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Genesis 1-

God creates Earth and Heaven

God creates light, the Day and Night, Seas and Earth

On the Earth he puts grass, herbs, and trees

He creates seasons, days, and years

He creates nighttime and daytime

God creates animals

God creates Man to rule the earth

Genesis 2-

The whole process ended on the seventh day, so God blessed this day (Sunday)

God created the first man, Adam, and put him in the garden of Eden

The Garden of Eden had a river that branched o into Pison, Gihon, Hiddekel, and Euphrates.

Adam could eat from any of the many trees in the garden, except for the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil

God brought all the animals to Adam so he could name them

God took one of Adam's ribs and made a woman from it

Genesis 3-

A serpent told the woman that the the tree of the knowledge of good and evil had fruit that
gave knowledge to those who ate it

Adam and the woman ate it, and realized that they were naked so they made aprons out of fig

God walks in the Garden of Eden and calls out to Adam, and realizes that they ate from the

Adam blames the Woman, and the Woman blames the serpent, so all three are punished

The serpent has to go around on his belly and eat others' dust

Eve has to bear children

Adam has to eat from his own crop, from cursed ground

God gives the two clothes made from skins

Adam and Eve are banished from the Garden, and the tree is guarded by a flaming sword

Genesis 4-

Adam and Eve have Cain and Abel

Cain is a farmer and Abel is a shepherd

Abel oers God cattle and he is pleased, Cain oers fruit and God feel disrespected

Cain kills Abel and is banished by God, and may not killed by whoever meets him or they will
be punished 7 times

Cain has kids who then have kids of their own and so on until his great-great-great-grandson
Lamech has three sons, Jabal, Jubal, and Tubal-Cain, whose descendants are nomads,
musicians, and blacksmiths, respectively

Lamech says that if someone kills him, they should be punished 77 times

Adam and Eve have Seth, to replace Abel

Seth had Enos and people started calling God "the Lord"

Genesis 6-

The "sons of God" came down to marry human women, and had children that were mighty

God limited a human's life to 120 years

God regretted creating man, and wanted to start over

Noah saw grace in the eyes of God and they made a deal

God was going to wipe out the Earth with a great flood, but since Noah was a perfect man, his
descendants could live

Noah was to build an ark made of gopher wood, with windows and pitch on the inside

Noah could take his family, plus a male and female of each animal species and food for all

Genesis 7

God says to take clean animals (can be eaten) by sevens, and unclean animals (cannot be
eaten) by twos

God said that in seven days, he would make it rain for 40 days

7 days later, Noah, his family, and the animals file into the ark and get shut in

The flood goes on for the 40 days of rain, plus 150 more

Everything on land dies but those on the ark do not

Genesis 8

God remembers Noah and starts to send the waters away

On the seventeenth day of the seventh month, the ark rests on the mountains of Ararat

On the tenth month, the mountain tops were visible

Forty days later, Noah sends out a raven, which flew until the water was gone, and a dove,
who searched for a place to land, and it couldnt

Seven days later, he sent it and it returned with an olive branch

Seven days later again, he sent it and it did not return

On the first day of Noah's 601st year, saw the ground dry, and on the 27th of the second
month, the earth was dried

God said that Noah and his family could repopulate the Earth, as well as the animals

Noah made an altar for God, with food oerings, and God promised to never wipe the Earth

Genesis 9-

God gave Man the right to every animal and plant on Earth

God also said that no one should kill another

God made a rainbow to remind people of the agreement

Noah had three sons; Ham, Shem, and Japheth, and Ham had Canaan

Noah became a farmer and planted a vineyard

Noah got drunk on wine and was naked in his tent

Ham saw this and told his brothers, who put clothes on Noah backwards

Noah got angry at Ham and made him and his son servants of his brothers

Noah lived until 950

Genesis 11:1-9

Everyone spoke one language

People went to Shinar, and created brick

They made a city with a tower

God saw it and scattered them and gave them dierent languages so they could not create as

The city was named Babel

Passage Genesis 18:16-33

God wanted to destroy Sodom, and didn't know if he should tell Abraham

Abraham asks God if he would destroy the city if there were anyone righteous in it, and God
says that if there were 50 good people, he would not destroy it

After lots of pleading, Abraham gets God to agree that he would not destroy the city if there
were 10 good people

Passage Genesis 19:1-26

Two angels come to visit Lot in Sodom and Lot is hospitable

A bunch of men come that want to "know" Lot's visitors, and he tells them to leave or to
"know" his two virgin daughters

The men do not listen, for Lot is foreign, and the visitors tell Lot to get his family and leave

God tells Lot to go to the mountains, but Lot wants to go to a nearby small town, Zoar

Lot runs to Zoar while Sodom and Gomorrah are burned to the ground

Lot's wife looks back at it and gets turned to salt.

