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Chapter Title: The Reading-Writing Connection
Presenters: Laura Solrzano and Beln Guillemin
Description of presentation (brief summary of the chapter plus activities
used from appendixes and/or Already Ready book). Please, include at least
one photo/video.
Writing can contribute to the building of almost every kind of inner literacy
learning that is needed by the successful reader. Marie Clay
Writing and reading are intimately connected processes for children.
Learning in one area helps learning in the other. Writing is a slow down
process where children can examine aspects of print as they write. Read
aloud is a great inspiration for children to draw and write (many aspects are
involved in moving from having an idea to finding the language that
represents that idea).
The teaching:
What you think, you can talk about.
What you say, you can write.
What you write, you can read or someone else can read.
We have to break down the process for children helping them think about the
things writers need to know and do in order to move from an idea to a
written message that can be read by others.

You use language to tell your message.

You can hear the individual words in a sentence.
You use white spaces to show readers each word in your sentence.
You place letters and words on a page in a particular way that show the
kind of writing it is. (e.g., list, letter, story.)
5. You can say words slowly to hear each sound.
6. You can listen for the order of the sounds in each word.
7. You think about the letter or letters that represent each sound.
8. You think about what the letter that represents each sound looks like.
9. You use what you know about how the letters look to make their forms
on paper.
You can write some words you know quickly.
You use what you know about words to write new words.
You have a variety of ways to construct words.

The Contribution of Writing to Reading:

Meaning and language.
Hearing sounds in words.
Learning about letters.
Learning about letters and sounds.
Learning how print works.
Evidence (minutes in a bullet form from the feedback meeting where each
teacher shared how they applied the chapters content.)
N1: Prompting and connecting reading and writing, nursery rimes,
repetition and prompting (e.g., out the door dinosaur and see you
later alligator.)
N2: Language to tell your message: talking about the book making
process, book format, word and letter placement, the way they place
the title, the order of title and authors name, the size of these words,
and individual sounds identification.
N3: Language to tell your message: guided books, guided folk tales,
changing some elements reproducing key parts.
PK4: Sounding out words by themselves using phonetic spelling.
PK5: Making questions about the book they read, answering their
questions on the board (e.g., words they didnt understand, sounding
them out and later recognizing them.)
K6: Working on sound analysis using sight words by repetition and
games to teach the words, then making sentences to prompt the use
of the word. Now most of the children are at the point where they just
need reinforcement. Techniques to learn new words.
K7: Spacing to write sentences (popsicles sticks are great prompts for
spacing.) Books with large font help children notice the writing spaces
and word construction. Prompting with lines so they will know where to
write each word.
PK-K8: Story making, writing complete sentences, talking about
writing a message. While visiting the book fair some of the children got
inspired to write a sentence to express their experience. Prompting in
their writing and the recognition of sight words.
PK9: Journal entries where you can appreciate the sounding out of
words and the revision of word formations. Some children are already
in the prompt phase of spacing their words. Introduction of sight words
the children revisit their text.
PK-K11: Cook books and elements you find in a cook book.
Recognition of book styles, format and elements. Visualizing space,
writing sentences on the board and re-reading what they wrote and
how it sounds aloud if you dont space correctly.
Spanish: Spring activity: students started to reread their own
sentences. World read aloud day: children were able to appreciate the

difference between children books and adult books: size of the print,
the absence of pictures, and the format of the letters.

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