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ELECTION FINANCING REPORT none % CANDIDATE PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS ELECTIONS ‘Amendment # eaSRTESTIST INE RTE mR Bernier MIRE Andrew eecToRAL TACT FESSTEREDPOUTIOR. PARTY GENERIC WOTHNp On PY ha oy Veae- River South hibeva/ 2013/05) Pf FRO AGENTS STE TRF ERIE Schmidt layne Henr | FINANCIAL AGENT'S MAILING ADDRESS ‘GiTY/ TOWN Bex 28/2. Lawson Creek RoaTaCeBO rox noNBER [RTE Enc DRESS VIE \ 5A) \pec)re4¢-Wy24 hardtop @ pris.ca This financing report includes the following forms: Psat All Cancdat Statement of Election income and Expenses~ Form StI8E-E ‘Summary ofExpenses- Form SmE ‘Summary of Polial Contrbutons by Class Form Sm-C Political Contributions of Money / Property / Services over $250 ~ Form S-A1 Permiled Anonymous Contbutons Acepted at Funcfons- Form S-A2 Prohibited Contrbutons- Form S-Ax Personal Expenses Paid by Financial Agent Form Sm-PE1 Personal Expenses Paid by Candidate Form Sm-PE2 ‘Summary of Fundraising Functions Form Sm-F Fundraising Function ~ Form S-F Loans and Guarentoos- Form S-L1 Loans /Debis Forgiven / Written Off Form S-L2 Transfers Received - Form S-T-Rev ‘Transfers Given— Form $-T-Giv Candidates Who Were Nomination Contestants: Nomination Contestant Expenses — Form Sm-E-NC ‘Summary of Polticel Contributions by Class Form Sm-C Pollical Contributions of Money / Properly / Services over $250- Form S-At Permitted Anonymous Contributions Accepted at Functions Form S-A2 Personal Expenses Paid by Financial Agent Form Sm-PE1 Personal Expenses Paid by Contestant~ Form Sm-PE2 ‘Summary of Fundraising Functions~ Form Sm-F Fundraising Function ~ Form S-F oooococoo oRoCooOoORCORERR~ J. the Financial Agent, declare that: (2) am authorized to act on behalf of thé above-named candidate; (0) this report and appropriate forms have been prepared in accordance with the Election Act and (6) to the best of my knowledge, informatgn and belie, al the information contained inthis statemont is complete and accurato, ‘SIGNATURE OF FINANGIAL AGENT i i [DATE (YYYY / MAK/ OD), Ab ttgne- of Lott ] 2OB LOWE WARNING: Signing a false statoment is a serious offence and Is subjoct to significant penalties. ‘GRIGWAL — CHEF ELECTORAL OFFICE Al rms Welaed ns opr ao vase a pubis nepacton. PLEASE KEEP ACOPY FOR YOUR RECORDS 1D 919-00 Avenue SERBG, aw sN CHEER BC = Sander Rose Bone Grindle zp et: (80 7a2sare Fre en porate ‘CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS cooogee [10208-satn avENUE FORT St JOHN, 86 * Ben Sander, B. Comm., FOA vive Dale. Ross, GA. * Alan Bone, 8. Comm. CA. ‘TEL: 50) 7052045 * Jason Grinle, 8, Comm, CA Fe (250) 708-0064 * Donald G. Smith, CA, (Retied) INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT cones) To Wayne Schmidt, Financial Agent for Mike Bernier We have audited the accompanying election financing report of Mike Bemier relating to the British ‘Columbia election held on May 14, 2013 in the electoral district of Peace River South, ‘The election financing report has been prepared by the Financial Agent for Mike Bernier based on the financial reporting provisions of Part 10 of the Election Act. Financial Agent's Responsibility for the Election Financing Report ‘The Financial Agent Is responsible for the preparation of the election financing report in accordance with the financial reporting provisions of Part 10 of the Election Act, and for such internal control as the financial agent determines Is necessary to enable the preparation of election financing reports that ate free from material misstalement, whether due to err or fraud Auditor's Responsibility ‘Our responsibilty is to express an opinion on the election financing report based on our audit, We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards as required by Section 214 of the Election Act of British Columbia. