in an ‘accredited/anproved" educational institution, These three years ‘of experience must be acquired post baccalaureate degree. Route 2: Graduale bel degree Master's, Doctorate) in Chemistry, biology, Immunology, icrobiology, matical laboratory sciences", or an appropriately elated fil, from an accredtad/anprovad educational insttuton, AND three years acceptable cnical boratory experienc in hematology in an accroditad/approved"™ laboratory faity. These thea yoars of experionce must be acquired post baccalaureate degree, Route 3: Doctorate in chemist, biology, immunagy, ‘microbiology, medical lavoratorysciences™, or an appropriately rolated fet, rom an accresited/approvedt eaveational inettution, AND two youre of accepiable clnical Aboratory ‘experince in hematology in an accrodtod/approved™ laboratory faclity. These two years of experiance must be acquired post baccalaureate degree, Route 4: MT/MLSIASCP} certiication or HIASOP} carttcaton AND a doctorate in chomisy, bilogy, Immunology, microbiology, medical laporatory sciences™, or an appropriately related fel, rom an accresitad/approvad" eavcational inetttion, AND two years laboratary experienco in hematology (e.g. elnica, research) n an accreclted/approves™ kaboratory ‘aallty or two years of accaptable exporionce as an acaclemic ‘edveator in cinical hematology in an accredired/approves" ‘educational institution, * Acoredidpprove i» gore rndtoyassockton or Mos CCourresitout a revatnt sytem of accecae/aperra must ave ‘regramsleiataral otttneaporred by an tematonalAaiscry ‘oa acoorted Oy the ASCP Boat of Cwtcean, or fg De ~ Laboratory accreted by JO, CAP. dr SO 15189 or authored by @ ‘Poveningreguany association ar Mri, Cours witout «ovat {ston of aceealon mt have sbortores approved hy an inteatorl inary Boar apart byte ASOP Board ef Creator, YANUARY 2016 | fication xt cer ASCP BOARD OF JANUARY 2018 ny ASCP BOARD OF CERTIFICATION Dearse/Dstemas Mecca! Laboratory Sciences ue Mesa Laboratory Sees, Medea! Tecinaiogy, Cina! aborutoy Sc, snd Biomed Lateral Scone. Clinical Laboratory Experience To full the experience requirement fr the Specials in Hematology examinaton, you must have clncal sboratory ‘experienc in allo the folowing procedures: | Stood emear, evaluation and diferental + Compete blood count + Instument maintenance: “+ Miscatanoous tests (0... ESR, slo seraon, manual col count, reticuboyts + Quality contrat performance and evakiaton + Routine coaguliion tess (e.g. PT, APTT, anc D-dimer + Other coagulation tests (o., fibrinogen, factor assays) Experience in perforing, supervising, oF teaching five ofthe ‘wole procedures Ksted is also requitod: + Advanced coagulation (eg, inhibitor assays, hypercoaguabily) + Body Flu evaluation + Bone marow prep or evaluation + Sudgotng/invontery controlpurchasing + ©ytochemical stains + Flow cytometry + Hemoglobinopathy evaluation + Method evaluation + Personnel management | Platelet unction studtos + PTPTT mining stuces + awat SM(ASCP’) International Specialist in Microbiology To be eligible for this exemination category, an applicant must sala the requirements of at least one of the fllowing routes: Route 1: MT/MLSIASCPI ceti’caton or MIASCPI certiiation, [AND a baccalaureate degree ftom an accrecited/approvec" ‘educational institution, AND tivae yoars of acceptable crcl Inboratory experience in microbiolagy in an accrected/approved™ laboratory facilty or three years of acceptable exserience as an ‘academic educator in clnical microbiology in an ‘acctedited/approves educational institution, These three years of ‘xpationce must ba acquired post baccalaureate degree. Route 2: Graduate level degree (Masters, Doctorate) n chamisty, biology, immunology, microbiology, clinical laboratory sciences fF an appropriately related fed, from an accrecitedapproved" educational institution, AND three years acceptable clrical laboratory experince in microbiology in an accrectad/approved”™ laboratory facity. Those treo yoars of experince must bo acquiod post baccalaureate dagroo. Route 3: MT/MLSIASCP} certitcation or MIASCPY . AND a doctorate in chomistvy, biology, Immunology, microbiology, clnical laboratory sciences", of an appropriately related fed, fom an accrectec/aporoved” educational institution, AND two years laboratory experience in microbiology (@.9.,clrial, esearch) in an ccrested/aporoved" laboratory facity or two years of acceptable experience as an academic educator in clical microbiology an