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CEP Lesson Plan

Teachers: Allison Orr & Christopher Mueller

Level: Advanced Conversation
Date/Time: Friday, 3/4 11:30am-1:00pm
Objectives (SWBAT):
Students Will Be Able To
1. Talk about their eating habits in the US.
2. Understand the difference between overweight and obese.
3. Use conditionals to talk about unhealthy eating habits among children in the US.
4. Talk about how their eating habits have or have not changed since coming to the US (compare and contrast
their country with the US)
Theme: Health & Healthcare
Warm-up: Review

Activity 1: Topic
Obesity/Eating Habits

Review Conditionals PPT. Have students turn to
the person sitting next to them and answer the 2
questions on the PPT.
Take attendance.
1.1 Pre-Stage: Pair Ss off and have them discuss
PPT Qs about their eating habits in the US. If
there is an odd number of Ss one of the two Ts will
partner with a S.
1.2. During Stage: Show Waist Size graphic.
Elicit vocabulary from Ss: waist (size)
Ss work with a partner to label the three images:
healthy, overweight, and obese. [Give Ss 2-3
minutes]. Have Ss report results. Ask Ss if there is
a difference between overweight and obese. Have
Ss talk about the difference.
T tells Ss that there are different ways that doctors
decide a person is healthy, overweight, or obese.
One is waist size [reference previous graphic]
another is BMI. T writes BMI on the board and
asks Ss if they know what BMI is? Elicit
responses. Show PPT slide that explains BMI.
T tells Ss that obesity is a big problem in the US.
Tells Ss obesity rates have risen quickly in the past
few decades. We are going to look at some maps
of the US to see just how much obesity rates have
risen in the past 30 years.
T passes out worksheets with maps and pairs Ss



5-10 mins

30-35 mins

off. Ss look at the first maps and see if they can

find New York. When they have located New York,
Ss turn the page to the 1986 obesity map. Ss then
find NY again and T asks them what percentage of
New Yorkers were obese in 1986. Ss work with
their partner to find obesity rates over time in NY,
WV (if time, have them find GA-this is the state
discussed in the reading homework).
Transition to #2: Small
Group Discussion

Activity 2: Small Group

Discussion Practice
Health Vocabulary &

1.3 Post-Stage: As a class, go over the answers. T

asks if this surprises Ss. Show students PPT with
US obesity rates time-lapse between 1986-2010.
Tangible Outcome & Assessment: Ss will learn
new vocabulary related to health and obesity. Ss
will also practice using these new words to talk
about a large health problem in the US.
2.1 Pre-Stage: T asks Ss if they read the article
assigned as HW. T asks if they were surprised
when they read it last night. Elicits commentary
from Ss. T asks if they are surprised after seeing
the obesity maps. Elicits more commentary from

S-S (pairs)

20-25 mins

S-S (broad

10-15 mins
(if time)

2.2. During Stage: T pairs Ss off and has them

discussion the questions at the end of the article. T
puts up the questions on PPT (or hands out copies
of article if PPT isnt available or working).
Both Ts circulate listening for errors to go over
when the activity has finished.
Transition to #3: (if time)
2.3 Post-Stage: If time, each S reports on their
Broad Group Discussion; (if partners response to Q2 or Q3 (conditionals). If
not) Student Presentation
short on time, T will call on only a few students to
report back.

Activity 3: Broad Group

Discussion - Global Health
& Healthcare (if time)

Tangible Outcome & Assessment: Ss will practice

summarizing & synthesizing ideas from the
reading passage. Ss will also practice new
vocabulary learned in the previous activity. Ss will
practice using conditionals learned in the previous
class to answer questions about health and eating
3.1 Pre-Stage: (If Activity 2 goes quickly, but most
likely will not have time.) T will tell Ss, We have
now talked about how one immigrants eating
habits and lifestyle changed when he moved to the
US. I want to know about your life back home.
How has it changed for you and your family?

3.2. During Stage: T puts Ss into broad groups of

3 and Ss discussion Qs on PPT.
Both Ts circulate listening for errors to go over
during cold correction at the end of class.
Transition to Activity 4:
Student Presentations

Activity 4: Student
Presentations Risa

3.3 Post-Stage: Ss report on one thing their

partner said. If short on time or there were many
errors created during open discussion, Ts will go
over error-correction.
Tangible Outcome & Assessment: Ss will use the
vocabulary they learned to talk about eating
habits at home versus here in the US.
4.1 Pre-Stage: T introduces second student


10-20 mins


5-10 mins

4.2 During Stage: S gives 3-5 min a presentation

to class on topic chosen at the beginning of the
During presentation the other Ss will be listening
and taking notes. After Q&A, Ss will report to the
class either 1) something they found interesting
about the presentation or 2) something they think
is similar in their country.
Transition to Wrap-up: error 4.3 Post-Stage: 2-3 min Q&A.
After Q&A, T will call on Ss to share something
interesting they learned during the presentation or
something they think is similar in their country.

Wrap-up: Error Correction

& Exit Ticket

Tangible Outcome & Assessment: S presenting

will have given a clear and concise summary on a
topic of their choosing. The summary will include
an introduction, body, & conclusion. S will have
fielded questions from the class and given
impromptu answers on the topic.
Error Correction: Cold correction
Exit ticket: Tell the class one thing (someone in
the class) eats for breakfast.
Remind Ss of midterm next Friday

Materials: PPT, board, markers, copies of student worksheet Obesity Maps

Anticipated Problems & Suggested Solutions:

Students could either know a lot about this subject or be very unfamiliar with the topic. Either way, both of
those situations would affect my timing. If students know a lot about this subject, I have hopefully included
enough pair-work/small-group discussion to move on quickly. If students do not know enough about the subject
they may ask more questions and/or be confused by the obesity maps activity. I try to avoid this by modeling a
little, and then letting them find the answer with their partner. If they are still confused, we will go over the
activity together as a class.
Timing is always an issue. Each group of students is different. Even though I may have done an activity many
times, some groups will take more time than others to go through the activity; additionally, some will enjoy it
and others may not. I like to have some alternatives in case I have more time left than I originally anticipated; I
am running out of time; or I need an alternative because the current activity is not going well. Realistically, I do
not think we will have enough time to get to Activity 3: Broad Group Discussion. However, I know these
students like broad-group discussions, so I have planned for that in case the previous activity does not go over
well or the students finish quickly.
Contingency Plans (what you will do if you finish early, etc.): See Timing above.

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