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the election financing report is free from material misstatement. ‘An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the election financing report. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of risks of material misstaternent of the financiat statements, whether due to fraud or crror. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the Financial Agent's preparation of the election financing report in order to design audit procedures that ‘are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of Mike Bernie's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness. ‘of accounting policies used and reasonabiénesé of accounting estimates made by the Financial Agent, ‘as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the election financing report. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Basis for Qualified Opinion ‘Due to ‘the nature of the transactions inherent in any election campaign, the completeness of contributions and other revenue and expenses is not susceptible to satisfactory auclt verification. ‘Accordingly, our.verificalion of these transactions was limited to the amounts recorded in the election “campaign records and we were not able to determine whether any adjustments might be necessary to the electipg financing report. (continues) oe 1 CA Member, Chartered Accountants of British Columbia * Danotes Professional Corporations INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT (continued) Qualified Opinion In our opinion, except for the effects of the matter described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion paragraph, the election financing report of Mike Bernier for the British Columbia election held on May 44, 2018 in the electoral district of Peace River South Is prepared, in all material respects, in ‘accordance with the financial reporting provistons of Part 10 of the Election Act. Basis of Accounting The election financing report is prepared to assist Mike Bemier to comply with the financial reporting provisions of Part 10 of the Election Act. As a result, the election financing report may not be suitable for another purpose. Somerer Roar Bere Bawotir LP Dawson Creek, BC CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS July 28, 2013 Sater Rose Bone Grintle sre (CHARTERED ACCOUNANTS StHRE-£ (1105) STATEMENT OF ELECTION INCOME AND EXPENSES THIS [8 AN AMENDED FORM PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS. IT HAS NOT BEEN AUDITED ELECTIONS sos fr TIRTSO empurian Oro aelaye SRA VEINVONG PT 2013 Jo$, D4 ME OFAN Pike Beamer ~ ‘otal value of paltical contbutions from all sources (trom box E on form Sm-C) | £7 -F25--F7| 17, 241.3 ‘Total transfers recelved (rom box A on forin S-TRev) | 5th GaP- Fl 85,581. 4a Intorast Income oO Total gross fundraising function income not reported as political contributions eS (rom box E on form Sm-F) Candidate's nomination deposit refund 250.00 (Other income (describe) Total income (sum of above boxes) [/23, 072.09 | Toll vale of lectin expenses sujet ois curing 60 day pre-campslon period [3 fap ip dy (from box Aor form Sm) 13, 200.344 Toll valve of elation expenses subject fo Hits during campaign period (rom box B on orm Smee) | 73,293 6F Total value of election expenses not subject to limits (fom box C on form Sm-E) | Ha-s77FL |, 779. BGI Total value of non-lecton expenses incurred ouside the 60 day pre-campaign and [x gig 558.9) campaign periods (from box D on form Sm-E) + f | 3, B ‘otal transfers given (from box A on form $-T-Giv) O_feajyar Total Expentitures (sum of above boxes) | -75-B/RrBL | & 107, ABY. 36 For Candidates Only Blanco in campaign eccoun as of dat of report | BEAK AS] © Balance Fh audilng bet trang eber Ba Hab I5- ‘ORGNAL — CHEF ELECTORAL OFFICE “ion aval orb Spo, PLEASE KEEP A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS, STATEMENT OF ELECTION PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS. ELECTIONS |: SHIaE-E (1105) INCOME AND EXPENSES SEE AMENDMENT [GENERAL VOTINOAY YT HNTB) 2013 "0 Li (NAME OF FILING ENTITY 2 Pike. Germerv ~ bene - feue River South Total value of politcal contibutions from all sources (from box E on form Sm-C) ‘Total transfers received (from box A on form $-T-Rev) 19 328.32 BS, 447. 