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Is life without government








It would be utopia. Worldwide anarchy is something to strive for. It would not be utter chaos, and to think so

just shows how little real thought you put into this. To describe anarchy as chaos means you had your first
thought, "There would be no laws or authorities," and came to your first conclusion, "Everyone would run
amok," and then just stopped thinking. There are still consequences to your actions in anarchy. Most people
would still live peaceably, but everyone would be their own police. If someone decides there are no police, so
they're going looting, raping, and killing, they would quickly learn how much more effective free people are
at being their own police. If there's one thing the government can do, it's mess everything up. Jobs would still
be there, but you wouldn't have to work for less wages than you want, and you would not be obligated to
"give" the authorities their "piece." If they were truly, inherently your authorities, then they wouldn't NEED
anything from you to maintain their position. Thinking this way, you realize that all authority is illusory
inasmuch as it is voluntary. If anyone who voted no in the first place revisits this site, I hope you would take
all of these things under consideration and think more than one move ahead about this. Consider all of
things that CANNOT exist in anarchy: 1. Any kind of discrimination. That's right sexism, racism, homophobia,
religious persecution, class warfare, any kind of situation where one group belittles another is not possible
unless that group asserts some AUTHORITY over another group. Yes, individuals can still harbor ill-will to any
group of people they want in anarchy, but without any irresistible force to impress their will upon others,
there are no teeth in the -isms. 2. Corruption. That's right, it is not possible for governments to sell out their
constituents, accept bribes, write themselves in pay raises, murder their people, spy on their people, etc if
they don't exist. 3. Full scale war. Some disputes may arise, but millions of people going to war with tanks
and bombs and nerve gas? Most improbable. Do you know how many people it takes to run one aircraft
carrier? Now consider that everyone one of the people with the competency to operate it together as a team
must ALL BELIEVE IN THE CAUSE. You know, I could keep going on, but I'm already over 400 words. There are
plenty of great places to start if you want to read up on different perspectives on anarchy. In the spirit of
anarchy (and true freedom), I will make no recommendations. Get a taste of freedom and believe whatever
you want. Read things supporting anarchy. Read things against it. Read nothing. As long as you are not
mired in the lives of celebrities, the outcomes of reality TV or the "contest" type shows, or a slave to internet
porn, then you are advancing yourself and contributing to the intellectual growth of our species. Good for
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It has been done before. If we were to suddenly drop all forms of political structure there would be anarchy.

No government means no political structure, no currency, no police, no army, no authority. Crime would
increase on a drastic level... Why? Because we live in a world were male dominance thrives. Almost all
religions worship a supreme male deity. Men strive to show off their masculinity which can cause anger and
aggression. In the past, there have been societies called "partnership societies", where there are no
governments, no male or female deities and were both sexes are treated and act equally. This makes for a
much more caring community were power is not needed.
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Of course it is. Life without government is absolutely possible. The problem is, what type of country and

what type of life style do we want? Life as we know it now, would be very difficult to have without some form
of government. But, at the same time, some aspects of our life will be a lot simpler without government
meddling. I could rail on with examples, but yes, my opinion is, life is absolutely possible without a
government, at least without a strong centralized federal government.
Posted by: EvanK

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Life is possible without government. Government has taken over our lives. Before the wars, there was no

federal income tax, and after the war, the Federal income tax was supposed to stop. We don't need the
government telling us what we can and cannot do. The individual states are quite capable of doing that on
their own. States are capable of taxing to their discretion.
Posted by: patricia.green10

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It Is Possible Life without government is possible. We proved this in the past. A long time ago people just

policed themselves and there was no government structure in most places I actually prefer tat to what we
have today. The government has to much say and input on what we do these days.
Posted by: MichaelKnight1