Genesis 21:

Sarah has a son, Isaac, with Abraham, who is 100

Abraham circumcises Isaac at eight days old

At a party, Sarah tells Abraham to get rid of Hagar the Egyptian and her son, and God says to
trust her

Hagar and her child were sent out with food and water to Beersheba

When the baby was about to die of dehydration, God said not to worry, and opened Hagar's
eyes so she saw a well

The baby grew up to be an archer and married a woman from Egypt

Meanwhile, Abraham and Abimelek make a treaty about a well that was dug up

Genesis 22:1-19

God tells Abraham to sacrifice Isaac

Abraham takes two men and Isaac to Moriah

Abraham ties Isaac to wood to burn him, and takes out a knife to kill him

An angel comes down and tells Abraham that he doesn't have to go through with it, so he
sacrifices a ram instead

The angel comes again and blesses Abraham for obeying him, and the men return to

Genesis 25:19-34

Isaac is 40, and he marries Rebekah, and God makes her pregnant

She has two babies inside her, and God says that one will be stronger than the other, and the
younger will serve the older

She has twins, Esau and Jacob, Esau becomes a hunter and Jacob stays in tents

Isaac loved Esau and Rebekah loved Jacob

Esau returns one day starving to death, so Jacob trades him stew for his birthright

Esau eats the stew and takes o, unhappy with his birthright

Genesis 29-

Jacob asks the people of Harran about Laban, and Laban's daughter Rachel shows up

Rachel brings her sheep and Jacob waters them and greeted Rachel

Laban comes out and greets Jacob and invites him in

Jacob works for seven years to marry Rachel

Laban gave him Leah, for she is older and it is custom, and tells him that he must work for
another seven years to get Rachel.

Seven years later, he gets to marry Rachel, but God made her infertile so Jacob would have

children with Leah. She has Rueben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah.

Genesis 30-

Rachel gives Jacob her servant to have their children, Then Leah gives him her servant, and
they have children too, then Leah gets to have more children in an exchange with Rueben with
mandrakes. Jacob has a lot of kids.

Jacob says that he will continue working for Laban if he gives him all his speckled goats and
sheep, but Jacob devises a way to get more speckled sheep and goats, and stronger ones

Genesis 37-

Jacob went to Canaan

Israel loved Joseph the most out of all his children

Joseph had dreams about things bowing to him

His father and his brothers were angry about the dreams

His brothers plotted to kill him, but instead threw him in a cistern then sold him to a caravan of
merchants heading to Egypt, and they told their father that he was dead

Exodus 1:

All of Jacob and Joseph's relatives live in Egypt

The new god-king, Pharaoh, was scared of the amount of Israelites so he put them to work

The Israelites kept on multiplying, so Pharaoh told the midwives to kill all the boys that were

They didn't listen because they feared God, so he rewarded them with families of their own

Pharaoh ordered all Egyptians to kill baby boys

Passage Exodus 2:1-10

A man of Levi married a Levi woman and had a son that they hid for three months

They then put him in a basket and sent him down the Nile river, where he was found by
Pharaoh's daughter

She got a Hebrew woman to nurse the baby, and she named him Moses

Exodus 3

Moses was tending to his father-in-law's flock, and took them to Horeb

God appeared to Moses as a bush in flames that wouldn't burn

God told Moses to go to the Israelites and tell them that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob that he would take them to a land of milk and honey

He also told Moses that he must tell Pharaoh that they must go on a three-day journey to oer
sacrifices to God

Exodus 7

Moses is like God to Pharaoh, and his brother Aaron is like his messenger

Moses is to tell Pharaoh to let the Israelites go, But God hardened his heart so he would
disagree, and God showed everyone how powerful he was by freeing the Israelites

To show Pharaoh Moses' power by performing a miracle, he throws Aaron's sta on the
ground and it turns into a snake

God tells Moses to turn the Nile river into blood to scare Pharaoh, but the Egyptians just dig to
get water.

