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Garrett Westray

Professor Padgett
ENGL 102
Feb 26th, 2016
Annotated Bibliography
Inquiry: Should same-sex marriage be legal in all 50 United States?
Proposed thesis: In my opinion yes, but there are many different viewpoints concerning gay
rights and same sex marriage amongst citizens as well as politicians. Over the past couple
decades there has been increasing support for the LGBT community.
Ashley, Colin P. "Gay Liberation." New Labor Forum (Sage Publications Inc.) 24.3 (2015): 2832. Academic Search Complete. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.
Published in 2015, Ashley focuses on how gay rights policies have shifted from a once
radical movement to being seen in much more democratic ways now. This shift has given
the people fighting for gay rights real social gains. Overtime it is expected that the fight
for marriage equality will soon ultimately succeed with the growing force for it to be
legal in all 50 states. In Ashleys journal she references the Stonewall Riots of 1969
where the poorest and most marginalized gays attempted to stand up and rebel the
oppression they were being faced with. Ashley is also a writer for the New Labor Forum
which can be deemed as credible. Her article is relevant to gay rights to show that the
LGBT community not only wants marriage equality but wants equality in the workplace
as well. This article was written in 2015 which also shows that it is relevant to the
upcoming election that could have a major impact on what policies could change or stay
the same when it concerns gay rights. This article is suitable because it is informative and
doesnt contain bias unlike some articles that contain bias and are still informative.

Brewer, Paul R. The Shifting Foundations of Public Opinion About Gay Rights. The Journal
of Politics 65.4 (2003): 12081220. Web.
Published in 2003, in Brewers journal he talks about how gay rights policies have grown
to have a place in Americas public agenda in recent years. These policies have been
talked about from as low to city councils to as high as the US Congress. They also have
been referenced by candidates for offices in government on all levels. Gay rights have
remained in the public agenda since this article was published and will remain in the
public agenda for some years to come. This journal is from the University of Chicago
Press which is a credible source. The journal may be a little irrelevant due to its time of
release which was in 2003 but still serves as an informative reference for factual
information without bias. This would be a suitable source because it speaks on gay rights
and how they are becoming more widely talked about.
Elliott, Philip. "Growing Pains For The LGBT March." Time 186.27/28 (2015): 60-61. Academic
Search Complete. Web. 28 Feb. 2016.
This article, published in 2015, focuses on all the events that took place in 2015 as it
relates to LGBT rights. One major change was the Supreme Court giving gays and
lesbians the right to wed. With that happening, the majority of the population continues to
embrace same-sex relationships. This article was written in 2015 and is in perfect timing
with the upcoming election and also references the upcoming elections which makes it
credible. It is very relevant to my research topic and contains little to no bias yet only
talks about what we should expect in upcoming bills and what to expect from candidates
in the year 2016. This article is very suitable as it touches on the election coming up in
2016 and I do think it is suitable for my research project.

"Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund." Gay & Lesbian Rights. Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund, n.d.
Web. 28 Feb. 2016. <http://www.haasjr.org/index.php/issues-impact/gay-lesbian-rights>.
The Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund is an organization that supports gay and lesbian
equality. This organization focuses on how as a country we are growing closer and closer
to legal equality for gays and lesbians than ever before. Their major claim is that its
time to give all gay people and their families the same rights and opportunities as
everyone else. This is an organization that is primarily looking for money to support
what they stand for so I dont think they are as credible for their information as maybe a
research journal. They are relevant to my topic and the timing is perfect with the
upcoming election but this source contains a lot of bias with them trying to raise money
for their particular cause. This source is not as suitable for my research project but does
serve as a source that shows more people who want equality for the gays and lesbians.
"Gay Marriage - ProCon.org." ProConorg Headlines. ProCon.org, n.d. Web. 28 Feb. 2016.
This organization proposes the pros and cons of gay marriage and why it either should or
should not be legal in our country. Their main claim is that On June 26, 2015 the
Supreme Court ruled that gay marriage is a right protected by the US constitution in all
50 states. With that being said gay marriage is still not legal in all 50 states, only in 37
and banned in the other 13. This organization is much more credible and relevant than
previous organizations I came across because it is much more informative offering 15
pros and 14 cons to gay marriage and its legalities. This organization is non biased and is
right in time with upcoming elections because it not only gives the positives on gay
marriages but the negatives as well.

Margolin, Emma. "Ben Carson Gives South Carolina Evangelicals Red Meat Pitch." NBC News.
NBC News, 12 Feb. 2016. Web. 23 Feb. 2016. <http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016election/ben-carson-gives-south-carolina-evangelicals-red-meat-pitch-n517711>.
Published in 2016, this news article focuses on Ben Carsons viewpoints on gay rights.
He believes that the US Supreme Courts decision on legalizing marriage equality was a
real problem. He claims that if he were to become president in 2016, he would work to
protect Americans who are against same sex marriage just like he is as it relates to
religious concerns. This article contains a lot of bias which makes it not as credible. It is
still relevant to the concerns of gay rights and is timed with the presidential elections that
are upcoming which will have an impact on gay rights moving forward. This article is
suitable for my research project since it touches on the gay rights here in the United
States and how they will effect the LGBT community.

You seem have a fine collection of sources on this topic. It is topical and this is clearly an
issue that you believe in. The real issue at hand here is the fact that, as if about nine months ago,
this issue (and your point of view) is dated. Im wondering if you can keep the predominance of
your research and pivot slightly to more contemporary issues. For example North Carolina just
passed a law that, some say, disenfranchises members of the LGBT community. So maybe you
could address that (or something like it) to bring more relevance to this discussion. Good work
here, but your basic argument is a touched dated.

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