accracted/approves" educational institution. * Accreea/aperove bys governing retary association or Mas Cours touts reat system 3 ccreaor pera mus ate rogansleduraor!naulansaperoved by an iterates Aso ‘Board appara bythe ASCP Boas of Oxttcabon,o An Be otominea by vansrpteravaon Tho bavcaaurete degre must be feouvaent to 1S. eaceaurate seg goreing reuse arson or Misty. Cours witout» prev Seta of acrestatn must hae iterates approved by a nema! sory Boar append by te ASOP Board of Coeaton *Degres/pomas in Medea Laboratory Scones cue Meet Laboratory Scere, Medea! Technology, Otel Laboatery Somme, ard ‘lomedia Laboratory Seen, Clinical Laboratory Experience To fll the experience requirement forthe Intemational Specials In Miccobslogy examinaton, you must have experience in four of 8x of th folowing areas: + Bacterology + Molecular Microbiology + Mycobacteratogy + Mycology + Parastology + Vrology ASCP BOARD OF CERTIFICATION rf Documentation Required Elalbty to take a cartticaton examination ie establehed by: -Meoting the statod minimum requirements forthe particular category of cariicaton fpages 4 - 18) ‘Submission of the appropriate ontina application Payment of the appropriate applcation fee Submission ofall appropriate documentation inching ofa ‘wanscipis) and/or transcript evaliations when required, Indleating the appropriate dogo, All eligicle education and cinical laboratory traning must be ‘completed outside the United States, outlng U.S. tetoies, ‘and Canada, Before your examination aligbilty can be determined, you must submit the approeriata documents vertying that you meat the ccurent ASCP Board of Cartication roqurements, Verification of Academic Education ‘st werwasca.crginterational for country specie information on ‘ortiction of academe information, Coan counties" programs {do not require tangcript evaluations tra transcript evaluation is required, plaase submit an orignal or photocopy of a iranserpl valuation completed by an approved! levaiation agency leted in Appendix D, page 2¢. Only evaluations ‘rom these listed agencies wile accopted. Contact the agency ial Documents T ‘rect for information on obtaining an evakiaton veivng US. degree eouivalncy and subj breskdown, ‘Send your transcript evaluation via one of the fllowing malt ascpinternational@ascp.o1g Mai ASCP International, 33 W. Monroe Si. Suite 1600, ‘Chicago, IL 60608-5617 USA Verification of Work Experience (if required) Work Experience Documentation Forms Documenting Cinical Laboratory Experience F roquires forthe route under which you are aphing, sical laboratory experience must be completed and documentect bofore you wil be determined eligible for examination Experience must be completed ata laboratory accrectted/anproved by UCL CAP, SO 15189, or autorzed by a governing roglatary association or Minis. Counts without a provalnt system of accreditation must have laboratories approved by an Intemational ‘Adkisory Board appointed by the ASCP Board of Catscation. ‘To document your clinical laboratory experience (if requited): Step 1. Download the work experiance documentation form ‘cortesponcing to your eligibility route from the ASCP website st www.ascp.orgintemational ‘Step 2_ Work sxpetience documantaion forms must bs competed by laboratory management or your employer, as dened in the alighilty requirements) and attached toa tater of authentcty signed by this rdivualveiving the att ofthe form, Ths lotor must bo printod on orga torhoad and stato tra the work exporionce documentation form was completed by the by laboratory management or your employe, with tre date and signature, Work experence documentation ‘ors willbe aucted to veity authentic To see a samole Leter of Authentic, plbase soe Append A page 21 ‘Step 3. Work experience documentation fous and Letters of Autnentety srouls be sont immodtately attr completion (ofthe online application via mall or ema to: Email ascpinterational@ascp.o19 Malt: ASCP International, 8 W, Monroe St, Suite 1800, Chicago, I. 69608-5617 USA Verification of Training Programs (if required) Counties without a prevalent system of accrettation/approval ‘must have programs/educatonalinsttutons approved by an ‘Adkisory Board appointed by the ASCP Boars of Cetication, or elghliy willoe determined by transcript evaluation ‘Step 1. Download the training program documentation form ‘conesconcing to your aigilty route from the ASCP wodsite at www.ascp.orgintamational ‘Step 2_ Training program documentation