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Agorism is the way forward If we woke up tomorrow and all government disappeared, chaos would rein. But

government is just a social institution, like many others. There is virtually no service provided by government
that could not be provided by other social institutions/interactions. The agorist process is one that takes
many years and makes government a redundant, useless institution. Once people switch their interaction to
voluntary ones, government becomes and unnecessary relic of our barbaric past.
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Life without "government" is inevitable If people looked at government for what it actually is, they would do

away with it by whatever means necessary. It is a group of the worst sociopaths out of the gene pool that are
basically parasites that cause more death and destruction to the planet and it's inhabitants than any other
phenomenon. They produce nothing. They fuck up everything they do and then they try to "reform" it and
make it 10 times worse and much more expensive.
Everything government involves itself in, it uses coercion to get compliance. There isn't one government
program that doesn't use violence, or the threat of violence to gain our full cooperation. Buck the system,
eventually you'll see the gun, it's always there.
Voluntary cooperation is the only "just" way to live. Why am I obligated to abide by a bunch of "laws" that
men penned long ago and were dead before I was born? I never agreed to their verbal or written diatribe,
implicitly or otherwise. What gives any man authority that overrides my own as far as dictating how I choose
to live my life? As long as I cause no harm to you or your property, I can and will do what I want. If we enter
into a mutually agreed upon contract, I will honor my part and expect you to do the same.




There is nothing government can do that private enterprise can't do better, including building roads and
providing national defense, going to the moon. Check out a guy named Larken Rose on Youtube. He explains
things very succinctly in his videos on this subject.
Posted by: Scott_Torngren

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It will be the only right solution for the human race Mankind, some sort of ape that claims to be above all

other apes. It even has the arrogance to claim they are no ape at all dispite the genetic evidence.
Without government the ape (humans) will see the world as it is instead of what they hope it will be and they
will work to make the world a place they would have it to be instead of giving away the responsability to
governing bodies and their employees to make the world a better place.
Not once in history of the human race there is a succesfull society where all are equal based on any form of
governing bodies. Not when the governing body was God and the high priest imposed the rules of that God
by pretending to be that God and thus have the right to be the only one allowed to break the same laws he /
she imposed on the people. This is also the same if that governing body is a government. If you step out of
the situation and look objective at the rituals used in religion(s) throughout history and the rituals used by
governments the only thing that differs is the names used with those rituals.
With government: People kill without thinking if it is justified to kill another. Killing people half way across the
globe is never justified as it can never be self defence, it's actually offensive. People extort other people for
the weirdest and insanest plans their God (government) decides. If the government decides you are only
allowed to use your bike on Saturday and on all other days you will be fined no one would accept it, yet we
allow the agents of the government extort us on a daily base with fines for speeding, jaywalking (spelling!)
and other ridicilous laws made up by the high priests (presidents / kings).
Without government: Most people won't see a reason to move half way across the world to kill another
human as people are busy minding their own lives and that of their society in which cooperation will be the
only obvious solution to achieve something. Because it is volentary to achieve the things needed to live the
current standard most will participate and a miriad of senseless jobs will simply seize to exsist making
workdays actually workhours. Because the human race suddenly is responsible for their own actions most
will act responsible. No law on Earth will stop idiots from doing idiot things but a ton of laws make smart
humans (law enforces) do things they would never do if there wasn't a law telling them to extort another for
breaking a victimless law like not paying a taxation or smoking a joint.
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Law of the Land Still Exists Although I'm no expert in anarchism I do have an opinion. With no law

enforcement at first they will be a spike in crime, but very quickly people will realize the higher risks involved.
Let's say that you kill someone, and someone (maybe a private investigator or a witness) finds out you did it
and finds out where you are. They build a case against you, Then they go and kill you or hire someone else
to do it. When questioned about the killing they bring up their case to show people that it was justified.
Someone that does this for a living could be regarded as a hero. But lets say that someone kills a hero like
the investigator/witness. They are just as bad if not worse then the original killer who killed a
'civilian'(everyone is technically a civilian) . The cycle continues. Someone finds the hero killer and kills him.
Become a hero in the process. I'm not saying that this continues forever until only killers remain. Another
point to bring up is that if you are a Sociopath, wouldn't it be a benefit in your way of thinking to kill killers
and be a hero? If your a psychopath also, people probably wont really hunt you if you disguised yourself as




an investigator. So people who want Justice do it themselves, and those who want to kill kill in a way that
makes it less likely for them to be killed. That's just murder. Who's going to say we won't make our own
prisons. Theft? You try to find the thief and do what you wish. Guns exist, there are ways to protect yourself.
That was just my opinion, and was me just kinda writing my thoughts down. Don't take it too seriously I
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Life without government For thousands of years man existed without central authority. Justice was swift and