72 oe oe 280.00 nal Total value of election expenses subject to ii/Guring 60 day pre-campaign period (rom box A on form Sm-E) ‘Total value of election expensés subject to limits during campaign perlod (from box B on form Sm-E) ‘Tolal value of election expense not subject to limits (rom box C on form Sm-E) ‘Tolal value of non-clection exenses incurred outside the 60 day pre-campaign and ‘campaign periods (from box D on form Sm-E) Total transfers given ((rom box A on form 8-T-Giv) Total Expenditures (sum of above boxes) (23,0B.09| 13,180.37 53,293.63 4787 3E 4051 #E ~ 75,312.81 8 For canals Ony Balance in campaign account as of date of report Balance after auditing es Foner onder BI 45725 | 32,421, 55 WAL — GHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICE PRR RPA FOR YR This iow i aval or publ hepecton ELECTIONS ‘Avonprten each Lehn SUMMARY OF EXPENSES: PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS ‘Sm (1105) THIS IS AN AMENDED FORM IT HAS NOT BEEN AUDITED: Rae OF FAG ENTITY = ike Berner — bibeyel—~ Peace. River South, so Day Precampaign Campaign Perlod__Electlon Expenses Expenses Incurred Election Expenses Period Election Election Exponses Not Subject fo —_Oulside 60 Day Expenses Subject Subjoctto Limits Limite Pre-eampalgn and ‘o Limits Campaign Periods econ nd au ences Bon 24 Bank charges LED TRE seca ‘Candidate's nomination depos 50,00 Convention, workshop and mesting foas ane rentals L, Col. F4, S41. OF Data processing! fomalontchrloay o o Donations and its TG 5. Excers mination expenses (tom box D, form Sa-E-NC) o Furatre ond ewioment | 598s 80 ¥56,16, Insurance 44. Og) 24SY Ineo expense Q1e eS ata aversion | 7, 63219| | AL027. 23) |_ 7 03 22. Nensiotos and promotions mattl ns. brochures. et.) | 4643] | 17, 76L 7 a Ofc an utes ad mainance | 4,260,00| | 1,260.00 tfc suppl, tatnery WU. 2b 300. 21 3 Personal oxpenss ot cand (ta oem SPE) 7, S07. 26 Postage end courier 170.12 E2545. a proton sovies | 740.7 VEAL Reseach ndpatng | 7 67946) | FAG. 2 stiares andvenens | /, 050.00] | 4 830. 00 e | ‘Social functions / thank-you partos: oe LTR AL 4288.08 | Telecommunications BEEF 07 72 Trav 96 18) 5. 00 | A229 1B Total cotofundssing incon held dre te 60 day pr-cempaign porod and to campaign pcos {erm bx orm Sm) “oa cot ofuneratng fnclons ld ous the 60 cay ‘We-campaignpored andthe campaign ood {om tox 6. form Sn) # | “oa nat losses of unde fncions wich ncured nl So losses during he capa paid (rom box Horm SF I Otier expenses (eee ead bafe Fee Money Creler [ater mo, Total Expenses |)3-490-9//| A 542936318 c ‘ORIGWAL — GHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICE PLEASE KEEP ACOPY FOR YOUR RECORDS 13,400.34 AES EE 7 ELECTIONS ‘Anoputonoffe ot etegNae SUMMARY OF EXPENSES PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS ‘Sm-£ (1105) AMENDMENT [NAME OF FILING ENTITY nae Hike Bermer ~ bibeyal — 60 Day ae Rwer Slit Pre-campalgn Campaign Pertod Expenses Incurred Election Expenses Period Election Election Expenses ‘Outside 60 Day Expenses Subject Subject Limits Precampalgn and ints Campalgn Porioes osounng an ou sero Bank chargos LED 2281] Condit nominton posh Conventon. workshop endmeatng ees andconas | BOL 94) | 34h 0! Dat processing oration tctnclogy = & Donations and gts UW ZH Excess nanan espenses (rom bx, frm SENG) [ e Futur and enupment | SBR 40 F5b,18) tnsrance 4. 2454 [_ Inlerest expense LE | i Masia aovntsva | 7, 897 19 | AL ORT. £3 LOW, x2 slats and pometoal material son, bochurs, ec) | 4 86% #4) [IT 761.79 (Office rent, wikis and maintenance | 4, 260/00 1,260. 