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Maggie Gleason

CI 5702, Section 002

October 30, 2015

Economics - Literature Integration for Grade 5

Text Citation:
Mitchell, M., & Ransome, J. (1993). Uncle Jed's barbershop. New York: Simon
& Schuster Books for Young Readers.
Economics Concept (from MN Standards): saving/spending, income,
opportunity cost, alternative choice
Definition of this concept you will use/build with students:
Alternative: The different possibilities we choose from in a given situation.
Opportunity Cost: The best alternative that we give up when we make a
Income: money received from working
Saving: Keeping the money in the bank or another place to spend on
something in the future
MN Economics Benchmark: Describe various uses of income and discuss advantages and
disadvantages of each.
Common Core Literature Benchmark:
Standard 1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (oneon-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics
and texts, building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly. Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the
text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or
how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text.
Rationale (purpose):
I am teaching this lesson to give students a better understanding of
the uses of income and the advantages and disadvantages of each. This is a
concept that is important for students in their everyday life, although they
may not have an income right now. Students should be able to make

decisions about money or understand why other people, such as their

parents, may make a particular decision about money. Additionally,
answering comprehension questions about a text using critical thinking and
discussing their ideas with peers is an important skill to practice. Following
discussion, students will identify the theme of a story, a 5th grade
benchmark/skill that increases comprehension.
Content Objectives:
Students will be able to describe advantages and disadvantages of Uncle
Jeds use of income.
Students will be able to define spending, saving, investing, and contributing
as uses of income.
Body of Lesson - What are the students doing to develop the economics
concept and literacy skill?
BEFORE Reading Activity:
Literacy Prompts

Economics Prompts

1. Based on the front cover what can we

predict this book will be about? Looking

at the picture, what time period can we
infer it took place in? What do we know
about the great depression? About

NOTE: Number your prompts in the order you will ask them and add
post-its to your text!
DURING Reading Activity:
Literacy Prompts

Economics Prompts

2. Close your eyes and visualize this picture of the 3. Uncle Jed told her that he was saving
barbershop in your head? Can you picture it?
up for his barbershop. What would he
What writers craft does the author use to allow
have to do to save his money for this?
you to create a picture in your head?
(Put his income in the bank over a long

period of time. If students dont use the

word income, say/define it). What is an
advantage of saving his money up for
the barbershop? (His dream would
come true of owning one) What is a
disadvantage to saving up his money?
(He cant spend it right away on things
that he wants)

4. We lived in the South. Most people were

poor What can we infer from the text about why
most people were poor? What do we know about
this time period that would help us to understand
this? (Segregation, the great depression, many
black people couldnt have high paying jobs)

5. What choice did Uncle Jed have to

make here? (Whether to keep his

money in savings or spend $300 to help
with her medical bills) what is an
advantage of choosing to spend the
$300 for the operation? (he was able to
help someone he loved and cared
about) What is the trade-off of Uncle
Jeds decision to pay for the operation?
(Delay in a saving up to open his
Turn and talk

6. How do you think Sarah Jean felt that Uncle

Jed had to spend that money on her? (she felt

7. Why would Uncle Jed have wanted to

put his money in the bank? (A bank is a

safe place to keep it, it gains interest)
What was the Great Depression? (when
the banks failed and everyone was very
poor) How did the Great depression
affect Uncle Jed? (He lost his $3000 he
had been saving up, he would have to
start all over in saving his money for his

AFTER Reading Activity:

Literacy Prompts

Economics Prompts

9. What do you think a theme of this story could 8. What does this story show us about saving
be? Why would the author write this? (Never give money versus spending it right away? (Saving up

up on your dreams, if you work hard for

you can get something much bigger that you want,
something it will pay off) What evidence or events you can accomplish a dream of yours)
in the text made you think that? Read authors note
in back.
Turn and talk

Assessment: Pass out the paper with the writing prompt and collect when
most students have finished (make arrangements for those who need more
Some groups have situation of living in the Great Depression. They earn
$300, what would they do with it? Why?
Some groups have situation of living now as a kid, they earn $300 prize.
What would they do with it? Why?
Follow up- What is an advantage of saving your money? What is an
advantage of spending it now?
In a second activity, they discover that when they decide to save for a future goal, they
are giving up the opportunity to buy something now. What they give up is their
opportunity costthe thing they wanted second most
Think about a time that you worked hard to earn money. Maybe you were
saving for a special trip or a new possession. Or perhaps you can recall a
time you worked hard to accomplish something difficult. Remember how
you worked to succeed. What did you have to give up in order to save
your money and/or reach your goal? How did you feel while working and
Now turn and share your story with the person sitting next to

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