often cruel. But it was justice. At this time we have a Just Us system. These miscreants obey no law,do not get
charged. Let alone prosecuted. Look at your own courthouse. 30 years ago nothing was heard in there but
an echo. Now it is a big -- for profit-- business center. Wake Up America and get off your knees !
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It is "possible." But possible in the sense that there would be nothing to hold back the animal within us. If a

person can kill you, whats to stop him from doing so without a police force? I would agree that government
does interfere in ways that it has no business, such as sexuality and narcotics, but that doesn't mean I'll
forsake things like health care and public schools. You just have to take the good with the bad.
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Nope! I dont think so... Read below Im just saying no because i think its NO! I dont have a whole explanation

or anything. So yeah... What ever! I think that we arent ready. Thats all. Human kind is to crazy right now. We
have wars and crimes. What if thers a war? Who would guide us!
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Without our government With out our government there will be no one to watch over our rights. Every

would be upside down.In a way to explain life would seem crazy,impossible,and miserable.No one would
take care of our arguments.People would murder each other more often.Nothing would be fair without the
government to take care of us
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Look at the past. It is stated in the Federalist #51 that " if men were angels, no government would be

necessary" obviously this suggests that men are not angels, and ergo this type of Government would not be
possible. Also who would be there to build the roads, and bridges; and other basic infrastructure which is
built by people giving their taxes to the government who then spends it as we would hope wisely; but
possibly not.
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Not everybody can help themselves. One of these opinions says that everyone can be there own police, but

what about the people that obviously cant. Handicapped people, or the elderly. What are they supposed to
do band together and try to defend themselves. You may not like every thing the government does but you
still need it. The same way you don't like every thing your parents do or tell you to do you still need them.
Posted by: mrhappy

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The anthropological and archeological record says no Humans are as a species, genetically programed to be

gregarious. And to form groups which turn into organized hierarchies of power and influence. Primatologists
know this, and the archeological record shows clearly that man has, since the beginning, been a species
dependent on one another for a variety of reasons, whether it is to gain benefits by exploiting common
resources, or by mating within the species. It's only as we move into higher organizational forms that politics
come into play and disagreements about resources emerge. But the reality is, we have had organizing
structure since we began either by elders or by brute cometition. We would not survive without it.
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Possible but not Realistic Several thousand governments exist for each State of the United States (source:

US Census Bureau, Census of Governments). Nobody purposely created the problems they are designed to
resolve. Governments are simply the organized effort of people. Libertarian arguments never provide any
solutions nor, when scrutinized, possess any real factual basis.
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The human race is not ready... The human race is not ready for anarchy. When the world is rid of child

molesters, murderers, rapists, and thieves; then maybe we can consider not having a governing force to
protect us. Please also consider who will take care of our roads? Fund our hospitals (I live in Canada where
we have a universal healthcare system), support of schools, etc?
Posted by: Marluche


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Yes, of course! (BUT) I think human nature, just like mother nature in grand itself, is both good and evil, and




some sort of leader is required and always has been since the beginning of time, not only to humans but
animals as well. A leader = some sort of structure, to help people within a group communicate and work with
each other, because our nature is completely chaotic, we are all over the place, happy one day, angry the
next, crazy and violant, yet peaceful and calm.
I think our government has destroyed and brainwashed the people, so as you can see, it's not a "leader" I
was talking about, it's actually something that created even more chaos then there ever was, so I think it's
hard to live without a government right now because we need some sort of map to our oh so messed up
playground they have built us, BUT we are definitely capable to live without them.
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Life without government is not possible. People naturally form communities. It is necessary for survival.

Within these communities are rules and norms. Many of them are unwritten, the most important ones are
The role of government is to set up a structure that provides a fair system to allow for commerce and trade
that allows people to pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As analogy the government should be
like the NFL Rules committee that wants to make sure that play on the field is fair and that each team has an
equal chance of winning.
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ghiaismail says
March 4 2015 06:11 AM
It is possible but dangerous living without a government is like living in the jungle but its
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possible everything is possible but people think differently people would be living in
their own bubble in their own community people wouldn't talk any language because there would be
no school everything would be messed up and everybody would be fighting for its life, it would be like
the hunger games but the only difference is that it wouldn't be a game anymore but our everyday













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