00 Cotte supplies, stationery he 26 00.24 bee Prsonel expenses of candidate (tom box G, form Sm-PE1) ol. bi Postage and courier 170,12 623. 45 | Pressonaserwess [7140.75 V3.4, ee LOTBEAL DAW AF ‘Salaries end beng L050 60) 4, 830. 00 Soci nor hank you pros o bh TLAS LAO Teeconmpheatons | __ aay, H GOL 72 WA Travel 118) YS. 00. LRRD: Tela cost of anda ants het ng he 60 dy re-ampagn petiod an thyeampaln prod {togfooxe, orm Smet) [Es Toll oso uraing eton até toto 60 day tre campaign period the cmpain pet {tom box 6 om Sr) tose dung gedaan box Sm) eo) ea ‘and date Fee 500. 00 Meney Crdder 290. os Total Expenses 13 903A 5423646 4, TSZI\C| |4, O5/-48| © ‘ORIGWWAL ,/ CHEF ELECTORAL OFFICE PLEASE weLP ACOPY FOR YOUR RECORDS “hie fom is vale ler publsinspecton, SUMMARY OF POLITICAL ‘Sm-C (06015) CONTRIBUTIONS BY CLASS THIS IS AN AMENDED FORM If form is for Nomination Contestant, please tick IT HAS NOT BEEN AUDITED ELECTIONS 22<: ‘Avon rian rol ates rE Berner — Liberel ~ Peace Ruy Sout, | Total value of contributions from each of the following classes of contributor: Contributions Contributions of sgroator than $260 ‘$250 or loss. raviwas[ 7, goo, eel] [ Axc, 00 |W corporations | /2, 722. 87 |2a| | 3 £9, 48/20 3a sb) Unincorporated Business / Commercial Organizations | /, 500. a0 ‘Trade Unions i4a 4b) Non-profit Organizations Ba) sb) (other entiable Contloutong eal | Or eteee [ow ors & tb 1060) 77 yyy nt RE 16,424.89 | ~90 274 Z\8\ 818.48 oft Classified total ea} FFBRER | 1,241.3) Total anonymous contributions faite “ (rom box A, S-A2) eae Total vaio oa pala conbuons fom al sures F775 25-99] 8] 7, a4. 317 Total contributions of money| $y YEO, 6? “oll contoutons of goods, senieas and decals [57 25 377 cle3 19. 3t] (includes contributions through toans and debts) (Qowr Fe Gwasloqalbe) ‘Number of contributors who made contributions of $250 or less in total value “otal dotiar amouiiof al income tax receipts Issued for potcal contributions received (Leadership Contestants cannot issue tax receipts) ORIGINAL — CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICE ‘This form eavallabla for public Inspection a the LEASE KEEP A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS: Chief Electoral Offa during regulr office hours. SUMMARY OF POLITICAL sm sti CONTRIBUTIONS BY CLASS : SEE AMENDMENT If form is for Nomination Contestant, please tick Cl ELECTIONS ‘ven pian Obtain ween Berner — Libersl ~ Peace KRwor South | 7 Total value of contributions from each oaths ara indvieuats| 7 ge, eelal’| Ase, 20 |r| comers] 72, 222 spf | 3 257 she Unincorporated Business / Commercial Organizations | /, See» e/a 0 ‘Trade Unions: ie 4a {4b Non-profit Organizations a Sal |Sb| Other Identifiable Contributions ea 8400 |6| 16,422.89 \4| |__ GOR 488 / Coogee) | LZI2E-37|°| ‘Total anonymous contributions ° (from box A, 8-A2) eo _|P Totgelue of al potica conbutons rom al sources ; / Co | 12 2EYIE Total contoulons otmoney [5 PFA. w0|F Total contributions of goods, services and discounts F3 {hhdudes contibutons trough oans and cebis) |_% & 7. 37 / (Goes F¥Gaudtonabor®) cate Number of contributors who made contributions 6 Ia of $250 or less in total value \tal dollar amount of all income tax receipts issued for political contributions received a ‘Lostarp Conan cant anu x roceons) | © 8 #802 60) | ORIGINAL — CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICE Thi PLEASE KEEP A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS. chet POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF MONEY, PROPERTY OR S-At (08/07) SERVICES WITH A VALUE GREATER THAN $250 THIS IS AN AMENDED FORM ELECTIONS Bc If form is for Nomination Contestant, please tick IT HAS NOT BEEN AUDHTED “Mike Borner ~ Liberal - Peace River Souttr | ae Tin Ta heter * 1,0c0.~ | 20/3/or/2% | 1, 000.80 Curtis York Trucking x 20-8 | 2013 fo [a | 2, 200.60 Foster's RV # Tarkv Sales x, | 1, e00. #2 | 2013 Jot Jit | 1, 000.00 z Chetwynd Forest Lnd usties A, $00. te |2013 oF /06| 2, 500. 