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1. Differentiate exit control and entry control loops.
2. Write a C program to find odd or even.
3. What are the various input functions in c?
4. Differentiate forward jump and backward jump.
5. Define break and continue statement.
6. Mention the use of default statement in switch.
7. What are the various output functions in c?
8. What is an array?
9. Write the syntax to declare multidimensional array.
10. Define sorting and mention its types.
11. Explain about Unformatted I/O statements with example.
12. Explain about Formatted I/O statements with example.
13. Write about the need and types of branching statements in C language and discuss with
14. Write about the need and types of looping statements in C language and discuss with
15. Write a c program to finds the roots of the quadratic equation.
16. Write a program to check the given number is palindrome or not.
17. Write a c program to find the factorial of given number.
18. Write a c program to find whether the no. is +ve or ve.
19. Write a c program to find prime or not.
20. Define arrays. Explain the array types with an example program for each type.
21. Write a program to find the Fibonacci series of N number using array.
22. Write a program to search whether the given number is present in the list or not.
23. Write a program to arrange the N number in ascending order.
24. Write a c program to perform Matrix addition and subtraction.
25. Write a c program to perform Matrix multiplication.

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