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Lauren Grumka

Education Field Experience EDUC 230-01

Professor Suk
Spring 2016
Lesson Plan
Grade Level: High school/ Novice High
Subject: Novice high Spanish (Spanish II) Topic: Verbs like Gustar
Objective: Students will learn different verb structures to express personal opinion and interest.
They will also learn to use indirect object pronouns and apply them in their appropriate syntax.
Students will also review word order, conjugation rules for double verbs, past vocabulary, and
questioning skills.
Standards: 7.1.NH.B.4: Ask and respond to questions, make requests, and express preferences
in various social situations.
Materials: Handouts, basic writing tools, ice breaker worksheet from prior class.
Prerequisite Skills and Knowledge: Knowledge of standard present tense verb conjugation.
Spoken and written basic vocabulary from Spanish I including nouns, verbs, and question words.
Anticipatory Set:
Students will write their answers to the questions on the Introduction/Ice breaker worksheet
which will include their personal preferences that will be used in the formative assessment of
asking and answering questions. This will be done so that students can focus on the goals of the
oral activity of using the new verb form as well as reviewing question words instead of on
coming up with new answers.
Input and Modeling:
1. I will write conjugation examples on the board of new verbs and their corresponding
indirect object pronoun.
2. Students will then be given a new verb of the same type and asked to apply the
appropriate model of conjugation.
3. I will write down approximately five questions on the board, each containing one of the
target verbs and structures.
4. I will read aloud the questions and we will together go through their meaning to ensure
understanding prior to the exercise.
5. They will then first ask me and I will give them sample answers based upon my
icebreaker worksheet.
Student Practice and Checking for Understanding:
Students will then use the questions on the board to go around the room and ask various
classmates one of them. I will start by asking a student one of the questions which he/she will
answer aloud, then they will ask another student one of the questions so that each student gets a

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chance to ask and answer. The answerer becomes the questioner and so on. Each student will be
critiqued for proper verb usage as well as vocabulary knowledge.
Differentiation: Should their need to be, I will include more visuals and written examples on the
board prior to the speaking activities to make sure they understand the structure. Depending on
student age/level pictures of the activities and/or items in the examples can be listed and
categorized on the board as part of an exercise to increase understanding of the vocabulary.
Closure: Lesson Wrap-up and Culminating Activity: A written quiz of seven questions and ten
blanks that includes, not only conjugation of the new verbs, but review of the sentence structure
of double verbs. As is part of the class as a whole, I will remind them that this could be used in
their travel project to describe their preferences regarding the trip. Potentially I would go over
some examples or have kids come up with some samples about the information they have so far
regarding their subject country.

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