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Arkeisha Lewis

Technology to Support Communication
April 24, 2016

Entry 1: Technology to Support Communication

(Your audience for this blog is myself or your future administrators. This is a scholarly academic
paper, so it is NOT appropriate to use first person (I, me, my, we, us, our), slang, or contractions.
Introduction (4-6 sentences)
Having technology as a part of your daily curriculum is a great way to have your student
grow and become a part of a global community. When thinking about technology one may think
only about the use of a computer, but in fact technology is very broad and many things can be
covered under technology usage.The necessity of technology implementation in classrooms is
not only a formal process of equipping classrooms, but also adjusting the curriculum in order to
refocus on the development of technological competences of both students and teachers (Lukas,
2014). One of the thing can be something that many student have and use on a daily base which
is the cellphone this form of technology is something that many students have. Using technology
such as Moby Max, Padlet, Blog, School website, Classroom web, Renweb, Class Dojo, and
skype. There will be information given that will help to uncovered how student and teacher can

use technology as a form of communication between parents and teachers, monitoring behavior,
and grades
Technology to Enhance Communication
Name of Communication Tool: Moby Max
Moby Max is design as an online resource to help student learn and work on areas that
they may be struggling with. Parents are able to monitor their student progress and work with
them on areas that they see the child is having difficulties in. Teacher are able to assign work in
Moby Max for the students to do at home. Parents are able to check on their childs test results
and teacher can make comments to the students progress or need for improvement. This is a
great resource for parent, students, and teacher to help develop a student needs. This site can be
used anywhere that has internet connection. According to Lehmann technology to redefine
everything; educators need to allow the technology to help create, research, collaborate,
present, and network in all kinds of new ways (Lehmann, 2010). Using technology will only
enhance the learning and communication process.

Name of Communication Tool: Renweb

Renweb is another great communication tool that teacher can use to keep in contact with
parents and students. This tool is a place where grades are kept, school information, attendance,
behavior, and classroom news. This is one tool that will allow parent to give their email address
and teacher are able to send progress reports out to the parent about their child. The
communication for this host site are endless. Emergency contact via text message to all parent in
case of an emergency can be sent out and important reminders from the school. Parents only

have to log into the site and they will have full access to all information that pertains to there
child. A parent who has a child who is attending school in another state can still access this
information no matter if the parent is in the state or not. Parents sometimes are not always
willing or even comfortable with using technology to communicate with teacher. Teachers
somethings can be opposed to being enthusiastic innovators when it comes to digital
technology (Crook, 2008, p. 34). Just as teacher have to learn how to use technology in order to
communicate parents have to learn also.
Name of Communication Tool: Classroom Website
The classroom website is something that a teacher can create in order to keep the lines of
communication open with parents and students. Parents are able to look up the website and see
any upcoming events, homework assignment, test, special announcements, download filed trip
form or homework sheets, and much more. Having a classroom website will allow a teacher to
be able to communicate with parent anytime or any place at any hour of the day. This is
something that can be a great benefit for many people simply because parent that may have a
child that is sick or and emergency has come up and the child is not able to come to school. The
parent is able to look at the website and see any missed assignment. Teacher and also uses the
classroom website to place videos of lectures.
Name of Communication Tool: Class Dojo
Class Dojo is another tool that can be used to help keep the lines of communication open
with parents, students, and teachers. When using class dojo a parent can receive text messages
about their childs behavior good or bad during the day. Many times teacher cannot always
remember what a child has done each time that they mess up. When the teacher see a parent the

first thing that they will tend to ask is how my childs day was. The teacher sometimes have to
think long and hard because so much has happened in that day with all of the students. Class
Dojo allow the teacher to use any device that connects to the internet to track the students
behavior. Parents at any time during the day can look and view the childs progress. This is a
great way to keep the lines of communication open between parent, teachers, and students.
Communication Internet Security and Safety
Teachers, Parents and Students all have to be taught the proper use when using the
internet. Teacher can recommend that parents should monitor their students while they are at
home making sure they are on the correct sites. Teachers should only recommend that student
use educational sites that they have already been pre-approved for the class. Teachers can also
use hyperlink to allow the student to access the information from various communication tool.
Students should also have to sign a footprint pledge as to how they will conduct themselves
while using different forms of technology
Concluding Paragraph (4-6 sentences)
In this essay information has been discovered as to how teacher, students, and parents,
are able to keep an open line of communication. When parents need to find out important
information such as homework assignment, project, group work, online assignment, or behavior.
Using communicational tools as a means to keep parent informed or made aware of any
information that is important to parents, teachers, or students. Communication tool are very
helpful. Using technology such as Moby Max, Padlet, Blog, School website, Classroom web,
Renweb, Class dojo, and skype. There will be information given that will help to uncovered how
Student and teacher can use technology as a form of communication between parents and

teachers, monitoring behavior, and grades.

Crook, C. (2008). Theories of formal and informal learning in the world of web 2.0. In S.
Livingstone (Ed.), Theorising the benefits of new technology for youth (pp. 3034).
London: London School of Economics.
Lehmann, C. (2010, March 6). TedxNYSE. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/
Luka, M. (2014). Supporting Friendly Atmosphere in a Classroom by Technology
Implementation. Online Submission,

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