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Vanesa Salguero

Professor Deadrick
ENGL 102
Marijuana vs Alcohol
For many years, people have debated whether or not marijuana is more dangerous than
alcohol. Parents worry about teen drinking and drug use and wonder which one is less
dangerous. Studies have shown the pros and cons of alcohol and marijuana in an ongoing battle
that tries to find out which one is safer. The debate sparked when Obama stated in David
Remnicks interview I dont think [marijuana] is more dangerous than alcohol (The New
Yorker). Many disputes have been caused by trying to push towards the legalization and
decriminalization of marijuana. Others stay against it and still see marijuana as a damaging drug.
So the question is, which one is more dangerous?
Both alcohol and marijuana consumption can show short-term and long-term effects on
the body. Alcohol is linked to about 88,000 deaths per year, yet there have been no reported
marijuana deaths. As well as deaths, there has also not been any reported fatal overdoses
(Brownstein). Marijuana is commonly known as a gateway drug. Dr. Aaron Carroll states that
research shows that 9% people who have experimented with pot end up becoming dependent and
abusing it. While 20% of people who try alcohol can become dependent and abuse it. Most
people go to alcohol when theyre sad, angry and depressed which can lead to alcoholism. The
effects on the brain when you consume alcohol is much more damaging and effective. Most
people who dont know much about marijuana associate it with crime. But most crimes
associated with marijuana has to do with illegal distribution and not with violent crimes. Carroll
says that a massive amount of violent crimes are influenced by alcohol. Violent assaults,

interpersonal and domestic violence, are often fueled by alcohol unlike people who smoke
marijuana (The New York Times).
Stephanie Castillo wrote an article in Medical Daily and she talks about the effects
alcohol and marijuana consumption leads to. Alcohol can lead up to car crashes, violence, risky
behavior, poisoning, etc. Heavy alcohol consumption can lead to the shrinkage and disturbance
of brain tissue. Excessive alcohol (as many people know by now) can increase risk for chronic
diseases and other serious physical and mental health problems, including high blood pressure,
heart disease, liver disease, as well as cancer, dementia, depression and anxiety, plus a slew of
social problems. Alcohol also finds its way to the pancreas, liver and heart. Castillo also
reported that excessive drinkers are less productive, have relationship issues and, of course,
risking themselves of alcoholism. Alcohol is also linked to many types of cancers, such as cancer
of the esophagus, stomach, colon, lungs, pancreas, liver, and prostate (MPP).
Unlike alcohol, marijuana has a more subtle effect to the body. You can die bingedrinking five minutes after you've been exposed to alcohol. That isn't going to happen with
marijuana," said Ruben Baler, a health scientist at the National Institute on Drug Abuse..
Marijuana also affects the cardiovascular system which can lead to high blood pressure and
increase the heart rate, yet it does not fatally affect you. Baler also states that marijuana use
impairs coordination and balance and it lowers inhibitions which can lead to driving under the
influence or choosing to have unprotected sex. Also since smoke in our lungs is unhealthy no
matter what, it can bring bronchitis, coughing and chronic inflammation in the air passages
While under the influence of marijuana, it messes with your consciousness and impairs
memory. TCH also influences the amygdala, which plays a role in your emotions, which can

cause smokers to experience paranoia, panic and anxiety. Since most users start at a young age,
smoking marijuana can bring psychiatric problems since they start when their brain is developing
(LiveScience). Also in a study conducted in 2012, long-term pot use reduces the brain's white
matter by 80%. It also had been linked to an increased risk of psychosis and schizophrenia, and
worsens symptoms for schizophrenic patients (Medical daily). Smoking marijuana interferes
with connections being made in the brain at a time when the brain should be at a clear state of
mind, and accumulating, memory and data and good experiences that should be laying out the
foundation for the future, Baler said (LiveScience).
Even though alcohol and marijuana have effect to them there are also benefits.
Individuals who moderately drink alcohol have been proven to have lower rates of
cardiovascular disease and possibly have fewer colds (LiveScience). A study conducted showed
that moderate alcohol drinking can also improve your immune systems response to vaccines . It
is very difficult to find benefits to alcohol drinking, since the most common form of drinking is
binge drinking (Medical Daily).
Beneficial compounds have been found in marijuana. An article published in the New
England Journal of Medicine suggested smoking marijuana lowers IQ in teens, yet separate
research has shown this is only the case among heavy marijuana users; scores werent affected
among casual users. In fact, a study published in the Journal of School Health found marijuana
smokers tended to do better academically than their peers smoking cigarettes (Medical Daily).
Earlier, I stated that marijuana can cause psychosis, yet one study claims that the active
ingredients, THC and CBD, can actually be an antipsychotic. While marijuana affects heart rate
and blood pressure, it also controls nausea and offers pain relief (Medical Daily).

After exploring more on the topic, I learned a lot of affects and benefits alcohol and
marijuana have. Personally, I believe that marijuana is a lot less dangerous than alcohol.
Obviously that answers my question on which one is more dangerous. Clearly studies shown that
it is less dangerous. No serious damage, fatal overdoses and deaths have been reported due to pot
smoking. I personally have smoked weed, like other teenagers who have experimented; I am not
alone. I never had a bad experience due to smoking nor has anything bad happened. I do believe
that marijuana is a dumb reason to go to jail for. Its not worth the time to do time for and have a
record for the rest of your life. Just because it is illegal, society views it as a negative thing.
To sum up this highly debated subject, both marijuana and alcohol are not entirely
healthy for you. Just because one is less dangerous does not make it acceptable. Parents worry
about which one their child is using and if they had a choice, which one they would feel better
about them doing. Most parents say neither but if they had to choose, most of them would say

Works Cited
Marijuana or Alcohol: A Pediatrician Faces The Question. The New York Times. Dr. Aaron E.
Carroll. Mar 16, 2015.

Marijuana is Safer Than Alcohol: Its Time to Treat It That Way. Marijuana Policy Project.
Marijuana vs. Alcohol: The Effects Psychoactive Drugs Have On Physical And Mental Health.
Health Daily. Stephanie Castillo. May 6, 2015.
Marijuana vs. Alcohol: Which is Really Worse for Your Health?. Joe Brownstein. Live Science.
Jan 21, 2014.

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