20 6 Hefel ecelien x 1, $00.00 | 2013/08/92) ), Lod. #0 4 WE [1,130 08| 2013/28 ]par3]oe busy Bee Signs g Graghes SX ef Sin08\ 2oli/oitby fopsfog)a %; 277-59 browrS Soci Howe x | 449.30 | 20t3/o6 Jo7 444.30 bee 2 eslepher Palen ix | 2520, 60 | 2013 e607 | 2,620.00 DCL Rentals x 176.00 |\2013 Jos /o7 |i, 176 “49 | or cons 21/4 724-87 ORIGINAL — CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICE ‘This form is avalabio for pubic inspection atthe PLEASE KEEP AGOPY FOR YOUR RECORDS (Chief Electoral Offce during gular offee hours. POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF MONEY, PROPERTY OR ‘S-A1 (08/01) SERVICES WITH A VALUE GREATER THAN $250 . SEE AMENDMENT If form is for Nominaticn Contestant, please tick Q ae “Mike Bornes — Liberal ~ Ponce Rver South eran eee Series | Ageia es wee | Tin Inkster x 1000. |£a3 for er | 1, 000.00 | Carts YorR Trucking ¥ A woo 2013 fod [av| 2, 200. 60 Foster's RV # Trarler Sales x (eee. 2 |\pa13 Jot Ji& | 1, 000.00 | Chetwynd Forest Lndustres | |x! A, G00. te \2013 JoF [0b | 2, $00. ¢2 r BC Hytel Assocation 1, $00.80 | 2013/05 fo2, /, God. #0 j UTE aS [ilies ABH 2S [pers{eH) busy bee Signs $ GraghteS > | Bib tof Sp os|zerpeapy frspsta| % 277.59 brounS Soci Howe. x 449.30 | a013/06fo7 Y49.30 O8T206 BC Tee hey badilen. ] * Directors ii, Raptepheg Bob | || 2520.00 | 203 Jos fo7 |. 2,620. 0 DEL Rentals id] 1,76. 80 2013 fof /o7 |1, 176 - 88 ‘ttn .cberoron 9 - ec onronsre Leo CCEA OROANEATON. wombual |A| /6, 422.89 | TI REBuae ener same eae conbunons OnISAL — oHleF ELECTORAL OF ‘Tis form s evaablo for pubic inspection atthe PLEASE KEEP GOPY FOR YOUR RECORDS Chief Electoral Offce during regular office hours, ey PROHIBITED CONTRIBUTIONS Sax 710 > E. Total porsonal oxponsos paid by the financial agent Tolal of lems A to D F. Toll psa expenses ald ut of pocket ae - Tadauac or emesee From 8mPE2, box E & |r G “Total personal expenses from Sm:PE1 & Sm-PE2 Total ofitemsE+F{ /, 90/66 10 ‘ORIGINAL ~ CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICE ‘This form avallabl fr public inspection atthe PLEASE REEP A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS Chief Electoral Ofce daring regu office hours. TRANSFERS RECEIVED $-T-Rev (99/06) THIS IS AN AMENDED FORM ELECTIONS BS IT HAS NOT BEEN AUDITED: WHike Bernier — biberst - Fence Riyor South, jE eee [NABIE OF ENTITY TRANSFERRING CONEY, GOODS OR SERVICES | ee ton fosfo2 | BE Libevet fourt |_ 70, 000. ¢¢ \20'3 Jo4/16 4 oe + SG ORB. LO anl3/ot/ I b “ “e & OWL EF of fot 7 a a 2, 745.60 013 JoFfo nr & a a f [72.22 not3/o5, ‘23 " 4 ao BIA EF 13 fob fot “ w «& Zh 40 013 fob fo 4 “ a We 22. 2018//0/o7| BC LIBERAL PARTY BY. 90 wou [a] Be mez aa a 1S, SBF 7a ELECTORAL OFFICE spection atthe PLEASENEES x ObeY FOR TOUR RECOROS Chet Electoral Ofce ding tégular office hours ©, TRANSFERS RECEIVED ‘$-T-Rev (99/06) a EE AMENDMENT mecnons Snore ee mae Cer Z ernier ~ bibentd - fenee Rier South, “ eet, ane oF ery TANSFERANGMONEY,COODS OR SERVICES Ba Rod foif22 | BC Libevet Sourt. L178, 000. 60 203 Jot /yb “4 + ez ORB. 0 2013 /o4/ / b « ue + 6, U2. fF | et fof, |” es ae 2,945.60 _| 0130 /O~ G “a a% L7R- 28. 305/23 4 “ a : ATL: &7 peipfobfo# | _« «4 a Zk 40 lifotfor | # “ ai We ZZ > a. Bee L von [a1 85497 72 ORIGINAL — cher ELECTORAL OFFICE “This form is avaiable fori Inspection at the PLEASE KEEP A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS (Chief Electoral Ofice dicimpréguler offce hours. &, TRANSFERS GIVEN S-7-Giv (7109 Ke THIS IS AN AMENDED FORM OQ IT HAS NOT BEEN AUDITED ELECTIONS 5C ae or NEST ace Mike Bemier- Liberal - Peace River South of] Rane eee [NAME OF ENTITY RECEIVING MDNEY, GOODS OR SERVICES YaUE OF corn | os/o7vai BC Libeekt PARTY Ba4ar. $5 + wm Alga4ar. 55 ORIGINAL — ChE ELECTORAL OFFICE Tiafom amit puticnapctn atte PLEASE KEEP A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS vat hie Heston fs ug epee Bows.

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