forms must be Competed by your program diractor (as defined inthe flghity requirements) and attached to a later of authenticity signed by this incvcual vertying the authenticity othe form. This etter must be printed on ‘tginal laterhead and state that the waiing program documentation form was comoleted by the program lroctor, with the date and signature. Training program documentation forms wil be auelted to very authenticity. To see a sample Letter of Authenticity, please see Appondx 8, ago 22, ‘Step 3. Trang program documentation forms and Letters of Authenticty stouls be sent immediately atter completion (ofthe anne application via mail or ema t: Ema: ascpintornationalasce.or9 Malt ASCP International, 38 W. Monroe St. Suite 1600, Chicago, IL 60608-5617 USA ASCP/ASCP’ Certified Applicants Atirough you may be ceri in another category, you must resub- rit all equited documentation necessary to estabish your eligbity {or the curent examination category. Oficial ranscriptsransorpt evaluations must be submitted each tee you appl for a naw examination category, JANUARY 2016 a ICATION ASCP BOARD OF CER ® ASCP BOARD OF CERTIFICATION goa On Forn oe) Payments for Online Applications Ihcviluals submiting ontne applcations for ntemational certtcaton ‘examinations may complete the payment process by cect card or by mall wna check or money otder, you ae unable to suit your applation fee online wth a ctect card, pay by mal instructions willbe available upon the completion of the onine appcation process. For Multiple Application Fees: Ifmutiple appfcations are being sent with one check, contact ascpintemational@ascp.org ‘or mailing insvutions, Malling address for Correspondence or other required documentation: ASCP Board of Certification 38 W. Monroe Steet, Suite 1600 Chicago, 1. 60808-5617 USA oR E-Mail ascpinternational@ascp org Change of Email Address, Mailing Address and/or Name Change Email Address Change: Al natications from the ASCP Board of CCeriicaton are delivered vi emal, It's your responsbilty to keep your emall address current. Ta update your emal adress go to wws.asoa.orgilogin and click on “Protles and Settings", Falure to keep the Board of Cariicaton informed of your current mal adress will sul in non-receit of important information ‘Mailing Adcress Change: It's your responsi to keep your rmallng adios curent. To update your maling adds go to ‘wuw.asea.orgilogin and clck on “Projles and Settings”. A valid imallng address must be provided prior to the examinaton in or % ots b> to receive your corteate at the com is not valid atthe tone of examination, willbe your responsiblity to erder and pay fora replacement certhicate it necessary address. W current adcress Name Change: Name changes must be accompanies by a photo copy of offical documentation f.., marrage Kense or court otc. The frst name and last nam you enter on the application ‘must match your vald government ID that you present atthe test Cente to take the examination. Online: To submit a name change request onine, clek on yw. a8cp orgloocteedback, select the topic Change Name/Contac Ifermation an tne subject Name Change. You willbe prompted to login. The name change screen allows you upload your document(s). Or via ema to ascpintamatonalascp.org By Ma You can print a cover sh documents to: ASCP Board of Certication 38 W. Monroe St, Suite 1600 Chicago, IL 60608 Ath: Name Change nd mal your Please allow 7-10 business days for processing name changes, ‘You wil notifed when your name change request has been processed [Name andor adress changes may not be made at the center, Name changes or name corrections received In the ASCP Board of Ceritiaton offes ater the day you take the examination will nol be reflected on your cartiicate. A fee wil be charged if you request a nev cetticate. Application Processing ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF APPLICATION ‘Online applcations paid by credit cara willbe acknowledged within one business day. nine appliations paid by mal willbe acknowledges within 8 wooks of tho dato payment was male, Do not contact the Board of Cartiication offce regarcing receipt of your appleation payment submitted by mall until tnt (2) days fallowing submission to allow for postal delays, It you do not receive an acknowledgement within sic weeks from ‘he date you submitted your appication, please naiy our otfce by ‘e-malt ascpintemalional@asep.org Review of Documents Ih order to determine your