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Capillaries : Connects veins and arteries.Smallest type of blood vessel.

-Respiratory System- Give your body access to oxygen and to expel carbon dioxide
-Lungs: Main organ of the respiratory system, this is where the trachea leads to
-Bronchi: Trachea splits into this, these bring the air into the lungs
-Alveoli: Where gas exchange of CO2 and oxygen take place.
-Trachea: A tube-like structure where air goes down
-Bronchioles: Air comes inside this, this is what the bronchi splits into.
-Nose: An opening which air comes through, the inside has a mucus lining to captures
-Larynx: Contains the vocal cord
Lymphatic System-Protect your body from pathogens and removal of cell waste
Lymph Nodes: Produces lymphocytes
-Lymphatic Vessel:Carries Lymph around the body
-Thymus:Produces mature T-Lymphocytes
-Spleen: filters and fights types of bacteria
-Tonsils: Capture and destroy bacteria at the back of the mouth
-Bone Marrow: Produces red blood cells
-Lymph: A fluid containing cells waste and white blood cells
Nervous System- Send info around your body and to the brain
-Brain:Maintains life, controls your body, controls your major organs like your heart
-Neuron:A cell that contains info from certain processes, like info from touching
something, or even pain
-Axon:Connects neuron to neuron so info can be sent between them
-Axon Terminal:The end of an axon
-Endocrine System:Secretes hormones needed to maintain life
-Pancreas: Makes digestive enzymes
-Adrenal Glands:Make hormones that u can't live without(sex hormones and cortisol)
-Thyroid Gland:Make, store, and release thyroid hormones into your blood
-Pituitary Glands:Controls growth, development, and function of endocrine glands
-Thymus: Produces T-cells for the immune system
Skeletal System- Protects your internal organs, helps your body move
-Bone:The main organ of the skeletal system, allows for movement

-Joint: 2 bones that connect

-Ball And Socket Joint: Join that allow your bones to move in most directions
-Gliding Joint :A joint that allows bones to glide over each other
-Hinge Joint: A joint that allows bones to move only to flex or extend
-Pivot Joint:Movement side to side/forward and support back
-Muscular System: Movement & flexibility
-Muscle:Contract to move parts of the body
-Tendon: A strong strand of tissue that connects bones to muscle
-Urinary System:Clean & filter the blood and balance body fluids
-Kidneys:Extract wastes from the blood, balance body fluid, and former urine
-Bladder:Where urine is collected for excretion
-Urethra:Where urine is conveyed out of the body from the bladder
-Sphincter:The muscles used to excrete the urine
Digestive System- Get nutrients needed for the body from digesting food
-Esophagus:A pipe-like organ where food goes down and leads into the stomach
-Stomach:Uses acid-like chemicals to digest food
-Pancreas:Secretes enzymes for digestion
-Villi:Hair-like strands that absorb the nutrients from the food
-Large Intestine:Where food turns into feces
-Small Intestine:A long tube-like structure where nutrients are taken from the food
-Liver:Creates and stores bile
-Gallbladder:Stores bile
-Anus:Feces is excreted here
-Rectum:Feces sits here and collects until it is ready to be excreted
-Mouth:Food is mechanically chewed here
Mechanically digests food
-Chemical DigestionaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaThe chemical digestion of food
- Mechanical Digestion
The physical breaking down of food by mashing and biting
Integumentary System- Protect your muscles and maintain homeostasis
-Dermis:The middle and biggest layer of your skin, contains nerves and blood vessels.
-Epidermis:The outermost layer of skin and smallest layer, protects the dermis.

-Fat cells: The innermost layer of your skin, also known as the hypodermis
-Hair: Strands that grow on your skin for regulation of body temp
-Nails:Grows on your fingertips and protects them.
-Skin:Protects your body from disease and regulation of body temperature.

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