Exodus 8-

God plagues the land with frogs, but Pharaoh's magicians did the same thing

Pharaoh told Moses to get rid of the frogs and he would let the people go oer sacrifices

Moses got rid of the frogs but Pharaoh's heart hardened and he wouldn't

God plagued Egypt with gnats, and Pharaoh's magicians couldn't replicate it, but Pharaoh still
was not impressed

God plagued Egypt with flies, and Pharaoh agreed to let the, go make oerings to God if they
got rid of the flies, but he would still mot let the Israelites go

Exodus 9-

God kills all the Egyptians' livestock, except for the Israelites', but Pharaoh still wouldn't let
them go

They then plagued the Egyptians with boils, but Pharaoh still wouldn't let them go

God then sent the worst hailstorm to Egypt, and Pharaoh said that he had sinned and agreed
to set the Israelites free, but his heart hardened again

Exodus 10

God threatened to send locusts, and Pharaoh asked Moses who was going to oer to God and
he said everyone, but Pharaoh only wanted men to go

God plagued Egypt with locusts, Pharaoh's heart hardened again

God plagued Egypt with darkness

Pharaoh said that he could take everyone to oer to God but the livestock

Moses said that they needed the livestock and Pharaoh told him to get out of his sight

Exodus 11

God tells Moses to tell the Israelites to ask their neighbors for silver and gold

Moses warns Pharaoh that all the firstborn sons will die, but Pharaoh's heart hardens again

Exodus 12

The Israelites have to cook a lamb and eat it, paint the blood on their doors so that God
doesn't kill their firstborn son, and they eat uncooked bread after the firstborn sons are killed.

Pharaoh finally lets he Israelites go to oer to God with their livestock and the gold and silver
that they borrowed

Males have to be circumcised for Passover

Passage Exodus 13:17-20

God led the Israelites the long way, toward the Red Sea

Moses took Joseph's bones with them

Exodus 14:

God told Moses to have the Israelites to camp near Pi Hahiroth, so Pharaoh would think that
they were lost and pursue them

Pharaoh went out with six hundred chariots and caught up to them

The Israelites got mad at Moses but he told them that they should trust in God and that he
would fight for them

Moses parted the Red Sea and they walked through it, Pharaoh and his men followed

Moses then closed the sea again, and swallowed the Egyptians up, and the Israelites feared
and respected God

Judges 16

Samson spent the night with a harlot in Gaza, and the townspeople wanted to kill him at dawn
so he left in the middle of the night by ripping the city gate o

Samson falls in love with Delilah, and the Philistines tell her to find out the secret of how to get
rid of his strength in exchange for silver

He says that that he will be weakened with seven fresh bowstrings that are not dry, then new
ropes, then the braids on his head woven into fabric, but none worked

Samson was weakened by the hair being shaved o of his head, and they imprisoned him and
gouged out his eyes

Samson asked God for strength once more, and he pushed down the pillars of the building
and killed everyone where he was imprisoned, including himself

1 Samuel 17

The Israelites and the Philistines met to fight at Sokah

Goliath was a huge Philistine from Gath told the Israelites to send out a man to fight him

David, the youngest son of Jesse, comes down to Sokah from his father's farm to bring food to
his brothers and hears about Goliath

David wants to fight him because he has fought bears and lions

David killed Goliath with a stone

The Israelites chased and plundered the fleeing Israelites

Saul asked who David's father was and he said Jesse

1 Kings 3

Solomon made an alliance with the King of Egypt and married his daughter, and they went to
the City of David

The King and Solomon went to Gibeon to oer sacrifices

In a dream, Solomon asked God to give him a fair heart, so God gave him that as well as
wealth, honor, and wisdom, and wisdom

The King was confronted by woman arguing over whose baby was alive and whose was dead,
so he decided to cut the baby in half, and the woman who objected was the true mother and
everyone saw that he was wise