aligbilty for exarrinaton, all required ‘documentation must be submited to our office within forty-five (45) business days of submission of your application or you willbe dotormined inaigble for paid examination. You willbe noted within frty-ve (45) business days of receiot of your apicaton it any documentation is missing. Application Status When the status of your examination application changes (2.8 dotermines! detcent,insligbl,eligble, ec} you wll receive a roliication sent tothe email you provided on your application Informing you to login to your ASCP account for specie information/dtals regarding the status of your application. All notifications regarding the status of your application (from ‘submision to examination results) are accessed by logging Into your ASCP account. ‘To access your account 1, Go to www asep.oraslogin 2. Login using your ASCP Customer UserID (8 cgi rnumbet) & Password (or login assistance contact ASCP ‘Customer Service 800.267.2727) 3. Scroll down and clck on the BOC Activities icon 4, Sell down ane click on the View Application Status Ink 5, Clk on the Show Details button to view the current status of your appleation ‘All noifcatons from the ASCP Board of Certfcation informing an applicant to login to their account to view important information regarcing the status of their application are sant via srvall. tis your respensivilty to keep your email address current. Update the emal address in your record by lagging onto the ASCP website and eleking on “Prolles & Settings.” Failure to keap the ASCP Board of Coriation informed of your curent ema address will sul in the non-receipt of important information and notifications rogaruing your applcaton, schodulng tho ‘examination and receipt of scores. Determination of Eligibility Upon review ofall aquired documentation, you willbe notified of Your olgbilty status. I'you aro determined slgible for examination, you will receive an email notation to access your admission letter with instructions for scheduling an appointment to take the ‘examination within the three-month period following the date of this letter. Al ASCP Board of Cetiation examinations are acministored by comoutr at Pearson Professional Contors. Thoso centers ave Istod in Appendix C, page 23. You may schadula an appoiniment atthe test canter of your ehelee ineligibility It you are not dotormined aligible for examination, you will racaive an gmail natiiation to accass your elgbilly status cali. Your polation wl ramain on fle for tvee years, Reappleation Information is provided on page 18 [Application fees are nonrefundable. Be sure you mae th eigilty requemenis as sated and are abe to provide the aperop ‘documentation before submiting your aplication form and fe. Study Materials ‘Study materials and recommended reading sts are availabe to prepare for examination, Vist the ASCP website at wuweascp.cxgintemational for details. ARY 17 6 S z % OF CERTIFICATION ASCP BOARD Scheduling Your Appointment \When you receive your admission notation eral very all Information for accuracy.” You may schedule an anpointrant to ‘ako the examination at your convenionco within tho choson threo month peti, (Rear to Appendix C, page 25 fora Ist of Pearson Professional Centers) 1s strongly recommended thal you contact Pearson registration as eatly as possi to make your appointment within the three ‘month examination petiod, Aer you have mage your appointment 2 confirmation bttor wil bo emalbd to you. The confirmation letter Is not required to sit for the examination ‘You must take the examination within the three-month examination peri incicated on your admission notification. If you cancel, do nol appear, or miss your schedubd appointment date, you must submit all application fee and reapply for the examination. Applicants are solely responsible for making and keoping ther scheduled examination appointment data. To very your appointment, call Pearson registration. ‘Applicaton fees are not transferable to another three-month period nor are they refundable. * Note: tyou appear at the st centr witout aval ID wth photo OR the fat sas! rarer do hl mato, you wrt bo pore 0 ake de ‘Stainton ane you wit be reured 1 opel Wh ale or archer fxaminton pened Rescheduling Appointments you wish to reschedule your testhg appointmant, within tho thro: month pared, you must contact Paareon Ragvaton a east ona ‘ul business day (24 hous} prior to the date andl tm of the test to reschedule anctner date within the same thvee-mansh period, The ‘Test Cancollaton and Change Deadlines fora Scheduled Test ave shown bolow, Te Last Cancel/Change Day iteme pereteeetet eee] fee een eee es en ee Ree ae ay coy Pee en ed Thursday of the same SOUS SSchodulng changes must bo mado and eonfrmod by dact contact with Pearson Registration. Leaving a message on voice mal or on a recotde” isnot sufeint to reschedub your appointment. you have successtuly rescheduled your test date onine, you Wil receve a canfemation ema rom Pearson Vue with 24 hours I you do not receive an ema, you have not succasstully reschedule. 