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Thomas Bieksha

Social Studies Department

Desert Vista High School
4 April, 2016
Professional Growth Plan
As part of my goals for the forthcoming academic year, I have several goals I
would like to achieve. Knowing that the first year is going to be full of adjustments,
first and fore most I would like to have my personal style of classroom management
formed. After years of preparing and experimenting, having my first classroom will
present new challenges that will force me to reflect and make adjustments on a
daily basis. This leads me to the next goal I have set for myself, which will be to
reflect on every aspect of my day, finds areas for reinforcement and refinement.
Lastly, I want to develop good working relationship with other educators in my
department to create a collaborative teaching environment in which I can be
supported and set up for success at teaching the content.
In the long term, I want to be in a school that I feel comfortable enough to
stay at for many years. A large part of this will be maintaining those relationships I
make my first year and the subsequent years. In addition, I would like to be taking
on more responsibilities in the school and for the students, such as supervisor for a
club and coach. Additionally, attending the events my students are involved in, such
as debate, football, etc., is another form of school involvement that I hope will
enhance the engagement level in my own class. In addition to on campus
organizations, I want to get involved with these outside organizations to help better
my delivery of the content:

National Endowment for the Humanities

International Reading Association
National Council for History Education
Arizona Council for the Social Studies
More to follow as opportunities arise

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