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Alexis Schmidt
WGST 3210-002
Jen Bryd
April 26, 2016
Final Reflection for Changing Realities of Women`s Lives
From Gender, Activism, and Leadership to Changing Realities of
Women`s Lives I have gone through many different changes since the
beginning of my first semester at UNC Charlotte. From being simple minded
and just taking the class to get credits, to actually changing my mind
becoming more outspoken within my learning community. I believe Gen-X
has changed my ways many of times and helped me grow as a person
mentally and emotionally. From Changing Realities I have grown in many
ways through this article you will see how I am different from the last
semester, what I have learned, the most significant event, something I would
change about the semester, connections I have made with certain events,
and how I have given back to the community.
This semester has been very different than the last semester for me.
For claiming my minor as a Women and Gender Studies minor at the end of
last semester I have learned a lot. One thing that really touched me from last
semester is that my writing can touch someones heart and that activism in

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not always with rioting or public displays. Just writing a can make something
happen and for someone to get recognized with the feminist community.
Learning is significant for anyone because if you learning your mind set is
growing enabling you strive within the community. This has enabled me to
grow and thrive academically and otherwise because to grow in
understanding and knowledge. Along with that I was able to understand
other topics like in my Sociology of my Pop Culture class I was able to have a
lengthy discussion with my professor about the beauty cult and the meaning
along with the feminist thought behind it. That was one discussion I know he
will never forget.
Through this semester I have learned a lot from different events and
organizations that I have dealt with. To me though the most significant event
that I attended and was a part of was Take Back the Night. Even though I did
not go up on stage and share a story, because I dont have one, I believe this
is the one that touched my heart the most. Being able to listen to the two
stories that were given and then the students sharing their personal stories.
They have touched my heart forever and I can never forget them. Seeing
classmates sharing their stories it was wonderful to see them share, but I
feel sorry that they had to go through these tough trails. The event was very
influential in how I will treat someone no matter age, race, or gender
because this could happen to anyone and would never wish that on anyone.
This has influenced me and how I view myself today because I now know

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that I need to protect myself and anyone that is of friend of me. Being able to
be there for them and hearing their stories has made this the most
significant event over the semester.
This semester there has been a lot of things going on. Through this
semester the one simple thing I would change is having more pen on fire
journals. I enjoyed those journals back from the first semester and wish there
were more this semester, since we have only had one. The pen on fire helped
me put down whatever I was thinking in a short time helping me set a base
frame for thoughts and feelings I might have had on a certain topic for the
next week. I believe for a first year student a pen on fire journal is the way to
go because there are no harsh guidelines to follow or little grammar issues
because it is personal writing allows a person to make the connection with
the story, topic, or idea that is being discussed.
Throughout the semester I think back to when I wrote my first final
reflection. During that paper I stated I was a feminist and I knew then that all
my thoughts and actions have changed since my high school career. The
connections that I can identify with my choices is that many times I have had
to sit back and listen to what people are saying and truly listen to them to
understand their thoughts and feelings about a certain topic. Patterns that I
have seen with my involvement now is that I am more able to listen and
understand people within the feminist community, LGBTQ community, most
pronouns I have struggled so many times and still do, but throughout classes

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and the community I was able to grow in strength and knowledge so that I
was able to get them down with close people around me. So when I go out
into the world and community I am able to use them correctly so that I may
not offend anyone. I believe the significance with the connection and
patterns that I have noted above is that I am able to grow strong and more
understanding of the community around me. Living in Charlotte it is the issue
with the HB2 coming to terms I am able to stand next to my fellow
classmates who are going through with what the LGBTQ community are
fighting for understanding them and what they are fighting for. Along with
the patterns are set up for my thoughts and feelings for future issues that I
may come across.

From being in Gen-X I have been a part of many community and

society events my first year at UNC Charlotte. An example of what I did for
the Gen-X community is The Vagina Monologues fundraising that I took part
of. I was part of the first and second crew that was in charge. I helped set up
the table located in Fretwell which is a central location for many classes. I
was in charge of hanging posters making homemade chocolate chip cookies
from the night before and setting up ways and sayings to catch peoples
attention. Before the fundraising itself I was in charge of making posters to
catch peoples attention as well as students passed one of the 2 tables. So as
a whole we raised a lot of money that went toward time out youth and the
battered womens shelter. For the feminist wire I dont believe I did a lot for

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that other than researching a couple of articles they published. When the
time came and during the event I paid attention and concentrated on
planning the ideas for articles that could have possibly be published on the
Feminist Wire, during the main discussion things got a little out of hand, but
many of times I felt like it was a one person discussion, but there were 3
people. For the event with Anita Sarkeesian I learned a lot it was like a
lecture but she made great connections with todays shows, video games,
and movies. I also like how she had pointed out the difference between the
generations. Take back the Night as seen in the beginning of my article was
the most significant to me. I was unable to share a story of my own but
hearing what people had to share touched my heart and I will forever hold it
dear. It is my favorite because even though I was unable to share a huge part
in it being there for a friend was the best way I could be there and personally
think that was the whole point of me being at that event. Finally our final
event was Equal Pay Day, we shared a table where there were games,
charts, and ribbons passed around the school hoping someone would
understand and help fight for themselves, sibling, friend, or spouse.
From the first semester I have changed a great deal and hope to hold
that dear as I go through in finishing my minor in Women and Gender
Studies. Taking the information from my freshman year and growing into my
graduating with my Bachelor`s in 3 years. My final reflection is for Changing
Realties of Women`s Lives, but I`m not done changing mine or anyone other
woman`s around me.

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