1 you cal within 24 hours fone full uses day of your appointment, you wil not be permed te reschedule. you do rot appear at your schedUlbd appointment, you wil be Consiered a “no show.” You wll ot racoive any rotund of your applcaton fos ner can it bo transtoes to another examination period. A ful fe ville required to reapply for another three-month pero. Cancellation Policy ‘You wil not recsive any refund of your application foe nor can it be transferred to another examination peried if yeu do not make an appointment within the threa-menth examination period, if you cancel your application OF if you do not appear for your sehedtled appointment, A fl fee will be required to reschedule the examination Reapplying for Examination IHyeu cancel, do not appear, miss your scheduled appointment dale, or are determined inelgibl you must complete an online application and submit a fll application foe to reapply for ‘examination, You must logon to you exsting online account. You. do not need to resubmit your documentation I you reapply within the period your eligi is vai Board of Certification Examinations — Computer Adaptive Testing ‘The ASOP Board of Caticalion uses computer adaptve testing (CAT, which s ertoria roterenced fr al crifeaton examinations “This means that an exainee's score on the exam ie not iiluence by the scores of otter examinoes who take the exae. With CAT, \whon a porson answers a quoston comocty tho nox ost quoston has a sight Nahar vol of cific. Ths cfc lve ofthe quos ‘tions presented to the examinee continues to increase unl a question's answered incorecty. Then a slighty easier question is presented, In his way the tes is tlre ‘0 the ndvidua’ aby Tew Each question in the tast ean is ealoatel or lvel of cu, and is assigned a content area that matches withthe subtest ea ofthe content outline fora particular examination, The weight {value given to each queston is dleterined by the level of dificult. “Therefore, the examinee must answer enough dificult questions *0 achive a score above the pass point, To pass the castcation ‘examination, the examinge's scores must exceed the minimarn pass score, previously established by the examination committee “The examinations (ith the exception of the PET and CTayn) are scheduled ‘or 2 hours and 30 minutos with 100 questions, Tho PBT examination is scheduled ‘or 2 hours with 80 questions. The (CTaynis scheduled for 1 1/2 hours with 50 questions, ‘Your orelminary test resus (oass/ai) will pear onthe computer soroen, Examination secras wll be amallad within twenty (20) business days attr tho examination administration, proves all required documents have been received. Examination resuls ccannat be released by telesnone to anyone. ‘Your offal score reper illinccate pass” or “al” elatus and the scale! score onthe total examination, A scaled score is ‘mathematically derive rom the raw scare number of cones ‘answorod questions). Because each examinoc has takan a corent ‘form af the examination, scale scores are used so that tests may be ‘compared on the same scale, The minimum passing s00reis 400, ‘The hignesatisinable score is 299. Ir you were uncuecasstlin passing the examination, your sealed soates on each of the subtests vill be incicated on this report as wal, These subtest scores eannct be ealculatod to attain your tora vote, These scores are provided as a means of demonstating your eas of svongths and weaknesses in comparison to the minimum pass soore, What to Bring to the Examination Center “+ Avald government identification {0} with photo and sgnature, Your frst and last name on tho valid goverment ID must match your frst and last name registered at Pearson, Your ientfcation must be valid (not expired} ort will not be accepted. It you appear at the Pearson Test Center without an acceptable form of identification or the frst and last names de not