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English Test Unit 4 A

Read the text and answer according to it.

This is Julie Cooper. Shes seventeen years old and shes American. Shes a
student and a singer.
She usually gets up at half past six and walks her
dog Cookie. Then she has a shower and has
breakfast with her parents and her sister Sharon.
For breakfast they all have cereal with milk. After
breakfast the girls go to school by car. At one
oclock, they usually have lunch in the school
At half past four Sharon goes back home by bus and


sometimes goes to the School of Music because she always has music lessons
twice a week.
Before dinner Julie plays with her dog or phones her friends. Sharon helps mum
to prepare dinner. She likes vegetables very much.
After dinner the family goes to the living room and sometimes they watch TV
At eleven oclock, Julie always kisses mum and dad goodnight and goes to bed.
A. Order the sentences.
1. Julie has music lessons. _____
2. The girls go to school. _____
3. The family has breakfast together. _____
4. Julie plays with her dog. _____
5. She kisses mum and dad goodnight. _____

English Test Unit 4 A

B. Answer the questions.
1. What time does Julie get up?
2. Does Julie go to school by bus?
3. Does Sharon like vegetables?
4. How often does the family watch TV?
5. What time does Julie go to bed?

A. Label the pictures.






B. Write the daily actions.







English Test Unit 4 A

A. Write sentences.
1. I / music lessons / have / in the afternoon / always
2. go / to the cinema / twice a week / they
3. Sharon / dinner / sometimes / prepares
4. in the living room / often / is / he
B. Fill in the blank spaces. Use the verbs in the Present Simple.
1. She _________ (be) an active girl: she _________ (study) and sings.
2. James _________ (watch) TV and _________ (read) a book before dinner.
3. He _________ (go) back home by car and _________ (do) the homework.
4. _________ she _________ milk? (like) Yes, she _________.
5. How often _________ they _________ in the kitchen? (eat)

Describe eight actions of your daily routine.


Listening exercise
Write true (T) or false (F).
1. Alex is Sharons friend.


2. He gets up at seven.


3. Alex likes apple juice for breakfast.


4. He has lunch in a restaurant.


5. He doesnt listen to music after dinner.


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