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Spaceship Earth to Change the World

On our earth is everything we ever knew had or saw, all our hatred, love, family, friends,
success and to go on forever. It is all that we know. When I think of our earth from an outer
perspective it reminds me of the overview effect whose central message is saying we are small
and our earth is a beautiful thing It was discovered when astronauts first went into space and
looked back on our earth thinking how small we truly are. Our earth is the most beautiful sight,
so we must preserve it, says pale blue dot by Carl Sagan. The earth is the only thing weve got,
says Carl Sagan, and on it we cannot migrate to other planets, so we must work together to
preserve the only thing we truly have.
Our God commands us to preserve this earth he has created for us. He has intensions to
do so in in Genesis 45:7 I have been sent by God to preserve a remnant in this earth. Therefor
we are his workers to do so, preserve the earth and change it for the better.

How may may we Change the earth, our world for the better? This is not any easy
mission. Although it is not a one step solution, I will help us get there. I am already a crew
worker for our spaceship earth. Spaceship earth is a term in the context that we humans are a
working force, whose main goal is too achieve success, innovate our world and change it for the
better. There are two types of people aboard our spaceship. They are the crew workers and the
passengers. The crew workers are the thinkers, the intelligent, those working to change the world
for the better. While the passengers are lazy, those who arent even making effort to improve our

earth. Our crew workers are in for a long journey for success but how do we eliminate
passengers and attain more crew workers?
When I think our our crew as a whole, I compare us to the modern day abolitionist of
suffering. We want our next generation to comprise of all crew members, so that everyone is
working toward the main goal but how will this be accomplished? We need to raise our new
generation the right way. Accompany them with all the right moral values and ethics, so they will
acknowledge what is right and most certainly surround them with adequate education so they
will mentally be able to perform this task. Overall train them for what is upcoming and teach
them how to make this come true, make it a reality.
Now that our spaceship is ready we will use all we have learned to make a better world. A
world with out suffering. There is a wise quote that says violence is what we do when we dont
know what to do with our suffering. Therefor if we do not clear this issue fast we naturally as
humans will result to violence and war. So we have to get rid of our suffering such as poverty,
starvation and illness. We will work to eliminate These sufferings exponentially. One of the most
prominent crew workers to live on this earth actually comes from my Nigerian descent, Chinua
Achebe. He once said a wise quote, While we do our good works, let us not forget that the real
solution lies where charity is unnecessary. Meaning our real goal is to eliminate suffering thereby
making charity useless.
Having learned from critical education, our crew will develop technology that will
completely change the world and eliminate suffering to the point where charity is useless. These
technologies can be things such as slingshot water purifier, a portable water purifier that uses
only half the electricity of a hair dryer. Its principle lies on the term called fractional distillation,
whereby you purify dirty water by evaporating it and condensing it to get it back to liquid state.

This is unbelievably useful. If we can expand this technology to Africa and other parts of the
world suffering from lack of clean drinking water it will eliminate so much poverty and illness.
Imagine the effect it would have if every village in Africa could have access to this technology.
This is only a small step of the way how will we eradicate starvation and so many other forms of
suffering. Although we have a plan, this is a solution yet to be solved, so we must continue to
work to it.
Another way to solve this may be to just pray. Pray to your divine being that we may over
come our mission and triumph. Although praying is effective, a wise saying goes You can pray
for the Cholera victim or give her 500 mg of tetracycline every twelve hours. This is basically
saying that you can pray or you can turn your words into action. Dont be passenger and just
watch our earth rought away. Work together, as a crew and triumph so we may abolish
suffering, innovate our world and overall change it for the better.

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