matcn Examination Administration the names registered at Pearson, you vill not be permitted to take the examination. You wil be required to reapply with full fee fr another examination period. "You must report to the test center 80 minutes prior te your sched Led ime. Upon check-in Pearson VUE will collet your signature, pPhotograohie image, and fngerpinvpalm vain image. This is a standard procedure at all Pearson Professional Centers. You vill bbe olvan a checklist of rule to read. Anotorfingororintfpakn voin Imago wil bo taxon before you are suatod in tho examination room ‘and ifyou eave the room at ary ime during your examination. Electronic Devices ‘Only nenprogrammable caleulators may b9 brought to the test ‘conte. Weng material or caleulavons wil bo provided for you by the test center. Cellphones wilt be permite in the ‘examination room, Reference Materials Do not bring retarance books, nates, or thar study materials to the test baton. the test proctor determines that you have engaged in Inappropriate conduct durng the examination (such as ging or ‘obtaining unauthor2ed information ar ald; ooking at etasiteterenca! bbooks/study guides), your examination session willbe tominatod an you willbe unable to complete your examinaton, You il need to peal to the Board of Certcaton, The Boacd willie your case ‘and determine the epproprite course of action, Taking the Test {At the beginning of the examination, you must erty tat your name and examination category are corect as shown on the comper screen, Next, the deectons for entering responses wil appear, You should read these circtions careful bore beginning the ‘ost ‘Tho examinations in al catogoris consist of multe choice ‘questions, prasentdl one ata time on the computor seroan, Visual ‘material such as grachs or photograchs, appear on the computor screen with the question, You answer each question by pressing ‘he letter key (A, B,C, oD} comesponding to the ltr ofthe response. you sake, You may ako use the computer mouse to choose and record your answers, Responses may be changed as mary mes as you wish by pressing he key fora dtferent response number or by using the mouse. When you are satisfied withthe response, press the “ENTER” key or clok the NEXT kay to recor, The next ‘question willthen apa ‘You must answer each question to the best of your abity when Is preserted. However, atthe end ofthe tas, you may review some forallof your responses and change them f you wish "When you have comobtad roving the exam, you willuse the END EXAM (E)utton on the eereen, A message wil anpoar on the screen, asking you to very that you wish fo ext the examination you respond using the YES button, your test wilbe complete, JANUARY 2016 s ICATION ASCP BOARD OF CER JANUARY 2016 ro 3 ASCP BOARD OF CERTIFICATION Emailing of Examination Score [Notflation to review your examination scores post login wil be female to you four business days after you have token the: ‘examination provided all oficial anscrintsvertying the appropriate dogros have boon recaived, Note: Examination results cannot be released by telephone to anyone. Information on how to reapel for crtcation examination vill bs providod with your examination scora. DO NOT submit a naw application foe to retake the test prior to receiving your ‘examination score. You may not retest forthe same certcation ‘examination witha the same three month examination period Release of Scores ‘Sucease{ul International Certiicant names willbe publshed in the Ihremational Cotication Report. you do not wish for your name. to be published, plsase email ascpintemational@ascp.org no Iter than ten (10} days betore your examination, Watch for Your Certificate Youll receive your certtcate approximately four to 8x weeks after your examination dato, This certfeato is valid for soo vows. ‘You'l also receve a booklet of information about Credential Maitonance Program {CMP} and the reauraments for maintaining your catiteaton, Request for Examination Scores Submitted to a Third Party ‘A Thid Party Vetiication Roquast lnk wil be mado avaible on ‘the online examinee score report providing instruction for requesting verification of certiicaion to be submited to third patty, such as Stat Icensing board or employer. Tid party verification requests may also be made by gong to this lik ww. 8500.org/verfication, Do not place a thitc party veification request unl successful completion of the examination and receipt of your score