Job 1

Job was an upright man who feared the Lord, so Satan tested his faith

Satan made his oxen and donkeys get stolen, his sheep burned, his camels stolen, and his
children killed, as well as his servants killed

Job prayed to God but did not sin for he did not charge God with wrongdoing

Job 2

Satan gave Job sores from head to toe, and made him sit on pottery to harm him but not kill
him, but he maintained his integrity

Jonah 1

Jonah was on a ship, fleeing from God

God was angry so he attacked the ship he was on with a storm

The ship tried to get back to land, but the storm was too terrible, so they threw Jonah
overboard and he got eaten by a giant fish and stayed there for three days

Jonah 2

Jonah prayed to God to let him out of the fish, so he did

Passage Matthew 1:18-25

Mary is to be married to Joseph, son of David, but the Holy Spirit made her pregnant

Joseph was wary of this, but the angel of God told him not to worry

Joseph waited to marry Mary until the baby was born, and it was given the name that God told
them to name it

Who was the baby? Jesus. That's who it was.

Matthew 2

After Jesus was born, Magi came to worship him after seeing his star

King Herod wanted to know the baby's whereabouts, so the Magi came and gave the baby

They were warned in a dream not to tell Herod where the baby was

God came to Joseph in a dream and told him to flee with Jesus and Mary to Egypt, for King
Herod wanted to kill the baby

Herod ordered for all the babies under two years old in Bethlehem to be killed

Herod died, so God said it was safe to go back, but Herod's son now ruled in Israel, so they
went to Nazareth

Passage Matthew 4:1-11

Satan led Jesus into the woods after fasting for forty days, and Satan told him to turn stones
into bread, but he refused

Satan took him to the top of a tower and told him to jump if God would save him, but he would

Satan told him to bow down to him, but he refused and the devil left

Matthew 5

Jesus teaches a crowd about God and about how worshipping him will bless those who are

Poor, Ambitious, and those persecuted because of righteousness

Mourning, meek

Merciful, Peacemaking, pure in heart

He talked about people's potential and that they should not contain themselves

He says that laws will not be abolished, but fulfilled

He tells people to never be mean to people

He says that no man should even think about adultery

He says that divorce is a no-no

No oaths

Do not resist someone evil

Love everyone, even enemies

Matthew 6

(Jesus teachings continued)

When you give to the needy, be modest

Pray in secret, and do not ask for many things

Don't make it obvious when you fast

Materialistic things don't matter

Don't worry about the things in your life like food and clothes

Matthew 7

(Jesus teachings cont.)

Treat others the way you want to be treated

Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will open

Take the path less taken

Be wary of false prophets

Do not pretend to worship God

Wise people would listen to what Jesus said

Matthew 10

Jesus tells his 12 disciples to go out to Israelite towns and get them to hear his teachings

He tells them not to take any payment

He says that they may be punished but they have to stay strong

He says that people should love God more than their family members

Matthew 14

Herod had John beheaded and gave his head to the daughter of Herodias

People went to Jesus after this and he healed their sick

Jesus feeds five thousand with a few loaves of bread and fish

Jesus walked on the lake to get to a boat on the water

Matthew 26

It was two days before passover and the priests and elders wanted to arrest and kill Jesus

And old woman came and poured perfume on Jesus' head

Judas (one of the twelve) agreed to hand over Jesus to the priests for 30 pieces of silver

Jesus and the twelve feasted and Jesus predicted that one of them would betray him

Jesus prayed three times

Judah came and arrested Jesus

They did not believe that Jesus was Son of God, and they said that he was guilty

Peter disowns Jesus three times and he cries because Jesus predicted it

Matthew 27

Judas said that he had sinned and hanged himself

Jesus is to be crucified

The soldiers made fun of him and abuse him

As Jesus died, he yelled and the earth shook and tombs were open

They remember that Jesus was supposed to be resurrected in three days, so they kept his
tomb shut

Matthew 28

Mary and Mary Magdalene went to find Jesus' body, and God came and showed them that
Jesus was gone

They met Jesus and he told them to tell his brothers to go to Gailee

The priests tell the soldiers to tell the governor that Jesus' disciples came and took his body

The disciples went to Gailee and he told them that he was the ruler of heaven and earth, and
that they should continue to spread his teachings (Christianity yay)

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