report. Thera s a $18 service fee (oayabk by croc ‘card associated with requesting a tid party verfioaton, Verification of Computer Examination Results tfyou wish to question your computer examination resus, you ‘must noly eu oe in wring within thy (3) days trom the date of receipt of scores. A $25.00 foe is recuited. The check or money ‘otder must be enclosed with your request, The ASCP Board of CCartication does not release or eisclse the contont or answors for specitc test tems. Insrrect responses will not be reported when requesting a raven. Re-examination Ifyou are unsuccesstulin passing the examination, information on te-testing willbe enclosed with your axamination scores. DO NOT. submit an application fee to retake the examination until you receive your examination scores by emai. You may not reapply to ratost withio tho eama trae manth period. Maximum Number of Examination Attempts You are permitted to take tha cartication examination in any ane particular category a total of fve times under one route. Kyou are Lnsuonessful ater fe atten, you are ineligible for frthat ‘examination in that category unde: the same route. For tre GLO, ‘you are permitted to take the examination a total of three tmes Under one route. Certification Expiration Certification Expiration bndvidualscatfod begining January 1, 2012, willbe required to pavtcate i the Credertal Maintenance Program, Indviuals Ceried prior to January 1, 2072 wilnot be ruc to compte the Credential Maintenance Program (CMP) to manta their ceriteation, Revocation of Certification CCortcaton, granted, may be revoked at any tone and the appleant may be barred ftom acimission to take future cotfcation examinations fis establsned that the formation contain in, oF suppled in suppert of, an applcatio for examination i inaccurate in any materal egpoc,f the appleant engages in any inaceropsato ‘conduct ding the examination (such 3s ving or obtaining Lrauthorzed information or ac ori the applicant misrepresents or rmisuses the applicant's cottication status at any te. Credential Maintenance Program (CMP) For tho complete CMP process go to: uw. aseprg/cetieaton Appendix A LETTER OF AUTHENTICITY TO ACCOMPANY ALL ASCP! WORK EXPERIENCE DOCUMENTATION FORMS BOARD oF CERTIFICATION LETTER OF AUTHENTICITY MUST ACCOMPANY ALL ASCP! DOCUMENTATION FORMS. ‘THE LETTER OF AUTHENTICITY MUST: BE PRINTED ON OFFICIAL COMPANY LETTERHEAD STATE THAT THE DOCUMENTATION FORM WAS COMPLETED BY YOUR LABORATORY MANAGEMENT OR BE SIGNED BY THE SAME PERSON (LABORATORY MANAGEMENT OR EMPLOYER) WHO COMPLETED INCLUDE THE NAME AND TITLE OF THE LABORATORY MANAGEMENT OR EMPLOYER REPLACE THE RED PRINT WITH THE APPROPRIATE INFORMATION: ° SAMPLE coupany .oco ose rae Lote 7 \ysenr azonaTony wasAoewext on — ‘roNaTURT—— PLEASE MAIL OR EMAIL THIS DOCUMENT WITH THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION FORM TO: ASCP 206 Intemational ascpinternational@ascp org 33 W. Monroe St, Suite 1600 Chicago, 1. 60603-5517 Revised May 2015 JANUARY 21 ° S Z JANUARY | 8 ASCP BOARD OF CERTIFICATION Appendix B LETTER OF AUTHENTICITY TO ACCOMPANY ALL ASCP! TRAINING DOCUMENTATION FORMS B6kn0 oF By Cenipcenon | ASS LETTER OF AUTHENTICITY MUST ACCOMPANY ALL ASCP! DOCUMENTATION FORMS THE LETTER OF AUTHENTICITY MUST: BE PRINTED ON OFFICIAL INSTITUTION LETTERHEAD ‘STATE THAT THE DOCUMENTATION FORM WAS COMPLETED BY YOUR PROGRAM DIRECTOR BE SIGNED BY THE SAME PERSON (PROGRAM DIRECTOR) WHO COMPLETED YOUR DOCUMENTATION INCLUDE THE NAME AND TITLE OF THE PROGRAM DIRECTOR REPLAGE THE RED PRINT WITH THE APPROPRIATE INFORMATION: “ ‘SAMPLE wmerruTion wera PLEASE MAIL OR EMAIL THIS DOCUMENT WITH THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION FORM TO: ASCP 80¢ Intemational ascpinteational@ascp 09 32 W. Monroe St, Sute 1600 CChieago, it 60603-56:7 Revised May 2015, Appendix C PEARSON PROFESSIONAL CENTERS. (Al stos aro subject to chango) For the most currant sting oftst conte, vist www pearsonvue.com/ascp, “American Samoa Pago Pago Argentina Busnos Aves Amenia Australia Syney Austia Vrea, Aribaion Baas Bangladesh ‘Dna Belgium Brose Bolivia Ua Paz Brazt Curbs Sao Poul Bulgaria ‘Sofa cite ‘Santago China Being Guangznou ‘Shanghal colombia Bogota Denenark cour Dominican Repuoe ‘Santo Domingo Ecuador ‘Quto Egypt Caro 1 Salvador San Sabador Ethiopia ‘eis Ababa Folane Helios France Montreal Germary ‘Bein Franc Hamer Greece hens ‘ressatoie usm Tamuning Guatemala Guster Honduras TTeguegba Hong Keng Heng Kong lesan eykavie Inga Bangaore ‘chennai DehaNow Deh Hyer Mamta Indonesia “skarta Pusat olan Dubin Barat Gan aly Aton Pome Jamaica Kngston Seuames Japan ‘Chyode- Osaka sordan ‘rman Kazakhstan ‘Amaty Korea, South Busan Seoul Kuwait asia Cty rongyestan ‘Sanvex Latvia Pg Lebanon Bont Zakea~ Moin uthuania ‘ine Macedonia Seoe Malaysia Selangor Maurtiue Port Lous Mexeo Mexeo Cty Moidova ‘Chsnay Mongats Uaroaaior Morocco abat opal apr Neterlanas “ansterdary Ureent Niger Tagos ‘Norther Marana sana Sapa ‘oman Muscat Paraguay “aeurcon Pera Uma Philippines Cebs cly Mania Poland ‘Warsaw Portugal Porta Puerto Rico Guaynabo oxar Doha Remania Bucharest Pussian Federation ‘Moscow Novosti Sau Arabia ‘Dammarn Eas Province Pach Senegal Davee Singapore Shgsoore ‘South Atica vonanesburg ‘Spain Barcobna Made ‘Hi Lanka ‘Cahmbo ‘sweden ‘Sotnenourg ‘switzerland Lvsanne 2aien Taiwan Keoheung Teg Trail Bangkok “Trnidad an Tobago ‘San Ferman Tukey sands Kampala Veaine Unites Arab Emirates ‘Ab: Dr Diba: Unies kingom secon Uruguay Montevideo Uspekitan Tasnkent Venezuela ‘Cuscas Vietnam Ho Ch Men Virgin nds, US. ‘Su Thomas Yemen ‘Sansa Zambia Tusa Intrmation on ths page subject to emango without tee, 2016 YANUARY | np 3 CERTIFICATION ASCP BOARD OF Aopendix D ACCEPTABLE EVALUATION AGENCIES FOR FOREIGN TRANSCRIPTS ARCRAO, (Offce of Intemational Education Services ‘One Dupont Crcla, NW, Suto #520 Washington, DC 20088-1110 202-798-9181 202-372-8857 FAK Intemational Evaluation Service Center for Applied Research, Evaluation & Education, Inc. POBox 18358 Long Boach, GA 82817 714-207-9272 714-237-9279 FAX Ema eval eareetyahoo.com Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc. P.O Box $2970 ‘Milwaukao, WI $202 414-280-2400 414-280-2811 FAX Emak evalaoce.org Website: wwiwece.org Educational Perspectives PO Box 618056 Chicago, IL 60661-8056 312-421-9900 312-421-9953 FAK Ema ifotadperspectve.org —* Website: www. edoerspective.org 24 ASCP BOARD OF CERTIFICATION Education Evaluators Intemational, he POBox 01169) Forest Hils, NY. 11375 401-521-5340 718-225-5929 FAX Website: wnw_educe.com Foreign Academic Credertials Services, In. PO Box 400 Glen Carbon, L 62084 518-288-1981 818-288-1691 FAK mal facs@aclcom Website: wuwsfacsusa.com Foreign Credentials Service of America 1910 Justin Lane ‘Austin, TX 78757-2411 512-459-8428 512-459-4585 FAK Ema infoaicsabi Webste: wuwsfosa.ca. Foundation for Intemational Services, Inc. 505 Sth Averue South, Suite 101 Edmonds, WA 68020 425-268-2255 425.268.2282 FAX mall infoaiis-web,com Website: wmiws-¥80.c0m Globe Language Services 305 Broadway Ste 401 New Yor, NY 10007 212-227-1994 212-598-1489 FAX Email: infotglobelanguage.com Webste: wawglobelanguage.com Intemational Consuitants of Delaware, nc 3500 Maks Si, Suite 450 Philadelphia, PA. 19704-2651 215-243-5858. 215-349-0078 FAK Email: iccBiedeLoom Intemational Education Evaluations, In. "7900 Matthowes Mint Hil id Sue 300 Charlotte, No 28227 704-585-2885 704-545-2684 FAK Email acirin@toreigntranscrpts.com Intemational Education Research Foundation, Inc. 0 Box 3865 Cuker Cty, CA 90231-8865 310-258-9451 310-342-7086 FAK Email nfo@iertong Weeste: wawiertorg Josef Siny & Associates, Ino Intemational Education Consultants 7101 SW 102nd Ave Miami, FL 83173 305-273-1816 305-279-1338 FAK Ema: nf@slry.com Webste: wawsiny.com World Education Services, Ine. Main Ofiee P.O Box 5087 Bowling Green Station Now York, NY 10274 212-966-6311 212-739-6100 FAK Emal: nfotwes.org Webste: wawves.org Midwest Office POBox 11623, Chicago, I. 60611-0623 312-222-0882 812-222-1217 FAK Emal: nfogwes.og Weeste: ww sves.org ‘A toreign transcript evaluation with a course by course evaluation is, roquied, Information on this page Is subject to change without notice, For the ‘most curent information, vist the ASCP web ste at www.asep.0r. ASCP Board of Certification Examinations JANUAAY 2016 Cay Intemational Medical Laboratory Scientist, MLS(ASCP) Centfico de Laboratorio Médico Internacional, CLMIASCP) Ce em ecg) Cree Cree ec oa) CoCo Uc) De eee aco) International Technologist in Blood Banking, BB(ASCP) Cre Re em ca) International Technologist in Cytogenetics, CGIASCP) International Cytetechnologist, CTIASCP) Cr Rc eo ea a) CR ea cas International Technologist in Microbiology, M(ASCP) De Res a ee aca) Serena) eee ee ee a International Specialist in Chemistry, SC(ASCP) De Re cacy Det aa) Co cc ea SD > Efefel BOARD OF CERTIFICATION

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